The Sarcastic Prophet | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Sarcastic Prophet
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger
Elijah on Mount Carmel. There’s a drought, and he stands there before the prophets avail.
One man against hundreds of men and a whole nation on that, and he he shows no reverence.
Same same trait. No reverence to bail. He’s the one I’m not open.
He’s the one who who mocks bail, really. Where is he guys? Where is your god? Where is he?
He’s he’s shout louder. He’s not hearing you. Shout him. And he’s sarcastic. You read that.
This is a sarcastic man. And he might be teetering on the edge of obnoxiousness, but it’s holy.
He has them fill up the altar with water because fire is they’re saying who who have the true god left fire common?
He fills the the water just to make it harder. Bold as a lion.
Ester’s in crisis mortar high tells her you gotta save your people as her.
Don’t try to save your life, but to approach the king without being summoned is to risk death.
But she comes anyway. Audacious comes into the throne room, even though it can mean death for her, there’s a law.
Then there’s a woman with a hemorrhage bleeding back then as with orthodox Jews today.
A woman doesn’t just go out a strange woman that doesn’t just go up to a man, an orthodox man to touch him because she could it could be on clean his.
A woman doesn’t do that. Certainly not to a rabbi. I mean, basically, you don’t and this woman is unclean.
She’s got an uncleanness physically, but the woman says, if I can just touch him, I’ll be healed.
She’s got faith and she’s got Chutzpah. It’s a powerful combination.
She has this shameless audacity. She doesn’t care that they say you can’t do it.
And it wasn’t just she does it and touches them and she’s healed. God honors him.
And it wasn’t just her. If you look at the scriptures, it says that many people went up to him and as many as we’re touching him, the hem of his garment, they were healed.
Shameless, but they were healed. The blind man The blind man gets healed by messiah.
And what happens? The sanhedrin say, we gotta we we come on.
We can we’re gonna interrogate you coming here. And they they they say, you know, what happened?
How did you respond? What happened here?
And then they say we then they then they they say, we know that this man, yeshua, he’s a sinner.
The blind man says, listen. Listen, guys. Whether he’s a sinner or not, I don’t know that.
All I know is I was blind and he healed me.
They said, how did he do it? Tell what happened? He said, I already told you.
You didn’t listen. Want me to tell you the story again? You wanna become his disciples? Yes.
This guy to the San Hedrin.
I mean, that’s also on the verge of, you know, you got you got obnoxiousness here and this there, but it’s for god’s glory.
He had the audacity of god so much they threw him out.
The woman who wept at his feet. She wasn’t supposed to be in there.
She goes into the middle of a a night dining thing, and she goes in and she starts weeping at his feet and washing it with her tears.
That she didn’t care what people said. She said, I’m not gonna let anything stop me going there.
I’m gonna be bold, and I’m going in no matter what.
Messai is passing through a town, and there’s a blind man over there.
And he and and the blind man here is he’s coming. And the Y Mount shouts out. Yes,hua.
Ben David, son of David, have mercy on me. And they tell him scopic, be quiet. Shut up.
You have no business. He’s coming through. Don’t disrupt the thing. So he goes even more. He goes, yeah, sure.
Son of David had mercy on me.
And the lord heals him because he had the audacity of faith have mercy.
He’s as bold as a lion.
He didn’t see until he healed him, but he was as bold as a lion. It didn’t matter.
He has as he has as inopportune as the midnight neighbor and he gets healed.
And then there was the leper. Leppers, you know, we’re not supposed to touch anybody. Stay away.
Even come near somebody, start shouting out, um, and cover your cover your mouth.
Kinda like a plague like we’ve gotten used to. You know?
And he and he sees something so so you see somebody you shout out and you you can’t Don’t come near me.
I’m unclean. So now he sees Messiah of all people, and he doesn’t let anything stop. He gets.
He goes right up to him.
And he says, listen, if you are willing, you can make me whole.
And he says, I am willing. And he touches the leper, and the leper is hold for his audacity.
And then there’s Peter in the boat at night with the others and he sees Messiah.
And he he and he he think it’s a ghost because he’s on the water and he shouts out.
He says, if that’s you, yeshua, If that’s you, command me, and I will walk on the water with you.
That was also audacious. That’s Peter. The other disciples didn’t talk like that.
Where did he come up with that? Where does he get off even saying that?
It’s one thing saying if that’s you, tell us it’s you, but he says, if that’s you, command me on the water, and I’ll walk on the water with you.
He’s telling the lord what to do. To command him and perform a miracle, and he’s telling him the miracle.
It was never done, but god honored the boldness God honored to boldness of Peter. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- Faith That Wavers – Dr. Charles Stanley 2023Tháng 5 19, 2023