How are you BRAVE ? – Todd White

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How are you BRAVE ? – Todd White

Lifestyle Christianity exists to see a generation walk in their God-given identity by equipping people to encounter Jesus daily and walk like He says we can. Founder and President Todd White was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years before he was radically set free in 2004. Todd’s heart is activating people into the simplicity of who they really are in Christ and equipping them to live a 24/7 Kingdom lifestyle! Lifestyle Christianity provides multiple ministry tools to equip everyday believers to live out this lifestyle, including: Power and Love and Lifestyle Christianity University.

Lifestyle Christianity University (LCU) is an equipping program designed to disciple you in your God-given identity and equip you to extend the love of Jesus in your day-to-day life! LCU offers a two-year program with an optional third-year internship.

What drives that? And how does that work? And why aren’t you scared?
You just asked me to preach the gospel.
So for 34 years, no one shared the gospel with me. No one talked to me about Jesus.
Everybody was afraid of me and rightly, sir. Uh, it was scary.
But when I got saved and I read the Bible, Jesus hung out with scary dudes.
And he chose he didn’t chose he didn’t choose the the best of the best.
He chose fishermen that were raw He’s like, oh, when Jesus gets a hold, he’s like, oh, when they’re gotten a hold of, it’s over.
Like, I mean, rowdy. So for me, you know, I was I shared that testimony this morning about they were talking about, uh, they were talking about trials up a team challenge.
So I’d gotten shot at my testimony somewhere out there. We have books here. It’s it’s really good.
I was lost now and found blind and see dead, now I’m alive. There’s a lot in between the pages.
Um, but I had no idea I never read before.
So for me, like, they’re telling me I need to read the Bible because the Bible is the reality of where I need to live.
So I can’t read. So I’m I’m stuck. So I’m opening up every day.
I mean, I would open up to Leviticus and be like, Oh, my god.
The fatty liver, like Why? I got no idea.
So I’m I don’t understand. But one day in teen challenge, they’re talking about trials the day before.
I go up into the prayer room the next morning. I opened up to the book of James.
I’m trying to find that scripture on trials because I hate trials because I’m always in front of a judge and in orange jumpsuit, I’m going to prison, and they said consider it joy.
And I ain’t joy. That’s bummer, man. So I’m you guys are idiots. Why would you say trials or joy?
Cause I’m no grid. I mean, I’m baby Christian one and a half months old, in team challenge, been a drug addict for 22 years, just off the street, like, wah.
Like, I have no idea. So I’m looking at it.
I see a scripture that says if you lack wisdom, ask god, and the lights went on.
And I started screaming. I have no wisdom. I have no wisdom.
So I’m like, I’m I’m like, oh my gosh. That’s it.
And all of a sudden, something it was warm in my heart.
Like, I knew that that was the key to this. So a lot of us think we have wisdom.
But if the wisdom that you have isn’t peaceful, gentle, willing to yield full of good fruits without partiality, without hypocrisy, it’s not his.
I’m serious because you can have all the wisdom you want in the world, but it’s self seeking and envy and sensual and demonic and everything evil is in that port of wisdom.
So we don’t need that in the church for sure, right?
The way that seems right to a man I live by that way that seems right, I lived survival.
I lived about me, myself, and I.
And so the truth is is that the reality of righteousness is so powerful that if you see it, you will never be afraid again.
And that is right there what makes you fearless.
So I’m I’m up in there and I I’m looking for that trial scripture and I’m like, man, I hate trials.
And and all of a sudden, there’s still small voices. That’s because you’re always guilty.
And I’m like, yeah. I’m always guilty. Do the crime. Do the time. I’m in. I’m in.
That’s a quarantine challenge. I’m guilty. That’s why I got shot at. I ripped it off at drug dealer.
That’s why I threatened to kill my girlfriend for 7 years.
That’s why I I mean, my whole life is a failure.
I’m a failure by the world’s standards, but you can never be a failure by god’s standards if you see who’s succeeded.
So I just didn’t get it.
And all of a sudden, hear this next voice say, what if I say you’re not guilty?
But I’m it sounds like my thoughts, you know, it’s I don’t know.
It’s the father’s voice trying to speak to me. And so he says, what if I say you’re not guilty?
And I’m like, oh, that’s stupid because I am guilty. You do the crime. You do the time.
I’m in teen challenge. I’ve ruined everybody’s life. Everyone’s life.
Everything I touched, that was a freight train for the kingdom of Hill. And I literally destroyed everything I touched.
Literally. I didn’t understand it was the foolish things that god wanted to use to confound the wise.
I didn’t understand that these disciples were untrained and uneducated man, but they realized they’d been with Jesus.
