The Unlimited Power – The GOD Kind of Faith Vol. 2
The Unlimited Power – The GOD Kind of Faith Vol. 2
A new year means new goals, and now is the time to focus on developing your faith and setting your spiritual goals. Refuel your faith with these powerful teachings taught by Dr. Bill Winston during the 2021 Faith Refresher. Build stronger faith as you learn the principles of faith through scripture!
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers up next on the believers block of faith.
Now the truth is the word of faith partners you with the almighty, it releases power and your situation.
Look what he says over in Ephesians. Ephesians chapter two and verse eight.
He says, by grace, are you saved through faith but that not of yourselves.
It is the gift of God is not of works. Let anyone would both.
So he’s saying you get saved by faith, but come back to verse nine again that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus and shall believe, believing and faith, they go together.
Now two separate things. Next verse for with the, with the heart, man believe it would the heart man believe it unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.
One man said, you know a lot of places they teach that when you say any time you see heart there, you mean the spirit.
He said, but that is not necessarily so that this, this, this he said with the heart man believes, believes and, and he said, some of that could be stretching on to the, to the soul that, that there has to be a believing, a conscious believing of something before that thing can manifest.
That we’ve got to believe it before we see the power of God. We gotta believe that.
Now as I get into that, I, I don’t want to shake your faith in anything.
So I’m, I’m I’m not. This is, this is good doctrine here. I’m teaching right next verse please.
And he says this for the scripture says, who soever believeth on him shall not be ashamed?
Four, there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord overall is rich unto all that call upon him.
So he’s, he’s rich to black folk, white folk, uh Chinese folk, anybody who can call on Him in faith.
So he’s no respect of persons. He’s respect of faith.
So you’re just looking for some faith. OK?
Keep going down for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Next verse. Well, how then shall they call on him? Who they’ve not believed?
Well, how shall they believe in Him? Who’ve not? They’ve not what heard.
Well, how can they hear without a who preacher? Well, how shall he preach?
Except he be sent verse 17, please. So then faith cometh by what?
Hearing and hearing by the word of God. All right.
Now, let’s look at this building, your faith.
Why, why do you wanna build your faith.
One of the reasons why you wanna build your faith is that faith is going to be the way you’re going to get things done.
Faith is gonna be the way you’re gonna get things done.
Why do you want to build your faith? It puts you in partnership with God.
Faith puts you in partnership with God over there.
Um In the uh uh the scripture in Genesis chapter five, um it talks about enoch and it says an enoch walk with God.
Well, if he’s gonna walk with God, how is he gonna have to walk by faith?
And then it says, and he was not for God took him.
Now, I don’t know how high in faith he was but God took him.
And a lot of times we see where God took somebody, you know, we have at funerals.
Well, the Lord took her. Well, the Lord took him where everybody in the bible he took, he took alive, didn’t he?
He, he took, didn’t he take Elijah?
Sure Elijah came and the chariot from heaven just sweeped, swept and took it.
And then Jesus was standing on the mount after his resurrection, didn’t he just rise on up? The Lord took.
So we have a different understanding.
Now, when we say the Lord took it, they all right.
That’s, that’s all I will say about that.
Faith is a requirement to access and appropriate your promises, whatever he promised you you’re gonna have to get it out buffet and also faith is needed to please God and to release his unlimited power in your situation.
Faith is needed for that. And I put down here also faith and by living by faith, you have to live by faith.
Um The faith gives you a lifestyle that’s independent of the world system, gives you a lifestyle that is independent of the system of the world.
And it allows you to take Dominion over it. That’s good preaching right there.
Now, the Kingdom of God is a spiritual government that you can only live in by faith.
You have to have faith to operate in the Kingdom of God.
I gotta have faith if I want to see the kingdom things and, and God, what God’s plan for me to live in this kingdom and all the things he planned for me.
I’m gonna have to have faith to uh to establish these things in my life. No.
What is Faith? Hebrews chapter 11 verse one.
I’m not, I’m not trying to get too overly simplistic, but I don’t wanna, I wanna bring you line upon line here.
What is faith? It says in 11 verse one.
Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Now, just take that definition right there.
When you’ve got evidence of something that means that it does or did exist because you got evidence of it.
Say amen to that. So faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of something you can’t see, but it exists.
Look at that same definition in the amplified translation, please. Now faith is assurance.
Say assurance, the confirmation, the title deed.
You go for a reservation at a, you know, a dinner engagement or go to a hotel.
They usually have a confirmation number.
Well, I wait a minute now, wait, no, you’ve got to give me a room because I’ve got a confirmation number right here, the title deed.
So a lot of the giants were on the land, but Israel was having to get the title.
They, they by faith. God gave them the title.
The the real title, the real title is a title of faith of things.
We hope for being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality.
Faith perceiving as real fact. What is not revealed to the center, faith perceiving as real fact, what is not perceived by the censors.
So let’s look at two kinds of faith.
One type of faith is human, faith, human fate.
