Your Answered Prayer – The Priority of Prayer
Your Answered Prayer – The Priority of Prayer
In the book of Acts, the church made a global impact without modern marvels of communication or travel. How was this impact made? By travelling on the wings of prayer. When you pray, you are joining forces with God and allowing Him to work. The believer who follows biblical rules and operates in the knowledge of their righteousness in Christ has a right to answered prayer, and God’s covenant promises!
God is saying to you today:
“You have the power to make a difference in the lives of others. “l am the vine; you are the branches. Remain in Me to bear much fruit. You are chosen and called for a purpose. Walk boldly in it.”
“You have the power to make a difference in the lives of others. “l am the vine; you are the branches. Remain in Me to bear much fruit. You are chosen and called for a purpose. Walk boldly in it.”
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers up next on the believers of faith.
He’s talking about prayer and he’s talking about someone who needs prayer. And he’s talking about how prayer is answered.
That is not gonna be answered just because you’re a child of God.
It’s not gonna be answered because of that, you gonna be answered first because you met the biblical rules by which prayer has to be offered and that you understand your covenant that you have right to answer prayer.
Mark 11 and starting reading here at verse 15.
And they come to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.
And he taught saying unto them, is it not written, my house shall be called of all nations, the house of prayer.
But you’ve made it a den of these. Now, that’s interesting because sometimes I go to mark 11 24.
I mean Mark 11, we go to Mark 11 23 24 so forth and so on.
But up here to me is the foundation of all of that working.
Um Here he says something that uh that the house of God shall be called a house of prayer.
So we are gonna call this for the next few lessons.
We’re gonna call it the priority of prayer.
There are two levels, there are two realms that realm of the spirit and the realm of the natural for things to be done in the natural.
They’re gonna have in, in the kingdom. They’re gonna have to be first done in the spirit.
Gonna have to, there’s somebody is gonna have to pray and get that done in the spirit.
Um Even if you’re getting people born again, um there has to be prayer to birth them first in the spirit.
And I think um the church, I suggested one time that we have a prayer tower and our prayer tower be down at the Sears building.
I don’t know what they call it now, but it’d be way up high.
You know, I just wanna put it way up high now.
I know you can, you can pray in a closet, but I want it way up high because II I, my vision was to have churches to all participate and have different shifts.
And that prayer would go forward 24 7 if you, if you remember.
Um Well, you probably don’t because I watch, you know, some western movies.
If, if in the western movies down at the end of the street there’s always a church house and I think it was there to keep down the evil in the city and if the evil is gonna be kept down in Chicago, it’s gonna be the church that’s gonna do it.
See. So, so we’ve got to, uh, this thing plucked up by the root.
We’ve got to go to the root of some of these problems and the church is the world’s only hope.
And the reason why is because the church can deal with Satan in the spirit that Jesus said that we’re seated far above all Principalities and powers and might.
Let’s go over to Ephesians please. In Ephesians chapter six, he says he’s starting at verse 10.
Finally, my brother and be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wives of the devil.
For. We wrestle not against what flesh and blood, but against what principality, the powers and rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirit in high places where take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand, what do you do stand there for having your Lord girded about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace and above all, take up the what shield of faith?
That’s where faith comes in, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the what word of God.
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in this spirit and watching there and two with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
Let’s just stop right there. But look at that praying, always verse 18, put it up there in the amplified translation, pray at all times on every occasion in every season in the spirit with all manner of prayer and ent treaty, all manner of prayer.
Who was telling you there are different types of prayer and there are different types, some of them, one intercessory prayer.
This is where you are behind the scenes, really getting things done.
I tell people sometimes I said, I, you know, I believe that when Jesus start rewarding people, you know, for things that are done in the earth.
I think at the front of the line, there gonna be a lot of women that uh you know, were up in age or whatever in their prayer closet, praying for people like me and praying for people like you.
They, you never saw them, but they’re gonna be at the front of the line, getting some of the biggest rewards.
