Why You Should Never Forget God’s Miracles X Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Why You Should Never Forget God’s Miracles X Sarah Jakes Roberts

Although you don’t look like what you’ve been through, don’t forget the God who transformed you. Chiiiiile, how are you acting when you come across a place where God came to your rescue? Let this be a reminder to not think small of the miracles He’s done in and through you.

Watch the full “Keep The Faith” Sermon on the TD Jakes Ministries Youtube page.

So god protected you in the car accident.
But did you let that change the way that you see god?
And his love towards you, that I went ahead of you, that I slowed you down, that I made you late on purpose, that I let the car be damaged, but you walk away unscathed because I just Did you let it change the way that you see god?
So when you’re walking in the unknown territory, you don’t act like you’re brand new in this thing because I know God is protecting me.
See, when God shoes. Sometimes we act like he did it on accident, and he may not do it again.
But when you understand the faithfulness of god, you understand that I performed that miracle.
Just so that you could feel good and go back to thinking the way you once thought.
I performed that miracle so that it could change the way that you look at me.
And change what you expect from me, and change how you speak about me, and change how you speak about yourself, and change how you speak about your possibilities.
The miracle I to shake some things up in your life. You’re right. They weren’t happy for you.
You needed that miracle to shake some things up in your life.
Sometimes you don’t know who your friends are until you see the miracle.
Sometimes you don’t know what your potential is until you see the miracle.
And some people Don’t allow the miracle to change In the Old Testament, they had us beat with this.
Whenever there was a miracle in the Old Testament, They marked the spot of the miracle.
Abraham, I said, I’m gonna call this place Jairah because this is the place he provided.
How dare you drive by that intersection that should have taken you out and not take a minute and say, I call this place protection because this is the place.
How dare you walk into that and not give God a praise because this is the place that he provided.
You gotta mark the spot. Someone you got a little too comfortable with your miracle How dare you not look at that child crazy as they are, wayward as they are, and not remind yourself that I prayed for this child?
I has got to help me raise this child. This thing started as a miracle.
Isaac said, I called this place for Hoboth.
For now, the lord has made room for us.
He was looking for a well, and he couldn’t find a well.
And anytime he found a well, somebody else said that this was my well, but he finally found his spot.
He finally found his place. And when he finally found his place, he didn’t act like he had been there.
I don’t care what they say on Instagram. If you act like you’ve been there before, you crazy.
You need to act like I didn’t have no business being here. There was no way I should be here.
And so, yes, may be crazy, but I’m still thanking god for something he did 15 years ago.
I’m still thanking god. Somebody told me I wish you would stop talking about your trauma.
How dare I stop talking about my trauma?
Do you understand that there was no reason why I should even be whoever is that I am, but for some reason, I went back and marked that spot that the enemy missed it for evil, but god missed it for good.
And you can’t make me tatter because he did something for me.
He did something for me a long time ago.
I know some of you are praying that god would do something now, but can we take about 5 seconds and thank god for something he it a long time ago.
God, I got dreams. I got a vision, but god let me take you for something you did 20 years ago your statement.
15 years. That’s all you help me to keep my mind.
Don’t let your miracle get stale.
Because if your miracle gets tail, your faith will gets tail.
But if you can keep that miracle fresh in your you have fresh oil to pull from.
I wanna give you a minute to bring some CPR into a miracle that let Ty on your watch because we got a proof paid from what he’s already done for where he’s calling us to.
I thank I thank you God. I thank you.
I thank you that I didn’t lack. I thank you that the rejection wasn’t the end.
I thank you guys that the divorce was at the end.
I thank you that I really do believe that I’m fearfully and wonderfully man. I thank you for that grandparent.
Think, yeah, I’m mad that you took him, god.
But I gotta be honest that I’m thankful that you even let me have it.
God, I’m thinking that you’re saving me from the bullet. God I’m thankful to kept my mind. God, I’m faithful.
I know I look good. And maybe I smell good, but don’t let this food taste fool you.
I remember where I came up.
Oh, god.
Over and over again. We see god saying scripture.
I am the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why does he keep saying that?
Because when he mentions their name, he has understand that there was issues connected to their journey, but because he was their god and saw them through the other side, sometimes you just need a reminder that you are not just serving an ordinary god.
This is your grandmother’s god.
Uh, this is your grandmother’s god. Who got on knees with arthritis?
Because she believed in the power of prayer. This ain’t no ordinary god.
He didn’t just get here. You just got here. But this God was here yesterday.
He was here 50 years ago. These are our ancestors god.
When they was out in the field, saying, god, I trust you to help me get through the day, and I know I can get through today because the god that saw them through.
If you don’t let the miracle change you, then you’ll be begging god for another miracle.
Because you don’t trust him. God got upset with Israel.
Because he had done so much in the past that they should have had no reason to doubt him.
Man are falling from the sky.
Red Sea split open, and we still in this wilderness going round and round because you don’t trust me.
Yeah. Can we be honest?
Somebody on your own is struggling.
To trust god now with their body, with their family.
With the stage of their life. The same god.
The same god that protected them.
The same god that did it for Abraham Isaac, and Jacob, that same god.
I don’t know if he could do it for me.
And so now I want god to show up strong again and again and again and again instead of asking my faith to increase and rise to the level of his faithfulness.
I need my faith to rise to the level of his faithfulness.
Isn’t that what got Israel in trouble?
Their fear that he would change his mind.
Maybe he would bring me this far, and then not take me any further than here.
Maybe my best days are behind me. Settle Link.
When god still called you the journey, settling.
