The Rewards of Serving God – Part 2 | Joyce Meyer

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The Rewards of Serving God – Part 2

Do you want to live each day of your life with an attitude of confident expectation in God? On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer teaches about behaviors that bring wonderful rewards.

God’s Messages 💌

Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

You’ve probably heard someone say to enjoy the little things that includes your time with God.
Savor the scriptures by reading the battlefield of the mind, Psalms and proverbs.
It features verses from the Amplified Bible plus commentary from Joyce on how to fight the enemy’s attacks on your thoughts, and keep scripture close to you with the booklet God’s goodness for your life.
It highlights verses an quotes from joyce on specific topics like God’s grace and forgiveness.
Get your copy of battlefield of the mind, Psalms and Proverbs, and your choice of printed copy or digital download of God’s goodness for your life for your gift of $25 or more.
Order yours to the Joyce Meyer Ministries app. At 2, or call us at 1807092895.
This program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
Maybe God’s asked you to do something where you never get noticed.
Maybe God’s asked you to do something where you don’t really seem to get that much appreciation.
Let’s don’t look to people for our reward Let’s look to god for our reward.
I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s power trans my own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in God’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you’ve heard.
I love to live with expectation.
I really don’t know what I’d be doing right now in my life if God hadn’t taught me that is good to expect him to do great things.
David said, I wait on the Lord. I expectantly wait on the Lord.
It’s not wrong to expect reward in your life.
1st Corinthians 38 says, he who plants and he who waters are one in importance and esteem working together toward the same purpose.
But each one will reach thieve his own reward according to his own labor.
Everybody say I’ve got a reward coming. And, you know, here’s the good thing.
Each one of us gets a reward for doing what God is asking us to do.
And what God is asking you to do may not be something all that exciting.
You might look at other people and think, well, boy, that would be exciting.
Maybe God’s asked you to do something where you never get noticed.
Maybe God’s asked you to do something where you don’t really seem to get that much appreciation.
Let’s don’t look to people for our reward. Let’s look to god for our reward.
Let’s don’t look to people It I mean, it’s people should appreciate you.
But you know what? Even if they don’t, god appreciates you.
We need to look to God a lot more than we do to people.
You know, even when I feel that I need encouragement, oh my gosh.
I can remember so many years getting aggravated at Dave if I didn’t feel like he was encouraging me when I needed it.
Any of you do that? Nobody does that, I guess. You don’t do that? No.
Anybody ever get aggravated because you don’t get the appreciation you feel like you need Well, people should appreciate you and they should verbalize it.
But you know what I found out?
If you try to make them give it to you, they’re only gonna resent you, But if you go to God and see, the good thing about your relationship with God is you can be open with him and you can talk to him about anything and you can share anything with him, So I can go to God and say, you know what, God?
I’m just tired. I’ve been working hard.
I don’t feel like I’ve really had that much appreciation that I feel.
Can you send me what I need?
Now I’m not going and getting mad at Dave because he’s not giving it to me.
But I’m going today to god, and god can work to whoever he wants to to bring it to me.
And it’s so much sweeter because then I know it was from god.
it wasn’t something that I squeezed out of somebody to try to manipulate them and control them.
I’ll tell you what’s gonna be a major payday when Jesus returns.
Jesus. hallelujah.
Now you know, I don’t mean this to sound morbid or anything even associated with negativity, but you know, because I’m well into the latter part of my life now, I mean, actually, to tell you the truth, the longer you’re here, the more tired you get of it, Just all the nonsense out in the world.
It’s just like I get tired of listening to the news. I get tired of cranky people.
Now one of the apostle Paul said it’d be better for me if I could go for your sake, I’m gonna stay.
But isn’t it wonderful to not have to be afraid of death?
But instead, to actually look forward to the time when you’re finished here.
I mean, I wanna stay here as long as God wants me, and I’m not trying to die or looking to die.
That’s not what I mean. But it is good to be looking forward to promotion and to see leaving this earth as a promotion rather than something that’s gonna be a terrible loss to you.
I’m look, I I don’t know exactly what heaven’s gonna be doing.
But, man, I I read it every now and then no more tears, no more crying, no more pain.
I am so looking forward to getting out of this aching body.
Amen? I don’t want my feet to hurt anymore.
I don’t want no aches in my butt.
I don’t want a headache, and I feel good. I’m not like a sick person. But you know what?
You’ve only got one of these and the older it gets, the more you feel things.
Is anybody there.
How many of you are looking forward to no drama, no emotional drama from everybody?
I mean, I am so done with drama.
It’s like, really people just suck it up and move on with your life.
We’ve all got our problems.
