The Decline of America’s Spiritual Life ― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger

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The Decline of America’s Spiritual Life

“The Decline of America’s Spiritual Life: A Cautionary Tale”

The statement “In America’s greatest moments there was always sin, and in its worst moments, greatness. But there are critical junctures. In the middle of the twentieth century America began officially removing God from its national life. It abolished prayer and Scripture in its public schools. As ancient Israel had removed the Ten Commandments from its national consciousness, so America did likewise, removing the Ten Commandments from public view, banning it from its public squares, and taking it down, by government decree, from its walls. it was in ancient Israel, so too in America, God was progressively driven out of the nation’s public life The very mention of the name God or Jesus in any relevant context became more and more taboo and unwelcome unless for the purpose of mockery and attack And as God was driven out, idols were brought in to replace Him,” Speaks to the decline of America’s spi life and the dangers of turning away from God. It serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of seeking to live in accordance with His ways and to resist the temptation to replace Him with idols.

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One of the key themes of this statement is the decline of America’s spiritual life and the role that the removal of God from the nation’s public life has played in this decline. In the middle of the twentieth century, America began to officially remove God from its national life, beginning with the abolition of prayer and Scripture in its public schools. This was followed by the removal of the Ten Commandments from public view and the increasing taboo on the mention of God’s name. As God was progressively driven out of the nation’s public life, idols were brought in to replace Him, with people turning to sensuality, greed, materialism, and other unhealthy pursuits to find fulfillment and meaning.


Another theme of this statement is the danger of replacing God with idols. When we turn our backs on God and seek to find fulfillment in other things, we risk becoming enslaved to these idols and losing sight of what truly matters. This can lead to a life of spiritual emptiness and disappointment, as these idols are ultimately unable to satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts.

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In conclusion, the statement “In America’s greatest moments there was always sin, and in its worst moments, greatness. But there are critical junctures. In the middle of the twentieth century America began officially removing God from its national life. It abolished prayer and Scripture in its public schools As ancient Israel had removed the Ten Commandments from its national consciousness, so America did likewise, removing the Ten Commandments from public view, banning it from its public squares, and taking it down, by government decree, from its As it was in ancient Israel, so too in America, God was progressively driven out of the nation’s public life. The very mention of the name God or Jesus in any relevant context became more and more taboo and unwelcome unless for the purpose of mockery and attack ale, reminding us of the dangers of turning away from God and the importance of seeking to live in accordance with His ways. By heeding this warning and seeking to honor and serve God in all that we do, we can avoid the pitfalls of idolatry and experience the blessings


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