The Christian Utopia – America | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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That was 16, 2010 years later came another great movement is called the Puritan Exodus from Europe.
The man who led, it was called, his name was John Winthrop.
The puritans set out to create a people, it says in the new world, who would be in their own words, would be religiously peaceably civilly governed and their life, their life and their example would win the natives to the faith of God.
On March 23, they set out about 1000 of them in ships led by John Winthrop in the ship, the Arbella.
While aboard the ship, he wrote down the vision for the new civilization that would be known as America.
He said this, we are a company professing ourselves, fellow members of christ messiah knit together by this bond of love.
There stands between us, this cause between God and us, we are entered into covenant with him for this work and he wrote, we must consider that we shall be as a city on a hill.
The eyes of all peoples are upon us. A city on a hill.

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This is the most lasting symbol of America, not the bald eagle, not the flag that has ever been given from 16 32.
Now, it came at the foundation was embedded at the foundation of the house called America.
Where did he get it from? He got it from messiah.
So here, now think about the vision of America, here came from john Winthrop who got it from messiah.
So here you’ve got something radical, you have a nation that is founded on a vision that messiah jesus gave to his disciples as if it was gonna be a civilization of disciples, which was their dream.
Now of course America Falls and and as sin and all those things as well.
But it’s unique in that it was founded and with this radical radical vision that would be as if it was a nation of civilization of disciples.
Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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