The Anti-Worry Faith | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Anti-Worry Faith | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
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Let’s bring it home. And then I spoke about two realms. I spoke of society, civilization. What we’re dealing with.
And I spoke of personal. Let’s start with the personal at the friday night worship service this friday.
We were worshiping and I got the scripture and I don’t know why. I just I read it though.
I said it was. But it goes for now. Trust in the Lord with all your heart lean.
Don’t lean on your own understanding, acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your path.
Some of you’ve been troubled over some issue in your life. Some problems. Some need stop filled something.
You’re worried about something you’re trying to figure out. It’s been weighing on you.
You don’t see how you haven’t seen how you’re troubled by. And the Lord is saying to you.
Stop, cease, stop worrying. Stop troubling yourself over it. Stop fearing. Stop reading. Stop losing your piece.
I am your father. You are my child. You can’t figure it all out. You are mine.
Your problems are my responsibility. You can’t figure it. You don’t have to.
One thing you do have to do. You have to trust me.
You have to believe, even if you don’t see it, believe me.
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That’s what that’s what’s gonna give your release. Trust me, surrender it. Let it go in my hands.
You’re gonna have release. You’re gonna have freedom. You’re gonna have lightness of heart.
Remember he would say you don’t you didn’t say to yourself. I did. I will keep you.
I will carry you. I will work out all things in your life for good.
That is my promise to you. I’ll provide for you. I’m your daddy. I will protect you.
I will see to it. I will see you through, committed to me. Give thanks.
Even before you see it and move on and go and I will lead you go as I lead you, you don’t have to understand it.
Just go. I will lead you because you’re my child seek first the kingdom, my kingdom, he would say and all these things will be added to you.
You’re not God. That’s a good thing.
Aren’t you glad that the person sitting next to you is not God.
Some of you would be in hell already. If that person was gone, you’re not God.
That’s a release. Thank God you don’t have to carry the world on your, on your shoulders. You’re not God.
He already did. He’ll say I’ll take care of you. I’ll carry the burden. Give thanks, rejoice. Be free.
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