True Greatness | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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True Greatness | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will teaching from her series enjoying successful relationships.
God wants to bless us but we must get long because where there is unity, there is blessing and anointing.
So it’s our job to learn how to set aside our own agenda and serve one another through love.
Now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
Open your Bible up to John chapter 13. A picture is worth a thousand words.
So thank you, lord, for this word, tonight. Help us lord tonight.
Learn what true greatness is, and it’s certainly not what the world thinks it is.
If we’re gonna be famous anywhere, lord, let it be in heaven.
Help us god to do the kind of things that you would do and did do when you were here on the earth and let us not get caught up in the big world machine that just sucks the life out of everybody, but doesn’t deposit anything.
Thank you for your word in Jesus name. Amen. Started talking last night about others.
Just simply use the word others. Jesus knew that he was called to others.
So he didn’t get caught up in a lot of the things that we get caught up in.
He didn’t get tripped up and hindered by a lot of the things that can hinder us sometimes.
Some places he was rejected. Some he was accepted. He wasn’t moved by either.
He just kept on going because he knew that he was called to others.
He had a goal and a vision. And, really, every one of us is called to others.
That’s exactly Why we’re here? You receive Christ as your savior.
He heals your life, but he doesn’t heal you so you can just sit around somewhere and be healed.
Let me say it again.
He doesn’t heal us so we can just sit around somewhere and be comfy, cozy, healed.
He heals us So he can use us as a living witness and a testimony of what god can do in a person’s life And he uses us then to help open other people’s hearts to the same truth that has been in ours.
If you think for one minute that everybody who needs help is gonna come to a church so some preacher can help them, you are sadly mistaken.
What it’s gonna take is every single person who calls themselves a Christian who, by the way, has been strategically placed somewhere on this planet.
Rather you’re a janitor somewhere or the president of a company, a nurse, a doctor, a clerk, and a store are all the other 100 upon 100 of 1000 of jobs that are out there.
Dave and I are always amazed.
Sometimes we’ll see somebody up on this scaffolding cleaning windows on a building is like fifty stories high.
And we think who in the world would wanna do that?
But god gives different people, different talents, and he gives us all different grace to do something.
And where he has us, we’re there for a purpose.
And we need to realize that we’re there for a purpose, and we need to open our eyes, and we need to start asking god to help us pay attention to what’s going on around us and to believe that god can work through us to do something about it I would like to add right now that if you do not learn to do what I’m talking about tonight, you will never be happy.
Good. This one gentleman here believes me.
And he’s a handsome, elderly gentleman.
And you know why he believes me?
Because he’s lived long enough that he’s done it wrong, and now he’s learned how to do it right.
It does help when you get a little bit older, doesn’t it? Amen?
Oh, I did it all wrong for years years years. For years, it was all about me. What about me?
What about me? Me me. Me. Me.
If I didn’t get my way all the time, I got mad and stayed mad and tried to manipulate and control people with my temper.
Couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t happy with God. I don’t understand why I’m not happy.
I mean, I’ve got I’ve done spiritual warfare seminars.
I’m I’m a woman of faith, You know, I bought the t shirt, got the tapes, been to the seminar.
You know, how many of you know what I’m talking about?
Mean, I rebuked the devil till I didn’t have a rebuke left in me, and he still had the upper hand.
And I didn’t know what my problem was. And finally, he just told me.
If you really wanna know what’s wrong in your life, god will tell you.
I said if you really wanna know, If you really wanna know what’s wrong in your life, god will be happy to tell you.
But most of the time, we don’t listen, and I thank God that I was at a point in my life where I was ready to hear truth, and he said you’re selfish.
You’ve studied spiritual warfare, but how much have you studied love?
You’ve studied prosperity, but how much have you studied love? You’ve studied healing.
That’s about years studying healing. But how much have you studied love? I studied power.
I studied the authority of the believer. But how much time did I spend studying love?
I wrote a great book last year called Love Revolution.
I think it’s probably one of the best books I’ve ever written, and you must be some of the few who read it.
And, mean, I just think I think it’s I mean, I know the power of what’s in that book, and we sold less of that book than any book that I’ve ever written.
And it’s so sad, but it it tells us what’s wrong.
We sold less of that book than any other book because people don’t think they need that.
Are they think they already know that? Oh, yes. Praise the lord, brother.
I love you with the love of the lord. Oh my gosh.
If I hear that one more time, I don’t think I can stand it.
Now go to your neighbor and give them a hug and tell them you love them when the love of the lord.
You ever do that in your church? I don’t know if you do that where you go.
Anybody ever okay. A few.
