Thankful Tuesday Blessings September 03, 2024

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Prayer of the Day: 365 Days of Prayer for Life: Daily Prayer Devotional

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Thankful Tuesday Blessings

Prayer of the Day: 

Lord Jesus, I love You so much! Help me to trust You as my Healer and the Provider of all things good in my life. Guide me as I strive for health and wholeness, amen.

Dear God, thank You so much for another day. Thank You for all that You’re doing in my life. Right now, in this moment, I ask that You would forgive me of my sins. Forgive me of my mistakes and selfish ways. I’ve messed up time and time again, yet You still love me. Thank You for Your constant presence and grace over my life. Create in me a clean heart and a willingness to obey You. I surrender all that I am to You. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. -1 John 1:9

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Creator of all that exists, thank You for allowing me to wake up to a beautiful sunrise, a sign of the great love You have for all of humanity. This new day is a testament to Your infinite goodness, where I can witness Your greatness, creative power, and the perfection of Your work. You are a wonderful God who has placed everything in favor of Your creatures, and today I thank You for allowing me to witness it.

I want this day to be an opportunity to draw closer to You, to learn from Your example, and to live according to Your will. Today, Lord, I am filled with joy as I wake up in Your presence, beginning my day under Your protection. I want You to be the force that drives me to act with readiness, joy, firmness, and serenity in the face of whatever may arise today. Thank You, Lord, because I know You will open the paths that are best for me. You are always attentive to my needs, caring for every detail of my life, and for this, I trust that everything will turn out well.

I know I will have to fight with all my strength, but I will do so with the certainty that You are by my side, that Your mercy sustains and accompanies me every step of the way. Your word is my guide, my comfort in moments of pain and sorrow, my strength when I feel weak. It is Your word that sustains me and gives me the hope to move forward, to not give up, and to trust that You will never abandon me.

Thank You for the gift of faith, the faith that allows me to believe in Your love, in Your constant presence, and in Your promise that You will always be by my side. Today, I want to feel Your embrace. I want to feel that You are with me every step of the way, supporting me when I feel I can’t go on. In the presence of others, I also see Your love reflected in their gestures, words, and companionship. Thank You, Lord, for showing me Your love through these people. They are a gift from You, a reflection of Your goodness and generosity.

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Help me to value each of these encounters, to be grateful for each of them, and to learn from their example. May I also be a reflection of Your love to others, spreading Your peace and joy to those around me. I love You, Lord, and I am willing to listen to You always because I know that only You have the words of eternal life. I want to feel protected by You, knowing that nothing bad will happen to me because You are always by my side, caring for and protecting me.

Thank You for this new day, for the opportunity to live it in Your presence, and for all that I will experience and learn from it. Lord, today I give myself to You completely, trusting that You will do great things in me and guide me on the right path. Amen.

Fast from something you enjoy today as a sacrifice for peace in your family, so that our union with You, my Lord, may be strengthened.

Praise the Lord, all the earth! Shout for joy, sing praises, play the trumpet, and sound the horn in honor of our King and Lord! (Psalm 97)

May the Lord bless us this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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