3 Golden Signs And Jonathan Cahn’s Word For The Year

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3 Golden Signs And Jonathan Cahn’s Word For The Year 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Last Supper was a Passover Seder. Every Passover contains a special mystery linked to the unleavened bread, the Matzah. The second matzah of a “trinity” of matzahs was called the “Afikomen.” The Afikomen is broken, wrapped in a cloth like a shroud, and hidden away. The children search for it and Passover can only continue when they find it. This same matzah Messiah lifted up 2,000 years ago and said, “This is My body…” Afikomen is a Greek word that can mean, “He Who Comes.” The Afikomen stands for Him who comes, the second of the Trinity, whose body is broken, shrouded in cloth, hidden away, and without which, everything comes to a halt. Every year, the Jewish people search for the Afikomen. Without knowing it, they search for Yeshua, Jesus. When they find Him, the Kingdom will come. Pray that they find their Bread of Life, and that you never lose sight of your Bread of Life. When you lose the Afikomen, everything becomes empty and life comes to a halt. Keep His presence in the center of your life and you’ll always be filled with the bread of His presence.

Now, I want to get to the central word, the final word, but the central one, I’m going to present it to you in a way that I have not presented a word before or kind of, I’m gonna present a kind of backwards and how it came to me this week.
I knew I had to receive, I had to pray for the words for the year and I was ministering in Illinois and a man comes up to me and gives me a coin, a special coin and on the coin is a scripture.
I see the scripture and I said, whoa and I did, I covered this up just so I could reveal it at the time in the message.
So this is what he gave me, gives me this coin scripture on it, made of metal words and graves.
And the thing is it was the same scripture that I got just before because before this, within a few weeks before somebody gives me another object, it’s this, it’s a cube and the cube has a scripture on it.
Same scripture as this both engraved in metal, both the exact same verse on it.
I will tell you in a moment.
But before I got this, I got something else, somebody gave me a gift and it was this metal engraved with the scripture, same exact scripture.
So I mean, I I don’t usually get scriptures in metal and the same one, it says the Bible says two or three witnesses.
I got a, got a coin or a medallion, got a cube and got, got this.
And what is it?
The scripture on each of them is this put on the full armor of God so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
The medallion has the scripture around it on each and here it has here it has all the things that you put on and it has the in the middle, you couldn’t see it.
But is the armor of God.
The cube on each side has this is a shield, a helmet, a breastplate, all these.
That’s what the six sides of the cube are.
And this the full armor of God, the helmet, the breastplate, the belt, the shoes, the sword and the shield is the whole thing put on the full armor of God.
I think God knows how to make a point. God knows how to get things across.
You could be very dense, I could be dense, but it’s hard to ignore this.
We can’t ignore it. This is gonna follow what I shared on Friday night.
Let me read the entire passage.
Finally, Ephesians six finally be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the full armor of God so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the of the enemy.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, the powers against the world forces of this darkness, against spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places.
Therefore, take up the full armor of God so that you’ll be able to resist in the day of evil.
Having done all stand firm, stand firm.
Therefore, having girded your loins with truth, the belt of truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, having shot your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
In addition to all take up the shield of faith by which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God with all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the spirit.
And with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints and pray on my behalf that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth to make known with boldness, the mystery of the gospel, for which I’m an ambassador in chains that in proclaiming it, I may speak boldly as I ought.
Now, it may not be the scripture I would have chosen, but I’m not choosing it because it implies a fight.
Warfare and who wants warfare. But I got it three times in metal.
The scripture is one of great power of great encouragement.
The fight is there anyway, you can’t avoid the fight problems. You can’t avoid them conflict, challenges.
It’s part of life. It’s part of being in the kingdom.
It’s even part of being outside the kingdom, except that you’re on the wrong side.
But you are on the right side.
And in the big picture, the times in which we live morality, culturally, socially, spiritually, the fight is in full force.
People of God, even with the reprieve we have for the moment.
The fight against the ways of God is that full throttle.
The fight over religious freedom, over morality, over marriage, over gender, over Israel, over Jerusalem over the gospel is raging.
If we don’t fight, we’re saying yes to evil. If we don’t fight, we’re saying yes to bondage.
If we don’t fight, we’re saying yes to defeat.
If the light does not fight, it’s giving the victory to the darkness, not only culturally, not only in the society but personally, in your life, you’ve got an enemy.
You have to fight. If you don’t fight, you’re giving him free reign to hinder you to enslave you to keep you in bondage, to paralyze you, to keep you in fear.
A slave is not a fighter, a fighter is not a slave.
If you don’t fight, you become a slave. If you fight, you’re free.
I mean, even, even armies that went down fighting, they went down free.
You have a fight, you have an enemy but you’ve been given, look what they say.
You’ve been given power upon power, upon power to stop him from winning and to enable you to have victory.
But you have to fight. As I shared on Friday, don’t fear the fight.
I didn’t share the scripture but I shared what I had for the rest. Don’t fear this fight.
Don’t be intimidated by the fight. Never give up. Embrace the fight. Get into the fight.
Believers want to live a victorious life. You wanna live, you want a victorious life, you cannot live.
It is impossible to live a victorious life unless you have a fight to have victory over.
The only way to have a victorious life is to embrace the fight, fight the fight by the power of God.
