Your Wait is Over – Understanding The Anointing
Your Wait is Over – Understanding The Anointing
In this third volume of The Greater Works series, Dr. Winston brings a revelatory message that gives believers a clear understanding of how the anointing functions, how to value the anointing through the Word of God, and how honoring the anointing brings protection into your life. Let this dynamic teaching reveal to you how the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of the anointing will flow in your life and equip you to do the greater works God has called you to do!
I pray that you will experienced God’s strength and presence in a
whole new way this month. That you will conquer your battles, achieve your goals and find joy in the simplest of things. Amen.Is going to be a month filled with good news, blessings, healing, peace
and breakthrough. God will come through for you. This will be a month
to remember.
whole new way this month. That you will conquer your battles, achieve your goals and find joy in the simplest of things. Amen.Is going to be a month filled with good news, blessings, healing, peace
and breakthrough. God will come through for you. This will be a month
to remember.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, Ministries, partners and viewers up next on the believer’s block of faith that anointing is on you and the enemy you feel in the make you look at yourself.
Look at your body, look at your hand, look at something, look at your grades in school, look at your print in time, whatever it is that’s in your background.
He’s gonna have you look at it, but you got to forget that and replace that with you are an ambassador.
The anointing of God needs the faith of God to flow.
I’ll say that again. The anointing of God needs the faith of God to flow.
No faith, no float.
God does nothing apart from faith in the earth.
No, that being the case.
Faith does not work in unrighteousness.
Now you gotta get this. Faith does not work in unrighteousness.
The Bible says all unrighteousness is sin, all of it.
So it doesn’t work in unrighteousness. No faith, no flow, want that.
Ok. So I need this flow. Are you follow what I’m saying?
The Bible says in Ecclesiastes and chapter eight and verse four where the word of a king is, there’s power, there’s miracle working ability.
Now, why, why, why would I say that? Because this king sees himself.
I’m just using him for that.
He sees himself righteous, himself, righteous, meaning, you know, the expression, a king can do no wrong.
That’s where they got that from. That’s where he sees himself.
So he decreases things. A king does.
And the Bible says in job chapter 22 verse 28 thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established.
Say amen to that for you to get maximum performance out of this. Anointing that is on you.
You need a superiority consciousness. One night, I was in Minnesota, we were praying.
Uh It was Saturday night, we had started a church there and that’s when I was still with I B M and I said, Lord, I need this message and I need a message for tomorrow.
This is Saturday night. It’s getting late 12 noon, 12 midnight.
And so I’m and, and I’m starting to beg now God give me a message, the people.
I mean, I’m shedding a tear. The people need a message.
Lord, he said, what are you doing right there? I knew I was in trouble.
I said, I’m trying to get a message. He said, is that the way you come before me?
You see what I’m saying? See the Bible says, you have not because you ask not.
And then when you ask, you ask a miss you ask out of line with the word God’s not gonna go out of line with the word he said, come what?
Bowling? And that’s you gonna have to do? I said, well, all right then.
Well, in the name of Jesus, I need to before I could get it out, it’ll come to work.
I had to come like a king. I couldn’t come like a beggar.
And I’m telling you that anointing is on you and the enemy’s job is to make you feel inferior.
Make you look at yourself.
Look at your body, look at your hair, look at something, look at your grades in school, look at your prison time, look what whatever it is that’s in your background.
He’s gonna have you, do you look at it but you got to forget that and, and, and replace that with you are an ambassador.
Now watch this. An ambassador is protected.
Matter of fact, wherever he is is his own nation’s jurisdiction.
An ambassador lives in that country that he sent to like his country who sent him.
I’m saying if America sends an ambassador to another country, that’s the way he’s gonna live.
He’s gonna live according to America, he is not gonna live in some hut according to a country that he went into.
Got it. So I’m saying when God sends you out and Paul calls you an ambassador, then you’re gonna live according to heaven.
Watch this. No sickness in heaven.
So any time you get sick or hurt or whatever have you, something takes place.
