Why You Should Fight To Pray Everyday | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start The Day
Why You Should Fight To Pray Everyday | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start The Day
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Make it a habit to pray in the morning. Make it a habit to pray every evening.
Make it a habit and a routine to pray often and to pray daily.
We sometimes take life for granted. We take god’s protection for it.
But let me tell you that you are most vulnerable when you’re comfortable. Devil loves a comfortable christian.
And god calls a comfortable Christian Lukewarm. And because you’re neither hot nor cold.
You’re neither here or there. There’s no urgency about you, and there’s sure enough isn’t any fire to your prayers.
However, I want to emphasize the importance of prayer.
We need to to watch over us and to protect us.
The Bible says in mark chapter 14 verse 38, Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
You see, when you are comfortable and prayerless, you are in your weakest state as a believer.
And friends, let me tell you something. When you are prayerless, you are vulnerable to spiritual attacks.
You need to understand that the forces of darkness operate in darkness both spiritually and the physical, too.
The devil is cunning, and he certainly doesn’t play fair.
He will wait until you let your guard down, and you are dull in your spiritual senses because of a lack of prayer.
That’s when he will attack.

But today, I want to encourage you and remind you of the protection we have in Jesus Christ.
The devil may try whatever he wants, but we are guarded by Jesus Christ.
We are shielded by Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ has formed a perimeter around our homes.
The angel of the lord encamps at our residence when we call on the name of the other.
I encourage you not to fear whatever comes your way because Jesus Christ is a mighty protector.
He is a savior. Jesus Christ will cover you and block the enemy.
So each and every day, I encourage you to pray for the divine protection that comes only from the son of god.
It’s the kind of protection that rebukes the enemy and exposes his plans.
It gives no power to spiritual attacks.
David, a man after god’s own heart, said in Psalm chapter 01:19 first 62.
At midnight, I rise to praise you because of your righteous rules.
I encourage you to rise up at any time day rise up and praise the lord.
Thank him for all he has done.
Thank him for all he is doing, and for all he will continue to do.
Now let us pray. My your Lord Jesus.
You deserve all the glory, and you deserve to be honored. You deserve to be praised for your faithfulness.
I invite you into my heart and into my home.
May your presence be found in this place I pray that the presence of the Holy Spirit will be strong in my home.
I pray that you would watch over me always.
I pray lord that you would wrap me in your loving arms and keep me safe.
Defend me from every attack of the enemy, lord Jesus.
Protect me from all trouble and all unrest.
Protect me from the evil in this world and preserve me from the attacks of the devil.
I will forever sing praises to your holy name.
I will lift the name of Jesus Christ on high, higher than all of my cares and problems higher than every principality and power of darkness.
Your word in Psalm chapter 57 verse 1 states. Be merciful to me. Oh god.
Be merciful to me. For my soul trusts in you.
And in the shadow of your wings, I will make my refuge until these calamities have passed by.
Indeed, I will be sheltered all the days of my life when I am hidden in your presence.
So I praise you, master. Today, I will cry out to you alone, lord Jesus.
The 1 who performs miraculous works for me. You are my hope and rescue.
I will be at peace, knowing that you have said your word that I should not be afraid for I have you with me.
I should not be discouraged because you Jehovah or my god?
The creator of all the ages who will strengthen me. The only 1 with resurrection power that help me.
I speak with the authority that’s in the name of Jesus, and I declare that no informed against me shall prosper.
No plan or scheme from the enemy will prosper in Jesus’ Instead, lord, I pray that you give me a sound mind.
I before you, lord, with a heart and a mind that is focused on you.
Keep me in your arms Lord Jesus.
Your love and protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see.
I place all of my trust and confidence in you, lord.
In every situation I face, Every battle I face, I will put my trust in you.
Give me ears to hear you master.
Give me ears that are sensitive to your instruction and your guidance.
Give me eyes that will see your goodness always.
I pray for a heart that will always remain faithful to you.
Jesus, you are the solid foundation that my life has been built on.
You are the son of the living god.
You died on the cross for my sins and your blood was dead for me so that I may never be defeated.
I have total faith and confidence in you because even death was powerless to hold you.
When you watch over me, I know that the enemy will be powerless over my life You are my risen savior who has the power to resurrect my spirit and my faith.
Today, lord, I receive your resurrection power and declare that there is no dead thing in my life.
There is no evil that can come near me because the blood of the lamb of god protects me.
I declare that there are no cracks in my nation because Christ is the solid rock I stand on.
Thank you for hearing this prayer. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray.