The Full Meaning of Grace – Episode 2

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The Full Meaning of Grace – Episode 2

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world. His grace is free and undeserved.
His grace is unmerited. His grace is without your contributions.
At this point, somebody said, well, what do you do then?
If you’re spending all this time with god, the only thing left for you to do is just flow with him, do what he tell you to do.
Don’t go try to fix what we do.
We’ve been trying to do something, trying to make it do something instead of working with him.
Look no further for encouragement to walk in the grace of god.
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This is your world.
Sola’s to make it a better place.
Let every hard than me is now.
You uh, uh, God’s love was expressed through his grace So grace is god’s love in action.
Grace is god’s love in action.
Think about some of the stuff that god has done for you since you’ve been born again.
Grace is his love in action.
Think about when you were on the brink of life and and just couldn’t figure it out, and you didn’t try your best, and you didn’t know when you you you thought that god didn’t love you, and and you and and you walked in condemnation, and you and you walked in shame, and and and and and you were so condemned and so beat up.
And, and, and you, you were trying to live right, and you were, you were trying to do the word, and you, you were trying to come to church and be a good church member, trying to be a good crime member, trying to be a good usher member.
You were trying. And somewhere in there in your life, Satan convince you that you ain’t alright with god no more.
Satan convince you that, no, no, no, you ain’t going to heaven no more. Saying convince you. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. God can’t bless you no more.
I mean, listen, I was in the ministry and questioned, and am I gonna make it?
Am I gonna make it, lord?
Because some people think, well, you know, preach is gonna automatically make your new I know some preachers who ain’t even saved.
But the grace of god.
God expressed his love through his grace. And he saved them.
He saved those guys. And I get so excited anytime I hear of any preacher.
Who’s a new testament preacher, who decided to preach Jesus Christ and the grace of the lord Jesus Christ.
Cause that’s the gospel. That’s the gospel. Okay.
Let’s go to the second piece, a second slice of this definition of grace.
The 1st slice, of course, was Grace is the operation of god’s love.
Here’s the second slice. This is important. God’s love is infinite. God’s love is infinite.
Look at St. John 1st John, I think.
1st John 416 in the, uh, NLT, if you have that Bible, god’s love is infinite.
Now, why is that so important? Well, look at this.
He says, we know how much god loves us.
I I pause because think a lot of people know how much god loves them.
We know how much god loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.
See, we spent so much time.
Religion religion had us spending so much time on the issue of how much you love God.
And the issue is not how much you love god.
The issue is how how much do you believe that god loves you?
See, that’s what the devil was attacking people.
They were getting people convinced that you have done something, and now, god, don’t love you no more. No.
No. No. No. The issue is, will you believe the love that god has for you?
That’s where the power is. Do you believe that god loves you? I believe god loves me.
Therefore, I believe what god says in his word. I believe god loves me. Therefore, I believe he’ll heal me.
I believe god loves me. Therefore, believe he will prosper me.
You won’t go around talking about what maybe god doing if it punished me and to show me something.
I believe god loves me Therefore, I believe I’m not gonna die of this cancer because god loves me, praise God.
I believe god’s love me And so if you get co got got corona sometime in that whole process, I believe god loves me.
Therefore, I’m coming out of this. Praise god. I’m if god loves me. Therefore, somehow I’m a pay these bills.
I don’t know where it’s gonna come from, but I do know god loves me. I believe god loves me.
You in jail. And somehow, another, I’m a get up out of this. And get get vindicated.
I believe god loves me. And when you believe the love that god has for you, you’ll believe the power.
We know how much god loves us, and we we we we we have put our trust in his love.
God is love and all who live in love live in god, and god lives in them.
Something missing when our Christianity is all about how much more money we can get, how successful we can be, No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Your Christianity should be clearly defined by the love that we have for one another.
Yeah. You don’t ever get no shots on that one, do you?
How much love we have for one another? God’s looking to see how we treat one another.
He died for his enemies. You don’t even speak to yours.
You ain’t even thought about doing nothing.
Well, I ain’t got no enemies. Yes. You do.
You sitting here minding your business at church. Somebody talking about you?
You just don’t know they’re talking about you. But we’re walking along. It doesn’t matter.
We’re we’re walking on a higher level. We god is love, and his love is so powerful.
It must infect us. I pray that you all will be infected by love and that we’ll have a pandemic of the love of god that you catch love, glory be to god, that you catch love.
Praise god. I’ve learned in my life that in order for me to do that, I gotta let stuff go.
I can’t If people who keep stuff, all that’s gonna do is infect you with the wrong kind of stuff.
And then you will end up by yourself. Because ain’t nobody got time for that?
I love you, but I’m not gonna love you and, in a, in a, in a situation where, you know, instead of you forgiving me, you for sale, you’re forgetting I’ll forgive you if you do these 3 things.
That ain’t no forgiveness. That’s for sale.
You said if I for if I for sale these 3 things, then you’ll forgive me.
That’s not what love is. Love is patient. It’s kind. It’s a long suffering.
It’s all the things that church people don’t appear to be these days.
So as god is infinite, so are his attributes, so is his characteristics?
God is infinite. His love then is infinite. Therefore, that love which he is must be infinite.
This love is infinite. And again, god’s love is infinite because the measure of it, his only begotten son is infinite.
There is no dead end for god’s love. Uh-uh.
I don’t care how crazy you get or do.
There is no crazy that can be produced from a man that will ever block up, stop up god’s love.
The grace of god flowing from infinite love is inexhaustible.
Can’t be stopped. It can never fail.
And this is the grace that he has began to sick upon your life who believe in him.
I am now gonna deal with you with love that that’s inexhaustible.
I’m gonna deal with you with love that cannot failed. My love cannot fail.
Now here’s the problem. As Christians people, we’ve not known how to receive that love by faith.
And I just showed you. Lord, I believe you’re loving me.
I believe you’re loving me, lord, so you’re not gonna let me be a complainer all my life.
I believe you love me, Lord.
So you so you’re gonna show me how to how to live my life away from my past.
I think I prayed this this morning, I can’t alter my past, but I can’t bring my past to the altar.
And his love never fails. That’s the grace of god. I believe the love.
Say it. See, I believe the love. I believe the love. Say it again. I believe the love.
Say it again. I believe the love. That’s how you receive that. Amen.
You have to remind yourself, oh, no. Again, I believe god me. I know God loves me.
In the midst of crazy time, I do not know. The lights just went out. And you don’t know.
You have nothing to pay those bills. God loves me. That’s why there’s gonna be a way.
He’s gonna make a way for me to be able to get out of this. God loves me.
That’s why I’m gonna operate in promotion. God loves me.
That’s why I’m gonna be the best husband, the best wife, the best children. God loves me. Amen.
And so it’s it’s it’s it can’t fail.
So I can’t do nothing and won’t do nothing, w without reminding myself He loves me.
Especially when I get concerned and when I get hurt, I have to I have to remind myself God loves me.
God loves me. God loves me.
I mean, my my wife would tell you, uh, for about a week or 2, I wasn’t sleeping too good.
And I I just got into work because god loves me. God, god loves me.
I don’t need to be going around talking about all of the, scientific reasons for why I ain’t sleeping?
That ain’t helping me. I’m sleeping.
And I got into work, and I looked up every scripture I could find on sleep.
And the one that did it for me was when my head hits the pillow, I lie down in peace, and my sleep shall be sweet.
Man, when I got that first 8 hours that came up, I want to take a picture and put it on the Instagram or whatever.
Taping his sentence out there, everybody see. Just showing you the time I got up this morning.
And you know what I did? I just started praising God for his love. You love me.
This can’t go on. You love me because you love me. You gonna we gonna figure this whatever.
We gonna you go you love me.
Those of you looking for a job, god loves you.
And god wants you to have the best job.
He wants you to have a job where you can state your own salary.
He wants you to have a job where you can you can state your own salary, state your own situation.
They’re gonna come up you tell me that you you you you you wanna work home or you want office?
I want I’m gonna stay. I’m gonna stay home. Uh, you you what what else you want?
You don’t even you’re you need a call to get around in and, uh, uh, what what’s your uh, we know somebody that they did it.
They, they, they got everything they want.
They got a biggest salary, and, and, and, and, and they they’re asking, what else can we do for you?
What else can we do for you? That’s the inexhaustible love of god. That’s the grace of god.
It wasn’t because you were so outstanding. It’s because he’s so outstanding.
I number 3, So we know Grace is the operation of Dodd’s love.
