When A Christian Prays – 1B | Jack Hibbs – God’s Messages

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When A Christian Prays – 1B

Luke 11:1-4

Whenever we pray, we are united with God. A much-needed union between us and the Father. Prayer for the Christian is not a mindless mantra, but a sacred endeavor to honor and adore the one who made us.

When we come to God, we are to talk to him and then listen, I highly recommend this, write it down.
It’s free. You’ll get this, it’s for free.
Get up in the morning, stop at lunch time in the evening. Pray, then open up your bible.
Let God speak to you. That’s how it happens.
You pray and then you wait upon the Lord with the word of God open and he’ll speak out of the Bible and you’ll know it.
And then when you close your bible, you’ll pray again and thanking Him for speaking to you and you’ll know what to do.
God will speak to you. He’ll lead you. It’s effective.
So Jesus said to them, note this jot it down when you pray not. If you pray, when you pray.
This is a grand assumption here on Jesus’s part that the believer prays the Christian prays.
You might say, well, why should I pray? Well, as I said, it’s effective in acts chapter 16 verse 25.
It says at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God.
Oh, did I mention that they’re in prison?
They got arrested for being Christians and they’re in prison and look what it says here in acts 16, 25 at midnight.
I don’t know about you but midnight, that’s the time to pray. Uh Not to pray.
It’s the time to what sleep. See the opportunity.
See the reason why they’re in a dialogue with God. They’re in prison.
It’s probably hard to sleep at midnight in prison. Why not pray at midnight when you’re in prison?
Why? Because hello, effectiveness of prayer. Get me out of here. God, I don’t want to be in prison.
Paul and Silas, they’re praying and they’re singing songs. What an amazing jacket.
This is absolutely amazing. How, how does that happen?
Look, when you pray, when I pray, God begins to move in our lives and prayer is effective and God begins to answer.
First of all know this before they are ever released from prison.
God heard their prayers touch their hearts and they began to sing.
Are you bummed out in the situation that you’re in? Are you all you know miserable about it?
Could it be that the very situation that you and I are in?
God has engineered for us to see how we will handle it?
To bring about an opportunity to get us to pray.
Let’s be honest, if everything was so smooth and calm and comfortable, we wouldn’t pray.
You ever fly on an airplane when it’s turbulence, that’s when you pray. Think about it.
You ever been on a boat when it’s tossing and turning. That’s when you pray.
I got to tell you very quickly.
It’s not in my notes, but it comes to my mind.
A bunch of us were flying as we were taking the footsteps of the apostles tour.
Pastor John Carson was with us, John Miller, also pastor there.
We’re flying and we’re going from Rome to Athens and it was horribly, terribly bumpy and turbulent and scary.
And I knew we were in trouble.
We had a US pilot with us and I looked over at him and he said, not good, what a pilot says.
And look, I knew this UPS pilot. He was on a tour with us. He’s a Christian.
I wanted to grab the guy that was at the yoke of that plane, throw him out of the window and put a Christian behind the.
But when the, when the pilot says not good and you know, you look over at, at Pastor John Carson, he’s hanging on to the seat in front of him and he’s praying God in heaven deliver us from those.
I was expecting to go down at any moment.
But if it would have been a smooth fly, people would have been sleeping, sipping their coffee or whatever they’re doing situations in life, stir us up.
And I’m wondering how many times maybe, maybe God will so allow it to happen just to hear from us again.
Oh Jack. It’s good to hear from you again. How are you? God help me. No, no, no.
I wanna talk to you for a little bit.
I mean, let’s be honest when our kids come crying up to us, we already know the answer.
You know, we know the situation. We’ve watched it happen. We know how to fix it. Oh, daddy, daddy?
Oh daddy. We kind of, you know, they’re hanging on to our leg and it’s like sweet, we don’t revel in their torment, but we do enjoy the fact that they’re hanging onto our leg and saying, Dear daddy help me.
I think God gets some pleasure out of that.
When he sees that we’re crying out to him in great need. Prayer is effective.
And so they were in prison, they were crying out and singing hymns and praying to the Lord.
The Bible says that the prisoners were listening to them. Wow.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prisons were shaken and immediately the doors of the prison opened up.
That’s effective prayer. But it comes out of situations, friend. It’s effective.