And that’s because they understood the importance and the priority of prayer. They, they knew that nothing happened without it.
And uh and so uh they were interested in prayer. So that was incessive prayers. Money may not have money.
Uh but you can spend an hour before God praying for this church, praying for people to get saved, praying for so forth and so on.
Your contribution can be prayer. And if you pray right, you’ll have some money, you have some money.
God rewards the righteous. The next time of prayer petition, prayer is petition, prayers, asking for something and all that’s in the Bible as well in mark 11 24.
Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive them, you shall have them over in Philippians chapter four and verse six.
He said, be careful for nothing but in all things by prayer.
And what supplication with what thanksgiving let your request be made known what unto God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.
The priority of prayer that if you want to receive something from God, he’s gotta pray it.
You’ve got to believe you received it when you pray another one is agreement, prayer of agreement.
And it says over Matthew Matthew chapter 18 and verse 19.
And he says to them that if the two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that you shall ask, it shall be done for them, of my father, which is in heaven.
It didn’t say in mind no. See you, you, you, you, I can’t hear you.
It didn’t say it might see God. Psalm 1 11.
God is a covenant keeping God. He will be ever mindful of his covenant dish.
This, this whole covenant thing.
Look at Luke chapter 11 verse one, this whole covenant thing, watch, watch this.
And it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place.
When you cease, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples.
So John taught his disciples how to pray.
No one of you is having all that success when you pray.
Say so right there, it’s not a silent prayer. There’s no such thing as a solid prayer.
Well, well, Pastor I’ve been praying. I I just been praying silently. No, you haven’t. You haven’t been praying.
You’ve been fooling yourself is what you’ve been doing.
Our father would taught in heaven hall it be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in heaven.
So in the earth, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive everyone that is indebted to us and lead us not to temptation, but deliver us from evil.
And he said to them, which of you shall have a friend and she’ll go into him at midnight and say it to him.
Friend, lend me three loads. Now this some people think this is a whole another story here.
He’s talking about prayer and a friend of mine is come in in his journey is come to me and I have nothing to set before him and he from within shall answer and say trouble me, not the door is now shut and my Children are with me in bed.
I cannot rise and give thee I say to you though, he will not rise and give him because he is his friend.
But because of his opportunity, he will rise and give him as many as he needed.
Let’s go to that verse in the amplified.
He says friend yet because of his shameless persistence and insistence, he will get up glory to God uh and give him as much as he needs.
Isn’t that something?
No, he, he’s not talking, you know about some relative come by and wanna borrow, you know, $20.
He, he’s talking about prayer and he’s talking about someone who needs prayer and he’s talking about how prayer is answered.
That is not gonna be answered just because you’re a child of God.
It’s not gonna be answered because of that. Is it gonna be answered first?
Because you met the biblical rules by which prayer has to be offered and that you understand your covenant that you have right to answer prayer, you have a right to answer prayer see, prayer needs faith like anything else open in Second Corinthians chapter four and verse 13, look what he says.
He says this, we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written, I believe.
And therefore have I spoken? We also believe and therefore we speak. Ok.
Now, what is he saying? He is saying, wait a second, I’ve got to believe prayer.
I’ve got to believe that God heard me.
I’ve got to believe that this, this prayer of mine is going to be answered.
Look what he says in Matthew chapter nine, very quickly and verse 27.
And when Jesus departed, then two blind men followed him crying and saying, thou Son of David have mercy on us.
And when he was coming to the house, the blind man came to him and Jesus said unto them, believe ye that I’m able to do this.
And they said to him, what Lord then touch he their eyes saying according to your faith, be it unto you, watch this and their eyes were open and Jesus straightly charged them saying, see that no man knew it, but they went and blabbed it everywhere there.
No, no, no, here’s, here’s what I’m pointing out.
First, there was a shameless approach to Jesus kids was going in the house and they come on through the door, the man that was up on that roof.
You remember they took that man up there, I talk, I call it crazy feet, but they tore up the roof, roof and let the man down.
