God has Something Higher and More for You | Jonathan Cahn
God has Something Higher and More for You
Jonathan Cahn speaks about the Israelites who lived by standards given to no other. God has something higher and more for you as to whom much is given much is required. From the message: #2534 The Nazarite Factor
June 10, 2023
Messiah tells the story of the rich man partying in his mansion, and poor Lazarus on his doorstep. The rich man who doesn’t help, ends up being judged. We listen to this and think we’re Lazarus the righteous man, but we’re not. In this world, we’re the rich man and the rest of the world is Lazarus. They’re right there outside our doorstep starving to death. We’re feasting and Lazarus is shivering in the cold. We’re praising the Lord, and that’s good. But Lazarus is outside perishing without the Gospel. Messiah said,”When you do it to the least of these, you do it to me.” So essentially it’s Messiah who’s cold, hungry, naked, and perishing. There are orphans, lepers, the starving, the persecuted, the oppressed in darkened huts without the Gospel. Messiah is at our doorstep and our door is closed. Open the door. Open the door of your heart, your life, your involvement, your abundance. Give to the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the stranger because there’s a stranger on your doorstep that needs your help, waiting for your help, and it is Messiah.
And sometimes we say God, why can’t I, why couldn’t I have this? Why couldn’t I have this?
There are things that God said, well, because I know you don’t know all the reasons, but I do and I have something higher, Israel and the nations, you know, other, other nations were far worse than Israel, pagan nations surrounded by pagan nations.
But Israel had known more, seen more been given more, so more was required.
And so judgment came to Israel that didn’t come to the other nations in the same way, the fall was greater of Israel because they knew more.
They were given more just like that’s why I fear for America because when the judgment comes to America, if it does not turn back, it will be more severe.
The Jewish people chosen, pulled out of the world, chosen not better but chosen to be God’s servants and his ministers to the world and were given more.
And there are people say, I wish I was Jewish, you know, I wish it well, really well.
First of all, in the Lord, you are born again spiritually Jewish. That’s good.
But there, there, there’s a, yeah, there’s a uh there’s a movie you many of you know it fiddler on the roof.
And the, and the Jewish milkman around Russia says the Lord one day he says, I know we are the chosen people.
But could you choose somebody else occasionally? Because it’s not easy.
The Jewish people were called to be a kingdom of priests.
They were as, as they were to be priests as priests were to the Israelites.
Israel was to be a priestly nation to the world.
And it has been because, because if you’re saved today, it was because Israel gave you that from through Israel, the gospel came to you.
That’s priestly, you were reconciled to God.
So it is the priestly nation or to put it another way, the Jewish people were in a sense the NASA rights of the world because they were set apart by God, they were.
And as the NASA rights couldn’t do what other Israelites could do.
So the Jewish people couldn’t do what other nations could do.
They could only eat certain foods, they could not have those other foods.
They were restricted in what they did, how they did it.
They were held more accountable than the nations.
No nation has gone through what the Jewish people have gone through.
No nation, there are many nations that have suffered and, but no nation has so suffered for so long, much was given, much is required, much is given, that’s a blessing.
But if you turn away from God. Much is required. They were given.
But the, but on the other hand, much was required of them.
But they were given much the word of God, the Tabernacle, the priest of the glory, the covenants, the prophets, the spirit, the revelation of God, the presence of God, the, the calling, the ultimately the messiah.
So they were blessed. It’s a blessing in the end. It’s blessing, but much is required, much was given.
They were held to a higher standard.
There used to be a commercial on television which was for Hebrew national hot dogs.
And they had a picture of, of Uncle Sam.
And, and they said, well, Uncle Sam, the government can do this but we cannot do this with our hot dogs.
You know, the government could do this and that’s Uncle Sam, but we cannot.
And then finally he says, we answer to a higher standard. So we talking about God’s kosher law.
So Uncle Sam looks up to God at the end.
Well, they were given a high, the, the the truth is they were given a higher standard.
But within Israel, you see people who are the great people of Israel, they themselves were given a higher standard.
They were held to a higher standard. Moses, you know, much was given, much was given but much is required.
Do you know Moses almost got killed once because he didn’t circumcise his Children.
God says you are gonna be the law giver.
You, you better, you have, you better follow the law because you are the representative. You are my representative.
Ezekiel. Look at all the pro the prophet Ezekiel given a great calling of God, but he had to live in obedience and he had to go through what a prophet goes through.
You want to be a prophet.
They had the real prophets of God weren’t those who, who called themselves on the radio.
I am the prophet, the great prophet this, that they didn’t do it.
They were, they went through a lot in being prophets.
There was a price but they had the, they had the, they had God speak through them, take over them, use them mightily, Paul.
If any man was used of God, kind of like the Moses and the oldest Paul was used powerfully yet he, he was a surprise.
He couldn’t live. He said I can’t do these things that everybody can do.
I, you know, I, I can’t take away, I can’t do this because this is what I, this is what God’s called me to.
He had to spend his life.
He dealt with a lot of stuff, went through, a lot of stuff, went through, dangers, went through all that.
But, but he was Paul, he did, he changed the world because he was consecrated to God. Perfect.
No, none of them were perfect but consecrated to God.
He was anointed funny when he, when he, when he gets saved.
God speaks to a and says, go tell him how much he’s gonna suffer for me. You know, that’s it.
But he’s also, he also, he’s gonna speak to kings and emperors and he’s gonna change the world.
He’s gonna bring the gospel to the nations. I’d rather have that and the price than not have either.
The disciples much is required of them.
They had to give up everything, their former lives and go through everything. We don’t know.
Church history says they were, they were just about all martyred except for John. We don’t know.
But chances are a good amount were if not all, but they lived lives of glory.
We’re all gonna leave this life. They live lives of glory. They did what was required. Not perfect.
Peter certainly wasn’t perfect but he was lived a glorious life.
Look at the 12, look at the 12 sons of Israel, which one was the one?
And that’s in the early account who was glorified, who was lifted up, who was exalted? Which one, Joseph?
But he’s the only one who goes through what he went through.
He went through rejection, he went, he was sold into slavery, false, accused of rape, imprisoned.
And yet he stayed faithful to God and not, you know, and, and none of his brothers would know that what Joseph knew the glory of God.
He would be used to save his family and save an entire world.
Much was required but much was given. What about you? Much is required of you.
Why? Number one, God gave you life, you got life. Everything you have is from God.
You He gave you life. And so every moment you have is to be used for God.
You know, he gave you life. He said that that’s the first thing you’re in his image.
First thing, number two, he gave you salvation.
So now you know, God, like most people don’t, you know the the word as most people don’t, you have God as most people don’t.
So you have a higher requirement, you cannot live as the world lives.
You can’t give yourself to what the world gives itself to just like he call as he called Israel.
And he said, you can’t do what the nations do.
They do this, this, this, you can’t do that same way. God says you cannot live like the world lives.
You why? Because He’s punishing you. No, because He has given you more. He’s given you more.
You’re accountable for it. You’re accountable to live in a manner worthy of it.
Much has been given and you are commissioned to give the salvation to the lost in your life because nobody else can do it only you can do it.
You have salvation. You know they don’t. So what are you doing? You are commissioned that’s required of us.
He said, go and every and, and furthermore everything that God has given you. He’s blessed you.
There is a responsibility that goes with Him. He gave you.
If He gave you an ability, a talent, a gift, he gave you resources, he gave you money, he gave you what blessing you’re required to give it back and use it for His glory, whatever you are, you’ve been given more, you have to give more.
And that’s how it goes. And he will give more at the same time, the more you’re committed to God, the more he will give you are a child of God.
That’s a high calling.