God’s gonna heal you right down the spot. Say amen. Why?
Cause he’s gonna have you finish your work with joy.
God, there’s nothing but joy in heaven for you. Say amen to that.
So notice you got the, you got the nature of God inside of you.
The Bible says you are his offspring. Say amen to that. You got his maturity in you.
You got his mind. The Bible said, you have the mind of who Christ.
That’s the same mind that created the world. You got that same mind in you right now.
Paul said, let this mind be in you. That was also in Christ, Jesus say amen to that.
Not only that, but you got the same power in you.
You got the anointing in you that can fix you but anything listen, you scratch your finger, something happens and in time it’ll heal up.
Am I right about it? And if you scratch your, your organ, if you something happens to you, God gotta wait, Lord have mercy.
Can I go into this for just a minute?
See God, God has made it so that you are custodian over the whole earth.
I wanna say owner, but that’ll get some of y’all out of joint you.
God has made you an owner with stewardship responsibility. He put it up.
He said in Psalms chapter 1 15 and verse 16. He said, heavens, even the heavens of the Lord.
But the earth has he given to who Children of men? Now? He’s giving you the earth.
But he’s, there’s some problems in the earth. Psalms chapter 82 verse one, please.
There are some problems that are going on in the earth.
He said, God, send us in the congregation of the mighty and judges among the gods.
How long will you judge unjustly except the person of the wicked?
He said, defend the poor and fatherless, do justice to the affected and needy. Watch this.
He said, deliver the poor needy, rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
They know not, neither will they understand why? Because they’re walking in darkness.
All the foundations of the earth are out. Of course. He said, well, wait a minute.
Have I said, you are God and all of you are Children of the who?
But he said, if you don’t accept this, you’re gonna die like men.
Now my point to you is we can get a hold of God. Put it up there.
Please mark chapter 11 verse 24.
This thing you got to see how it ties in together because the earth is yours.
I said the earth is yours. He said, therefore, I send to you what things soever you desire.
When you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them. That’s called a blank check.
I said, that’s called a blank check, see everything God’s gonna do for you. He’s already done.
Come on, come on with me. Everything he’s gonna do for you is already done.
The Bible says, God inhabits eternity. So God with God, he’s an eternity where there is no time.
The Bible said one day as a, as a one day with the Lord, is that 1000 days and 1000 days is one day.
It doesn’t make any difference what you’re talking about. 1000 years or one day. That same to God, why?
Because God put time in the earth so that time can tell you what time it is.
What he did with it is. He’s above time.
So he’s seen the end from the beginning and he’s got what you need at the end already in the warehouse.
And when you take Mark 11 24 you make requisition and you call for what you need when you need it, but it’s not only there for what you need, what you need to minister to somebody else.
God has put up billions to finance your ministry.
It doesn’t make any difference what you need folks. It’s all right that say amen to this.
Oh Lord Jesus. See, we, we, we, we, we tend to think, see when he gave you the earth, he knew there were going to be problems.
So he’s laid up a solution.
The Bible says over in Proverbs chapter two, he’s laid up sound wisdom for the righteous.
He’s laid it up so that you can get a strategy as to how to fix this thing.
Now, the enemy has called the problem, but God’s going to undo it.
He’s going to undo whatever the devil did in your life.
I tell you before this session is over, before this series is over.
You will have some things undone because it was a devil that did it.
Not only are you gonna have him undone?
But he gonna pay, you gonna pay you?
Are you follow what I’m saying?
See, he ripped some of us off and we don’t even know he ripped us off.
All you know is that you still broke but God knows what happened.
What this and this is what he said over in Genesis 31. I’ve seen all that has done to you.
See, God keeps records. He, he keeps records.
He got records of every thing that’s been done to you since you’ve been on the face of this earth and you about to get paid.
Come on that you about to get paid.
All right, let me uh put that script up there.
Now this, this is Genesis Genesis chapter 20 and verse three.
Put that one up there first in Genesis chapter 20 and verse three says what, what it says here.