If we ever dared to love anybody with the love of the lord, I mean, the real love of the lord.
My gosh. How radically would things change?
There’d be no gossip, no judgment, no criticism, needs would be met. Everybody would be included.
We wouldn’t have exclusive attitudes in our little groups and our little clicks. Yeah.
I’m feeling kind of full of myself tonight.
John 13, verse 1.
Now before the Passover feast began, Jesus knew and being fully aware that the time had come for him to leave this world, and returned to the father.
Now there’s some things that I want you to get.
He knew that his time here on earth was just about over.
And, you know, usually, if you’re a parent, a brother, a sister, And if we would happen to know that our time here was about over and we had loved ones, whatever our last time was spent with them or whatever we would say to them or tell them in those last few days would certainly be the things that we felt were the absolute most important things that we could impart to them and leave them.
If you don’t understand that going into this, we’re not gonna get the impact of what Jesus was saying here in John 13.
And as he had loved those who were his own in the world, he loved them to the last and to the highest degree.
Now this is so beautiful because he says now, What Jesus is about to do is his way of loving them to the highest degree that he could ever possibly love them.
And so it was during supper, Satan already having put the thought of betraying Jesus into the heart of judas, verse three that Jesus knowing and fully aware that the father had put everything into his hands, and he had come from god and was now returning to god.
We have to stop there a moment because what we’re about to see Jesus do would not have been possible had he not known where he came from and where he was going.
You cannot do what Jesus is about to do if you don’t know who you are in Christ.
If you’re looking for security.
If you’re looking for some kind of worth and value and you don’t know that you already have that in god, then you are not ever gonna be able to do what gonna share here tonight, because you’re always gonna feel like that you have to do what the world thinks are, important things so you can be important.
But you have to know that you will never be more important than you are at this moment if you’re in Christ.
God will never love you any more than he does at this moment. If you are in Christ.
I read a book recently that said something that I think is wonderful.
He said, the most important thing in the world is knowing god.
And the second most important thing is to know who you are in Christ.
And I can tell you if you don’t learn that, then you’ll never get any of the rest of this.
You’ll always be struggling because until we know that we came from god, and we’re here for a purpose, And through Christ, we’re gonna return to god, and that our everything is in his hands.
We cannot really do what god has sent us here to do.
Is everybody with me so far?
If you don’t know that god loves you and you don’t know who you are in Christ, why don’t you just take a nice, long, holy ghost vacation and get that straight?
Because that’s gotta be first.
So he got up from supper, took off his garments, And he took a servant’s towel, and he wrapped it around his waist, not knowing what they looked like then, and probably not nearly as pretty as this.
We’re gonna give it a try here.
Well, it’ll probably fall off, but you get the point. Right? Okay.
He got up from supper, took off his garments, took a servant style, and it was much more impressive than what you just saw me do, because they actually had people then who washed the feet of guests because everybody wore sandals, and the roads were very dusty and dirty, and you can and if it rained what a mess their feet must have been.
But these people who washed feet, where I’m sure considered the loneliest of the loliest Even of all the servants in the house, the one who washed feet was probably considered the lowliest of the lowliest.
And so here we have Jesus, the son of god, who was actually god himself, the word of god who had taken on flesh, who is now about to pay the price for our salvation and do the thing, bring to culmination the thing that god had sent him to do.
And when he got off the supper and took that servants towel and wrapped it around himself, it must have brought a shockwave.
Into the room. What are you doing? And then he poured water into the basin.
And he began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel which he was girded with.
So I’m gonna do a little object lesson here tonight, and I’m gonna wash three people’s feet.
And Each one of them represents a group of people, and we’ll see that even if we ever get around of being willing to wash feet, then we might be willing to wash some feet, but not other feet.
Now I guess I shouldn’t assume that you all know what I’m talking about, but surely you know that this is not really about washing feet, don’t you?
I mean, you do know that he did this as an example.
To show people how they were to live. And the message here is learn to be a servant.
Learn to serve other people. You say, well, I wanna be in the ministry.
Well, the word minister means servant.
Most people wanna be famous, and that’s okay as long as you wanna be famous in heaven, and you’re not concerned about being famous here.
People are all different, so we need to learn how to relate to everyone, not just those who are like us.
Today, we’re offering Ask Joyce insights from god’s about relationships.
It’s a Q and a formatted hardcover book full of practical advice from the Bible.
You’ll also receive forgiveness available as a physical booklet or digital download.
This resource will help you let go of past hurts and move forward with life.
Contact us now to receive this package for your gift of $20 or more to the ministry.
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Digital resources are stored on the Joyce Meyer app, so download it today.
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Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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