You Are Very Special | Joyce Meyer

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One Comment

  1. I always enjoyed Joyce Meyer. I don’t know how I got here. I don’t like myself, I don’t think God likes me, I don’t like to be around people. I’m a little underdeveloped. Severe Bronchial Asthma left me kinda goofy. Spent years running to comfort. Pot, beer. Now I live sober. 1 beer every week or so. Never 2. I read our daily every day. I give about 13%. Will I EVER sense the presence of God? 2 bad hernia surgeries have left me unable to walk. 1 smashed right foot. I basically LIVE in a La-Z-Boy Chair. Spine bent & rotated from 6 years of sitting in that chair. I want to die. My Caregiver is short tempered, and dabbled in Hindu Spirits for many years…she thinks she can heal through Reiki…One lady friend connected to my AA Group tried that once, I guess I died…I was floating up by the ceiling of the Hospital.
    I came back, vomiting severely for a long time…caused quite a disruption in the Hospital. I’d rather die than live crippled in a chair. Can you help me?

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