It is infinite. It never can fail. Here you go. Number 3, it’s unmerited.
Now this is the part that’s got nuts, I believe, in in in church. It’s unmerited.
It’s undeserved. It’s unearned. You’re not you can’t you can’t qualify for this. Let’s see.
Uh, man can do nothing or contribute nothing to that which god does in grace.
In order we do anything to merit it or deserve it, you can’t contribute nothing, We think we can.
Because religions taught us, do these 3 things, and that’ll happen. Do this and that’ll happen.
Do th and none of it’s coming out of your heart.
It’s coming out of an attempt to try to get god to do something for you.
Look at Romans 11, 6 in NLT, Romans 4 and 4 in NLT, and Loop chapter 18, and I’ll get you to verse in a minute in NLT.
Man can do nothing or contribute nothing to that, which god does in grace.
So everything that god does for us, he does it in grace. And you still think you’re contributing something.
Somehow you’re trying to brag on something that god did.
Oh, the reason why that happened, because see what you don’t know is I went on a 5 day fast.
Didn’t even have no water. There’s you can’t contribute anything to which god has decided to do by grace.
He’s already whatever issue you’re facing, he’s already decided for the best outcome for you.
And you, you think you can make god do it.
And then we got to the point where we think we can be like god without god, and that’s called religion.
Look at this in verse 6.
And since it is through god’s kindness, then it is not by their good works For in that case, god’s grace would not be what it really is.
Free and undeserved. His grace is free and undeserved. His grace is unmerited.
His grace is without your contributions.
At this point, somebody said, well, what do you do then?
If you’re spending all this time with god, the only thing left for you to do is just flow with him, do what he tell you to do.
Don’t go out and try to fix what we do.
We’ve been trying to do some, try to make him do some instead of working with him.
You have plenty to do. Gotta gotta tell you to do this.
He’ll tell you to do that here. Just just flow with god. Just do what god tell you to do.
Just walk in in this wonderful obedience tour. The Holy Spirit as he leaves and guides you along the way.
What gets you is this, you can’t figure out how to do something where you can boast about it.
You know, churchful little boast about what they did. You can’t do it.
The Bible says, we’re saved by grace. We get it through faith. Let’s in and match your boast.
You know what it did? He said, The Grace gave you salvation.
You ain’t got nothing to boast about because you didn’t have nothing. To do with it.
You didn’t deserve it. You didn’t earn it. He said, this grace is free and clear.
It was by works, then grace would not be what it is. Free and undeserved.
Well, I deserved it because and this is what gets me, and I I can’t wait to get to this part of the sermon.
I’m a tired of what, you know, what at me.
Like, that gives you some type of, uh, oh, give me the word.
Some kinda entitlement. You look at that entitlement, like, came in a You think you are entitled to be blessed because you are a tiger?
Well, you know, pastor, this was a good person, and it was a tie that too Well, they’re gonna qualify you with nothing.
You can you can tell I’ve been holding it a while.
I’m a tiger.
So, therefore, I should be able to have these privileges. I’m a Tyler. That that’s not entitlement.
You know, that’s what’s wrong with our world right now. So entitled.
How was this?
Look at romos 4 and 4 in the NLT.
When people work, their wages are not a gift.
But it’s something that they have earned.
Grace is a gift to work for it turns that gift into a payment for something earned.
So anytime you think you can do something to earn it, you’ve turned what god released as a gift and turned it into a way, something that was earned.
Now, look at Luke chapter 18 verses 9 through 14.
I’m gonna look at this, and then we’ll stop right here.
Look at 8.
Look look 8 verse 9. We’re gonna eat 9 through 14.
Then Jesus told his story to Psalm who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else.
Two men went to the temple to pray.
1 was a Pharacy, and the other was a despise tax collector.
The pharisees stood by himself and prayed this prayer.
I thank you God that I am not like other people.
I’m not, I’m not a cheater.
I’m not, well, I’m not like other people cheaters, sinners, adulterers, I’m certainly not like that tax collector.
Seriously, that was a prayer? I fast twice a week.
And I give you a tenth. Here it goes. Of my income.
But the tax collector stood out a distance and dared not even live his eyes to heaven.
As he prayed, instead, he beat his chest in sorrow saying, Oh, god.
Be merciful to me for I am a center. Thanks, Bruce.