And I’m not going to turn to it. Now.
We may go over there tomorrow but you can go and read it tonight yourself over in John chapter of 20.
It’s where Jesus had been raised from the dead.
Now he appears to his disciples and he came in and they were startled and he said, touch me man see that armed flesh and bone.
Now he didn’t have any blood because the blood was shed for you and me and they put their hand finger and their hold in his hand and put the whole hand in this side.
And, and they said my Lord, my God.
But notice they had to say that my Lord, my God, after they touched him, so human faith needs the senses to be satisfied.
Bio believes, either that or experience have told them that this is so meaning that I’ve done it before it works and so forth.
I’ve experienced it before. So some kind of natural uh confirmation has to be there. That’s human faith.
I look at that chair looks like it’ll hold me. I’m good to go.
I look at another chair looks like one of the legs on. It looks like it’s about to fall.
I’m not ready to go with that. Are you following what I’m saying?
See, I’ve observed it and so forth. Now, all of that is human or sense knowledge, faith.
But uh other faith is the God kind of faith or what you can put down as real Bible faith.
Now, why do I call it a real Bible faith?
Because it’s based on the word of God alone. Hello?
You don’t need one of your senses, the eyes, the ears, the taste you don’t feel, you don’t need one of your senses to confirm it.
And that’s where Satan does not want you to go because he is in the central realm, he works deception in that realm, all kinds of stuff.
So when you’re going into canon, the place where giants are in darkness, that’s great deception.
So you can’t go by anything other than the Bible.
So I understand we got professionals and all of that, but there’s something higher than a scientific verdict.
It’s called faith glory to God and it releases the unlimited power of God to fix anything.
So when you got born again, you’re not like somebody that’s not born again.
John chapter eight verse 44 you’re not like somebody that was not, that is not born again.
Jesus said you are of your father, the devil and the lust of your father. You will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning and a bold, not in the truth because there was no truth in Him.
When Adam and Eve sinned, they got a new nature, the nature of the devil, the iniquity and God was not their father.
Now, I know we say, well, God is the father of us all.
No, he ain’t, excuse me. I didn’t mean he could come like a no, he’s not.
No, he’s not. He wants to be the father of us all but he’s not.
He’s a father of those who’ve been born again. Say amen to this.
Now, I’m saying this not to cut anybody out.
Not to make anybody feel bad about it.
But the nature he said you will do because once we got that other nature in us, that nature was a nurture of lying and cheating and so forth and so on.
That was a whole different nature. And through that nature, now we’re gonna have to live in this earth.
Well, that’s what you’re seeing now, all this bitterness and political strife and all kinds of things going on and Carjacking and all, That’s the nature of iniquity.
And the first step to cutting it out is get somebody born again. Praise God.
You know what I mean?
I, I got born again and called a friend to apologize to him for anything that I’ve done.
And he tried to, he asked me what happened to you, what’s wrong with you?
I said no, I just love you man. He said what I know.
So I’m just saying, it gives you a love nature, it gives you a nature of hope, it gives you a nature of peace and joy and, and, and so forth, integrity and so forth and so on.
That’s the new nature. And so you and I have to renew our minds.
So in this new nature, what happens is we live from the inside out, say inside out.
So God, once you get born again, God comes to live where in you. So he’s in your heart.
He’s in your spirit. The Holy Spirit is in your spirit and in your spirit, he can talk to your spirit, tell your spirit and so forth because your spirit is the real, you, it’s a real you.
So God’s gonna talk to you.
And when he talks to you, he may give you a new idea.
He may tell, you don’t go to the casino anymore.
You’re saved now and he may tell you, come on, don’t lie to this woman.
You know, you don’t love her.
So don’t, don’t, you don’t marry her because you uh you follow what I’m saying.
Oh woman, don’t marry the man and just don’t marry him and so forth.
I mean, all that comes through conviction and direction and all that. That’s what he couldn’t come to do.
I could have probably used better examples but nothing came to mind. Yeah.
All right.
So my point to you is, is uh that uh all men second Thessalonians, please in chapter three verse two and all men have not faith.
See that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men.
For all men have not faith, they don’t have faith, not the faith.
You got, they got human faith, but they don’t have this country.
This kind of faith is given to you that connects you with humanity with divinity.
Now, how does faith come? Alright, Romans 10 17.
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
So the only source of the God kind of faith is the word of God.
The only source of the God kind of faith is the word of God.
So sometimes you go into a church and there is not one ounce of faith in there, go because the preacher may be preaching, but he’s not preaching faith.
They’re not preaching the word.
And I’ve seen it before, you know, and I went to the cupboard and the cupboard was bare and, and oh, and I’m not making fun.
I’m just saying preach a whole sermon and not one word of faith in there.
You look in your Bible and try to find that and try to find that. Well, I didn’t find that.
Let me see if I found this other here. No, no numbers chapter 13 verse 30.
And here too that preach the word. Watch this.
