Will Trump’s Inauguration Follow in THESE Footsteps? | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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When Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected President, he turned to renowned evangelist Billy Graham with a crucial question: “Where should I open my Bible as I take the oath of office?” Dr. Graham’s response was profound: 2 Chronicles 7:14“If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” This powerful verse underscores America’s spiritual heritage and the importance of faith in governance.

George Washington: A Man of Faith

Was George Washington a Christian? Absolutely. He was a lifelong Anglican, professing his faith and adhering to the Anglican Creeds, which affirm fundamental Christian beliefs, including Jesus as both God and man and the necessity of redemption through His blood. While some question whether he had a personal, born-again experience, his unwavering commitment to Christian doctrine suggests a deep-rooted faith.

Washington never identified as a deist—instead, he frequently spoke of Jesus Christ, the Bible, and divine Providence. In his time, religious language was often formal and ornate, referring to “the hand of Providence” and “the great Author of our faith”—clear references to God and Jesus Christ.

Perhaps more than anyone in his generation, Washington believed America was founded by God’s providence. He saw miracles in the preservation of his life, his troops, and the nation’s hope for freedom. His faith was evident when he took the oath of office as the first U.S. President. Instead of placing his hand on the Constitution, he placed it on the Bible. After completing the oath, he bent down and kissed the Bible in front of the entire crowd—a powerful act of reverence.

Notably, after his presidency, the American people wanted to crown him king, but he refused, stating: “The very reason we fought was to ensure no one man held absolute power.” Washington understood that biblical principles lead to individual liberty and self-governance, rather than a top-down system of rule.

Benjamin Franklin: A Call to Prayer for America

Many assume that Benjamin Franklin was not a Christian, yet he placed great emphasis on prayer. One of his most famous speeches—delivered during the Constitutional Convention—highlighted the power of prayer in America’s founding.

At the time, tensions ran high. The large and small states were at odds, slave-owning and free states were deeply divided, and progress seemed impossible. In this deadlock, Franklin stood up and made a remarkable statement:

“How have we forgotten to pray? If a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without God noticing, how can an empire rise without His guidance? Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”

Franklin proposed that a chaplain be brought in to lead them in prayer. Though the motion did not pass, George Washington led the delegates to a nearby church, where they knelt together, prayed, and recited The Lord’s Prayer. Following this moment of unity and faith, James Madison later testified that everything miraculously fell into place—a testament to the power of prayer.

Washington and the Bible: A Foundation for America

Returning to George Washington’s inauguration, historical records show that he placed his hand on Genesis 49, where Jacob blesses his twelve sons, the ancestors of the great nation of Israel. Washington believed that America, like Israel, could become a great nation under God’s blessing.

Years later, when Dwight Eisenhower was about to take office, he asked Billy Graham for guidance on where to open his Bible. Dr. Graham pointed him to 2 Chronicles 7:14, reinforcing the belief that national prosperity and healing come through humility, prayer, and repentance before God.

This enduring legacy of faith, prayer, and biblical principles remains at the heart of America’s foundation. May we continue to seek God’s guidance and blessings for our nation! Hallelujah!

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