Yom Kippur, The Day of the End, and the Apocalypse |Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Yom Kippur, The Day of the End, and the Apocalypse
Jonathan Cahn shares on the High Jewish Holiday Yom Kippur, what is yet to come – the “Day” of the End – and a revelation of the Apocalypse. Yom Kippur reveals the mystery of the apocalypse and the amazing blessings the end all leads to.
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn
How do you say take away the veil? Apple, Apple, apocalopsis apocalypse?
So the book of Revelation here, Yonke Pore is the day of the APO Calupso the removing of the veil, and it means in Greek, the apocalypse.
I remember one yumkipur service.
I was a new believer with my father.
I went to synagogue with him on yumkipur, And the rabbi gets up and begins his young Kipporah dress saying it starts out.
I was driving on the road, and I saw a sign that read The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.
I’m thinking, wow, this is amazing. It’s yummy poor, and he he’s talking about the blood of Jesus.
Well, that sign was in front of a church that I was going to.
So I’m in the synagogue, and I’m going to the church.
I’m in the synagogue, and he says, I’ll never forget what he said, though.
He said, The Jewish people don’t need blood to be cleansed from sin.
I’m thinking really, have you ever read the Hebrew Bible? The Torah, the law of Moses.
The whole whole thing is based on the atonement. Without the atonement, there’s nothing else sacrifice.
So I went to the synagogue that had the yum without the kippur.
The day without the atonement.
And then I went to the church that had the kipur without the yum.
It had the atonement, but no day. I’m thinking, why does this confuse it?
But one day it’s all gonna be together. You have it all together.
But the problem in Judaism was the only way god gave for forgiveness of atonement was atonement was the sacrifice.
For 2000 years, there’s been no sacrifice.
So if you say you’re gonna go by the law of Moses, you need a sacrifice.
And if you say you don’t need that, then you’re going against the law of Moses.
Or if you say, well, that’s not needed anymore, then you have to be saying that god made a cosmic change because only god can change the covenant that he gave.
If he changes a covenant or or or fulfills it, we must have a new covenant then.
So there’s the the choice is either come up with a blood or find the new covenant. That’s it.
2000 years. The Jewish people have been without the Messiah without the atonement, and it just so happens that for the same 2000 years, one came 2000 years ago as the Messiah and as the atonement.
And when he came also comes what’s called the new covenant. So it all comes together.
And it was right after he came that the temple just happens to disappear.
The altar, the sacrifices, everything. You don’t get poor. The sacrifice disappears right after he comes.
And the rabbis record in their writings that the sign that it would all disappear was given before it disappeared right around the year 30 AD, which is right around the time that Messiah offered himself up as the final atonement.
Book of Hebrews, Rabbi. It it actually they’re actually bearing witness to the book of Hebrews, what it says.
Yom Kippur, the most central of all the days god gave, points to all these mysteries and all these mysteries point to Messiah.
Only one, yes,hua, known to the world as Jesus.
But Yonquipur also contains the mystery of what is yet to come.
See, for those who know because you if you’re here, you’ve known mystery god set up the entire age as a Hebrew year.
So it all begins with the first the first celebration, Passover, messiah dies on the cross.
Goes through every single one in order, Pentecost, right in order, Hebrew holiday, all that.
And so the what we are now in are the Autumn Holy Days, which are the a mystery to most of the church only because it hasn’t been fetically fulfilled.
Messiah fulfilled the atonement, but there’s a prophetic mystery to each of the feasts.
And and yom Kapoor is yet to come prophetically, there is a day. You don’t get bored.
What I say it’s called, it’s called the day. There is a day that is coming in the end times.
Jom Kapoor as it’s the central day of the bible is gonna be the central day of the end times.
It is the day of the end.
Today, we’re gonna see what yom kippur points to mystery about what is yet to come and times.
And focus. There are deep things here, profound that we’re gonna open. With regard to salvation, that’s fulfilled.
But with regard to prophecy, Yonkipur is the day is the day.
In 1948, Israel came back into the world according to the prophets of the Bible.