No more crying, no more tears, perfect love. Nobody mad at anybody. Wow.
Is that ever gonna be a major payday? and to live in god’s presence. Come on. Look at me.
You’re somebody that’s gonna live forever, and you’re gonna see Jesus face to face.
All I wanna do this afternoon is encourage you.
I want you to go out of here, excited.
Something good is gonna happen to me I’ve got a reward coming in my life. Revelation
22 12.
Behold I, Jesus, am coming quickly, and my reward is with me.
He’s coming with rewards to give to each one according to the according to the merit of his deeds is earthly works and is faithfulness.
Now here’s the thing. Please understand this. You’re saved strictly by grace.
It has nothing to do with anything that you do.
If you don’t understand that, then you can never even get a good start with God.
By grace are you saved through faith?
It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
We’re made right with God totally by the grace and the mercy of God and not according to anything that we do.
But the proper way to understand relationship with God is when you realize what he’s done for you.
How amazing it is that God sent his only son to die for you to take the punishment for your sins and misdeeds and literally for the sins of all of the world.
While we were still yet in sin, he died for us, well, we didn’t care anything about him at all when we’re totally ignoring him and living a life of sin and loving it.
He died for us.
You know, the Bible says, if he did all that while we were still in sin, just imagine what he might do for you now that you least care a little bit and are making some little tiny effort to do what’s right.
We don’t receive salvation through our works.
But we do receive rewards for our works when we get to heaven.
So there is a motivation for doing what’s right.
Number 1, you wanna please God. And just to show appreciation for what he’s done for you.
But, you know, I’m kind of like whatever the best is I can have.
That’s what I want. And so whatever is available in heaven, I want to make sure that I’m not lazy here on earth, and then I end up missing it.
I wanna have the best that I can possibly have, and I don’t think that’s a wrong attitude.
I think it’s a great attitude.
And when you realize how amazingly wonderful it is to have god in your life, then you want to serve him all the days of your life.
I don’t know about you. but I’m spending every day of my life not any longer trying to get everything I want because I’ve been there, done that, and I can tell you what, you can get everything you want and you’re still not gonna be happy.
The only thing that’s ever gonna make you truly happy is to have a right relationship with God.
That’s why I can boldly say to people watching or maybe even in here today if you do not have a right relationship with God, you’re never gonna be happy.
Even if you’re living in sin knowing that you’re doing something that’s against the word of God, but you’re living in sin because you think that’s the thing that’s gonna make you happy, it is not making you happy and you are not happy, and it will never make you happy if you’re honest with yourself.
You’ll know that you’re not really a happy person.
You know, just getting your way doesn’t make you happy.
The only thing that really can give you real joy and peace is knowing that you’re right with God.
to the best of your ability, and that doesn’t mean you need to be perfect.
Jesus was perfect for us, but it does mean that we should get up every day of our lives and we should serve him with our whole heart and do everything that we can to do all that God wants us to do.
That’s what it means to be a serious Christian.
Being a serious Christian is about a lot more than just going to church once a week.
and pray in desperate prayers when we get in trouble.
You haven’t got anything better to do with your life. then give it to Jesus.
You know what? The amount of time you spend here is nothing compared to forever.
Nothing compared to forever. God rewards those who do what’s right the Bible says.
I read you this earlier, but Galatians 69, let us not grow weary and become discouraged in doing good.
For at the proper time, we shall reap if we do not faint and give up and give in.
You know what? If you’re the only person I want you to listen to me.
If you’re the only person that you know that’s trying to do what’s right, You keep doing what’s right because you’ve got a reward coming.
Amen? If you’re the only teenager in your high school that seems to have any moral conscience at all, and you’re trying to do what’s right, Even if you grow up and you do not have one friend while you’re going to school, I’ll tell you what, you’ve got a friend that will never let you down and you’re better off with him than everybody else that you can come up with.
Some young person’s gonna hear that and it’s gonna encourage them and make a difference for them in their life.
Satan will arrange for us to be rejected by people.
That’s one of the greatest hurts that people can have. You wanna do what’s right?
People come against you? When God called me to do what I’m doing, I lost every friend I had, got thrown out of my church.
You know, it was an exciting time. It was really exciting.
And I remember times of being on the kitchen floor on my knees and feeling the pain of that rejection so bad that I didn’t feel like that could stand it, but I felt something in my spirit.
God’s got something for me, and I don’t wanna miss what god’s got for me.
Even if I have to give up everybody else in this earth, I don’t wanna miss what God has got for me.
Come on. Don’t miss what God’s got for you just to be a accepted by somebody here on this earth that’s not gonna care about you anyway when it all comes right down to it.
