The Focus That Brings the Greatest Joy – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching
The Focus That Brings the Greatest Joy – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching
God has given you specific strengths and areas of interest. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, learn how to embrace your unique purpose and enjoy the journey He has for you!
Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.
With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.
I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The e to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that I can heal you everywhere you’ve heard.
What is your attitude toward yourself.
Do you like yourselves?
We hurt we had a few people there, but, you know, You know, I spent a lot of years not liking myself, probably even in some ways, dealing with some self hatred, certainly some self rejection, because a lot of what happened to me when I was growing up, I thought somehow or another was my fault.
And so first, let me start by saying if if somebody has mistreated you, devalued you, abused you, criticized you, judged you, done something that has left you wounded, their ignorance is not your fault.
Don’t pay them.
Don’t be mad at them because if you do that, that will just continue giving them power over your life.
The thing you wanna do is just realize the source, shake it off, say sleep on, and go on, with your life.
Amen? And to be honest, I cried for so long to love people and I became a Christian and started really studying the word of god.
I knew the I I heard a lot of messages about loving people, and I could see that from the word that god wanted us to love people.
And and I wanted to love people, and I wanted to be patient with people.
And I wanted to be merciful to people and and I I just couldn’t seem to do it.
And it got so frustrating to me because I felt like my heart was right.
I wanted to do the right thing, but I just couldn’t seem to pull it off.
And God began many years ago revealing to me that the reason why I couldn’t love other people was because I didn’t love myself.
I couldn’t be merciful to other people because see, for me, I was hard on myself.
And if you’re hard on yourself, you’re gonna be hard on everybody else too. Come on now.
And, So one of the things that I’ve learned over these 42 years that I’ve had the rare privilege of teaching god’s word is that You can’t give away what you don’t have.
So you might as well stop trying to give something to other people that you don’t have yourself.
And, see, god equips us.
He provides us with everything that we need to get out in the world and do everything that he wants us to do.
You’ve got what it takes.
But if you don’t know it, then no matter what you have, if you don’t know it, it won’t do you any good And if it’s not doing you any good, then it can’t get through you to do somebody else any good.
And I know many of you’ve probably heard me teach this.
I don’t care if you’ve heard it
a thousand times. If the devil can get you to not like yourself he has already won the battle in your life.
What is your attitude toward yourself?
What is your relationship with yourself? How do you think and feel about yourself?
How much time do you spend thinking about everything that’s wrong with you and what you can’t and what you don’t and what you didn’t and what you should have compared to, or do you ever even purposely sit and think about what your gifts are and what your strengths are?
See, we kind of think, well, it just might not be good to just sit around and think how good I am.
Well, I’m not talking about how good you are in yourself.
I’m talking about thinking about what god has done for you and what he’s invested in you and what he’s given to you.
And the more you celebrate, the good things, the smaller the bad things are gonna become.
And I’m gonna tell you something.
The more you focus on what’s wrong with you, the bigger it’s gonna get.
I said the more you focus on what’s wrong with you, the bigger it’s gonna get, and the less likely you are to ever get rid of it.
We’re gonna say that to this side of the room.
The more you focus on what’s wrong with you, the less like, but you are to ever get rid of it and the bigger it’s gonna get in your life.
And if you think you’re a mess now, you just keep focusing on what a mess you are and just see how much worse you are this time next year than you are right now.
2 of the most important relationships that you have is number 1, your relationship with god.
Number 2, your relationship with yourself.
If you have your relationship with not right in your relationship with you, right, you are not gonna have any trouble with anybody else.
That doesn’t mean people won’t be challenging for you sometimes or maybe a little bit difficult to handle, but you might as well stop trying to get along with everybody else out there if you can’t get along with yourself.
And I think a lot of people, to be honest, don’t like themselves.
They don’t even know that’s a root of their problem.
I didn’t realize until god taught me that, that that was why I couldn’t really love anybody else.
I didn’t love myself. And I’m not talking about being in love with yourself.
I’m talking about loving yourself in a balanced way. Your attitude toward yourself affects your relationship with everybody else.
And although we are taught in the word of god, not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, we are never taught, not ever taught to have a low demeaning opinion of ourselves.
Matter of fact, I’ll tell you, I think it’s ungodly to do that.
We should learn to see ourselves in Christ.
To see ourselves the way our heavenly father sees us in Christ.
If we stay rooted and grounded in Christ, John 15 says if you abide in me and my word abides in you, you will bear much fruit.
You know why? If you stay in Christ, if you abide in him, What the root has, and Jesus is called the root, will come up through the vine and into the branches.
You will become more and more like Jesus.
The more you focus on what he’s done in you, Then you do what is wrong with you.
Have you been looking for a 360 5 day devotional?
Well, look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer.
There’s a focus burst for all 365 days of the year. Along with a prayer starter.
Get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at
The biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like god thinks, and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of god.
In words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of god transformed her life.
Experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with god through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hardcover book by Joyce Meyer.
Discover the transformative power of his word, words to live by from Joyce Meyer. Get your YouTube exclusive offer today.
Go to, and the number 2.
Have you ever been trapped in a never ending frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur, leaving you gasping for sapause and catch your breath.
In her insightful book, pursuing peace, Joyce Meyer explores the importance of seeking peace at all costs.
This beautiful hardcover edition is filled with meaningful scriptures and uplifting quotes from Joyce, providing valuable guidance for living peaceful lifestyle.
So grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable spot, and embark on your journey to find peace.
Remember, this limited time YouTube offer won’t last long.
Go to Pursuit to get your copy today and start your pursuit of peace.
The mind actually is the battle That’s where we win or lose the war with Satan.
He said all he gets to say is time.