In Luke 9 29. The Bible says, as he prayed, the appearance of Jesus’s face was altered and his robe became white and glistened prayer changes us.
Please understand this. That when you and I pray the situation may not change it could, the foundations could be shaken, the gates could open, not always church.
Listen, get this under your spiritual belt when you and I pray, sometimes the situation doesn’t change.
But what does mean you and I, when you and I pray, the situation wind up being used by God changes who you and I are.
When we pray, we’re the ones that’s changed.
Let’s be careful that we understand that, that an effective prayer may result in you.
And I being changed in Matthew six verse seven, Matthew 67.
The Bible says, when you pray, Jesus said, when you pray, do not use, listen vain repetitions as the unbelievers do for, they think they will be heard for their much speaking.
Listen, church carefully. Never, never, never should a person who knows God personally, a heaven bound believer.
Should they ever pray to God in a repetitious manner? Jesus said, don’t pray repeating yourself.
Have you been taught to pray like that? You better get away from that now.
Yeah, but that’s my tradition. Stop it now, Jesus said, stop it when you pray and it’s just over and over again.
You know, you can be praying some sort of prayer over and over again.
You’re not even mindful of what you’re thinking.
You could be thinking about the pot roast or washing your car and you’re praying, you think God he hears that.
You know what you’re doing. You’re talking to God, you’re looking right over his shoulder, you’re looking right over his head.
You may be mouth in it, but it’s not in your heart. Jesus said, don’t do that.
Don’t use repetitions of prayer over and over.
You said, but pastor check, aren’t we looking here at the Lord’s prayer? No, we are not.
This is not the Lord’s prayer.
Did you know that men have assigned this passage as the Lord’s prayer? It is not the Lord’s prayer.
First of all, can Jesus if it’s the Lord’s prayer.
And he says here in Luke chapter 11 verses 1 to 4, Jesus says, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who are indebted to us.
Can Jesus pray that prayer, Jesus is sinless. This is not the Lord’s prayer.
Yeah, but I’ve already been taught. It was and I have a little plastic laminated card.
It is not the Lord’s prayer. You wanna read the Lord’s prayer. It’s in John chapter 17.
It’s when the Lord prays Jesus is not praying here. Is he? This is the disciple’s prayer.
Big difference. Will the Bible dictate your theology or will tradition of men dictate your theology?
Yeah. But if I just say five of these or seven of those, or if I just pray this or if I just open the book and recite that, that’s not prayer.
Charles Spurgeon talked about prayer as being intercourse between you and God.
It is a deep heartfelt connection with God and it’s effective and it’s powerful.
Second point is this when Christians pray, it’s a much needed union.
When you and I pray, we are united with God.
When we pray, Jesus said this, say our father in heaven.
He said, now, wait a minute. You just said that He doesn’t. We’re not to pray in repetition. Exactly correct.
Understand this church, listen, this is critical this Of Luke 11 and Matthew six.
God never intends us to recite this prayer.
The word structure of this is a pattern or a skeleton or a uh a frame.
Think about this, think of a Christmas tree and you add all of the ornaments to the tree.
Jesus is saying this when you pray structure your prayers in this pattern, he’s not saying recite this our father, which I didn’t have that kingdom.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That’s not a prayer. You’ve misunderstood the Bible.
He is saying when you pray approach God with these uh statements that I’m making as a structure or framework for your prayer life rather than just recite these things.
This is very, very fundamental yet very misunderstood.
When a Christian prays, it’s a much needed reunion with the Lord. And here’s what he says.
Look at this, the son Jesus Jesus, the son invites us.
He says, when you pray, say our father in heaven, what an invitation it’s given by the son Jesus invites us, talk to the Father.
This is what I want you to do when you come understand this Christian jot this down, mark it in your head.
You are not approaching some wizard of Oz clown behind some drape with smoke and mirrors.
You’re not hearing some big reverberating voice and there’s a little man talking through a tube.
You are talking to your father in heaven.
You guys, this is absolutely amazing because the Old Testament didn’t even encourage and have the boldness to say this.
The Old Testament had this formality of approaching the Lord. And so it should have.
And so it needed to be because the sacrifice of Christ had not yet happened yet.
But because Jesus was on his way to the cross and he was introducing us to talk to God.
He assumes this, the believer is going to pray and you’re going to come this way and it’s going to be our father in heaven.