But God came to Bile in a dream. Now, Bila took Abram’s wife. God ain’t hearing that.
He’s not hearing him take your wife, your husband your Children. Come on your business.
He’s not hearing them take anything. If devil has harassing you at all. God’s gonna put an end to it.
Do you believe that? Because that’s where we’re going now?
But look what it says here in the dream by night and he said to him behold now, but a dead man for the woman, that’s what you have taken.
She’s another man’s wife now, therefore, restore the man’s wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for you that you shall what live I mean, don’t mess with him.
No, don’t mess with Bill.
Don’t mess with, ok. Now.
Now I’m gonna show you he had to pay him back, put the new living up there or whatever translation we use.
All right, look here, look at this and said, look over my land and choose any place where you would like to live.
And he said to Sarah, look, I’m giving your brother 1000 pieces of silver in the presence of all these witnesses.
And this is a to compensate you for any wrong I may have done to you and this will settle any claim against me and your reputation is clear.
You see what you’ve done? See, you didn’t rely on the court system of the world because it’s some judges that ain’t just but you went to another system.
God says I’m the judge. I will make them repaid and I’m about to say you about to get paid.
Everything that the devil has done to you has shamed. You had come on stolen from you.
You’re about to get it back with interest.
Now, let’s get a couple more things, say I can do all things through Christ, which strengthen me.
Now, what is He saying here? All right.
He saying that now what’s happening is God has now got its show that you have something called potential.
You have something called potential and God is going to use you to do some mighty things.
Now, you have to understand God knows what your potential is.
So when God thinks about you, he doesn’t think about you, except in terms of your potential.
Even some of the things that have not yet manifested.
God knows He put that in you and He knows what you can do.
Say amen to that. As a matter of fact, you will burst out of God and He He has given you part of his potential and you are wired clover to God to operate like him.
See, I’m wired to operate like my father.
Now, if you’ve accomplished something, you can enjoy that and you can appreciate it, but don’t get hung up on it.
Wow, because God’s got some more for you to do.
Paul said it like this.
I count not myself to have apprehended Philippians chapter three verse 13, but there’s one thing I do watch this, forget it.
Paul knew that sometimes the past can hold you in the past.
So now the past, he no longer used it to motivate him.
He was strictly looking at the future. Say amen.
Now you can do that and, and, and that’s fine, but God has big plans for you because there’s a big God inside of you and he’s sent to you to do big things.
There’s a lot of bigness going on.
God gave you potential to dominate the earth and everything in it.
Say amen to that so you can rule it, you can subdue it and you can keep it under because you have the potential to make that happen.
Say amen to this. No, because people have not learned to live by faith and release the anointing that’s inside of them.
Then a lot of what God wants to do in this earth has not been done.
In fact, because of the lack of the manifestation of the sons of God.
The world has experienced chronic insufficiency. Folks.
What happened when they had all the people there? And Jesus had said, feed them right there.
The disciples start counting up their little money, didn’t they? But they, they hadn’t experienced heaven supply.
There is a whole supply that the enemy uses.
If a person cannot access that, then he will dry up certain communities. So what am I saying to you?
I’m saying that your season has come.
I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.
That’s what he said First Kings chapter 18 Rain symbolizes the what the anointing.
So when that anointing comes, restoration takes place, leadership is developed.
Come on, all these things is going to turn you into another person and signs wonders and miracles are going to take place.
Now let me say this. Here was a man waiting by the pool of Bethesda John chapter five and he was there.
How many years? 38 years he was waiting for the angel to come down and serve the pool for it.
Said that in a certain season, the angel came down, stirred up the water and when he did, whoever jumped in first was made whole, nobody else got healed.
Jesus came over to the man and asked him a question.
Do you want to be made whole? The man said, sir, I have no man.
When the water is trouble, see he’s still thinking the water. But God is a healer.
Jesus said to the man, what rise?
Come on, take up your bed and walk and immediately the man rose up, took up his bed and start walking.
Now, what am I saying? That your weight is over?
You do see because you’re in a different season.