Just a few days ago, we got hit with a kind of crazy attack in the bureaucratic realm but crazy and I’m dwelling on this thing, how to or on this issue.
How did, how do we deal with this?
And it hit, it hits me concerns the exact the attack concern the exact area that we prayed to move forward in to higher ground this year.
And I thought of course, of course, it is the enemy attacks, the very same area that you are called to advance in and to have victory in when the enemy attacks don’t get discouraged because there’s a reason for the attack.
It will all the attack will often be a clue to the area that you are to have victory in that you are to actually advance in.
I mean, come on, think about warfare.
Of course, the enemy attacks where he knows the, the troops that are going, that are gonna bring victory to the other side.
Of course, he does. So when the enemy attacks take it as a sign and often the area that he’s attacking is the area that you’re to have actual, not defeat but more victory in the most famous battle of the civil war was the battle of Gettysburg.
In that battle. A college president who had joined the Union army named Joshua Chamberlain with his men, took a little hill called little round top.
It was one of the most crucial sites of the battle. If not the most crucial.
If the confederate army could take it, they could have changed the entire outcome of the battle.
It was the high ground and they came to take it.
They came in waves and Chamberlain and his men found themselves outnumbered, outmanned and they were down, their ammunition was running all out.
It was virtually finished. It was certain defeat. A massacre was waiting to happen.
But then Chamberlain did something that surprised everybody.
He ordered his men who were running out of their ammunition without ammunition to begin running down the mountain with empty guns screaming, shouting, shouts of victory.
They start running down the mountain without ammunition. Nothing.
It’s all a bluff and the enemy goes into confusion and without ammunition, they win the victory.
They decided to do something unthinkable to turn the enemy’s attack around from defeat to victory.
You got to do the same thing.
People of God, the area that the enemy is attacking you in is the area not only you are not to retreat in, but you are to take the fight in, not just defend but actually advance in it.
Take new ground in it, have breakthrough in it.
So when it happens, don’t panic, don’t fear, don’t get discouraged. You are more than a conqueror.
Turn it around. I remember when the town, when we lost the vote and it was all over on the building and we were so discouraged, but then just something welled up in me.
It had no reason. It had no earthly reason at all because we were told it was impossible from now on.
And it just said, no, we are gonna fight, this is the enemy and we’re fighting and God gave us the victory.
You know, we just saw a film on Winston Churchill, Winston Churchill, you know, you know England was was, was being overwhelmed.
Hitler took the whole continent of Europe. It was hopeless.
The entire, the entire English army was going to be wiped out.
They were, every nation had fallen, not one nation had stood within months, everything fell and it was hopeless for England.
And they were telling Churchill make a deal with Hitler, make peace.
But if you do that, what’s gonna happen is Hitler is gonna take the island.
And Churchill said no, no matter what, even if we go down fighting, we’re fighting because we are not giving into evil.
And because of that, if he had given in, if he had not fought, if that one man and and had not stood, all history could have been changed.
And if they had not fought, they would have been enslaved. So it is in your life.
If you don’t fight, you’re accepting it, don’t accept what the enemy has done.
Don’t accept what the enemy has given us. His terms, don’t accept it.
You have, you’re going to be used in great and mighty ways.
You have to take up the fight. You gotta prepare for the fight, you gotta have a fighting spirit.
It’s a good fight. It’s the fight that God’s people always have to take up.
Abraham had to take up the fight of faith in order to enter the promises, Jacob had to wrestle with the angel in order to receive the blessing.
Joseph had to fight the fight of hope against discouragement to fulfill the calling on his life.
Moses had to fight the fight against slavery in Egypt to lead the people to freedom against high powers.
Joshua and his generation had to fight the giants in the land in order to take the promised land, Gideon had to fight the MidNite all against all odds.
Elijah had to fight a kingdom of evil to see the miracle of God and the fulfillment of his calling.
David had to fight Goliath against all odds to become king.
The Maccabees had a fight against overwhelming odds to drive out evil from the land and restore the nation to God.
The disciples had to fight against the odds of the Roman Empire to fulfill the great commission.
But they did and they changed the world.
If any of these had not fought the fight, they would not have won, they would not have entered in, they would not have overcome, they would not have received, they would not be free and you never would have heard of them.
Do not fear the fight.
People of God do not fear the problem, do not fear the challenge, do not fear the enemy.
Every fight, every problem, every challenge will be a doorway to a victory, to a miracle and an inheritance in your life.
See it that way. Now you’re a fighter, you’re not a conqueror.
You are more than a conqueror. Take up the fight.
Don’t accept the bondage fight, the fight, don’t accept the sin in your life.
Fight the fight don’t accept the enemy’s attack on your walk. Fight for your walk. Fight for your calling.
Don’t accept the enemy’s attack on your family on your marriage. Fight for it.
Don’t accept any evil fight for it and never give up. Don’t take it anymore.
You’re not a slave fight. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the full armor of God, man of God.
Woman of God, put on the full armor, gird up your belt of truth, fasten your breastplate of righteousness, tie up your sandals of God’s will strap up your helmet of salvation.
Lift up your shield of faith, take up your sword of the spirit, which is the word of God for the fight is for your sake, for your calling and for your blessing.
And if you fight the good fight this year, you will have victory this year for you have been appointed for nothing less than victory.
Amen. Then amen to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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