When god says I still wanna order your steps, settling.
Maybe I can’t be no more healed than this. Maybe I can’t break.
Maybe I can’t shifted for my generation, maybe I’m settling into an identity because it requires too much faith to believe that god is working all things for my good.
I think that part of the reason why god allowed for David to become king.
It’s not because he was perfect.
It’s not because he knew how to work a sling shot.
God allowed David to become king. Samuel tells us because he was a man after god’s own heart.
David knew how to see god.
And when he couldn’t see him, David knew how to search for god.
Sometimes we don’t see god because we’re not searching for him.
But David knew how to take the time to search for god.
Shall I go up, he would say, before engaging in battle, I gotta search for god.
So we sang it even when I don’t see it. You’re working, and that’s true.
But sometimes we don’t see god working because we’re so busy working things out our way that we are to focus on our hands instead of his hands.
I love Hebrews 11 and 6.
I think it encapsulates what it means to be a man after god’s own heart or a woman after god’s own heart.
Yes. One man. Come on now. Hebrews 116. It’s not unfamiliar.
You said, but without faith, it is impossible to please god.
For he who comes to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, seek him.
That’s eyes. That’s what I’m searching for.
How that word in the Greek it means to search out.
And we get upset, and we say things like the enemies after my finances.
The enemies after my marriage, He’s after my business. He’s after my confidence.
I wanna propose something to you. Maybe the only thing the enemy is really after is your sight.
Because if he can change what you’re looking at, if he can change what you’re searching for, then everything else will just happen on its own.
Because whatever you get it give attention to is what is magnified in your life.
That’s why Psalms says, come on and magnify the lord with me.
That means we gotta shift our focus and magnify the lord with me because if I’m not magnifying the lord, whatever I am giving attention to is what I am magnifying.
So you wonder why you keep experiencing rejection after rejection.
Are you experiencing it, or are you searching out for it?
Are you experiencing pain after pain, or are you searching out for it?
Because wherever you set your eyes, you’re gonna experience magnification And so sometimes the only way that you can begin to restore your faith is if you restore your sight.
I gotta start searching for god. That’s what I started doing a few weeks ago.
I was searching for this thing and searching for that thing.
And I was trying to figure this out and trying to come up with this strategy.
And I said, you know what I’m gonna do? I’m a just start searching for God.
God, if you show up in any way at all today, I don’t care if it’s somebody who said, girl, I like your dress.
I’m a say, god, I’m fearfully and wonderfully made because I am so desperate to see god’s show up in my life that I am willing to move through the mess and the mire of what is happening in my world so that I can lay hold if I know that thing came from god.
I hear god saying, seeking you’ll find me.
If you start searching for me, I don’t care how dark it is.
I don’t care how obscure your situation is. If you start searching I’m gonna show up.
2nd Chronicles tells us that when his people were in a situation, he said, you don’t have to worry about how you can get out of this.
There is one solution. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face.
If you would stop seeking everything else and take a minute to seek my face, if they turn from their wicked ways and seek my is I’m gonna show up, not because they were so perfect, but because they started searching for me in the miss of it all.
God, if you’re here, I want you to know that I’m searching. Somebody’s gonna go home searching for god.
Somebody’s gonna go to the job and send searching for someone to piss you off, searching for someone.
If they say one thing to me, I’m a go off on here. I’m a start searching for god.
Matter of fact, I’m a bring god into the mist.
So when someone starts searching for god, they’ll run into me.
I know you thought that was gonna get under my feathers, but I got a refill of the holy ghost.
And so now when you start searching for me, you actually ran into god.
I wanna be so hidden in Christ that when he is raised up, I raised up too.
Yeah. I hear god saying somebody searching for god.
They don’t realize that they’re actually searching for you.
Somebody’s searching for god, but what they’re really searching for is for the god and you to stand up and become a light in the dark world.
And god says as long as everybody’s searching and nobody’s becoming, then we’re gonna up in this secular situation where nobody can get hope, but all it takes is one person who is willing to say.
You know what I found god, and I won’t keep it to myself.
So I’m gonna throw everything that god has given me in the circle of influence so that when anybody is searching for god, they don’t have to search hard.
How god’s gonna do it in the marriage. I hear god saying start searching for him in the marriage.
How god’s gonna do it in the business is when somebody starts searching not for more of the same damage, not for more of the same pain, not for more money, more zeros, more tracks, more followers seek you first the kingdom.
Here, god’s saying, this has been a terrifying year, and we ain’t even out of January yet.
But the enemy is after your focus. The enemy is after your attention.
The enemy is after your sight.
In Genesis, 3, she didn’t eat from the fruit until she saw that the fruit was appealing to the eyes.
It tells us that when the enemy got her eyes. The woman saw that the tree was good for food.
She saw it with her eyes. The enemy was after her focus and attention.
I saw that the tree was good for food, that Nat was pleasant to the eyes, and then she parks who covet.
Because the enemy wants your attention.
Keep waiting on him to mess up.
Wait. This ain’t gonna work out either. He’s got your attention.
And I hear god saying the only way we make it to the other side of this obstacle is not by strategizing on how to attack our enemy.
It’s asking god to restore our focus on him.
Because if he restores our focus on him, it’ll build our faith.
Maybe what you really need is something different to look at.
Maybe what you really need is a miracle. Oh, god. Help me.
Jesus performs all these miracles, and yet only a few of them are documented, and yet the multitudes were drawn towards him, because you don’t necessarily need a miracle to happen to you for a miracle to change you.
Sometimes all you need is the exposure of a miracle to help you build your faith for what god can do in your life.

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