Oh, yeah, the sound of the abundance of rain.
Put up that Amos chapter nine, please.
And chapter nine and verse 13, let’s put it up in the message translation, please. Yes, indeed.
It won’t be long. Now God’s decree, things are going to happen so fast, gonna make your head swim.
I’m saying right now your weight it’s over.
I said your weight, it’s over.
This man was there for 38. But when Jesus came, his wait was over.
When the anointing showed up. Here’s a woman that had been, had an issue of blood. How many years?
12 years. But when she heard come on of Jesus, here’s David come to the front line.
They had been fighting for 40 days, but David came forth and he said, I can take it.
I got a lion. I got and I can take him to and he walks to the front line and this is what he said this day.
Can’t you see what I’m saying? He told Israel your way.
It’s over. How about when Moses showed up down now with pharaoh?
See Pharaoh thought he could hold him off and stole him and so forth.
But no, no, no Pharaoh said, let my people go. I mean, that’s what Moses said.
Pharaoh said, no, that’s my economy. You ain’t gonna take my people. Here’s what Moses said. Pharaoh.
This day, the wait is over. I got to get God’s people out of here.
I’m telling you we’re on a timetable here.
The wait is over that God is gonna do some things.
Look what he says in Isaiah 65 24. He said it shall come to pass that. What before you call?
Come on, I will answer and while you are yet speaking.
I’m gonna hear you all I’m saying is you sit in the waiting room waiting to see maybe a physician or the dentist or whatever have you?
We’ve got on the phone and it’ll tell you how much wait time you got.
We’ll be with you in 20 minutes or if you’re waiting on payday, you, oh, Jesus, I’ve run out of money.
When is payday or if you’re waiting on a job, boy, I can hope I can get this job or if you’re waiting on a husband.
Oh Lord. If you wait on healing, if you’re waiting on, I don’t care what it is. You wait.
I said you’ll wait.
It is over. Doesn’t make any difference what you’ve been waiting on.
You’ve been waiting on that lawsuit to close or that paycheck to come.
Come on, waiting on that healing to manifest. Come on.
You’ve been waiting on these people to move out from over you in this.
I don’t care what it is. Your wait is over. Your wait time is zero.
To order today’s series Understanding the anointing on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four.
Call us at 1 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org.
Let this dynamic teaching reveal to you how the burden removing yoke destroying power of the anointing will flow in your life and equip you to do the greater works God has called you to do order.
This must have series today. Hello, Bill Winston here.
Now, I trust that you’ve been blessed by the day’s message.
I’d like to take a moment to share a couple of testimonies with you that they have come from our prayer call center.
We have a call center that’s set up to pray with people who would call in.
We created this center for you, the partners, the viewers, those who would call in need prayer for any matter, it doesn’t make any difference.
We want to pray with you, stand and agree with you whatever we need to believe God for you, for the thing that you need God to do in your life.
Now, here is a testimony that was given to me. This came in from Florida.
This particular person had a family member that was in a coma.
They had been in a coma for two weeks and that this family member was, the family was being challenged as to whether to take the person off of life support or just leave them on.
Well, this one person decided to call the prayer center here at Bill Winton Ministries and that prayer minister prayed with them and believe God for that person’s deliverance or that person to come out of that coma.
Well, shortly after the family called this person and reported that the sister, the dear sister that was in a coma, opened her eyes and woke up and then ask for a drink of water.
Now, they asked what time that this sister called the person? What time did they pray for?
This dear sister in the hospital? They prayed at 11 16 AM in the morning.
And that is the exact time the sister woke up from a coma that she had been in for two weeks.
Praise God, let me give you another one. This type of testimony comes from Illinois.
This particular person called for prayer, uh for their godmother.
Now, she had stage four cancer and was going to have surgery.
Now, after they had rece he received prayer from the prayer call center, the doctor started the surgery but could not any longer find cancer in this person’s body.
Now, these are actual testimonies that have been coming in.
So I’m just saying here that if you need prayer, if you need somebody to agree with you, we’ve got people that know how to get hold of God.