If you’re the only believer in your family, don’t you back down.
If you’re the only person on your job that seems to have any moral courage at all, don’t back down.
No matter how much fun people make of you, no matter how much you’re persecuted, you stick with it.
You know why? You’ve got a reward coming.
The time is gonna come.
I’ll tell you a quick story that I like to tell.
I worked at a company many years ago.
This actually was before God called me into ministry, but even back then, I had a love for God.
I didn’t know anything really about serving God, but I wanted to do what was right.
And I had a certain reverential fear of doing things that I knew were against the word of God.
And I worked at a company where the the boss wanted me to help him basically steal some money from a customer.
And many times out in the world today, you’re kinda given the message.
If you don’t compromise and do what we want you to, then you’re not gonna be promoted.
You’re gonna lose your job. You’re not gonna have any friends. How many of you are gonna feel that pressure?
Let me tell you something.
If you stand up and do what’s right out in the world, it may look to you for a while like you’ve lost but you will win in the end.
Come on. Does anybody need this today?
Anybody needs us encouragement to stand firm and stand up for what you believe is right.
We’ve got too much moral compromise out in the world.
We’ve gotta stand strong and not let the world scare us. Can I tell you the truth?
You can do without any of them. if you have to. Well, I don’t wanna be lonely.
Well, I don’t either, but I’d rather hang out with God who I know loves me than a bunch of people that I don’t trust who are just trying to control me and manipulate me.
You stick with God, you do what’s right and you’re gonna have a reward.
men will say, surely, there is a reward for the righteous. Whoo.
Surely, there is a god who judges the earth. Matthew
blessed, joyful, nourished by God’s goodness are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
for they shall be filled and completely satisfied. Wow.
Do you know how wonderful it is to lay down at night and just know that even though you didn’t have a perfect day, you missed it in some points that you really did try to do your best for God.
You made some hard choices and you stuck with God and, man, you’re gonna get a good night’s sleep.
I was reading a couple of Psalms this morning, and and in each Psalm that I I read, David said, I will both lay down and sleep in peace.
I like that he didn’t just lay down.
A lot of us lay down and we don’t ever sleep.
He laid down and he slept in peace.
I’ve been in bed with a guilty conscience and it is not comfortable.
How many of you know what I’m talking about?
it’s much better to choose the hard thing during the day and get a good night’s sleep.
than it is to go with your flesh and do what’s easy, and then roll around in bed all night and not get a good night’s sleep.
those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, see, I don’t even think it’s so much that we do everything right.
If we want to do everything that’s right, I don’t I don’t do what’s right all the time.
I make a lot of mistakes. I have bad days. I have flash days.
But I am sorry. As soon as god convicts me of wrong behavior, I’m sorry.
I repent. I don’t wanna act like that. I want with all of my heart to do what’s right.
And you know what? I believe you do too.
I don’t think you would have taken a Saturday to be here if you didn’t wanna improve and do what’s right.
And you know what? You’ve got a reward coming. You know what it is? You’re gonna have a satisfaction.
Those at hunger and thirst after righteousness, they shall be completely filled and find a satisfaction in their life that nothing else can give them.
The righteous will be rewarded with peace.
Isaiah 3 217 says in the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness will be quietness and confident trust forever.
James 112 says blessed, happy, prosperous, and favorite is the man who has steadfast under trial.
He perseveres when he’s tempted and tested and tried. He’s faithful to the end.
and the Bible says god will give him the crown of life.
And listen, if you have to live in a tiny apartment that’s not big enough for you, all your lives.
You’re getting a mansion when you get to glory.
In my father’s house, are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you.
I’m gonna tell you the truth. I don’t think we think enough about heaven. I really don’t.
I think we need to encourage one another a little bit more that this is all gonna be over a lot quicker than what we think it will be.
Don’t waste all your time here trying to get things that are perishable and are gonna disappear in the twinkling of an eye.
You know the Bible says, really, that every well, the the Bible doesn’t put it like this, but in essence, this is what it’s saying.
that everything that’s here on this earth is already decaying and passing away.
Let’s invest now for eternity.
Let’s spend our time now doing things like what you’re doing here today.
so when you go back out in the world next week, you can go as a better representative of Christ.
You’ve got a reward coming.
After the break, a heartwarming story just for you.
You’ve probably heard someone say to enjoy the little things. that includes your time with God.
Savor the scriptures by reading the battlefield of the mind, Psalms and proverbs.
It features verses from the Amplified Bible, plus commentary from Joyce on how to fight the enemy’s attacks on your thought.
and keep scripture close to you with the booklet, God’s goodness for your life.
It highlights verses and quotes from Joyce on specific topics like grace and forgiveness.