And Caleb still the people before Moses and said, let us go up at once and possess it for we’re well able to overcome it.
Now notice what they’re doing. They’re preaching the word of faith because the giants were bigger than they were true enough.
Am I right about that? And, and they, they, they had been in combat and these people have been in the wilderness all this time.
So for, but notice what he was doing.
He was basing what he could do on the word of God that said, no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life.
Uh You follow what I’m saying. So when you say, well, they wouldn’t hire me down there.
They don’t, don’t like my color. I don’t so forth. And now is that in the word?
Because I got to go through the word and see, can they rule me because I’m not their color and so forth.
Uh You, you follow what I’m saying?
I’m not saying it’s not injustice and we gonna correct injustice but a lot of that correction we’re gonna do so that the system will be right.
Uh uh You’ll get that. So my point to you, is it true enough?
They, they, the giants were there so forth and so on.
But God said, first of all, I’m giving that land to you that, that land belongs to you.
You are the seat of Abraham and it belongs to you.
Now they’re living on it but it belongs to you. Now go in there and uh and acquire that land.
Well, we can’t do it because you know, so forth and so on. Well, you can’t do that.
You gotta hear the word of faith and Jesus preach the word of faith. Look at Luke’s Gospel, please.
And let’s look at Luke here over to God.
Now I want you to see this because when I say, hey, wait a minute, I said uh you can be a Millionaire by February 21st.
OK. Now if I release something like that, glory to God, you know what I’m saying?
I jump all over that. I said, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Now, I’m not gonna treat that like it’s just some, some, some, some thought that, that, well, I’m gonna treat that like, like a prophet just spoke a word.
Well, I can get Cindy Jacobs up here.
She said some of you are aspiring to be millionaires but God said to tell you can’t.
Yeah. Can’t I make billionaires?
Some, he said that some people sitting here are going to be on the Forbes list of some of the richest people in Chicago.
Now, didn’t she say that? Do you think she’s a prophet? Well, what she said was true.
See, God gives it to you three ways.
One by God himself saying it two by the, the word of God, three by a prophet.
And he used a prophet to bring them out of Egypt.
And they had to believe what he said.
Here’s a prophet in second chronicles and chapter 20 the prophet jumped up and said, wait a minute.
He said, you not need to fight this battle. Let’s, let’s go over there. Praise God, praise God.
I, I, I just feel the Holy Ghost telling me to go over there.
Let’s look at that and let’s look at verse 14 of chapter uh uh 20 of second chronicles and look what he said.
And then upon the son of Zachariah, the son of Banna, that’s the son of the son of Mathena, a Levi.
Now he gave his whole lineage here of the sons of Asap came the spirit of the Lord in the midst of the congregation.
And he said, and ye all Judah and your inhabitants of Jerusalem and thou King Jaha Fat thus sayeth the Lord unto you, be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude.
For the battle is not yours but God’s, am I right about this tomorrow?
Go ye down against them and behold, they come up by the cliffs, ears and so forth and so on.
Now, bro, give me the next first place, Jerry. And you shall not need to fight this battle.
Set yourselves. Stand ye still and see what salvation Lord with now. Now, wait a minute.
This is a prophet. Now, did they believe that? Yeah, look what happened here.
Let’s look at verse 21. And when he, this King Jehoshaphat had consulted with the people.
He appointed what singers unto the Lord and that should praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the the army.
And to say praise the Lord for his mercy, endure forever. Watch this.
And when they begin to what sing, come on and to praise the Lord, the lords had ambushed me again so forth.
The Lord, they begin to fight each other so forth.
Second Kings chapter 18 in verse 19 and let’s look at it in the message translation.
And the third officer, the reps, whatever spokesman he said, tell Hezekiah a message from the great king, the king of Assyria.
You’re living in a world of make believe of pious fantasies.
Do you think that mere words are any substitute for military strategy and troops now that you’ve revolted against me, who can you expect to help you?
Now, I’m gonna stop right there. Notice what he said.
He said, you think words or more powerful that military might.
You’re living in a fantasy world.
Now, the truth is the word of faith partners you with the Almighty.
It releases unlimited power and your situation.
He was completely wrong.
And I’m saying in the church, there’s been a problem with that because somehow the church feels that there is something natural that’s more powerful.
Then the words fill with faith, words filled with faith will slaughter an army.
I trust that you are blessed by today’s message.
Now, this message is called the God kind of faith. That’s volume two.
Now, this is a kind of faith that every believer needs to have.
Faith is needed to please God and to release His unlimited power in your life.
Don’t forget that faith is needed to please God and to release the unlimited power of God in your life.
You need the God kind of faith. Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston.
Until next time we love you and keep walking by faith. Today’s dynamic message.
The God kind of faith. Volume two is filled with revelations that can transform your life.
But you’ve only heard a portion of the message to get the full series in its entirety on MP three or CD on MP four or DVD order today by calling 1 to 807 119327 or go online at Bill Winston dot org.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.