I’m telling you, see, God’s plan is that we all be healed. God’s plan that we all be delivered.
God’s plan that we all have enough abundance or whatever have you.
So if you’re going through something that isn’t God’s plan, and in other words, there’s something in your situation there that you know is not God’s will for your life, call that prayer center.
They’re standing by these folk know how to pray and as you pray with them, and they agree with you, we gonna believe God that every need of your life is gonna be met.
Well, remember we’re here for you and the prayer call center is available. We love you.
And this is Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
Look at your body, look at your hand, look at something, look at your grades in school, look at your print in time, whatever it is that’s in your background.
He’s gonna have you look at it, but you got to forget that and replace that with you are an ambassador.
The anointing of God needs the faith of God to flow.
I’ll say that again. The anointing of God needs the faith of God to flow.
No faith, no float.
God does nothing apart from faith in the earth.
No, that being the case.
Faith does not work in unrighteousness.
Now you gotta get this. Faith does not work in unrighteousness.
The Bible says all unrighteousness is sin, all of it.
So it doesn’t work in unrighteousness. No faith, no flow, want that.
Ok. So I need this flow. Are you follow what I’m saying?
The Bible says in Ecclesiastes and chapter eight and verse four where the word of a king is, there’s power, there’s miracle working ability.
Now, why, why, why would I say that? Because this king sees himself.
I’m just using him for that.
He sees himself righteous, himself, righteous, meaning, you know, the expression, a king can do no wrong.
That’s where they got that from. That’s where he sees himself.
So he decreases things. A king does.
And the Bible says in job chapter 22 verse 28 thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established.
Say amen to that for you to get maximum performance out of this. Anointing that is on you.
You need a superiority consciousness. One night, I was in Minnesota, we were praying.
Uh It was Saturday night, we had started a church there and that’s when I was still with I B M and I said, Lord, I need this message and I need a message for tomorrow.
This is Saturday night. It’s getting late 12 noon, 12 midnight.
And so I’m and, and I’m starting to beg now God give me a message, the people.
I mean, I’m shedding a tear. The people need a message.
Lord, he said, what are you doing right there? I knew I was in trouble.
I said, I’m trying to get a message. He said, is that the way you come before me?
You see what I’m saying? See the Bible says, you have not because you ask not.
And then when you ask, you ask a miss you ask out of line with the word God’s not gonna go out of line with the word he said, come what?
Bowling? And that’s you gonna have to do? I said, well, all right then.
Well, in the name of Jesus, I need to before I could get it out, it’ll come to work.
I had to come like a king. I couldn’t come like a beggar.
And I’m telling you that anointing is on you and the enemy’s job is to make you feel inferior.
Make you look at yourself.
Look at your body, look at your hair, look at something, look at your grades in school, look at your prison time, look what whatever it is that’s in your background.
He’s gonna have you, do you look at it but you got to forget that and, and, and replace that with you are an ambassador.
Now watch this. An ambassador is protected.
Matter of fact, wherever he is is his own nation’s jurisdiction.
An ambassador lives in that country that he sent to like his country who sent him.
I’m saying if America sends an ambassador to another country, that’s the way he’s gonna live.
He’s gonna live according to America, he is not gonna live in some hut according to a country that he went into.
Got it. So I’m saying when God sends you out and Paul calls you an ambassador, then you’re gonna live according to heaven.
Watch this. No sickness in heaven.
So any time you get sick or hurt or whatever have you, something takes place.
God’s gonna heal you right down the spot. Say amen. Why?
Cause he’s gonna have you finish your work with joy.
God, there’s nothing but joy in heaven for you. Say amen to that.
So notice you got the, you got the nature of God inside of you.
The Bible says you are his offspring. Say amen to that. You got his maturity in you.
You got his mind. The Bible said, you have the mind of who Christ.
That’s the same mind that created the world. You got that same mind in you right now.
Paul said, let this mind be in you. That was also in Christ, Jesus say amen to that.
Not only that, but you got the same power in you.
