Thankful Wednesday Blessings September 04, 2024

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Thankful Wednesday Blessings

Prayer For Today

“Father, thank You for the dreams, the promises, the potential, the seeds of greatness that You put inside me. Thank You that You set me up for things that are bigger and better and more fulfilling than I can imagine. I believe I will give birth to my dreams. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Dear God, thank You for another day and another chance. Create in me a clean heart and a pure mind. I want to run into Your arms instead of toward sin. Thank You for always being faithful to forgive me. Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me. You remain perfect even when I’m far from it. Help me to seek You daily. Thank You for being the one who is faithful and who will be with me always, even to the end of the age. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. -Matthew 5:8

Thankful Wednesday Blessings September 04, 2024
Thankful Wednesday Blessings September 04, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord, on this new morning, I lift my eyes to You and proclaim You as King of my heart. Come into my life and make Your presence known in this prayer. I surrender all my fears, anxieties, worries, and the challenges I face each day. I offer You my efforts, sacrifices, and my entire life, knowing that true peace and comfort lie in Your hands.

Lord, You have not only given me life but also walk with me through every step I take. You protect me and strengthen me when I need it most. Today, I thank You deeply for the countless blessings I’ve received from the moment I opened my eyes this morning. Fill me with Your strength and let me feel Your presence in every situation I face.

Heavenly Father, I want You to work through my hands, speak through my voice, and fulfill Your will in my life. Today, I desire to enjoy Your presence and feel that it is You who propels me toward all that is good and the abundant life You have designed for me. I trust that under Your guidance, I will find solutions to every challenge. I have unwavering faith in You, fully confident that You never leave my side. You see me, hear me, and answer my prayers when I call upon Your blessing.

Thankful Wednesday Blessings September 04, 2024
Thankful Wednesday Blessings September 04, 2024

May I live today in a way that pleases You, trusting that this day, begun in Your name, is an act of love dedicated to You. Thank You for being with me, for making me feel loved, and for wanting me to be happy. Thank You for dwelling in me, reminding me that I am loved, and for continually offering Your love, just as You did on the cross. Every day, You continue to pour out Your love to save me and guide me toward You.

Thank You for providing me with the means to draw closer to You, to improve myself, and to advance each day on the path to holiness. Fill me with Your love, Lord, and give me the strength to face life’s battles with confidence and determination. You are the way, the truth, and the life. Therefore, I trust in You completely, with no doubt in my heart, for nothing can resist Your voice. Today, with Your blessing, I step out to face the world, secure in Your love and knowing that You will not let me falter.

I ask for Your grace to accompany me with every step I take today. May Your light shine on my path and guide me to victory in every battle I face. My God, I ask You to stay by my side throughout this day because in You, I find abundance, and Your Word nourishes my soul.


As an act of love, peace, and fraternity, I will perform an act of charity by helping someone in need, so that God’s will may reach their life.

“You turned my mourning into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, so my heart will sing Your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise You forever.” – Psalm 30

May the Lord bless us this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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