The Keys to Your Calling | Jonathan Cahn

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The Keys to Your Calling

The Keys to Your Calling
You have a calling on your life. There are forces, obstacles, and traps to stop you from fulfilling it. How to recognize them, overcome them, and fulfill your calling.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

When I was in Hebrew school growing up, I was in the choir and in the service, we have to go back behind the, behind the stage.
And inside there was a sort of a secret passageway.
And when you get in there, there’s all these robes and robes.
I had my own robe, blue robes, which meant you were to sing in the choir.
I remember going every Sabbath through the passageway to put on the, to get the robe, put it on me.
So in the Bible, a robe or a mantle represented your calling. A mantle represents the calling.
The word in Hebrew for the mantle is the word try it.
It comes from a root word that means big. Why your calling? And God is big.
It’s wide, it expands you. If you follow it, it also means noble, you’ve got a noble calling.
It also means glory. Every calling in God has a glory to it. It’s a glorious thing.
But as in a robe or there are mantel, there are mantles which are worn by his people and there are mantles that just stay on the shelf that are never fully worn or never or there are callings that are never fully fulfilled or apprehended.
Think about the people in the Bible.
You have somebody named was a false prophet, but he wasn’t called to be a false prophet.
He was called to be a true prophet.
He had a gift of prophecy, but he was, but because he compromised with evil, he because of that, he missed his calling.
You have the a prophet in the Bible. God says, God calls the prophet.
He says, when you do this, give that word and then go straight, go straight back no matter what, don’t stop.
So he goes back and a guy comes up to him and says, God told me you’re to come with me and he said, he said, no, God told me I’m a prophet too.
He goes back with the guy does. The thing then goes home, gets eaten by a lion.
He missed his calling because of compromise because he went up, he went away from what God said.
Then there’s the rich young ruler. He was called right there. What do I need to be?
You know, what do I have to do?
And the Lord says, sell everything you have and that doesn’t mean everybody has to sell everything they have but give to the poor.
It’s a great thing to do.
But he said this guy, it was an idol for him and for this guy, he had to do that.
He had to yield to God to sacrifice, surrender everything to find his calling.
And he, he had only known who was talking to him, but he missed it. He walked away.
His whole life would have changed. And yet it said it’s a testimony of a missed call, missed callings.
Many people you read about in the Bible, you read about those who fulfill their callings mostly.
But there are many more people you never read about because they never said yes to God.
And so you don’t know how many people were called, but they didn’t go with it.
You don’t know who they are because they never achieved any greatness in God only.
You re read about mostly those who said yes to God.
So for the most part, here’s the thing.
You can miss your calling, but you don’t wanna be on that list.
You don’t wanna be on the ones who, well, maybe you were saved, you know, you save.
It says I saved, saved and called. You don’t want, you’re saved, but you don’t wanna miss you.
You don’t wanna miss the rest because the calling is also and also with the salvation for every calling, there are also obstacles and in your life too, that’s crucial that you realize it, that you realize the obstacles to your calling and overcome them.
Messiah rolled away the stone that God’s blessing come out.
One of the blessings of Messiah is the calling on your life.
So in Messiah, we are given power to roll away the obstacles to our calling.
We’re gonna look at some things that hinder you or will seek to stop you the obstacles and how to overcome them.
Matthew four. It says verse 17, from that time on Yeshua began preaching, repent for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.
And as Yeshua Jesus was walking beside the sea of Galilee, I just told you about the place he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew.
They were casting a net into the lake for they were fishermen come.
He said, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
Immediately, they dropped their nets and followed him going on from them.
He saw two other brothers, James, son of Yakov, son of Zadi and his brother.
And they were in a boat with their father, Zadi Zeti, preparing their nets of Jesus called them and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.
This is the calling of the apostles. They would change the world and yet who were they?
They weren’t scholars, they weren’t, they weren’t the holy people. They weren’t evangelists.
They were, they were, you know, the rabbis of the time had disciples.
It wasn’t just Jesus, he had the disciples, but they had disciples and they’re disciples.
You can go to Israel now and you can see you go, you go not so much Galilee, but you go to Jerusalem.
You’ll see all the orthodox Jews there and sometimes you go by the wall and you’ll see them gathered around their rabbi.
They, they, most of them had students, had scholars, religious students. But Messiah has fishermen.
Regular common, everyday blue collar lower class. None who were especially dynamic by themselves.
None who were especially holy when the Lord called them. None who were especially anything.
But these are the ones he called to change the world, mostly fishermen. Why did he call them?
He called them or why did they become the disciples?
Because they were, they were gonna say yes, they were gonna answer the call because they came, he called them.
They came. We don’t know if he called others. They didn’t come, but he called them.
They dropped their nets and came. So who are the great ones of God?
Who are the ones who changed the world?
Not the, the ones who are the smartest necessarily or the, or the most powerful or the most anything.
Those who simply say yes to God and keep saying yes. Those who give their biggest yes to God.
They’re the ones, they’re, they’re gonna be the great people, the great men of God, the great women of God who touch the world.
And that’s you. If you say yes and keep saying yes and give a strong yes.
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