According to god’s prophecy, it all said had happened. It happened. 1948. Why? Because Israel has an appointment.
They didn’t just come back to reveal prophecy. They have an appointment with god.
Yonquepour is one of the Moedim tribe. Moedim.
Moedim, you might wanna know if that’s the plural word of Moed is means the appointed time of god.
And Leviticus 23 says, these are the Moa Deem. These are the appointed ones.
Well, Yonkipur is the day of the Moa team. It’s it’s so why is Israel back in the line?
Because they have an appointment, a Moa, a Moaette an appointed meeting with god that is yet to come.
19 67, Israeli soldiers enter the gates of Jerusalem 6 day war.
The Israel comes back to Jerusalem. Why?
Because there’s only one city on earth through which Messiah can come back and will come back when the judicial events.
So we know he’s not coming until the it happens.
But, also, there’s only one city on Earth that yom kip poor can be fulfilled, not in not in Hackensack, not in Rome, but in Jerusalem.
It’s the city of the sacrifice. Israel is back came back to the temple mount.
They’re in charge of the temple mount.
They’ve given it into into the Muslim authority which is kind of crazy that they did, but they did, but they are still in charge over it.
Why? Because the temple is the place of the temple, and the temple must be rebuilt according to prophecy.
Because, you know, Now now don’t you don’t have to get into. Okay. Wait.
If the sacrifices there, but it says they’ll have sacrifices.
But where’s well, even in the kingdom, it talks about a temple, Ezekiel, but but not to be saved, but to memorialize what has been.
Messiah is the the sacrifice, past, present, and future.
But the temple must be rebuilt even for even for the end time prophecies to come true. That’s the temple.
Talks about the antichrist coming in. There has to be a holy voice.
Israel has never returned to the land without building the temple. Never.
And the ultimate day of the temple is Yonkipur, and the new testament requires that see that in that day that there will be an abomination in the temple set up in this place.
So it’s all gotta come back. Now there is a dome of the rock.
As you know, There are Muslim things on there.
One of them might be right on the holy of holies.
So how could it ever be moved, or how could they ever build a temple? Without a third World War.
We don’t know how, but god knows how it was impossible for Israel to come back, but they’re back.
So god knows how to do that against odds.
Amazing that all of a sudden, there are now organization in Israel to rebuild the temple, to to their societies, training the priests to the sons of Aaron, Why?
Because the grade, they have to have a priest, priest, to officiate and on Yom Kippurm.
The in Hebrew, the priesthood call the Kohan name, the sons of Aaron.
You can’t have yom kipur without a temple, really, biblically.
You can’t have a temple without a priesthood, and you can’t have the priesthood without Kohanim.
Cohenim are the descendants of Aram.
But for 2000 years, there’s been no records of who is from the tribes and who is from Aaron, except by the last name.
You there are certain names that indicate priesthood or that the father passed it down to the son and said we are of the priest.
That’s the only way. So in Israel, you cannot it’s illegal to change your name to a priestly name because they wanna preserve that.
But amazing thing in the late 20th century, man has acquired the ability to identify genes.
So they did studies, and they found out that there is a priestly gene in the DNA.
And that priestly gene goes back about 3000 years ago to one man.
That’s just about the time where Aaron lived. The high priest, the brother of Moses.
It traces it all there, and the thing is what they found out is those people with those names and or who have been told by their father’s generation to generation uh, uh, overwhelmingly, they’re likely to have this priestly gene in them.
When I first went to Israel, on the 2 first tour that I led years ago, we’re in the old city, and they took us to a place where they had models of the temple, what had been and what was yet to come.
And a woman was leading the tour through this this kind of museum, and she was Orthodox, European accent, speaking passionately about the temple that is yet to come.
And at one point, she asked a question, and I’m just a face in the crowd.
She didn’t know, you know, because we weren’t it was just there was a crowd of people there.
And I answered it, and and I and I and she says to me she says across the room, she says, you’re a cohen.
You’re a priest. You’re from Aronette.
