Thankful Tuesday Blessings October 22, 2024!

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Thankful Tuesday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day and for all the ways You have blessed me. I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for everything You’ve done in my life. The truth is that I’m nothing without You. Thank You for the gift of Your love, for the people You’ve placed around me, and for the countless blessings that I sometimes overlook. Help me to keep a heart of gratitude, even in the tough times, knowing that You are always good and faithful. Thank You for Your grace, mercy, and protection. I choose to focus on all that I have rather than what I don’t. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving. -Psalm 69:30

Heavenly Father, I ask that you would bless this Tuesday. That it would be a fruitful day. Let Your hand be with me to guide me and to protect me. And let Your face shine upon me to give me peace and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord, on this new morning, I am more aware of how important it is to live happily and joyfully. I trust in Your tender gaze that makes me feel loved and valuable in Your eyes. Thank You, because from the very moment I wake, I realize that You are with me.

Today, I lift my hands to You, Lord, to praise and worship You for the greatness of Your redeeming work. Thank You, because in those moments when I cannot continue, You carry me on Your shoulders to keep me moving forward. I want my life to be a constant offering to You, my Lord, for You are the salvation of my soul and the breath that drives me each day.

May I bring joy to all who share life with me today, reflecting only the happiness that comes from You. Lord, I want to feel Your presence in my life, to know that You are by my side and can help me keep going. I ask that You grant me the virtues I need to do Your will.

Give me the faith necessary so that I never turn my eyes away from Your holy face. I trust that through Your loving hand, You will give me only what is necessary to fulfill the mission You have entrusted to me. Blessed are You, for You are great and wonderful. You take me into Your hands and protect me.

Illuminate my mind so I don’t make mistakes in the steps I take. I want all my decisions to lead me on the path to holiness. Renew me each day, shaping me like clay, so I become a work of Your hands. My heart rests in You, and my life finds the peace it needs in Your blessed hands. You have always been my hope and security, which is why I trust in Your power to deliver me from the snares of evil.

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