You got the anointing in you that can fix you but anything listen, you scratch your finger, something happens and in time it’ll heal up.
Am I right about it? And if you scratch your, your organ, if you something happens to you, God gotta wait, Lord have mercy.
Can I go into this for just a minute?
See God, God has made it so that you are custodian over the whole earth.
I wanna say owner, but that’ll get some of y’all out of joint you.
God has made you an owner with stewardship responsibility. He put it up.
He said in Psalms chapter 1 15 and verse 16. He said, heavens, even the heavens of the Lord.
But the earth has he given to who Children of men? Now? He’s giving you the earth.
But he’s, there’s some problems in the earth. Psalms chapter 82 verse one, please.
There are some problems that are going on in the earth.
He said, God, send us in the congregation of the mighty and judges among the gods.
How long will you judge unjustly except the person of the wicked?
He said, defend the poor and fatherless, do justice to the affected and needy. Watch this.
He said, deliver the poor needy, rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
They know not, neither will they understand why? Because they’re walking in darkness.
All the foundations of the earth are out. Of course. He said, well, wait a minute.
Have I said, you are God and all of you are Children of the who?
But he said, if you don’t accept this, you’re gonna die like men.
Now my point to you is we can get a hold of God. Put it up there.
Please mark chapter 11 verse 24.
This thing you got to see how it ties in together because the earth is yours.
I said the earth is yours. He said, therefore, I send to you what things soever you desire.
When you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them. That’s called a blank check.
I said, that’s called a blank check, see everything God’s gonna do for you. He’s already done.
Come on, come on with me. Everything he’s gonna do for you is already done.
The Bible says, God inhabits eternity. So God with God, he’s an eternity where there is no time.
The Bible said one day as a, as a one day with the Lord, is that 1000 days and 1000 days is one day.
It doesn’t make any difference what you’re talking about. 1000 years or one day. That same to God, why?
Because God put time in the earth so that time can tell you what time it is.
What he did with it is. He’s above time.
So he’s seen the end from the beginning and he’s got what you need at the end already in the warehouse.
And when you take Mark 11 24 you make requisition and you call for what you need when you need it, but it’s not only there for what you need, what you need to minister to somebody else.
God has put up billions to finance your ministry.
It doesn’t make any difference what you need folks. It’s all right that say amen to this.
Oh Lord Jesus. See, we, we, we, we, we tend to think, see when he gave you the earth, he knew there were going to be problems.
So he’s laid up a solution.
The Bible says over in Proverbs chapter two, he’s laid up sound wisdom for the righteous.
He’s laid it up so that you can get a strategy as to how to fix this thing.
Now, the enemy has called the problem, but God’s going to undo it.
He’s going to undo whatever the devil did in your life.
I tell you before this session is over, before this series is over.
You will have some things undone because it was a devil that did it.
Not only are you gonna have him undone?
But he gonna pay, you gonna pay you?
Are you follow what I’m saying?
See, he ripped some of us off and we don’t even know he ripped us off.
All you know is that you still broke but God knows what happened.
What this and this is what he said over in Genesis 31. I’ve seen all that has done to you.
See, God keeps records. He, he keeps records.
He got records of every thing that’s been done to you since you’ve been on the face of this earth and you about to get paid.
Come on that you about to get paid.
All right, let me uh put that script up there.
Now this, this is Genesis Genesis chapter 20 and verse three.
Put that one up there first in Genesis chapter 20 and verse three says what, what it says here.
But God came to Bile in a dream. Now, Bila took Abram’s wife. God ain’t hearing that.
He’s not hearing him take your wife, your husband your Children. Come on your business.
He’s not hearing them take anything. If devil has harassing you at all. God’s gonna put an end to it.
Do you believe that? Because that’s where we’re going now?
But look what it says here in the dream by night and he said to him behold now, but a dead man for the woman, that’s what you have taken.
She’s another man’s wife now, therefore, restore the man’s wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for you that you shall what live I mean, don’t mess with him.
No, don’t mess with Bill.
