The Mysterious Picture & God’s Calling on Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Mysterious Picture & God’s Calling on Your Life
Message Of The Week – The most overlooked of the priestly garments and what it reveals about your walk, your calling, your ministry, and your life.
“As God was expunged from American life, idols came in to fill the void; idols of sensuality, idols of greed, of money, of success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, self-obsession. The sacred increasingly disappeared, and the profane took its place.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger
Because god called you to be his holy minister and so live a 100%. You know what holiness is? Purity.
You know what purity is? A 100%. Whatever you do, at 100%.
Remember when Peter solve the miracle of god.
Actually, it’s one of the scriptures I got for the year about go out again, go out again in your boat and you will reap, you will in a the the fish come in that.
Well, well, he sees it and he said and he tells Jesus, Leave me because I’m why?
Cause I’m a sinful man. And Peter fell big, and he wept.
And remember when the lord says, do you love me, Peter? Do you love me, Peter?
Three times and it hurt Peter, but Messiah was dealing with it. He was covering it up.
He w when I say covering up, he was dealing with that shame. So, hey, listen, I saw it.
I know it, but now you’re gonna redeem that, Peter. The rest of your life, you’re gonna live redeeming that.
You’re gonna show the world how much you love me.
God is saying, you know, sometimes you you felt you’re disqualified because of something in your life, from your call, from the high things of god, and god is saying, no.
I am not finished with you. I have not disqualified you. In fact, I made provision for that.
I made provision for that weakness for the shame for the thing that happened. I made provision for it.
Use it. Whatever it is, people my brothers and sisters, god says, I’ve called you.
To be a priest, bring it to god. It says whatever it is.
You know, it says in Philipp, whatever you’re dealing with, whatever it is, bring it to god.
Let god touch every part. That’s the thing.
There’s no sin that can’t be finished if you let him touch it.
Doesn’t matter how big it is, it’s finished. But there’s no sin.
Even if sin is small, it’ll hinder you if you don’t let god touch it. Bring every part to god.
Bring every part of god to you.
It says in every part, it says in Zechariah, in that day in the kingdom of god, even the cooking pot, You know, even your the Betty Crocker things of the and the the Tupperware, all that will have on it, the words kadoj, holy to the lord.
The same words that are on the high priest’s crown is gonna be in everybody’s cooking bots. What’s that saying?
It’s saying in that day, everything’s gonna be holy. Everywhere your home is gonna be like the holy of holies.
Every part got in but we’re in the kingdom now.
And so god wants every part of your life to be right, holy pure, and he can do it.
It’s not saying it is now. It’s saying he will do it. You gotta let him.
You know, I’m gonna I’m gonna, as we seal this, in my office, for years, I’ve had a a a lithograph hanging, And it was given to me years before.
I was a few years old in the lord, and I was beginning a ministry to New York City to go out on Saturdays We gave out food and the gospel to the homeless.
I’d cook turkeys, and we’d make sandwiches out of it.
But the day I was beginning that ministry One of the people going with me had been to a thrift shop, and she found this old lithograph from the 1800s.
And she thought of me and she said I had to she had should I I was gonna want to give it to you for some time.
I kept it in my car, but only because we happen to be together that she only that day, she didn’t plan it.
That day, she ended up giving it to me, which is the day of beginning ministry.
And the lithograph was of Aaron, Those of you who know that’s my lineage, and so my way down, my father way back, on the bottom was written in Hebrew scripture.
And it was Aaron, you know, with his breastplate, and it was with offering up incense. Interesting.
Uh, I didn’t we didn’t plan this either.
The the worship, but it was had what let let it be incense rising to you.
Preests, and that was not planned.
And translating the Hebrew, it read and you shall make holy garments for Aaron, your brother, talking to Moses, and for his sons, that they may minister to me.
So I was the son of mar of of Aaron here and the word for that they may minister or maybe priest, the word the word in Hebrew was CHN.
That’s where I my last name comes from, the word that means to minister.
And this was given to Moses to give to them at the beginning of the ministry, and this is the beginning of our ministry, our 1st day going out to minister the homeless.
And that day, I was wearing a light jacket. For the first time.
I picked it was like a new well, it was a new. I got it at a thrift shop too.
And on it, it said, Levi’s, which is the tribe of the priest. So I’m wearing the garment.
Years later, when I was asked to lead Beth Israel, the weekend I went into full time ministry The scripture that was appointed that weekend in all the synagogue to the world was this 1, Exodus 28, you shall make holy garments for Aaron and his sons that they may minister to me.
And the lord threw all this to me was saying, listen, you were born of this heritage, but you could never fulfill it without having come to Messiah.
And what you’re doing now, that day that we went to the homeless, what you do on the streets of New York City with a homeless is just as holy as what your ancestor Aaron did in the holy of holies.
And to minister for me, you don’t need to be perfect, but you need to be covered.
And you need to be holy, not just on the outside, but the inside every part of your life has to be brought into it.
It may not be now, but I’ll do it as a lord. Let me do it.
God knows He knows your frame, knows your past, knows your secret things.
He still calls you his child and his minister.
None of these things will disqualify you from serving him as long as you don’t let them.
God has given you a provision to cover everything.
Cover it up with the love, the will, the spirit, the holiness of that.
Let it touch every part of your life.
Let it cleanse you mind, heart, soul, and strength inside and out that you have nothing to be ashamed of.
God, because god has called you totally. He’s given you the power to overcome everything.
Serve him totally inside out. Love them totally inside out. Worship him totally inside out. Rejoice.
Do everything totally for god. Because god called you to be his holy minister and so live a 100%.
You know what holiness is? Purity. You know what purity is? A 100%. Whatever you do, do it 100%.
You live 100%. Turn away from sin, 100%. Serve god a 100%. Glorify him a 100%.
For the lord, says I’ve called you. To be holy. You will be holy.
You are my servant, and you will enter my presence, and you will enter my sanctuary, and your life will be filled with my glory, says, Lord, so that every part of your life will become holy from the top of your head to the soles of your feet and even Your underwear shall be holy, says, oh lord.
Amen. And amen. Praise you, lord.
Bother, help us, lord, to take this to our lives right now, lord, lord, we thank you that you have called us.
We thank you, lord, for the high calling. Lord help us to apply this even today, even tonight.
Father, help us to take an action, Lord, to holiness, to father, to blessing, to becoming the person we’re meant to be.
Whatever’s in our life that shouldn’t be, lord, help us, father, to get it out.
And whatever should be, lord, help us to get it in, lord.
When we go when we fellowship, when we go home, lord, let us not forget When we enter our houses, let them be like, let it be like we’re entering the temple, and help us lord to be in your presence.
Take time in the secret place tonight. For we are your priests.
Lord, we thank you, lord, and help us to be consistent. So, lord, we lift up.
Lord, whatever’s convicted us We lift up that part of our life, father, whatever that is that has that may not be inconsistent with with the rest of our life.
It may not be holy, lord. And you know it already. We lift it up in lord.
We’re gonna make real change. We say real things. And we’re also gonna make hedges, father.
To protect and to cover ourselves. Lord, we wanna live all out. We wanna know the full thing.
We wanna we want the we want the fullness of what you’ve called us to be.
Lord, we wanna praise you in every way.
And thank you for the calling and the power to fulfill it. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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