What Do You Think| Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer

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What Do You Think| Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer

In this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer teaches from her series “What About Me,” emphasizing the importance of controlling our thoughts. Learn how our mindset affects our happiness and spiritual growth, and get practical advice on overcoming judgmental thinking and renewing your mind with God’s Word. Joyce’s engaging message offers tools to help you think positively and live a victorious life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

[Music] welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer on today’s program Joyce will be teaching from her series what about me it’s natural to wake up with our thoughts focused on ourselves but if we’re constantly wrapped up in only what we want what we think and how we feel we’ll never be happy true Joy comes from living with a mindset focused on other people now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching well turn to the person next to you and say what do you
think well you know the truth is is most of us would not want somebody to know what we’re thinking would we what wouldn’t it be scary to think about your mind actually being a movie screen oh that would not be so good but you know what we think is extremely important especially what we think consistently now I’m not saying that every little thought that floats to your mind becomes a reality in your life but certainly things that we think consistently the Bible actually says in Proverbs 23:7 as he thinks in his heart
so is he or as he thinks in his heart so does he become so I like to put it a different way where the Mind goes the man follows we all know that if you think about something long enough like your favorite dessert you’re probably going to go get it even if you have to get in your car and make a trip it’s amazing if we think about something long enough how it affects all of our emotions and all of our desires and or if you think about what somebody did to you that hurt you for a long period of time pretty soon
you’re going to be upset you’re going to feel knots in your stomach they’re going to get tense in your neck and so our thoughts affect us I actually could call this Christianity 101 because our thoughts are really the foundation for so many things in our life and certainly they are the foundation for any kind of victory that we ever hope to have in our life now some of you came here this weekend looking for victory you came looking for a breakthrough you came looking to not just hear about the promises of God but
you want to walk and live in those promises and I can tell you that unless our thinking changes nothing else in our life ever changes can anybody say Amen to that amen do you agree that we probably have more trouble with our mind than anything else okay but you can learn to do your own thinking it is a process takes determination it takes study but we can learn to to do our own thinking and we can actually come to the point where we pretty quickly recognize with the help of the Holy Spirit when we have stinking
thinking and when we’re actually thinking according to the will of God we will become what we consistantly think Romans 122 is a very wonderful and a foundational scripture in the word of God let’s look at it together do not be conformed to this world don’t be like the world don’t act like the world don’t think like the world there’s many things that the world does that they think is fine that we cannot and should not do and I think that also this weekend we need to make some decisions about where we’re going to
stand in these days that we live in do not be conformed to this world this age fashioned after and adapted to its external superficial I might as well say meaningless customs but be transformed don’t be conformed but be transformed Changed by the entire renewal of your mind so if I want to be changed if you want to be changed then my mind has to change before anything else in my life is going to change and God will help me with that God will help you with that he will teach us how to think and the Holy Spirit is so wonderful that he comes to
live inside of us and he will even remind us when we’re not thinking right and then he will even remind us what we should be thinking if we have enough of the word in us to rise up and confront the wrong thing you know I spent years judging other people I can remember one of my favorite things to do was go out to the mall sit on the bench and just sit there and judge everybody as they walk by I mean I enjoy it it was like well look at that stupid hair do well man how could that girl get a guy like that you
know it’s just like I didn’t know these people and I would just judge them and criticize them come on don’t tell me none of you have ever done it how many of you like the people watch thank you and um now honestly when I have judgmental thoughts which I do because the devil offers all of us stinking things all of us and get this he always will this is one area that’s never going to just get good and we’re never going to have another Temptation or never have to stand against any kind of wrong
thoughts so if you’ve been a Christian 40 years and you’re still having some problems with your mind here and there or sometimes you find yourself saying I feel like I’m losing my mind really in a way we are losing our mind when we give the control of it over to the enemy and we don’t resist wrong thoughts that are coming against us and the best way the very best way to resist wrong thoughts is to open your mouth and speak out loud a portion of scripture that you have learned that you know confronts that wrong thought and the
thought stops immediately because what if you’re speaking that’s going through your mind so the things the eny is trying to put in your mind has to go away so some days I have to speak the word almost all day long there are times when we have little attacks there’s times when we have major attacks you know most of you know and if you don’t you’ll find out on Saturday morning that Darlene has gone through a great battle with cancer and she’s cancer-free now we thank God for that but I remember a couple of texts
that I got from her saying man the Battlefield of the Mind boy what a battle it is when everything that you believe is being tested and nothing makes any sense I mean Satan is going to use every opportunity to bombard your mind with every lie and every kind of negative thinking that you’ve ever heard of in your whole life amen when I was writing the book The Mind connection I was sitting out of town at a place where I do some of my writing and I was having a physical issue and it was annoying and it wasn’t going away and then I got some
kind of news from somebody that I didn’t particularly care for and I’m trying to write this book on all this positive thinking you know and I’m telling you the truth for two days I felt like my mind had been kidnapped I mean I actually felt like the enemy just came in and took it and I couldn’t find it I couldn’t get it back no matter what and I’m going to teach you tonight what to do during those times I’m going to teach you how to fight the devil and win actually I’m going to teach you how to fight like a
Christian amen do not be conformed to this world but be transformed and changed by the entire renewal of your mind by its new ideals and its New Attitudes so that may prove for yourselves what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect in his sight for you now I wish that I had the words to tell you and convince you what an amazingly good plan that God has for your life I mean the plan that God has for you is so awesome none of us could believe the
great plan that God has for us if he were just to open it up all to us at once but I think that if you compare all the Christians in the world to the number of people who actually really fulfill their Destiny I think it’s probably pitifully few now I’m not saying that there aren’t any there’s probably even a lot but compared to all the Believers in the world all the people who say I’m a Christian around the world the people who actually walk in Victory who actually spiritually mature and grow up
and become what they’re supposed to be in God do all that God wants them to do and have all that God wants them to have I think let’s just say at least there’s not nearly as many as there should be amen how many of you agree with that there’s not nearly as many as there should be the renewing of our mind according to the word of God is one of the most important things that we need to deal with in our life every day very few days go by that I don’t say God put a watch over my mouth lest I sin against you
with my tongue and let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight and every day of my life I confess the word of God out loud it’s part of meditating on the word to remind yourself over and over and over of what God’s promises are for you God has a good plan for your life perhaps you experienced some victory but then back into bondage and then a little more Victory and then back into bondage or maybe you haven’t had very much victory at all in your life well you know that
was certainly the case with me for eight years I went to church every single week with Dave and our children and I was a pitiful mess and during those eight years I never one time heard a message about the power of my thoughts or the power of my words and I wonder how many people go to church week after week after week year after year after year and never hear anything about what their own thoughts are doing to them many of you that would be your testimony here tonight I can’t stand here and assume that all of you have heard messages like
this over and over but I because I know some of you have never heard these kinds of things and I remember how jaw-dropping it was to me when I began to hear these kinds of things and even began to learn that I actually could do my own thinking that I didn’t have to just sit and meditate on whatever fell in my head that with the help of the Holy Spirit I could actually say no I’m not going to think that because I know what that’s going to produce in my life and I will think this because this is what God tells me to think amen how many
of you have found it’s life changing but even if you know these things how many of you don’t mind hearing it again and if you don’t need it I’ll just preach to myself cuz I need it that’s for sure I talked about how I could sit and just judge people and judge them and judge them and never even be convicted by it but at all but now I know the word of God that says judge not lest you be judged and I’ve studied judging other people and I’ve read the scripture that says to mind your own business and and
I’ve studied about love and so now if I start to judge somebody which I did just you know not that long ago these judgmental thoughts matter of fact I was actually sitting in a meeting somewhere and one of the people was on the platform I was having a little opinion about and but immediately the holy spirit rose up in me and I said and this is what I do I said to myself see I’ve learned to preach to myself I said to myself Joyce it’s none of your business you need to talk to yourself amen so actually you’ll see
this if you see the interview that I did on TBN you’re going to see this anyway so Matt doesn’t mind if I share it Matt Crouch was actually in that same meeting he shared that he had been in a meeting recently and and how this person was on the platform and they’d obviously had a lot of work done on their face and so he was like being judgmental and thinking oh my gosh I wonder if her face is going to crack and uh I knew immediately I knew immediately what he was talking about because I had a little struggle
with the same thing only here’s the difference Matt just went ahead thinking it through and then he actually started making jokes about her to the other people that were with him now that’s a real no no the truth is everybody has a problem with selfishness at times but getting what we want doesn’t ultimately satisfy it only leaves us wanting more today we’re offering Joyce’s newest book what about me because facing self-centeredness can be lifechanging request what about me at joyce.org for a
gift of any amount or call toll-free at 1 1800 78989 your gift today and your partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries allows us to share the love of Christ around the world thank you for listening to Enjoying Everyday Life have a blessed day have you been looking for a 365-day devotional well look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer there’s a focus verse for all 365 days of the year along with a prayer starter get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at Joy me.org
365 devvo the biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of of God in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hard cover book by Joyce Meyer discover the transformative power of His word words to live by from Joyce Meyer get your YouTube exclusive offer today go to joy.org sords and the number
two have you ever been trapped in a NeverEnding frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur leaving you gasping for a chance to pause and catch your breath in her insightful book pursuing peace Joyce Meyer explores the importance of seeking peace at all costs this beautiful hard cover Edition is filled with meaningful scriptures and uplifting quotes from Joyce providing valuable guidance for living a peaceful Life Style so grab a cup of coffee find a comfortable spot and embark on your journey to find peace remember this
limited time YouTube offer won’t last long go to joyce.org pursuit to get your copy today and start your Pursuit Of [Music] Peace the Mind actually is the battlefield that’s where we win or lose the war with Satan he said all he gets to say why is the last of the days M you start asking God to heal you and he will restore is the God of all comfort and I am so grateful that I know how to call on God [Music]
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