And it’s amazing that that shameless approach. Move God.
See, the, the word believe has to do with unqualified, committal, unqualified, whatever it takes, whatever it takes, see, it has no boundaries to it.
You don’t woman with the issue of blood. What did she do?
She pressed her way through the crowd. Here’s Jesus.
He’s walking with a rabbi, he’s walking with the head of synagogue and the head of synagogue was supposed to order her stoning because a woman with the issue of blood according to the law shouldn’t be out.
She should be stoned. But notice her shameless approach, got her heel.
And that’s when you can tell somebody who believes when I’m talking about the prayer of agreement, the prayer petition, prayer of intercession.
All these follow that same shameless rule.
And he said, hey, he gonna give it to you because you’re a friend.
He don’t give it to you because there’s a covenant there and that you’re gonna have to believe that that covenant you have a right to answer prayer.
Not, not, not. I’m gonna pray for my cousin to get saved and hope he gets saved.
I’m gonna pray for my daughter to get saved and hope she gets saved wrong.
There is a, it says the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.
That that’s your covenant promise that you and your household shall be saved.
I don’t care if that boy had been wayward for uh 20 years, he will be saved.
And I’m saying, when people don’t know prayer, this is, it’s the situation we end up in and, and the problem is a church and it starts with prayer.
Prayer is joining forces with God. It is absolutely allowing God to work.
He needs it. He won’t move without it.
He gonna stay in the bed sleep until you, You know, that’s, of course, is, you know, just a metaphor.
But he, he’s, he’s gonna be rushing until prayer wakes him up. I’m, I’m just saying, no, God never sleeps.
But uh that and I had to learn that.
I mean, the enemy came after, you know, both my kids the more so both of my daughters, more so than, than, than my son because he, we say them really in that word and so forth.
I, when I got born again, my, my uh uh I, I didn’t get, uh, when I had first had my daughters, I wasn’t born again so I couldn’t bring them off of there.
I brought David up on the word, but I had to get them in here and that enemy really battle one day.
One of my, my youngest daughter over the hospital.
They said, well, we, that next morning, they said, we thought she wasn’t gonna make it.
I said, I didn’t think that shameless, shameless devil. You let my daughter go.
Now here is a scripture. And he said, put me in remembrance of what I said.
And most of the people don’t even know what God said.
Prayer works every time when, when doctor in his book uh goes over there, he said, what does see a pastor, friend of his and a pastor and him before they went out to dinner or what?
And he said, oh, would you pray for her? He said, what did she need to pray for him?
Well, she’s, she, she wants to get married. And he said, ok, um, have you been praying for her husband?
She said, yeah, he said, well, how long have you been praying?
She said, well, 10 years, here’s what his, his reply was. What have you been praying?
Unheard of going over to, um, going over to Luke chapter 19 folks.
We’ve been letting the devil run off with our stuff and, and this has got to stop.
I said, Luke chapter 19 make it. Luke chapter 18, please.
First one, I need to make a parable unto them to this end.
That men ought to always what pray and what else and not faint saying there was in a city of judge which feared not God, neither regarded man.
Now, you know, that was the devil and there was a widow in that city and she came into him saying avenge me of my adversary and he would not for a while.
But afterward, he said, within himself though I fear not God, no regarded man, no regard man.
Yet because this widow trouble me, I will avenge her less by her continual coming. She’s gonna worry me.
And the Lord said, hear what the unjust judge said and shall not God avenge his own elect which cry what day and night unto him though, he bear along with him.
I tell you that he will avenge them. What speedily?
Nevertheless, when the son of man cometh, shall he find what faith on the earth it works by faith and he will avenge them speedily.
Brother Hagan talks about it time.
He prayed for his brother and so forth and so on.
And when he prayed just felt the release and that was it.
And uh they called him later on that week said, hey, uh or whatever his name was, you know, he got saved.
Here’s what Brother Hagan said. I know it.