Don’t mess with, ok. Now.
Now I’m gonna show you he had to pay him back, put the new living up there or whatever translation we use.
All right, look here, look at this and said, look over my land and choose any place where you would like to live.
And he said to Sarah, look, I’m giving your brother 1000 pieces of silver in the presence of all these witnesses.
And this is a to compensate you for any wrong I may have done to you and this will settle any claim against me and your reputation is clear.
You see what you’ve done? See, you didn’t rely on the court system of the world because it’s some judges that ain’t just but you went to another system.
God says I’m the judge. I will make them repaid and I’m about to say you about to get paid.
Everything that the devil has done to you has shamed. You had come on stolen from you.
You’re about to get it back with interest.
Now, let’s get a couple more things, say I can do all things through Christ, which strengthen me.
Now, what is He saying here? All right.
He saying that now what’s happening is God has now got its show that you have something called potential.
You have something called potential and God is going to use you to do some mighty things.
Now, you have to understand God knows what your potential is.
So when God thinks about you, he doesn’t think about you, except in terms of your potential.
Even some of the things that have not yet manifested.
God knows He put that in you and He knows what you can do.
Say amen to that. As a matter of fact, you will burst out of God and He He has given you part of his potential and you are wired clover to God to operate like him.
See, I’m wired to operate like my father.
Now, if you’ve accomplished something, you can enjoy that and you can appreciate it, but don’t get hung up on it.
Wow, because God’s got some more for you to do.
Paul said it like this.
I count not myself to have apprehended Philippians chapter three verse 13, but there’s one thing I do watch this, forget it.
Paul knew that sometimes the past can hold you in the past.
So now the past, he no longer used it to motivate him.
He was strictly looking at the future. Say amen.
Now you can do that and, and, and that’s fine, but God has big plans for you because there’s a big God inside of you and he’s sent to you to do big things.
There’s a lot of bigness going on.
God gave you potential to dominate the earth and everything in it.
Say amen to that so you can rule it, you can subdue it and you can keep it under because you have the potential to make that happen.
Say amen to this. No, because people have not learned to live by faith and release the anointing that’s inside of them.
Then a lot of what God wants to do in this earth has not been done.
In fact, because of the lack of the manifestation of the sons of God.
The world has experienced chronic insufficiency. Folks.
What happened when they had all the people there? And Jesus had said, feed them right there.
The disciples start counting up their little money, didn’t they? But they, they hadn’t experienced heaven supply.
There is a whole supply that the enemy uses.
If a person cannot access that, then he will dry up certain communities. So what am I saying to you?
I’m saying that your season has come.
I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.
That’s what he said First Kings chapter 18 Rain symbolizes the what the anointing.
So when that anointing comes, restoration takes place, leadership is developed.
Come on, all these things is going to turn you into another person and signs wonders and miracles are going to take place.
Now let me say this. Here was a man waiting by the pool of Bethesda John chapter five and he was there.
How many years? 38 years he was waiting for the angel to come down and serve the pool for it.
Said that in a certain season, the angel came down, stirred up the water and when he did, whoever jumped in first was made whole, nobody else got healed.
Jesus came over to the man and asked him a question.
Do you want to be made whole? The man said, sir, I have no man.
When the water is trouble, see he’s still thinking the water. But God is a healer.
Jesus said to the man, what rise?
Come on, take up your bed and walk and immediately the man rose up, took up his bed and start walking.
Now, what am I saying? That your weight is over?
You do see because you’re in a different season.
Oh, yeah, the sound of the abundance of rain.
Put up that Amos chapter nine, please.
And chapter nine and verse 13, let’s put it up in the message translation, please. Yes, indeed.
It won’t be long. Now God’s decree, things are going to happen so fast, gonna make your head swim.
I’m saying right now your weight it’s over.
I said your weight, it’s over.
This man was there for 38. But when Jesus came, his wait was over.
When the anointing showed up. Here’s a woman that had been, had an issue of blood. How many years?
12 years. But when she heard come on of Jesus, here’s David come to the front line.
