The Ruach | Day 4 The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn’s

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Day four, The Ruach He took me to an open desert plane.

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It was a windy day, so windy, it was almost violent.
Come, said the teacher, he was asking me to walk against the winds blowing. So I did.
What is it like to walk against the wind? He asked. It’s a struggle, I replied.
In the language of scripture, he said, the word for wind is rule, but it has another meaning.
It also means the Spirit in hebrew. The Holy Spirit is the Holy wind.
So what happens if you walk against the wind?
It creates drag, it becomes harder to walk and you get tired in the same way, he said.
When you walk against the Spirit it creates a drag on your life. Everything you do becomes harder.
It takes more energy to do less.
So when you go against his Spirit you’re fighting against the wind and you can’t walk against the direction of the wind without getting weary and worn out.
And what way is the direction of the wind? The Spirit, The Spirit is the Holy Spirit.
Therefore it blows in the direction of the Holy and blows against the direction of the unholy.
Now try something else, turn around and walk back the same way you came. So I did.
I was now walking in the direction of the winds blowing, and what was that like? He asked.
It was much easier. I said, that’s because there was no drag, he said, you were walking in the direction of the wind and the wind helped you walk.
It moved you ahead. It made your walking easier. So when you walk against the wind it creates drag.
But if you turn around than the wind gives you power, so it is with the Spirit.
If you turn, if you change your course, if you repent, if you walk in the spirit then the drag will disappear.
Then the Spirit will empower you and will move you forward.
And then everything you do that you must do will become easier.
So if you walk in the Spirit, I said, life will go from being a drag to a breeze.
Yes, said the teacher. For those who walk in the spirit, the wind is at their back, the mission.
What part of your life is against the direction of the Spirit today.
Turn it around and start walking with the wind at your back, john chapter three verse eight Acts chapter two verse two Galatians chapter five verse 16 through 17.

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