How, how did he know it?
Because he what he prayed. Come on, say it. He prayed because he prayed. He knew it.
It, it, it’s an old surprise.
First John chapter five verse 14, still talking about petition prayer or could be applied to intercessory prayer.
This is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will, what he hears us and if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we, what have the petition that we desired of him.
Look over here. Look at John.
John chapter 11, folks, we gotta get serious about the gospel. John chapter 11 verse 40.
Let’s talk about that. This is Jesus at the gravesite of Lazare. OK?
And she Martha very kindly reminded him that the man’s been dead for days.
He’s thinking verse 40 makes no difference, makes no difference, makes no difference. Never too late for prayer.
And Jesus said to her said, I not unto thee that if thou would believe thou shalt see the glory of God.
And they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laying.
And Jesus lifted up his eyes.
He said, he said, Father, I thank you that you have what heard me and I know that you hear me always.
Now let me tell you something, Jesus said, the things that I did show you do also.
Now, now here, here’s what I’m thinking. He’s showing his disciples how this works.
And it’s not because he’s in this earth as a Son of God or Son of men, as he said, sometimes it’s because he was under that covenant and God cannot break that covenant.
And that’s what Jesus was operating. He was operating under the old covenant.
And he said, Father, I thank you that you’ve heard me.
He’s talking out loud.
Now, now, Philippians again, Philippians chapter four and verse six and seven.
And he said this, be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving.
What with Thanksgiving? Leave the thanks off. You might miss God.
I’m telling you the rules you got.
If you go by the rules, this thing work every time today’s life changing series priority of prayer is available in its entirety on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four.
To order in the US call 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada, call 844 298 2900 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot ca as an additional resource to help you grow your faith and increase your prayer line order.
The priority of prayer bundle, which includes the priority of prayer, three part teaching series and Dr Veronica Winston’s phenomenal book, The World Prayer Guide.
This dynamic bundle will help you to pray scripturally with authority and in faith.
You will also gain a better understanding on why keeping prayer as a priority in your life will enable you to unlock your potential to change your world and impact the world around you.
Order, this must have bundle today. Well, I trust that you are blessed by that powerful message.
Now, I’d like to take a moment to share some things with you about partnership.
This ministry is blessed by our partners and we are able to be a blessing to the nations of the earth because of our partnership.
Let me give you a little analogy that comes out of the Bible.
When Peter was fishing, Peter had caught nothing.
Now, here’s Jesus preaching on the shoreline and then Jesus asked to use Peter’s boat. Of course, Peter said yes.
And he got in the boat and he said, push out a little from the shore.
Then Jesus sat down and taught the people out of the boat, kind of like I’m teaching on our daily broadcast.
Now, when he had finished speaking, he told Peter launch out into the deep.
Now, let down your nets for a draw. A big catch.
Peter said master, we’ve toiled all night and take nothing. Nevertheless, that thy word will launch out.
And when he did that, he called so many fish till his net began to break and his boat began to sink.
Then he called for his partners and noticed their boat began to sink. I mean, they threw out their nets.
Now notice I’m saying the same miracle catch that Peter got his partner’s got.
Now, what am I saying to you?
The same anointing that is on me when you partner with me comes on you. That’s a spiritual law.
That’s what it does. I mean the same anointing that was on Elijah came on Elisha, right? God.
I’m just saying this because the same anointing that was on David came on his mighty men.
One of the men was able to slay 800 men, one man that David that anointing was on.
So I’m just saying anointing by association that if you partner with me, the same anointing that is on me and the benefits of that anointing begin to come on you.
The struggle is gone out of your life because there’s no struggle in my life. Praise God.
So I’m asking you partner with me, you don’t have to do it.
But if God lays it on your heart, obey God guaranteed you’ll be blessed.
There are ministries that I have partnered with for 30 years. I don’t come undone.
Let’s see where, how God has blessed me.
I have gotten the benefit of the anointing those on the people that I partnered with. Same with you.
