You Anointing is in the Anointing of Messiah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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You Anointing is in the Anointing of Messiah

“A nation is turning away from God. Its hedge of protection has been removed. Why? To cause them to turn back, to wake up, to save them from a greater judgment. And what are they doing in light of it? Or rather, what are they not doing? They’re not returning to God? Exactly. Instead of listening to the alarm, instead of turning back, instead of even pausing for a moment to reexamine their ways, they boast their resolve. It was’nt about rebuilding at all. It was about ignoring the warning and rejecting the call to return. So they missed their warning. They did more than just miss it. The defied it. Notice the words. They weren’t vowing just to rebuild what was destroyed, but to make themselves stronger than before, to become invulnerable to any future attack. So what they’re saying is this: We will not be humbled. We will not search our ways or consider the possibility that something could be wrong.”
― Jonathan Cahn

Elijah was anointed to fulfill his ministry.
And when it was finished, Elijah goes up, his mantle falls on Elisha and the anointing falls on Elisha.
But Elisha has a different ministry than Elijah.
And now Messiah comes to the end of his mission on earth and he likewise look the pattern.
He goes up, he goes up. But then where’s the mantle? Because when Moses went up, it went on Joshua.
When Elijah went up, went on Elisha. Messiah goes up and who is it? Is it?
You know, you know, there are people who believe that Peter but no Peter was just one of many.
He was special but one of many, why didn’t it come on somebody? Because Messiah is too awesome.
He’s the one through whom the universe was made. He’s the one, he’s the one through whom you exist.
So when he went up, he didn’t have a math will come on one person.
His anointing fell on all of them. That is the mystery behind Pentecost. That’s the mantle of Messiah.
That’s when the spirit came. That was the mantle. The anointing of Messiah come upon his people.
See the anointing of him is so big and so great that nobody could take it all, but we all have a part of it.
Each of us, you have a part of it. There’s no shortage of anointing.
There’s no, if you, if you don’t feel anointed, you pray for that because there’s no shortage because because he’s without end.
And so there’s no shortage. He is that you find your anointing in the anointed. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn.
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