They had been fighting for 40 days, but David came forth and he said, I can take it.
I got a lion. I got and I can take him to and he walks to the front line and this is what he said this day.
Can’t you see what I’m saying? He told Israel your way.
It’s over. How about when Moses showed up down now with pharaoh?
See Pharaoh thought he could hold him off and stole him and so forth.
But no, no, no Pharaoh said, let my people go. I mean, that’s what Moses said.
Pharaoh said, no, that’s my economy. You ain’t gonna take my people. Here’s what Moses said. Pharaoh.
This day, the wait is over. I got to get God’s people out of here.
I’m telling you we’re on a timetable here.
The wait is over that God is gonna do some things.
Look what he says in Isaiah 65 24. He said it shall come to pass that. What before you call?
Come on, I will answer and while you are yet speaking.
I’m gonna hear you all I’m saying is you sit in the waiting room waiting to see maybe a physician or the dentist or whatever have you?
We’ve got on the phone and it’ll tell you how much wait time you got.
We’ll be with you in 20 minutes or if you’re waiting on payday, you, oh, Jesus, I’ve run out of money.
When is payday or if you’re waiting on a job, boy, I can hope I can get this job or if you’re waiting on a husband.
Oh Lord. If you wait on healing, if you’re waiting on, I don’t care what it is. You wait.
I said you’ll wait.
It is over. Doesn’t make any difference what you’ve been waiting on.
You’ve been waiting on that lawsuit to close or that paycheck to come.
Come on, waiting on that healing to manifest. Come on.
You’ve been waiting on these people to move out from over you in this.
I don’t care what it is. Your wait is over. Your wait time is zero.
To order today’s series Understanding the anointing on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four.
Call us at 1 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org.
Let this dynamic teaching reveal to you how the burden removing yoke destroying power of the anointing will flow in your life and equip you to do the greater works God has called you to do order.
This must have series today. Hello, Bill Winston here.
Now, I trust that you’ve been blessed by the day’s message.
I’d like to take a moment to share a couple of testimonies with you that they have come from our prayer call center.
We have a call center that’s set up to pray with people who would call in.
We created this center for you, the partners, the viewers, those who would call in need prayer for any matter, it doesn’t make any difference.
We want to pray with you, stand and agree with you whatever we need to believe God for you, for the thing that you need God to do in your life.
Now, here is a testimony that was given to me. This came in from Florida.
This particular person had a family member that was in a coma.
They had been in a coma for two weeks and that this family member was, the family was being challenged as to whether to take the person off of life support or just leave them on.
Well, this one person decided to call the prayer center here at Bill Winton Ministries and that prayer minister prayed with them and believe God for that person’s deliverance or that person to come out of that coma.
Well, shortly after the family called this person and reported that the sister, the dear sister that was in a coma, opened her eyes and woke up and then ask for a drink of water.
Now, they asked what time that this sister called the person? What time did they pray for?
This dear sister in the hospital? They prayed at 11 16 AM in the morning.
And that is the exact time the sister woke up from a coma that she had been in for two weeks.
Praise God, let me give you another one. This type of testimony comes from Illinois.
This particular person called for prayer, uh for their godmother.
Now, she had stage four cancer and was going to have surgery.
Now, after they had rece he received prayer from the prayer call center, the doctor started the surgery but could not any longer find cancer in this person’s body.
Now, these are actual testimonies that have been coming in.
So I’m just saying here that if you need prayer, if you need somebody to agree with you, we’ve got people that know how to get hold of God.
I’m telling you, see, God’s plan is that we all be healed. God’s plan that we all be delivered.
God’s plan that we all have enough abundance or whatever have you.
So if you’re going through something that isn’t God’s plan, and in other words, there’s something in your situation there that you know is not God’s will for your life, call that prayer center.
They’re standing by these folk know how to pray and as you pray with them, and they agree with you, we gonna believe God that every need of your life is gonna be met.
Well, remember we’re here for you and the prayer call center is available. We love you.
And this is Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.