Well, do it today. Don’t hesitate because a lot of times procrastination can lead to a loss of blessing.
You don’t wanna procrastinate. Here’s what you do call us at 1 807 11 9327.
Or you can get us online at Bill Winston dot org slash partner. Now, we’d love to hear from you.
I mean, right away because God is doing great things through this ministry.
I want you to be a partner with me. Thank you so much.
God bless you and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston. Ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast.
He’s talking about prayer and he’s talking about someone who needs prayer. And he’s talking about how prayer is answered.
That is not gonna be answered just because you’re a child of God.
It’s not gonna be answered because of that, you gonna be answered first because you met the biblical rules by which prayer has to be offered and that you understand your covenant that you have right to answer prayer.
Mark 11 and starting reading here at verse 15.
And they come to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.
And he taught saying unto them, is it not written, my house shall be called of all nations, the house of prayer.
But you’ve made it a den of these. Now, that’s interesting because sometimes I go to mark 11 24.
I mean Mark 11, we go to Mark 11 23 24 so forth and so on.
But up here to me is the foundation of all of that working.
Um Here he says something that uh that the house of God shall be called a house of prayer.
So we are gonna call this for the next few lessons.
We’re gonna call it the priority of prayer.
There are two levels, there are two realms that realm of the spirit and the realm of the natural for things to be done in the natural.
They’re gonna have in, in the kingdom. They’re gonna have to be first done in the spirit.
Gonna have to, there’s somebody is gonna have to pray and get that done in the spirit.
Um Even if you’re getting people born again, um there has to be prayer to birth them first in the spirit.
And I think um the church, I suggested one time that we have a prayer tower and our prayer tower be down at the Sears building.
I don’t know what they call it now, but it’d be way up high.
You know, I just wanna put it way up high now.
I know you can, you can pray in a closet, but I want it way up high because II I, my vision was to have churches to all participate and have different shifts.
And that prayer would go forward 24 7 if you, if you remember.
Um Well, you probably don’t because I watch, you know, some western movies.
If, if in the western movies down at the end of the street there’s always a church house and I think it was there to keep down the evil in the city and if the evil is gonna be kept down in Chicago, it’s gonna be the church that’s gonna do it.
See. So, so we’ve got to, uh, this thing plucked up by the root.
We’ve got to go to the root of some of these problems and the church is the world’s only hope.
And the reason why is because the church can deal with Satan in the spirit that Jesus said that we’re seated far above all Principalities and powers and might.
Let’s go over to Ephesians please. In Ephesians chapter six, he says he’s starting at verse 10.
Finally, my brother and be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wives of the devil.
For. We wrestle not against what flesh and blood, but against what principality, the powers and rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirit in high places where take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand, what do you do stand there for having your Lord girded about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace and above all, take up the what shield of faith?
That’s where faith comes in, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the what word of God.
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in this spirit and watching there and two with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
Let’s just stop right there. But look at that praying, always verse 18, put it up there in the amplified translation, pray at all times on every occasion in every season in the spirit with all manner of prayer and ent treaty, all manner of prayer.
Who was telling you there are different types of prayer and there are different types, some of them, one intercessory prayer.
This is where you are behind the scenes, really getting things done.
I tell people sometimes I said, I, you know, I believe that when Jesus start rewarding people, you know, for things that are done in the earth.
I think at the front of the line, there gonna be a lot of women that uh you know, were up in age or whatever in their prayer closet, praying for people like me and praying for people like you.
They, you never saw them, but they’re gonna be at the front of the line, getting some of the biggest rewards.
And that’s because they understood the importance and the priority of prayer. They, they knew that nothing happened without it.
And uh and so uh they were interested in prayer. So that was incessive prayers. Money may not have money.
Uh but you can spend an hour before God praying for this church, praying for people to get saved, praying for so forth and so on.
Your contribution can be prayer. And if you pray right, you’ll have some money, you have some money.