You start asking god to heal you, and he will restore.
It’s the god of all comfort, and I am so grateful that I know how to call on god.
The e to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that I can heal you everywhere you’ve heard.
What is your attitude toward yourself.
Do you like yourselves?
We hurt we had a few people there, but, you know, You know, I spent a lot of years not liking myself, probably even in some ways, dealing with some self hatred, certainly some self rejection, because a lot of what happened to me when I was growing up, I thought somehow or another was my fault.
And so first, let me start by saying if if somebody has mistreated you, devalued you, abused you, criticized you, judged you, done something that has left you wounded, their ignorance is not your fault.
Don’t pay them.
Don’t be mad at them because if you do that, that will just continue giving them power over your life.
The thing you wanna do is just realize the source, shake it off, say sleep on, and go on, with your life.
Amen? And to be honest, I cried for so long to love people and I became a Christian and started really studying the word of god.
I knew the I I heard a lot of messages about loving people, and I could see that from the word that god wanted us to love people.
And and I wanted to love people, and I wanted to be patient with people.
And I wanted to be merciful to people and and I I just couldn’t seem to do it.
And it got so frustrating to me because I felt like my heart was right.
I wanted to do the right thing, but I just couldn’t seem to pull it off.
And God began many years ago revealing to me that the reason why I couldn’t love other people was because I didn’t love myself.
I couldn’t be merciful to other people because see, for me, I was hard on myself.
And if you’re hard on yourself, you’re gonna be hard on everybody else too. Come on now.
And, So one of the things that I’ve learned over these 42 years that I’ve had the rare privilege of teaching god’s word is that You can’t give away what you don’t have.
So you might as well stop trying to give something to other people that you don’t have yourself.
And, see, god equips us.
He provides us with everything that we need to get out in the world and do everything that he wants us to do.
You’ve got what it takes.
But if you don’t know it, then no matter what you have, if you don’t know it, it won’t do you any good And if it’s not doing you any good, then it can’t get through you to do somebody else any good.
And I know many of you’ve probably heard me teach this.
I don’t care if you’ve heard it
a thousand times. If the devil can get you to not like yourself he has already won the battle in your life.
What is your attitude toward yourself?
What is your relationship with yourself? How do you think and feel about yourself?
How much time do you spend thinking about everything that’s wrong with you and what you can’t and what you don’t and what you didn’t and what you should have compared to, or do you ever even purposely sit and think about what your gifts are and what your strengths are?
See, we kind of think, well, it just might not be good to just sit around and think how good I am.
Well, I’m not talking about how good you are in yourself.
I’m talking about thinking about what god has done for you and what he’s invested in you and what he’s given to you.
And the more you celebrate, the good things, the smaller the bad things are gonna become.
And I’m gonna tell you something.
The more you focus on what’s wrong with you, the bigger it’s gonna get.
I said the more you focus on what’s wrong with you, the bigger it’s gonna get, and the less likely you are to ever get rid of it.
We’re gonna say that to this side of the room.
The more you focus on what’s wrong with you, the less like, but you are to ever get rid of it and the bigger it’s gonna get in your life.
And if you think you’re a mess now, you just keep focusing on what a mess you are and just see how much worse you are this time next year than you are right now.
2 of the most important relationships that you have is number 1, your relationship with god.
Number 2, your relationship with yourself.
If you have your relationship with not right in your relationship with you, right, you are not gonna have any trouble with anybody else.
That doesn’t mean people won’t be challenging for you sometimes or maybe a little bit difficult to handle, but you might as well stop trying to get along with everybody else out there if you can’t get along with yourself.
And I think a lot of people, to be honest, don’t like themselves.
They don’t even know that’s a root of their problem.
I didn’t realize until god taught me that, that that was why I couldn’t really love anybody else.
I didn’t love myself. And I’m not talking about being in love with yourself.
I’m talking about loving yourself in a balanced way. Your attitude toward yourself affects your relationship with everybody else.
And although we are taught in the word of god, not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, we are never taught, not ever taught to have a low demeaning opinion of ourselves.
Matter of fact, I’ll tell you, I think it’s ungodly to do that.
We should learn to see ourselves in Christ.
To see ourselves the way our heavenly father sees us in Christ.
If we stay rooted and grounded in Christ, John 15 says if you abide in me and my word abides in you, you will bear much fruit.
You know why? If you stay in Christ, if you abide in him, What the root has, and Jesus is called the root, will come up through the vine and into the branches.
You will become more and more like Jesus.
The more you focus on what he’s done in you, Then you do what is wrong with you.
Have you been looking for a 360 5 day devotional?
Well, look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer.
There’s a focus burst for all 365 days of the year. Along with a prayer starter.
Get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at
The biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like god thinks, and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of god.
In words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of god transformed her life.
Experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with god through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hardcover book by Joyce Meyer.
Discover the transformative power of his word, words to live by from Joyce Meyer. Get your YouTube exclusive offer today.
Go to, and the number 2.
Have you ever been trapped in a never ending frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur, leaving you gasping for sapause and catch your breath.
In her insightful book, pursuing peace, Joyce Meyer explores the importance of seeking peace at all costs.
This beautiful hardcover edition is filled with meaningful scriptures and uplifting quotes from Joyce, providing valuable guidance for living peaceful lifestyle.
So grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable spot, and embark on your journey to find peace.
Remember, this limited time YouTube offer won’t last long.
Go to Pursuit to get your copy today and start your pursuit of peace.
The mind actually is the battle That’s where we win or lose the war with Satan.
He said all he gets to say is time.
You start asking god to heal you, and he will restore.
It’s the god of all comfort, and I am so grateful that I know how to call on god.
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