I tell you, this sinner, not the pharisee. Return home justified before god.
For those who exalt themselves, will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
See what that fantasy was doing with self righteousness?
Self righteous people always like to compare themselves with somebody else.
Self righteous people always say, well, at least I ain’t do that. That’s self righteous.
I don’t do this. I don’t do that. That’s self righteous. Your self righteousness is enough. It’s sin.
But somehow Satan convinces you that you’re doing that, and that’s gonna earn you God’s grace.
It’s it didn’t work like that. That’s not how that happens.
That’s not how that’s not how that works.
Therefore, works as a means of obtaining god’s favor and grace are completely excluded.
Listen to this, god’s grace always acts first on behalf of man before man can act on behalf of god.
Hear this. God’s grace always acts first on behalf of, of, of man.
So god’s doing something first for you, enabling you now to act on behalf of god.
It’s an excellent scripture to, uh, to, uh, to show you.
1st, uh, John chapter 4 verse 19, in the King James first, John 4 19.
See, man came ever at on behalf of god, unless god has, first of all, acted on man’s behalf.
We love him because he first loved us.
We can’t love him first. He got to love me first.
It’s his love for me that enables me to love him.
We love him, but he acted on our behalf.
First of all, we didn’t act on his behalf.
But Grace is more than just unmerited favor It is favor towards those who deserve the very opposite.
Grace’s favor on those who deserve the opposite.
The thing you’re supposed to get, you don’t get, and grace operates for those who deserve the opposite.
Look at Romans 5 and 8, and Romans 5 and 10 in the NLT.
Romans 5 and 8 and 5 and 10 in the NLT. That’s something.
Grace operates on on behalf of somebody who deserves the opposite of grace.
But god showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us when, while we were still sinners.
Christ died for us.
1st 10, For since our friendship with god was restored by the death of his son, while we were still his enemies, he restored We will all enemies of god.
Please understand that. He says we will certainly be safe through the life of god.
So by the grace of god, Jesus died for sinners. Jesus died for his enemies.
Send therefore does not, in fact, cannot limit the grace of god.
Saying cannot limit the grace of god.
Are you searching for a deeper understanding of god’s grace?
In the series, a deeper definition of grace, creflo dollar gives a solid understanding of our covenant and a true picture of our god.
Grace is the truth. Anytime you hear grace, It’s Jesus. Jesus is the source of grace.
The very same grace that brings salvation also teaches those are saved, how to live
pleasing unto god.
Growth in your spiritual life can only come by grace. He will work out his plan for your life.
And you know what? He’s working out that plan right now.
All three messages in the series can be yours today for a love gift of 20 US dollars.
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Hey, everybody. I wanna give you a personal invitation
to attend the Grace Life Conference of the reunion. July 11th through 13th.
Learning to live the grace life will address every emotional issue that you’re dealing with in your everyday life.
Whether it’s loneliness insecurities, love, self worth, belonging, it doesn’t matter. God’s grace deals with every human need.
You need to be at GraceLab 2024. It’s a reunion. It’s a gathering of believers and it’s freedom.
When people understand grace, they are empowered to change. So don’t miss this opportunity.
I’ll see you at Grace Life 2024 the reunion, July 11th through 13th.
Come prepared to get your wise answer the grace of god will change you forever. I’ll see you there.
I think you would be amazed at what creflo dollar ministry does every day around the world.
Testimonies come in from all over about the impact we have.
And I wish you could see the kids we feed.
Their lives are changed and impacted for the better because of you, our givers.
The seeds you sow into this ministry a mark that, uh, that can never be a race.
And I wanna thank you so much for your financial contributions into the kingdom of god. And into this ministry.
If god has placed it on your heart to support the vision of this ministry to reach the world with the gospel of grace, you may call in to make your financial donation or log on to
God bless you.
As we wrap up today’s broadcast, I’d like to take a moment to pray for you.
I don’t ever want to take for granted that you have received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior, there’s no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Christ.
So if you wanna become born again and begin an exciting, intimate relationship with Jesus, pray this prayer with me now.
Heavenly father. Come into my heart, save me.
I receive you now by faith, and I declare in Jesus’ name that I am saved.
Thank you, lord, for saving me. Amen.
But if you prayed that prayer with me, I wanna welcome you to the kingdom of god.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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