God rewards the righteous. The next time of prayer petition, prayer is petition, prayers, asking for something and all that’s in the Bible as well in mark 11 24.
Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive them, you shall have them over in Philippians chapter four and verse six.
He said, be careful for nothing but in all things by prayer.
And what supplication with what thanksgiving let your request be made known what unto God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.
The priority of prayer that if you want to receive something from God, he’s gotta pray it.
You’ve got to believe you received it when you pray another one is agreement, prayer of agreement.
And it says over Matthew Matthew chapter 18 and verse 19.
And he says to them that if the two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that you shall ask, it shall be done for them, of my father, which is in heaven.
It didn’t say in mind no. See you, you, you, you, I can’t hear you.
It didn’t say it might see God. Psalm 1 11.
God is a covenant keeping God. He will be ever mindful of his covenant dish.
This, this whole covenant thing.
Look at Luke chapter 11 verse one, this whole covenant thing, watch, watch this.
And it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place.
When you cease, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples.
So John taught his disciples how to pray.
No one of you is having all that success when you pray.
Say so right there, it’s not a silent prayer. There’s no such thing as a solid prayer.
Well, well, Pastor I’ve been praying. I I just been praying silently. No, you haven’t. You haven’t been praying.
You’ve been fooling yourself is what you’ve been doing.
Our father would taught in heaven hall it be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in heaven.
So in the earth, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive everyone that is indebted to us and lead us not to temptation, but deliver us from evil.
And he said to them, which of you shall have a friend and she’ll go into him at midnight and say it to him.
Friend, lend me three loads. Now this some people think this is a whole another story here.
He’s talking about prayer and a friend of mine is come in in his journey is come to me and I have nothing to set before him and he from within shall answer and say trouble me, not the door is now shut and my Children are with me in bed.
I cannot rise and give thee I say to you though, he will not rise and give him because he is his friend.
But because of his opportunity, he will rise and give him as many as he needed.
Let’s go to that verse in the amplified.
He says friend yet because of his shameless persistence and insistence, he will get up glory to God uh and give him as much as he needs.
Isn’t that something?
No, he, he’s not talking, you know about some relative come by and wanna borrow, you know, $20.
He, he’s talking about prayer and he’s talking about someone who needs prayer and he’s talking about how prayer is answered.
That is not gonna be answered just because you’re a child of God.
It’s not gonna be answered because of that. Is it gonna be answered first?
Because you met the biblical rules by which prayer has to be offered and that you understand your covenant that you have right to answer prayer, you have a right to answer prayer see, prayer needs faith like anything else open in Second Corinthians chapter four and verse 13, look what he says.
He says this, we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written, I believe.
And therefore have I spoken? We also believe and therefore we speak. Ok.
Now, what is he saying? He is saying, wait a second, I’ve got to believe prayer.
I’ve got to believe that God heard me.
I’ve got to believe that this, this prayer of mine is going to be answered.
Look what he says in Matthew chapter nine, very quickly and verse 27.
And when Jesus departed, then two blind men followed him crying and saying, thou Son of David have mercy on us.
And when he was coming to the house, the blind man came to him and Jesus said unto them, believe ye that I’m able to do this.
And they said to him, what Lord then touch he their eyes saying according to your faith, be it unto you, watch this and their eyes were open and Jesus straightly charged them saying, see that no man knew it, but they went and blabbed it everywhere there.
No, no, no, here’s, here’s what I’m pointing out.
First, there was a shameless approach to Jesus kids was going in the house and they come on through the door, the man that was up on that roof.
You remember they took that man up there, I talk, I call it crazy feet, but they tore up the roof, roof and let the man down.
And it’s amazing that that shameless approach. Move God.
See, the, the word believe has to do with unqualified, committal, unqualified, whatever it takes, whatever it takes, see, it has no boundaries to it.
You don’t woman with the issue of blood. What did she do?
She pressed her way through the crowd. Here’s Jesus.