I didn’t realize the qualification process of the kingdom.
I didn’t realize that god didn’t want just people that went to Bible College for 8 years and have a masters of divinity.
They want people spent time with him. And I didn’t realize all that stuff.
And in that secret place, without even knowing it, I was spending time with him, but didn’t know he was in there.
It’s crazy. And so all of a sudden I hear this next voice say, I say you’re not guilty.
And I went, that’s just stupid. I shut the Bible. I’m like, that’s dumb. That is That’s the devil.
Really, I did because I had no idea. Cause I think about it. We grow up guilty.
We grow up we grow up in condemnation. We grow up in shame. Shame says still who you are.
Condemnation says you’re worthy of judgment. Guild says you’re not forgiven.
So guilt shame and and condemnation are is the battleground for the enemy to completely confuse Christians into them never seeing and understanding who they’re created to be.
And so what we need is an identity change. And so I needed 1 but didn’t know it.
And so here, the father said, you know, that’s because I say, what if I say you’re not guilty?
So I asked the counselor, and he’s like, dude, you’re in team challenge. You’re guilty.
I’m like, you’re right. And thank you. I went up to another one.
I said, man, is it true that the blood of Jesus that it cleanses me from all sin?
He goes, well, theologically and theoretically. And I’m like, think baby here. Talk to me like a kid.
What does that mean? Well, and he starts going deep. And I’m like, I don’t need deep.
I need, like, I need Jesus.
And so even though Jesus is deep, he said unless you become like a child.
So I need like a child to get this thing so that he becomes my father.
So I’m not I’m not I’m not registering.
And all of a sudden, like, the next the next counselor I talked to, he says, well, it’s true.
The blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sin. I said, wait a minute.
So you’re saying I’m not I don’t have any sin right now. He goes, well, that’s what the Bible teaches.
I said, so if the Bible teaches it, is that right?
I said, why don’t these other 2 guys say that? They’re both counselors.
I found out that everybody in the body of Christ doesn’t believe that.
As a matter of fact, a very small portion of the body of Christ believes that.
You have Luke 7 you have a lady that busts into the house. Jesus is there.
She has to get to the feet of Jesus. You have Simon the Pharicy who owns the house.
They’re dining at his house. She busts in house to get to Jesus. She gets to him.
Simon’s reezing in his heart. If this man were really who he says he is, He would never let this woman who is a sinner touch him.
Like Simon wasn’t. So all of a sudden, this woman is busting in there.
And he says, Simon, suppose you have 2. I wanna ask you something. Go ahead, teacher. Ask it.
He says, you have a master.
The master knew that neither could repay, and both of them owed a debt, one owed a whole lot, millions, one owed 100.
If the one that was forgiven 1,000,000 and the one that were forgiven 100, if they both were equally forgiven, which one would be loved more or which one would love more.
He says, I suppose the one whom he forgave more. Why?
Because we know what it’s like to be forgiven of a lot of debt.
So Jesus said, you’ve chosen right. Exactly right.
And this woman who’s whose sins are many, because she’s been forgiven much, she will love much.
So everybody told me in the body of Christ after I got saved, even before just before I started speaking, they’re like, Well, the reason why you love so much is because you were a horrible sinner.
And I’m like, you’re right. I was horrible. Well, that’s why you love so well, man.
And I was there, uh, I said to the lord, I said, this isn’t right for the body of Christ telling me that I have a reason to love more than they.
So help me understand He says taught the majority of the body of Christ doesn’t believe how much they’ve been forgiven because they revisit their past continually.
That’s deeper than you think.
If god forgave it and forgot it, he won’t remind you of it.
If we see the cross and the finished work and the boldness that comes from that, if you’re faultless and blameless and spotless by the eye in the eyes of the father, and he’s coming back for a bride that’s made themselves ready.
And he looks at you as if you’ve never sinned and you see yourself as if you’ve never eaten a tree.
You won’t wanna eat the tree.
Redemption is being brought back to the garden as if we’ve never eaten the tree.
That’s the truth. And that’s the deep work of the gospel.
There’s no other cleansing flow on the earth.
The blood of Jesus cleanses my conscience from dead works to serve god.
So if he cleansed my conscience from dead works, then I can move from sin consciousness to sun consciousness.
And if I move to sun consciousness, I never think like a sinner I think like a sun that could possibly sin, but doesn’t want to anymore.
So I’m up there in King Challenge and I’m I’m like freaking out because this guy told me that I’m cleansed from all sin, so I just start to believe it.
So I’m like, oh my god. Are you telling me, like, I never did those things?