And everybody looked at each other because there’s no way she would and and I and and I thought she said, I thought she said then to me, I said, yes.
I said she said, I thought she said, how do you know that?
I said, well, my name And she said, no, no. How did I know that?
I said, that’s that’s kinda strange.
So at the end, I go up to the lady And I said, do you do this?
Does this happen? This kind of thing you do here? So she said, she said, no.
It has never happened before. Then she asked me if I was from Israel or from America or, like, meaning, was I with the believers?
You do as a crowd of believers, or was I just I’m an Israeli who wandered off the street.
And I said, um, from wherever she knew I was with I was with them.
I was a believer. She looked at me, and she says, I’m very upset and walked away.
Because she had to make sense of what just happened.
Here she’s the keeper of these things of the temple, and the problem was what happened wasn’t natural.
It was supernatural. So here’s the thing.
If Jesus wasn’t the Messiah, then he would then they as she thinks, orthodox, that he’s a false Messiah, then why would she super lead by the spirit of god, be told that one of his followers is a priest.
He does. But if the spirit of what came if the spirit of god came on her and god can do anything he wants with anybody.
Doesn’t mean she’s saying I’m not saying that.
Then and he’s identifying due to identify then then it means Jesus is the Messiah, or the spirit would not identify a follower as a priest.
So she walked away from me upset. And I never saw her again.
There were people who there were people who were on that tour who witnessed it.
But years later, I’m in Jerusalem, And I’m with, uh, my good friend, one of the founders of the ministry, Gary Seltman, and he kinda came to be at the end of a trip.
We’re walking through Jerusalem, and he spots a man who used to be his bus driver in Israel when he did tours.
And the guy says, come, I wanna show you something. He’s in Israeli.
Takes us to the archaeological side, turns takes us underground, turns out to be the house of the priests in Israel, from the time of Messiah in the 2nd temple.
That’s where the priests were, the quarters, and this is how so we’re there.
And and and it overlooks the temple mount. And we come outside after we’re finished, we come outside.
I look, and I look, and we were underground and where the the the priests were underground that we just walked out of right above it.
The same building is where that woman gave me that supernatural word over the priest where they were.
God preserved the priesthood genetically that they would be there for the last day.
As the Kohaneem have to oversee the appointed times of god and in the temple even that day.
The mystery of yom Kapoor has profound ramifications for Judaism and the church.
You see, it was the absence of this one holy day that transformed Judaism to what it is today.
It was the absence of yom kippur. It created rabbinical Judaism.
Rubinical Judaism was born out of the fact that there was no more sacrifice, no more temple, no more priesthood.
In 70 AD, the temple was destroyed. There was no more way to keep y’all. So what happened?
Most central day, the rabbis gathered in a place called not.
They came up with a new Judaism, a makeshift 1, a backup to cover the fact that there was no more atonement.
They said we don’t need any more sacrifices.
Instead of sacrifices, they’re gonna be replaced by misfas, which means good deeds.
The Bible doesn’t say you can do that.
We are to be of good deeds, but it doesn’t say you can do that.
So instead of the colon increase, we’re gonna focus on the rabbis.
It said the temple synagogue, and we won’t be bound.
We’re not it’s not our faith is not bound to the land anymore because we’re gonna be all over the world because they’re only being scattered.
Instead of being saved by the blood of the sacrifice, the mercy of god, we’re gonna focus on trying to be good.
So Judaism became rabbinical Judaism. Because of yom kippur lacking away from the temple, scattered through the world, but it’s all linked to the absence of the Yongkipur and the temple.
But that means that change is coming because if they when they rebuild that temple, It means Judaism has to be transformed.
You can’t have rabbinical Judaism in the temple.
They they go they go to so so it’s gonna change that the sack profise.
And even a Judaism based on the nation, now it’s gonna be a Judaism linked linked to Israel again and Jerusalem again, But it’s not just that.
It’s the church. The church was affected by it too.
You see, when Israel was destroyed, ancient nation, and the temple was destroyed. It changed the church too.