He’s walking with a rabbi, he’s walking with the head of synagogue and the head of synagogue was supposed to order her stoning because a woman with the issue of blood according to the law shouldn’t be out.
She should be stoned. But notice her shameless approach, got her heel.
And that’s when you can tell somebody who believes when I’m talking about the prayer of agreement, the prayer petition, prayer of intercession.
All these follow that same shameless rule.
And he said, hey, he gonna give it to you because you’re a friend.
He don’t give it to you because there’s a covenant there and that you’re gonna have to believe that that covenant you have a right to answer prayer.
Not, not, not. I’m gonna pray for my cousin to get saved and hope he gets saved.
I’m gonna pray for my daughter to get saved and hope she gets saved wrong.
There is a, it says the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.
That that’s your covenant promise that you and your household shall be saved.
I don’t care if that boy had been wayward for uh 20 years, he will be saved.
And I’m saying, when people don’t know prayer, this is, it’s the situation we end up in and, and the problem is a church and it starts with prayer.
Prayer is joining forces with God. It is absolutely allowing God to work.
He needs it. He won’t move without it.
He gonna stay in the bed sleep until you, You know, that’s, of course, is, you know, just a metaphor.
But he, he’s, he’s gonna be rushing until prayer wakes him up. I’m, I’m just saying, no, God never sleeps.
But uh that and I had to learn that.
I mean, the enemy came after, you know, both my kids the more so both of my daughters, more so than, than, than my son because he, we say them really in that word and so forth.
I, when I got born again, my, my uh uh I, I didn’t get, uh, when I had first had my daughters, I wasn’t born again so I couldn’t bring them off of there.
I brought David up on the word, but I had to get them in here and that enemy really battle one day.
One of my, my youngest daughter over the hospital.
They said, well, we, that next morning, they said, we thought she wasn’t gonna make it.
I said, I didn’t think that shameless, shameless devil. You let my daughter go.
Now here is a scripture. And he said, put me in remembrance of what I said.
And most of the people don’t even know what God said.
Prayer works every time when, when doctor in his book uh goes over there, he said, what does see a pastor, friend of his and a pastor and him before they went out to dinner or what?
And he said, oh, would you pray for her? He said, what did she need to pray for him?
Well, she’s, she, she wants to get married. And he said, ok, um, have you been praying for her husband?
She said, yeah, he said, well, how long have you been praying?
She said, well, 10 years, here’s what his, his reply was. What have you been praying?
Unheard of going over to, um, going over to Luke chapter 19 folks.
We’ve been letting the devil run off with our stuff and, and this has got to stop.
I said, Luke chapter 19 make it. Luke chapter 18, please.
First one, I need to make a parable unto them to this end.
That men ought to always what pray and what else and not faint saying there was in a city of judge which feared not God, neither regarded man.
Now, you know, that was the devil and there was a widow in that city and she came into him saying avenge me of my adversary and he would not for a while.
But afterward, he said, within himself though I fear not God, no regarded man, no regard man.
Yet because this widow trouble me, I will avenge her less by her continual coming. She’s gonna worry me.
And the Lord said, hear what the unjust judge said and shall not God avenge his own elect which cry what day and night unto him though, he bear along with him.
I tell you that he will avenge them. What speedily?
Nevertheless, when the son of man cometh, shall he find what faith on the earth it works by faith and he will avenge them speedily.
Brother Hagan talks about it time.
He prayed for his brother and so forth and so on.
And when he prayed just felt the release and that was it.
And uh they called him later on that week said, hey, uh or whatever his name was, you know, he got saved.
Here’s what Brother Hagan said. I know it.
How, how did he know it?
Because he what he prayed. Come on, say it. He prayed because he prayed. He knew it.
It, it, it’s an old surprise.
First John chapter five verse 14, still talking about petition prayer or could be applied to intercessory prayer.
This is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will, what he hears us and if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we, what have the petition that we desired of him.
Look over here. Look at John.
John chapter 11, folks, we gotta get serious about the gospel. John chapter 11 verse 40.
