Twilight Of The Gods | Jonathan Cahn Special
Twilight Of The Gods | Jonathan Cahn Special
“God’s will is that none should perish. Judgement isn’t His desire…but His necessity. The good must bring evil to an end, or else it would cease to be good. And yet His mercy is still greater than His judgement. His heart always wills for redemption. And therein lies the hope.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
What happened to the gods of the pagan world? What happened to Zeus Poseidon? Hades Dionysus bail all the others.
What caused them to leave and where do they go and what would happen if they came back?
This is Jonathan gone. And this is the mystery of the return of the gods and this is the mystery that is affecting our world, our nation, our culture, our lives right now.
In the last segment, what I shared was the mystery of the spirits that the bible says that behind the gods of the ancient world were actual entities called the shedding spirits.
Actually, when this was translated into greek, it became the word die ammonia or demonic.
What this means is in the ancient world, the pagan world was given to the gods.
Thus they were given to the spirits that means they were possessed.
And the amazing thing is when you look at pagan culture, you see the signs of possession.
The same signs that the bible speaks about.
The closer you were to the gods, the more you saw the signs of possession, the priests of the gods and the oracles of the gods, they were, they were showing all these signs.
They would shake and tremble and foam at the mouth and babble, all these things.
This was, these were a possessed people, A possessed culture, possessed civilization. But something happened to end this.
What caused them to leave and where do they go and what would happen if they came back?
This is Jonathan gone. And this is the mystery of the return of the gods and this is the mystery that is affecting our world, our nation, our culture, our lives right now.
In the last segment, what I shared was the mystery of the spirits that the bible says that behind the gods of the ancient world were actual entities called the shedding spirits.
Actually, when this was translated into greek, it became the word die ammonia or demonic.
What this means is in the ancient world, the pagan world was given to the gods.
Thus they were given to the spirits that means they were possessed.
And the amazing thing is when you look at pagan culture, you see the signs of possession.
The same signs that the bible speaks about.
The closer you were to the gods, the more you saw the signs of possession, the priests of the gods and the oracles of the gods, they were, they were showing all these signs.
They would shake and tremble and foam at the mouth and babble, all these things.
This was, these were a possessed people, A possessed culture, possessed civilization. But something happened to end this.

What happened was jesus happened, messiah happened, Yeshua happened. The gospel was sent into the world.
The word of God came into the pagan world. God came into the world of the gods.
The spirit of God came into the world of these spirits? It was a collision?
It was a revolution concerning the gods? That’s why there was a clash.
That’s why the roman empire persecuted the first christians. That’s why they arrested them.
That’s why they threw them to the lions. Because of the gods.
The entities in fact the greatest persecution in the ancient world of christians was begun by the word of one of these oracles of the gods.
A woman who was supposed to be possessed by the gods but was possessed by a spirit and she actually gave the go ahead for that persecution.
But in the end the power of God, the power of the gospel, the power of the Word of God prevailed.
The gods departed. The temples were abandoned. The temples of Zeus, the festivals of these gods.
The practices were gone now.
An interesting thing because we actually have evidence and historical records that the oracles were basically saying we’re not receiving anymore that the gospel is stopping us from receiving from these spirits.
And the last recorded word or message from the oracle, the famous oracle of Delphi, she says to the emperor the it’s all dried up.
The the prophetic revelation is all dried up.
But if behind the gods were spirits, gods can can end or or their worship can be stopped but spirits do not die now.
This was the greatest mass exorcism in human history.
It wasn’t just the casting away of the gods but the casting out of the spirits, but what happened to them where they go and what if they returned?
What if those same spirits were now at work in the modern world?
And what if they’re responsible for what is actually happening in America and throughout the world?
This is what the book that I wrote, the return of the gods is revealing.
Its everywhere for you to get it for you and for those in your life who need to know and this is what we’re going to continue with.
The next revelation is going to be the House of Spirits. Hit, subscribe. So you don’t miss it.
This is Jonathan cahn. I’ll see you next time with the House of Spirits.