Why You Should Embrace Financial Freedom X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Victoria Washington

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Why You Should Embrace Financial Freedom X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Victoria Washington

Where are you with receiving God’s gifts for you? Victoria Washington opens up to SJR about her resistance to responsibility, and the narrative it created surrounding wealth. Remember, just getting by won’t stir up His gifts in you.

Watch the FULL “A Valuable Currency with Victoria Washington” episode on the Woman Evolve TV App. For audio-only, head over to iHeartRadio, Apple, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

I don’t have resistance with money. I don’t have a problem making money. I have resistance to responsibility.
And for a lot of women, I grew up personally being responsible for way more than I was ready for way too soon.
Wow. And so my relationship with responsibility was like, I don’t want that. I just wanna survive.
I just wanna get by, and I didn’t realize that that narrative was running how much I was really valuing my self and what what rooms I was putting myself in, how I was using my skills, how I was leveraging the gifts that god gave me, And I remember one time in my kitchen got stopped me, and I heard so clearly, he said, where are you at with receiving my gifts for you?
But I kept focusing on money. Like, god, I’ve been praying for money.
Like, I want the gift of right there cash.
And I just kept hearing him say, well, where are you at with receiving my gifts for you?
The gifts that I gave you to circulate which bring money into form.
My your voice, the the different characteristics that I bestowed within you, I was so focused on making money that I was not focusing on tending to my body, the vessel, and the gift that god gave me to actually go out in the world and do something that was gonna be beyond the survival mode.
So I recognize for a lot of women myself included is that our financial intelligence is directly linked to our body intelligence.
If we’re in survival mode, we can’t make decisions that are gonna be fruitful.
We can’t think beyond that paycheck.
So I had to, as hard as it was, put that down for a second and really go into my body and say, what do you need right now so that you can get into a stabilized state to be able to think clearly and use the gifts that god gave you and leverage them in the world.

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