The Powers Of the Disciple | Jonathan Cahn
The Powers Of the Disciple
Your Big Brother
02 July, 2023
Imagine growing up in Nazareth with Messiah as your older brother, and someone wants to fight you. You’d say, “I’ll tell my older brother on you.” They might reply, “Oh yeah, I’ll call my older brother, he’s bigger and stronger.” To which you could reply, “Well my brother is the Messiah. He’s going to rule the world with a rod of iron and subdue the nations; it’s all been prophesied.” The truth is you do have a big brother, and He is the Messiah. He’s there to protect you and watch your back. The enemy is a bully, seeking to harass, intimidate and push you around. When dealing with the enemy, a problem, a situation, a temptation, and it seems overwhelming, remember this: you have a big Brother, He’s the Messiah. Call on Him. You can walk with confidence, live with boldness, face head-on situations that might be much bigger than you and still not fear, because your Big Brother is bigger than the situation. Don’t despair, don’t get discouraged, have full confidence. Call on His name. Because you have a Big Brother and His name is Jesus, the Messiah.
Chen believers often live as if they have no power, afraid of everything.
You know, the devil, the devil, the devil is out there and he has the schemes, but he’s not the focus we’re aware of.
We’re aware of darkness, but we have to remember we are not under the darkness and we’re not on the losing side of darkness.
We’re on the winning side of darkness. Messiah com you know, Messiah didn’t command weakness.
We may weaken ourselves, but he commanded power. He commanded authority and power to his disciples.
And note is what happens first is the will of God.
He says go out do this, then he says, and you will be doing this and you will have this power.
So the first thing is the will of God and then comes the power of God, first comes the will of God and then comes the miracles of God.
You can have the power and the miracle without the will.
Not that you’re gonna be perfect, but the more you are in, out of the will, the less power you’re gonna have, the more you’re in the will, the more power, the more blessing people say you know, come and you know, I follow the miracle, come to the miracle service.
We’re not supposed to be following miracles. We’re following the Lord.
The miracles are supposed to be following us, follow the will of God and the miracles follow the power follows.
He said greater works. Will you do? The power is not about us.
It’s about him and it’s a matter of authority, all authority.
He didn’t say some, he said all authority in heaven and on earth are given to me.
It means all doesn’t mean it’s gonna look like it.
No, a lot of times it won’t look like it for Paul. A lot of times he’s in prison.
No, it didn’t look like it. But it still was the real thing.
Paul was in prison yet he changed the world more than, than the highest caesar of his age.
It’s a matter of the real authority of God.
Some believers think that they can say whatever they want and the authority follows and no, the authority doesn’t the authority.
You know, in other words, I say this, I want this.
Oh no, I rebuke this or you can rebuke anything you want.
But if it’s not God’s will, it’s not gonna happen. But if it’s God’s will, yes. Rebuke.
I mean, God will rebuke. Rebuke the enemy. If it’s God’s will, yes. Command that because it’s God’s will.
They appeal, you know, when the Apostle said, get up and walk, they knew it was God’s will at that moment, you know, the stories of superheroes, you know, with superpowers, superman flies of flash runs and plastic man bends and all these things.
Spiderman is a spider. But in God this all of course, just a fantasy but interesting, you know who most, you know, you know, who wrote, who created most of those, those comic he superheroes, Jewish people.
You know why? Because they’re the people who need the Messiah.
And without the Messiah, they still long for the super hero Superman Jewish, the Jewish guy, even his name.
It’s, it’s Hebrew, you know Batman, Jewish Spiderman, all that the people who wrote be called.
But what it’s telling you, no, there’s a reason for that.
People tell you you have all those three superpowers linked to that. But the real, that’s the imitation.
That’s the fantasy. But the real one that they’re longing for is yes, is Messiah Yeshua Jesus.
He’s the real one and he has real power and the real power is given to you his disciple.
That’s better see all that stuff is fantasy and special effects, but this is not special effects, this is the power of God and it’s real.
So he’s giving that to you true power.
And so the disciples are the ones who are given the power.
And if you’re a, if you’re a follower of the Lord today, you’re his disciple.
So honors, look at a few of the powers he gave you right here.
The first power he gives in the Greek is called, which, which, which means that it’s the power of healing, of making whole of, of making.
Well, what is broken? People in the world, broken. It’s a broken world. It’s a messed up world.
You have been given the power of the power of healing.
Now, does that mean everybody, you’re a miracle here every time you say it doesn’t mean that, but it means that God will use you to bring healing in his manner, in his will as he wills in your life and as he wills in people’s lives, even the same word, which means to heal.
The power of healing also means to serve and help people serve like waiting on tables.
There’s something, there’s a connection between, between serving God and having the power of healing.
But there’s another word that comes from that, that power that God gives you. And the word is therapy.
You can, you can hear it therapy. You know, the world says you need therapy.
You know, they made studies on therapy and I’m not speaking for or against, but they made studies on therapy.
They found out a third of the people got better. A third stayed the same and a third got worse.
And the third who got better might have gotten better anyway. We don’t know.
Now, I’m not saying there’s good Christian counsel from the word of God, but be careful.
There are many tenets of psychology that are opposed to the word of God. So, be careful.
Don’t just put your, your life in the hands of somebody who’s giving you spiritual counsel.
But we have a Messiah who is a healer better than therapy is to be with Messiah’s.
You want a therapist? He’s your therapist. The love of God heals really does.
You don’t want to see people getting together.
You see people who are messed up, they come to the Lord and they really get into God and they, and, and, and you see them totally change from what they were because God is our healer, the son of God will arise with healing in his wings.
The same word, interesting power of healing also can mean be translated as worship. What does that mean?
There’s a connection between worship and healing.
You want healing, get into worshiping God, there’s healing in worship.
In fact, there’s healing of getting your eyes off your problem.
There’s healing in getting your eyes off of yourself and getting lost in the love of God to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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