And even though I did, I’m new now. Oh, yeah. You’re a new creation. No way. Come on, dude.
Tell me again. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Stop. Say that again.
If anybody be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things, have passed away behold all things have become new.
So what you’re saying is that my life is no longer the life that I had No.
You’ve been born again. Hold on. Wait a minute.
This is way too much information to give me because I will become dangerous immediately.
I’m so serious.
I will become so dangerous that I will become a Christian terrorist and I will terrorize the devil every day that I’m on the earth.
And I will raise the company of believers that will terrorize the devil every day of their lives that they’re here.
If I can see people get free from guilt, shame, and condemnation, you will be forced to be reckoned with.
If you never looked in the mirror and saw your faults, your failures, and your yesterday, but you could see Christ in you, the hope of glory, staring you back in your face.
There’s no possible way that you would let the enemy have a voice in your life.
If you would just dare to wear a no vacancy sign on your forehead, If you’d stop believing that the voices that you’re thinking are coming from inside, the bad voices, the voice of yesterday, regret, guilt, shame.
If you’d stop thinking that they’re inside and that you need deliverance and know that they’re outside trying to get back in, if you just occupy your soul with the truth of what god says about you.
The enemy would have no more voice in your life because you’d know the father’s voice and the stranger’s voice becomes strange.
So I’m in team challenged, and I’m like, oh my gosh. Like, this is crazy.
I wake up in the morning, like, super excited. Go down to the prayer room. Like, oh my gosh.
And the Bible’s like opening up to me. And people are like, you need to chill, dude. Like, chill.
Chill. I’m gonna burn, man. Are you kidding, chill? And I’m a brand new Christian.
I mean, I’m a month and a half old. I’m not playing a game. Like, I woke up forgiven.
John the baptist didn’t say behold the lamb of god that forgives the sin of the world.
He said behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sin of the world.
If he took it away, that means it no longer belongs to me.
See, listen, the ability to sin doesn’t make you a sinner.
And the ability to fail doesn’t make you a failure.
The ability to lose doesn’t make you a loser.
What about the reality of waking up like the Bible talks about you, the Bible says to the saints who are in ephesus, to the saints who are in colossi, the saints who are in Corinth.
He said the Corinthians were the Corinthians were saints and they were full of immorality because Paul was calling out their destiny.
He was prophesying of what their real identity is that they’re not supposed to live as sinners that you got saved by grace from sin dead in your trespasses.
Now you’re alive in Christ. And if you would see who god created you to be, you would stomp the devil and step on his neck every day of your life.
You’d never fear him. You’d put him in his place.
When he whispered to you, you would realize that you’re exactly the opposite.
We do a school called LCU where all we do is train, like, hardcore in identity you become a naturally supernatural person that walks in the miraculous, you will see devils cast out at QT.
You will see the demonic completely crushed.
This, the boldness that we have, Paul said, I’m unashamed of the gospel.
For it is the power of god on this salvation for them that believe to believe means fully convinced.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt. So here it is, boldness. I am unashamed.
I am bold because the goss, it’s the power of god unto salvation for them that believe for in it and what in the gospel?
What is in the gospel? The power of it.
What is in that power for in it the righteousness of god is revealed from faith to faith.
So as you start to grow in your right standing, look, the Bible says seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness.
Uh, come on. Be the Bible says hunger and thirst for And you shall be so watch this.
A couple of scriptures later, blessed are those that are persecuted for what they hunger and thirst it for.
Wait a minute. You want me to hunger and thirst for something that’s gonna bring war? Yeah.
Because the war inside of your soul, you have peace with me. That war is over.
But people that don’t have it will war against you because they don’t understand what you’re carrying.
Jesus said I have peace to give you, not peace like the world gives you, The peace I have to give you surpass his understanding.
And then Jesus says, by the way, I didn’t come to bring peace.
I came to bring a sword. Why?
Because the peace that you have is a violation to everybody that doesn’t But if you would dare to hold your ground and believe who god says you are, you will see people that are at war with god come at peace with god and have the same peace that you carry.
But you have to see that you’ve been made right by the blood and mercy of Jesus Christ.
If you see that, you’ll be on stonepale for a living.

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