What to do as a child of God in the end times | The Book of Mysteries
What to do as a child of God in the end times | THE APOSTASIA | The Book of Mysteries
The prophesies of Messiah are manifesting – as non-believers are departing from morality. The nation of Israel, rumors of wars, famines, and moral decline all point to the Apostasia. As children of God, we must make the Gospel our foundation. Become grounded in God’s Word during these tumultous times.
And now an end time mystery from thousands of years ago that will reveal what is taking place all around you.
What are the signs of the end times that you’re living in the last days?
Well, the Bible speaks of many things.
The nation of Israel will come back in the world that’s happened.
Jerusalem will come back to the Jewish people that’s happened.
There will be wars and rumors of wars, there will be famine, there will be all sorts of things.
The Bible speaks about nations and the state of civilization.
But there’s another mystery to what is going to be in the last days and it’s happening all around us every day.
In the book of mysteries.
The teacher takes the disciple into the chamber of books and he takes a large book and opens it up.
He opens it up to a page where the image which is of creation of Adam and Eve in the garden.
It’s all faded away and the mystery is hidden in the word apostasy.
It’s a word from 2000 years ago. It’s in The New Testament in the book of Second Thessalonians.
It’s written that the age will not end until first there comes a falling away.
Of course, the original doesn’t say falling away. It’s a translation of the Greek word.
We get the word apo from it.
Well, a comes from two Greek words that has a revelation for us.
A which means to depart from.
And the second word means your stand to depart from your stand from a, a stand that you have.
So the last days and times you’ll see the Bible says, there’ll be a great departing from the stand from faith.
And so we can see from the word of God, from truth.
And so the first meeting of apostasy or apostasy is that a falling away will take place in the last days from the word from faith.
And we’re going to see it all over and we are watching it, we are watching this happen, a falling away from faith.
We’re watching civilization fall all away from the word of God, from faith, from morality, from morality.
That’s been there for, for thousands of years. It’s happening all around us. But what is the second part?
The second meaning the of a, it doesn’t just mean the falling away from faith.
It also means the departure from the state of being the departure from the state of existence.
See when the word disappears. So does creation, what does that mean?
It means in the last days when you see the world, the culture departing from the Bible, the faith you will also see it depart from the state of being.
How so you will see man or men depart from the state of manhood.
You’ll see women depart from the state or stasis of womanhood.
You’ll see fathers departing from the stasis or state of fatherhood.
Mothers departing from the state or stasis of motherhood, family departing from the state of family, marriage, departing from the state of marriage.
You’ll see humanity, man departing from the state of humanity. So it’s amazing.
We are watching the two things happening at the same time and it’s no accident because creation came into existence because of the word man, woman, all the from the word.
If you depart from the word, you lose your state of existence in the end.
And so what does it mean in the last days? How are you to live in the days of apostasy?
Well, if everyone’s departing or much of the world is departing you as a child of God, have to hold all the more strongly to the word of God and commit all the more strongly to the ways of God, to the faith of God, to the stand of God.
Get yourself all the more grounded, grounded in the word and grounded in God’s ways.
And what will happen is you will become more and more the person God created you to be.
You’ll find your stasis, you’ll find the person you were made to be by God and you will stand in the day of falling in the day of a S God has called you to hold true and stand the blood of the lamb is real and it breaks every chain, every bondage in your life.