The Stress Of Stuff | Joyce Meyer

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The Stress Of Stuff | Joyce Meyer

We can work hard for the things we have in life, but those things can also keep us stressed as well. So what should do? Joyce reminds where are focus should be.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Matthew 6 19th says, do not gather and heap up in store for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust and worm, consume, and destroy them where thieves break through and steal.
But here’s a scripture that I absolutely love.
Do you know in Revelation, I think it’s 3:17.
It says, because in 1 single hour, all the vast wealth has been destroyed wiped out.
And all ship captains and pilots and navigators and all who live by sea ferrying the cruise and all who put their trade on the sea stood a long way off.
You know what the Bible says? In 1 hour, in the last days, Babylon’s gonna completely fall.
The whole world system and everything that we put all of our confidence in, stock market’s gonna fall, everything’s gonna fall.
So we have to realize that everything that we have, all our money, all our possessions, everything we have, And I’m not saying this to be scary.
I’m just saying it so we get our priorities in line. I’m saying it to myself as well as you.
I mean, it could be gone in one out.
So we wanna make sure that Jesus is first.
And sometimes when we get too caught up in trying to make money, how many people are working today?
I’m not saying it’s you, but how many people are working 2 and 3 jobs so they can pay for a bunch of stuff that they don’t even need.
A bigger house, a more expensive car or this, so they had a boat, a yacht, or whatever, And it’s okay to have those things that you can have them without stress in your life.
But if they’re gonna stress you out, and you’re gonna be stressed out over the debt of having to pay for those things all the time.
And you’re gonna have to work so much.
You can never spend any time with your family, then maybe god brought you here tonight so you could re examine some of your priorities.
Because you know what happens when we don’t look at our priorities, to be honest, we can get in places and not even know how we got there.
It’s like, what happened to my life?
Have you ever thought that how did I get in this mess?
How did I how did I let myself get into this situation?
All those things have pull on us.

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