Let’s talk about that. This is Jesus at the gravesite of Lazare. OK?
And she Martha very kindly reminded him that the man’s been dead for days.
He’s thinking verse 40 makes no difference, makes no difference, makes no difference. Never too late for prayer.
And Jesus said to her said, I not unto thee that if thou would believe thou shalt see the glory of God.
And they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laying.
And Jesus lifted up his eyes.
He said, he said, Father, I thank you that you have what heard me and I know that you hear me always.
Now let me tell you something, Jesus said, the things that I did show you do also.
Now, now here, here’s what I’m thinking. He’s showing his disciples how this works.
And it’s not because he’s in this earth as a Son of God or Son of men, as he said, sometimes it’s because he was under that covenant and God cannot break that covenant.
And that’s what Jesus was operating. He was operating under the old covenant.
And he said, Father, I thank you that you’ve heard me.
He’s talking out loud.
Now, now, Philippians again, Philippians chapter four and verse six and seven.
And he said this, be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving.
What with Thanksgiving? Leave the thanks off. You might miss God.
I’m telling you the rules you got.
If you go by the rules, this thing work every time today’s life changing series priority of prayer is available in its entirety on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four.
To order in the US call 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada, call 844 298 2900 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot ca as an additional resource to help you grow your faith and increase your prayer line order.
The priority of prayer bundle, which includes the priority of prayer, three part teaching series and Dr Veronica Winston’s phenomenal book, The World Prayer Guide.
This dynamic bundle will help you to pray scripturally with authority and in faith.
You will also gain a better understanding on why keeping prayer as a priority in your life will enable you to unlock your potential to change your world and impact the world around you.
Order, this must have bundle today. Well, I trust that you are blessed by that powerful message.
Now, I’d like to take a moment to share some things with you about partnership.
This ministry is blessed by our partners and we are able to be a blessing to the nations of the earth because of our partnership.
Let me give you a little analogy that comes out of the Bible.
When Peter was fishing, Peter had caught nothing.
Now, here’s Jesus preaching on the shoreline and then Jesus asked to use Peter’s boat. Of course, Peter said yes.
And he got in the boat and he said, push out a little from the shore.
Then Jesus sat down and taught the people out of the boat, kind of like I’m teaching on our daily broadcast.
Now, when he had finished speaking, he told Peter launch out into the deep.
Now, let down your nets for a draw. A big catch.
Peter said master, we’ve toiled all night and take nothing. Nevertheless, that thy word will launch out.
And when he did that, he called so many fish till his net began to break and his boat began to sink.
Then he called for his partners and noticed their boat began to sink. I mean, they threw out their nets.
Now notice I’m saying the same miracle catch that Peter got his partner’s got.
Now, what am I saying to you?
The same anointing that is on me when you partner with me comes on you. That’s a spiritual law.
That’s what it does. I mean the same anointing that was on Elijah came on Elisha, right? God.
I’m just saying this because the same anointing that was on David came on his mighty men.
One of the men was able to slay 800 men, one man that David that anointing was on.
So I’m just saying anointing by association that if you partner with me, the same anointing that is on me and the benefits of that anointing begin to come on you.
The struggle is gone out of your life because there’s no struggle in my life. Praise God.
So I’m asking you partner with me, you don’t have to do it.
But if God lays it on your heart, obey God guaranteed you’ll be blessed.
There are ministries that I have partnered with for 30 years. I don’t come undone.
Let’s see where, how God has blessed me.
I have gotten the benefit of the anointing those on the people that I partnered with. Same with you.
Well, do it today. Don’t hesitate because a lot of times procrastination can lead to a loss of blessing.
You don’t wanna procrastinate. Here’s what you do call us at 1 807 11 9327.
Or you can get us online at Bill Winston dot org slash partner. Now, we’d love to hear from you.
I mean, right away because God is doing great things through this ministry.
I want you to be a partner with me. Thank you so much.
God bless you and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston. Ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast.