When I Anointed My Car for Healing! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
When I Anointed My Car for Healing!
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Friday, October 27, 2023 – Choosing Your Shannah
In Hebrew, Shannah means year. It’s also the root of the word second – as in second time or a repeat of the year before. We often live our lives just this way, continuing to repeat the same mistakes, the same habits, doing the things we know we shouldn’t, not making the changes we know we should. We don’t go anywhere. It’s just a Shannah – a repetition of what went before. The word Shannah can also mean, ‘new’ or ‘second chance.’ Each year is given to us as an opportunity for a new beginning, to not make the same mistakes, continue the same habits and make the changes we know we should. It’s up to you to choose which one it will be, a repeat or a second chance for something new. In the power of God he wants this coming Shannah to be something new and different. It’s given to you as something brand-new for overcoming and for victory. In the new birth, all things will become new for you, but you need courage to break out of the repetition and into the newness of life.
And then was that woman, the the canaanite woman who’s a gentiles, not Jewish, Caine and I woman, her daughter is possessed.
She comes after him crying. Please, crying out. Please, and disciples say, get this woman away.
She’s causing a scene. This woman get her away, but she’s the midnight neighbor.
She’s he’s he’s fine. He sees us. You have to heal my daughter.
You have to hear he says, uh but I only came to the children of Israel. He’s testing her.
But she keeps pressing, and he keeps he keeps knock. She keeps knocking.
It looks like god said no, doesn’t it? It looks like the guy said no.
Most of us would be offended and we’d walk out.
Looks like it said god said no, but she keeps knocking.
And he says, is it right to give the children’s bread to the dogs? Woah.
He’s testing her. He’s the the the prejudice between the 2.
He’s between the between the Jewish people and the outsiders. He’s testing her. Will you give up?
But she’s not giving up. She says, okay.
But even the dogs eat the crumbs from the table, heal my daughter.
He says, oh, woman, your faith is great. Your daughter is healed.
The world is bold about evil.
It’s time that we, the children of god, become bold about the good, about god.
God loves it when you’re bold for him. And in your faith, he loves you.
Well, he loves when you are audacious audacity about him and about his word on it.
I remember I I when I was young in the lord, I had there was a a woman who named Sister Celeste.
She was a prost she had been a madam, a prostitute.
She got saved, and she would go to this Pentecostal church, and she would be You know, you know, she’d be talking and and and she would she would she would take her Bible and she’d put it on the floor and she’d stand on the Bible and say, lord, I am standing on the word, hear my prayer.
Now you might say, well, that’s, you know, that’s disrespectful, but you know what? God’s looking at the heart.
I’m standing on your word. You gotta you gotta hear me, lord.
I had a car early on the lord that died. Just died.
Had no idea who he couldn’t do anything.
He said, you know, it says that if you anoint with oil, the hicks the the 6 shall be healed.
I said the car is sick. So I anointed it with oil.
And and right after that, it came back to life.
Now I am not saying to switch your 10 W40 oil to olive oil.
I’m not saying that. It wasn’t the oil. It was the audacity of faith.
Many of you know the crazy story, which I’m not gonna say, but I’ll just mention how we got the building in Wayne that we came to a red sea and the and with all the negotiations that broke off, you can’t have it.
We can’t have it. We’re not paying that over, and the god was laying on us.
You’re gonna do something really bullish now.
I want you to walk around that building seven times just like Joshua did to Jericho. It was ridiculous.
It was absurd. It was it was shameless. It was audacious, but the next morning we got the building.
This is a word for you.
The lord, for you, you may have stopped asking and seeking and knocking some of something You may have given up on something that god actually has for you.
Even for a victorious walk, even for the overcoming of that thing, for god’s blessing.
You may have a good heart, and you want what’s right, but you have may not have been strong, like, in the things of god as you were called to be, bold and confident.
And other things may have overcome your goodness, overcome your faith, overcome your joy, overcome your purity, you might have been overcome by others or by the setbacks of life or your your walk, your righteous overcome by sin.
You might stand overcome by your your overcome by fear, or your joy’s been overcome by the world or by things that happen in your life.
That is not god’s will. The lord is saying, I don’t I want you not only to be good and holy and righteous, but I want you to be strong in it.
I want you to be bold in it. I didn’t call you to give up.
I didn’t call you to be weak.
I didn’t call you to be to be to be on the weekend of the enemy.
I want you on the victorious end of the enemy.
Take up the mantle again, a prayer of seeking, of knocking, of of pleading, of of beseeching, of standing on.
It’s not enough to have faith. Make your faith strong. Not enough for you to have a conviction.
God wants you bold in that.
It’s not enough to be good, your call to be good and strong and strong in your goodness and strong on this.
Might as well go full blast. The world is going full blast. You go full blast.
You got something so much better to go on.
God is calling you to be bold in your faith shameless in your zeal on swerving in your love on bending in your joy, stubborn in your hope of god.
Unstoppable in what god has called you to. Don’t do not show reverence to the dark.
Do not fear the darkness. Be strong enough good courage.
Stand on the word, hold strong to the promises that god gave you.
For god has not given you a spirit of timidity but of power and love and a sound mind.
You’ve got the greatest thing you could ever have. Be strong about it. Be proud about it.
This is one thing you can be proud of. Be confident about it. Be bold about it.
Start showing some holy ghost obnoxiousness to the enemy. Start showing some Rua Hakkodesh to the enemy.
Be good in your strength and be strong in your goodness. Let your love be powerful.
Let your faith be shameless. Let your walk be mighty for your god is a lion.
The lamb for the lamb of god is the lion of Judah Be as good and holy and as beautiful as the lamb and be as bold as a lion.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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- MONDAY BLESSING! JUNE 12, 2023!Tháng 6 12, 2023