Get your copy of Battlefield of the mind, Psalms and Proverbs, and your choice of printed copy or digital download of God’s Good for your life for your gift of $25 or more.
Order yours to the Joyce Meyer Ministries app at or call us at 1807092895.
The messages we receive as a child definitely can have a lifelong impact on a person’s self worth and their confidence.
And in many places of the world, Little girls are raised to believe that women are less than.
Well, together, we are fighting to change that.
By teaching just how precious they are to Jesus, and of course, how precious you are too.
Because we all need to find that life changing hope in him and to help rescue them from some unimaginable horrors.
Take a look. The fabric of a culture is stitched together by its people.
Here, in parts of rural Southern Africa, some women are treated more like fabric scraps than important parts of society.
It’s very difficult. You see, if you don’t have anything for yourself, people that don’t consider them.
The family is saying, I don’t have enough money to send you to school.
Nobody wanted to marry you. You have to contribute towards this family now.
so they clean and they do whatever they can, but they don’t bring finances in South.
If you have a skill and knowledge for doing something with your own hands, it can help you It can help everyone.
What man discards, god polishes and shines.
Now women here have an opportunity to learn valuable trade skills at the Create Hope Skills Center and you can get involved to help make this possible for them.
We realized that we don’t start investing in developing the women then it’s really gonna be a limited impact we would have in the community.
We then started the skill center.
And for a start, we’ve got the sowing, and we’ve got the later work happening here right now.
Ginger, you can come in. It’s our sowing side. I’m a ally.
It’s nice to meet you. Together with reaching a generation, hand of hope, the outreach arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
is threading the needle to sew a beautiful new tapestry where women see their value and dream big dreams for their future.
And I believe that god, when he looks at you, you see somebody that he knows very intimately.
You’re looking at entrepreneurs in training.
Women learning trades, so one day, they can own a business and generate their own income.
I was happy. I I just said, ah, thank you god. You have answered my prayers.
So I wanted to work somewhere so I can do a short a short course of sewing.
That’s my dream. So when I had this opportunity, I have to grab it.
Not only are these women learning to build a business, They’re also gaining knowledge on how to launch children’s churches in their villages.
The Create Hope Skills Center is making it possible for women to earn their own money.
Otherwise, options are limited.
And then you you you hit it, and then you sew with a hat.
They would maybe farm in the fields, and we’ve had a few years of drought where when our elephants come through.
I mean, in this region that we’re in right now, there are multiple elephant corridors.
So what elephants do for years years, they actually would follow the same pathway to get through to the river.
and then the village would be in the middle of this.
And when that happens, as they would have a field, and the next moment, elephants come in and they destroy your field, and that your income for the, you know, for the rest of the year.
Everything changes when God opens a new door.
You can be the tool he uses to these ladies prosper by doing what you can to invest in their future.
I dreamed to be a businesswoman Yes.
Because it allows me to be able to not ask from anybody else. Yes. to also help other people.
I’m this one person who loves working with her hands.
So when I heard about leather, that was something very interesting.
And I was, like, very happy because I know how to sow, but this, I’ve never in my life seen how they make leather and also it was it was good.
How does it make you feel when you look at what your hands have done? Special.
It makes me feel good, and then God bless me so much that with my hands, I was able to make all this.
The most vulnerable women in the community are becoming the champions, pouring their love for Jesus into the next generation.
We’re very excited about the potential of where this thing can go as we start increasing the number
of people that can produce in our part of the world.
Reaching the next generation requires all of us to work together.
It all begins with your rares and financial support.
Because of you, women and girls are transforming as they discover just how precious they are to jesus and become equipped and empowered in him.
This is my project.
This one
Isn’t that just plain awesome?
You teach a woman a skill, and she turns it into a business.
And she goes further to share the love that she’s found with the children around her.
Today, we are we are inviting you to do what you can to join with us, to support the Joyce Meyer Ministries’ missions outreaches to spread this hope, to tell women the value that they have, and so many other needs are being met around the world because of people like you who give toward those outreaches who are a part of them every day as they’re happening.
Our hand of hope outreaches around the world are uplifting people in their communities in really creative and unique ways.
That’s what I love about it.
we see a need arise, and we really pray, and we ask God to open doors for connections and creative ideas on how we can serve And we do all that together, and we are finding solutions.
So please, if you would pray about it, give whatever you can and know that your gift your special gift right now toward all of these outreaches will make a big difference in people’s lives around the world.
We love you, and we are so grateful for you.
We hope you enjoyed today’s program.
Please contact us or visit to share your prayer request or partner with us in sharing Christ and loving people all across the globe.
This program has been possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
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