The oil of his Name | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The oil of his Name | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
“When Israel’s children were sacrificed on Baal’s altars, the nation deafened its ears to their cries. But God did not. The blood of the innocent would lead to the nation’s judgment. So in the modern case we have likewise lifted up our children on the altars of our apostasy and have likewise deafened our ears to their cries. But even by the most basic measures of morality, the clear and unavoidable truth remains: the killing of an unborn child, the taking of an innocent life, is as wrong and horrific as any human act could be wrong and horrific. And as in ancient times, no amount of words, legislation, or rulings can alter that fact. That we have sanctioned such a thing or have done and said nothing to oppose it is an indictment not only of our present civilization but of all who have sanctioned it or done and said nothing to oppose it.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times
― Jonathan Cahn, The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times
In the song of Solomon. The the bride says of the bride groom, listen says for your name is like pure oil.
Your name, the bride says the your name is like pure oil.
Interesting because we’re the bride and who’s the bride groom? Messiah God. Messiah, what is his name? What’s he called?
He’s called the Christ or the the word Christ comes from Christos which comes from, it’s a very Jewish word.
What does it mean? It means the one who is anointed of oil.
So it says your name is like oil. Well, the name of Messiah has oil in it.
The name Christ has that’s Rico Christ oil really? And him is anointing.
And now you are called, you’ve been called Christians. You be called somebody called Messianic or Meshi in Hebrew.
That’s what it means. It means little Christ, Christ by little Christ or little little.
So what does it mean? It means means the anointed.
There’s nobody more anointed than Messiah because all the purposes of God are in Him and nobody has the spirit like he does.
But so it says, so therefore you are a little version of Him.
So you have to be anointed too.
Because what it means is that Christian means a little anointed person or, or Messianic, a little anointed person.
And so, you know, when he died, you were in that I was in that he died all our deaths.
When he rose, you were in it, he rose all of our resurrections.
And in His anointing is your anointing the anointing and the anointing that God has for you, if you’re born again and if you’re not born again, God is, is seeking you to become safe.
So the anointing can come true. The anointing is not just a general thing on your life.
Well, it makes me stronger. The anointing is specific. The anointing on David was specific.
I’m gonna get into that in a moment. It’s a very important thing. Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn.
Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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Your name, the bride says the your name is like pure oil.
Interesting because we’re the bride and who’s the bride groom? Messiah God. Messiah, what is his name? What’s he called?
He’s called the Christ or the the word Christ comes from Christos which comes from, it’s a very Jewish word.
What does it mean? It means the one who is anointed of oil.
So it says your name is like oil. Well, the name of Messiah has oil in it.
The name Christ has that’s Rico Christ oil really? And him is anointing.
And now you are called, you’ve been called Christians. You be called somebody called Messianic or Meshi in Hebrew.
That’s what it means. It means little Christ, Christ by little Christ or little little.
So what does it mean? It means means the anointed.
There’s nobody more anointed than Messiah because all the purposes of God are in Him and nobody has the spirit like he does.
But so it says, so therefore you are a little version of Him.
So you have to be anointed too.
Because what it means is that Christian means a little anointed person or, or Messianic, a little anointed person.
And so, you know, when he died, you were in that I was in that he died all our deaths.
When he rose, you were in it, he rose all of our resurrections.
And in His anointing is your anointing the anointing and the anointing that God has for you, if you’re born again and if you’re not born again, God is, is seeking you to become safe.
So the anointing can come true. The anointing is not just a general thing on your life.
Well, it makes me stronger. The anointing is specific. The anointing on David was specific.
I’m gonna get into that in a moment. It’s a very important thing. Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn.
Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
Make sure you hit the subscribe button and tap the bell icon.
So you’re notified every time a new video is posted, feel free to share your reactions with your comments and how you were blessed and share this video with your friends.
Thanks for watching. See you next time.