Why? Because the church was originally was originally centered in Jerusalem.
And even when it scattered out to the nation, the word went all out to all peoples The mother church was in Jerusalem.
The the apostle, the disciples were in Jerusalem, giving sending words, sending teachings, sending messengers, But when the temple was destroyed, that there was a cutoff.
And the and much of the church started losing its roots.
And they start instead of Jerusalem, they started going to Rome. And so it became a separated thing.
So the church has been separated from Israel for 2000 years, but that is ending.
When Israel came back, that was end. That that’s part of the ending of that.
Now the church and Israel true believers and Israel are closer together than they have ever been since the time of Jesus.
And so it’s coming back.
And when the Jew went and when they came back, when the to Jerusalem, in 967, it was even more an explosion a prophecy.
You know, that that also brought forth revival. There was the Jesus movement.
All that was linked in 1967 as the Jewish people returned to Jerusalem and Jewish people started coming back and the church started coming back to Israel altogether.
What does the yom kippur have to do with the end?
What happens on yom kippur? The Jewish people confess their sins. Now now think about this. They repent.
Toshiba at the time of repentance and confession, getting back to god, coming back to god. But think about it.
It doesn’t happen at the beginning of the sacred year. It only happens at the end of the sacred year.
People you think that They’ve heard it’s new years around. It’s not new years.
This is the end of the sacred year in the bottle. So what does that mean?
The mystery is it’s telling you The Jewish people don’t come back to god at the beginning of the year.
They come at the end of the year, so they will not come back at the beginning age, they will come back at the end of the age.
At the end of the age, it is appointed for the Jewish people to come back to god.
As a whole. I mean, there are now Jewish people coming back to the lord, but at the end, they’re all coming back.
At the end, those who are left, the shall be saved. All Israel shall be saved.
What what did Paul say? He spoke of that day that Israel shall be saved. That’s at the end, though.
Repentant coming back comes at the end. What happens on yom Kapoor?
It’s he so yom Kapoor is like a shadow of that day.
Every year, it’s a shadow of what’s gonna happen at the end. And so what happens?
What what what they’re coming back to something? What do they what do you do when you get poor?
They confess their sins. They confessed that.
Now all the first believers were Jewish, but then it faded away, but the big the day is waiting for the end.
The day when they come back and they’re gonna confess their sins at the day that what what the ultimate one is that we we turned away from our messiah.
The end, the in the end, the Jewish people return to god. They return to Messiah.
They come out. What is young good boy? It’s about coming back to god.
Well, god is in Messiah and god are 1, so it’s gonna be coming back to Messiah and coming back to god.
The nation of Israel will itself confess its sin before god.
And so it’s written in the prophet Josea, the children of Israel shall dwell for many days without a king, without a prince, without basically, I’m paraphrasing without a temple saying that that the last 2000 years.
They’re gonna dwell wander the earth.
But after many days, which in the Bible means many, many, many days, they shall return.
Now that word return in Hebrew not only means return re they return to the land. Yes.
But the same word also means repentance. They will return to god.
After many days, they shall return to the land to Jerusalem, and then to god.
They shall return, it says, and they will come trembling to the lord and to his goodness and to David, their king.
David, their king. David’s dead. That was a way of speaking in the Bible of the Messiah, son of David.
In the end, what’s it saying at the last days, the Jewish people will come back to the land.
They will come back to god, and they will come back to their Messiah.
When they realized they look at Isaiah 53 and they stopped denying what it’s about when it says he carried our sorrows.
He was afflicted. He was truck by god for our sins, the punishment that brings us peace fell on him.
And by his stripes, we are healed.
The lord, the stroke that was due to my people he died for. Amazing thing.
There exists in the, uh, yom kippur prayer book that’s been used for centuries all over the city of Gaza.
They they may have put this out. They may have censored this now. But it’s in the book.
I have one of them, and it’s listened to what it says. On yom Kippur, listen.
This is what they say.
I mean, in they they probably don’t do it now, but into the 20th century, it’s in the prayer book.
Our righteous messiah has left us. Left us.