What an invitation Galatians four verse six says, and because you are sons now you and I are sons of God through adoption.
God has sent forth his spirit.
That is the holy spirit of his son, Jesus into our hearts whereby we cry out.
Abba, Father, Abba is Hebrew. We would say today, the equivalent to Abba Hebrew.
Abba is for us to say, not even father, it’s for us to say dad or daddy.
Can you handle that? There’s father, which is awesome. Yes, wonderful.
But here the scripture says, it’s a papa. Are you Italian? It’s papa.
How dear is that? Do you pray like that?
Do you know God that way that you approach Him when you pray? How do you pray? Dear God?
Well, he certainly is. And I’m not saying your prayer isn’t being heard.
But can you see yourself praying by saying dear father, Papa. I’m coming to you.
I’m crying out to you, dear father.
My kids come crying to me and I come crying to you or is this remote standoff situation keeping you from drawing close to him?
Romans chapter eight verse 15 says, for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you receive the spirit of adoption by which we cry out.
A father and the spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are Children of God.
Do you know what that’s like?
You’re listening to real life with Pastor Jack Hibbs, you know, to hear more episodes and maybe catch up in the series.
Just go to Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com.
And for now let’s get back to our teaching. Once again, here’s Pastor Jack.
I know in a church this size that not everyone’s Christians people come, maybe they’re still searching.
I don’t know. But while I have your ear at this moment, do you know what that’s like to know inside, to know deep within your heart that you are a child of God, even in the midst of all of your failures and my failures when you and I get up and we have the intentions to do, right?
And we fall five minutes after we make our, our vow to God.
Oh God, I’ll never do that again and we fall right over and five minutes later and we get angry about this or we’re set about the other thing, we feel like such a loser even in the midst of our failures.
Do you know what it’s like to know that he’ll never leave you or forsake you?
Do you know what that’s like?
If you do not know what that’s like, you need to meet Jesus Christ because when you meet Christ, the Holy Spirit seals your life with this adoption.
Notice you’re my child, you’re my son, you’re my daughter. He said, well, how do I know that?
Because the Holy Spirit will convince you on the inside church.
I beg of you if I don’t get one moment further in this study.
But I better if I don’t get one moment further than this, will you please grab this?
Are you absolutely certain that when you pray, you’re talking to your dear father in heaven above and that you are his child and that nothing will separate you from the love of God, which is in Christ, Jesus, that you’re his and he’s yours.
Do you know that? Do you know that no matter where you’re at, no matter what’s going on, if you’re sitting here in comfort or if one of our troops are heading off to Iraq, do you know what that’s like to know that God is going with me all the way to Baghdad or to Baldwin Park.
He is awesome that Union. Jesus invites us to. And it’s certain.
Secondly, the father receives us. It’s a much needed union and that the father receives us.
Jesus said that it’s the father in heaven. I love this. Now, listen, the father is in heaven.
Now, of course, when Jesus said this, he was on earth, the son was on earth.
He had not yet ascended. He had not yet gone to the cross.
But look, you and I live after the cross. And why do I say that?
Because jot this down, it is good for your soul. Are you ready? Here? It is.
It’s hebrews chapter seven verse 24 and 25.
But he, because he continues forever, that is Jesus continues forever as an unchangeable priesthood.
Therefore, he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God.
That is God, the Father through Him. That is the Son since he always lives to make intercession for us.
Did you hear that? Mark it down? What does it mean? I don’t understand this. I don’t get it. Exactly.
It’s a theological mystery. But before the presence of God, the Father Jesus Christ right now church.
Are you here? Are you with me? Listen. He is mentioning your name right now before God in heaven.
His father for me, you said, why does he need to do that?
Because the Bible says He is our priest forever before the throne of God. How’s your life going?
What’s going on? Whatever is troubling you, whatever is concerning you, whatever your hope is, whatever your challenge is, Jesus hears your cry.
He hears your prayer and watch this.
You, you say, Father, please forgive me or please lead me, please guide me.
And how do you, what does the Bible say? How do you end your prayer? In what in Jesus name?
And I’m sorry, I’m an old guy.
Do you remember way back some stores used to have that sucker tube thing when you would put money in a, in an envelope or whatever.
And uh some you don’t know what I’m talking about and they would go OK? What’s your order?
Ok. We’ll fill it out and whatever the thing is.
And have you seen that in the, you hear the tube go and falls out somewhere and the guy processes it and sends it back.
That prayer is sitting there. Oh Father, oh God.
Oh Lord, deliver me, help me lead me, guide me and it’s sitting there and then in jesus’ name, it’s there.
Father opens it up and it’s got Jesus from Jesus from Jesus.
Your son, father opens it up. Hey, dad, Jack needs this.
Jack needs help. Jack is dumb. Let’s give him some wisdom. He represents you.
And I before the very throne of God, he ever lives to represent you.
And I, oh, you’re not alone.
You may feel alone, but frankly, it doesn’t matter how you feel man.
This is encouraging for me, John 17 9, Jesus said, I pray for them, father.
I do not pray for the world.
But for those who you’ve given me, they are yours and you’ve given them to me, Jesus praise for us.
First. John chapter two verse one says my little Children.
These things are right to you so that you may not sin.
But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ, the righteous.
You remember that little cylinder that you put the request in and you send it up.
Jesus is that cylinder I’ve sent, I confess that to the Lord and the Lord takes my request before the father and because of Jesus Christ, the righteous, I’m forgiven.
Isn’t it amazing that when you go and ask God to forgive you? He forgives you.
Are we not spoiled people? Are we not blessed by God?
Listen, I have in my credenza in my office and I don’t know what it’s called in Arabic.
I don’t know what it’s called, but I’ve got one of those things that you flog yourself for your sins.
It’s got like fish hooks on the back of it.
You take your shirt off and you beat yourself until you’re bleeding to a pulp on your way to Mecca.
What for to be forgiven Lord? I have sinned against you.
I have sinned against my brother or my sister. Please forgive me.
In Jesus name, Jesus was flogged at the cross for me.
Jesus paid it for me 2000 years ago.
That pain that suffering was dealt with at the cross and you come in faith and you ask him, he said, that’s too easy.
It’s pretty humbling, isn’t it? Makes you not want a sin ever again?
It’s amazing. It’s a much needed union.
Jesus brings us before the father who receives us. Also, this, the spirit blesses us.
The Holy Spirit blesses us, our father, which is in heaven.
Galatians four verse four says, but when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law to redeem those who were under the law that we might receive the adoption as sons because you are sons.
God has sent forth His holy Spirit of or excuse me, the spirit of His son into your hearts crying out as we read earlier, Abba Father, the Holy Spirit is that work in our lives in this much needed union.
Point number three. Also in verse two, when a Christian prays, it’s a sacred endeavor.
When we pray, Holly would be your name. What does that word?
Hollow mean the word means this to honor him, to adore him, to revere him, to be in awe of Him.
We are in awe of your name. We are adoring your name. We revere your name.
It’s a, it’s an exclamation of awareness.
When you, when you think of Holly would be your name.
This is an amazing thing that all true prayer, all true prayer begins first with worship.
That’s what that is when you pray, pray like the like this, pray, pray regarding this structure.
Um And in your prayer life, you are to be honoring the name of the Lord.
It doesn’t mean you say Holly would be that name. You know what it means?
It means this Lord. I come to you father papa. Your name.
Your name is holy to me. Lord. I love your name. I know that there’s no name.
There is no other name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved.
I know that it is your name and your name alone for you are the only God there is, you are the God of the Bible.
You are the God of my salvation. And Lord I’m in awe of you.
You to pray more like that than how would be thy name thy kingdom. Do you understand?
This is critical pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real life radio with his message called when a Christian Praise.
Thanks for spending some time with us today.
You know, when a Christian praise part one is part of Pastor Jack’s series called The Gospel of Luke.
It’s a series on the book of Luke and the unveiling of Jesus Christ to this world.
And we’ll continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio. Pastor Jack.
Let me ask you a question about, uh about years ago when, when you and I were a lot younger, Josh McDowell came out with evidence that demands a verdict.
There’s an update, there’s an update. This is a big thick book. It’s a beauty. It’s over 750 pages.
It’s a reference book. People, listen, you don’t sit down and read this all the way through your brain will be blow up.
It is an awesome work by Josh mcdowell and his son, Sean mcdowell.
Evidence that demands a verdict has been one of the greatest evangelistic tools among those who doubt the existence of God.
Get it. You’ll be absolutely impressed. Please evidence that demands a verdict.

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