I thought you’re waiting for him to come the first time. Has left us.
We are trickin, we have none to justify us. Messiah’s gonna justify us.
Our sins and the yoke of our transgressions He carries who is wounded because of our sins.
Who are you talking about? He carries on his shoulders the burdens of our sins.
Who are you talking about to find forgiveness for our iniquities For by his stripes, we shall be healed.
On yankapour, From the Jewish rabbinical prayer book, highest holy day.
I mean, god can make it obvious.
You know, I mean, here it is what’s missing the atonement and look at what they’re amazing because 1, it admits I say if any threes talking about the messiah.
2, it speaks of messiah who suffers for our sins, 3, it speaks about Messiah who already came, 4, it speaks about a Messiah who separated from Israel, And 5, it links it all together to yom kippur and the death of the sacrifice.
What happens on yom kippur also? You see that veil? The veil.
You have a veil barriers. Barriers opened up. Open up. There there the veil is gone on Yonquipur.
When Messiah died, fulfilling that the veil was actually torn apart. The veil is gone.
Well, in that in that final day, that day of days, the barrier is gonna be broken.
When the judge will come back to the side, the barrier is gonna be gone.
The way it’s gonna be open.
The barrier between the Jewish people and god for the first, but even the barrier between the church and Israel totally gone 11.
The veils are removed on that day. They will see him face to face.
How do you say Vail in Greek?
Calupus calupsis, like eclipse, eclipse, calypso, calupsis.
How do you say take away the veil? Apple apple applecalupsisapocalypse.
So the book of Revelation here, Yonquepour is the day of the Apo Calupso, the removing of the veil, And it means in Greek, the apocalypse.
The apocalypse means the reveal seeing also reveal.
It’s not it means the taking away of the veil. Revelation. Book of Revelation, apocalypse.
The veil will be removed. Yeah. Paul says it’s waiting to the day.
The veil’s removed, and they will see Messiah.
And and on Yumpke Pours, the only day, man in god face to face, well, on that day, it’s gonna be face to face.
Face to face. That’s the day. Messiah Israel, the world. How will they meet him?
How does god appear on yom kippur? He appears in the cloud of incense.
On that day, he will appear on the cloud. He will come.
The son of man, you will see him coming on the cloud.
On that day, on the clouds of heaven, think about what happens. This is deep.
Think about, but I I have faith in you.
See I have some doubts, but I have faith in him. No.
Think about what happens on young kipur. The priest goes to the altar.
He confesses his sins, applies the blood and the people are blessed. The people’s sins are forgiven.
When he comes to the altar, confesses the sin, and his own sin is part of that.
Israel will think about this now. Israel was called to be the priestly nation.
You are, if you’re born again, you’re grafted into you’re a royal priesthood as well.
But they’re the priestly nation. So think about that. They’re the priest.
So at the end, when they come to Siah, they’re coming to the altar. They’re coming to the cross.
It’s the altar. They’re coming to the altar.
What when that priest comes to the altar, and they’re gonna confess their sins and apply the blood and when they do when the priest does it, the rest of the nation is blessed.
When Israel does it, the whole world is gonna be blessed.
When the Jewish people went Israel comes.
You know, when they do that, you know, what’s gonna happen when they say Barack about when they say, you are when they do that, the whole world is gonna be blessed gonna be blessed.
You see, some people have most people don’t know.
Strangely, yom kippur is has a link in Jewish tradition to a wedding to the Hebrew marriage.
In fact, sometimes brought in grooms fast on the day of your prepare and they wear white.
You wear white on yom kippur. Well, one hand, the David Tollman is about coming together.
It’s about man and god coming together. That’s like a marriage.
But also what happens on what happens on yumkipur that happens on the wedding, the veil is removed.
The bra veil is removed. And so, again, so, again, we go back to that apocalopsis.
You think apocalypse So for many people, they fear the apocalypse, but for us, the apocalypse is the removing is a wedding day.
Today of the bride and groom, Revelation. The bride has made herself ready, and the bride me.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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