Step Out And Possess The Land (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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Step Out And Possess The Land (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Are you waiting for your breakthrough to come? Wonder where God’s blessing is in your life? What if I told you that the breakthrough or blessing you are looking forward to is already there for you to take?

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About this episode You are watching the sermon, Step Out And Possess The Land, preached on Sep 15, 2024 by Joseph Prince.

This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report!

Grace is about giving faith is about taking his giving is greater than your receptivity God’s hand is so big when he blesses us it’s it’s more than we can take but how many want to take everything that he has his vision for you is always bigger than yours if you know everything in your hit you don’t need Faith many of times especially Grace people they misconstrue rest for laziness if you don’t possess what’s yours the world will possess it whatever you don’t possess the enemy takes over
you never know what you have lost because of Shing your responsibility evading duties possess your possessions don’t just know about it possess your possessions to God be the glory amen for all the wonderful testimonies every time we come to God’s house you’re coming to the place where to the world it is like just a hall of people gathered together in worship but what they don’t see is the invisible realm we are here in the kingdom of God and where the kingdom of God rules there are there are no
impossibilities amen where the kingdom of God rules There Is No Lack in God’s Kingdom in Heaven you canot go to God and say God um I think this is hyper prosper erity Lord in heaven streets of gold I mean over there down there down there we walk on streets of tar pavement and uh I think you you are just making it too opulent you cannot say that to God amen amen amen you can just say that you got you don’t have hospitals here no Coe there’s nothing that lacks there’s no no disharmony there is no
shortage there is no sickness no disease no old people Amen in heaven and it’s more real over there except that they don’t have their bodies just yet the Bible says when Jesus returns for us that’s when there are spirits and Souls of those departed ones who have gone your loved ones they’ll come and claim the body amen amen and uh the body by the way in case you are wondering our guests and Friends started already the sermon okay and they claim the the bodies and and the amazing victory over death is
not just seen in the Tomb and Jerusalem when our Lord rose from the dead he’s just a first fruits a prototype of what is to come in fact all the saints that includes Moses Joshua Joshua is in sheim bared in sheim Abraham Isaac Jacob all of them Abraham in the with his wives in uh the tomb over in mpel in Hebron and David in the city of David buried there the Bible says even though they have decayed the body has decayed not they they are in heaven they their spirits and soul is more real the real you is in heaven when you passed on your
body will Decay whether it is bared or whether it is um burn cremated all right which uh is sometimes a a debate among Christians and all that but the Bible talks about for example in the Book of Revelation even the date in the sea the sea will give up the date that means any molecule any thing found separately in anywhere in the ocean this is the victory over death that God Says by the power by which he’s able to subdue all things unto himself every loss loss uh past DNA amen will all come back to make that
body and that body is a glorified body and that spirit and soul that has departed let’s say some years ago let’s say three years ago right that person died in the sea the body could not be found but because the the person is a believer amen the blood of Jesus has washed away that person sins even the body decays or the body is eaten up even by facies or whatever God the power by which he subdue he will bring all things to himself that includes people who have perished under an explosion it’s hard to
find their body is in debris the power by which he’s able to subdue all things the Bible says you’ll bring it all back together for a glorified body that’s why it’s called a glor body and this body cannot grow old this body cannot cannot be sick ever again this body can never never die it’s an immortal body amen it still looks like you oh no someone said except all the traces of deformity all the traces of the fall all the traces that disfigure you that is part of the earth that part won’t be there so all of us will look
like Pastor Lawrence amen we have muscles like him we will all be able to push weights like Pastor Mark with a smile amen we will all be gloriously the Bible use the word glorified we will be glorified that’s glorious a glorious body amen when Jesus rose from the dead he was a glor body it is a human body but it’s a glorious body it’s a human body but it’s called Incorruptible body and how long will you be in that body forever so just let you know that we are not just floating around isn’t this good
news that’s why the Apostle Paul says for me to live is Christ to die is gain amen why gain because straight away I got no more troubles I will never die uh I have no problems with you know anxiety worry because there’s no nothing to worry about Amen in fact we cry for them for the temporary separation right when actually we are crying for ourselves and it’s okay to cry you know because of the temporary separation God understands that but they are looking down I wonder if they’re crying for us the Bible says initially when they in
heaven the Lord wipe away their tears because they see how beautiful how real it is it is realer than life on Earth amen it’s not a good time to use bad English so there’s no such word as realer it’s more real okay so what does it gain the what does it profit a man really he gains the whole world but he loses Soul the real himm amen you’re a spirit you have a soul that’s the real you and you live in a body the body is just a place you live in amen look around you look at all the different
types of of uh bodies and cottages and building some are some are building amen some are all multicolored some doors are not colored some doors are colored what is that set a door to my lips oh Lord amen got my lips so some are colored some are not colored but it’s just a body it’s just a house you live in a house amen but you are not the house but nonetheless God has such High esteem for your house that I think in in uh the teachings that seems to imply sometimes our body is dirty our body is bad this a part that sins and all that
it’s true it’s the instrument by which sin uses the sin principle the sin is not in your spirit you are a new creation in Christ created in righteousness and true Holiness the sin actually is in your soul right and that’s how once you in heaven listen you have a a straight straight away the presence of sin is gone it’s it it manifest on the inside outside do you understand amen when we are in heaven there’s no more sin but sin manifest like this your body is the instrument of sin whenever you
sin you you do something with your body with your eyes your hands your legs or your anything but the body is not listen carefully the body the body is not dirty and when our children come to puberty it’s important to tell them don’t use words like dirty don’t shame them don’t shame your children see God has given you a glorious body and when you come to a certain age talk to them use words um to teach your kids about you know when you’re at this age sometimes you will have sexy feelings all right and what those sexy feelings
are don’t don’t shame them don’t you know don’t make them dirty a lot of us we discover uh this area of Life on our own you don’t want them to learn on their own you don’t want their friends to teach them because it comes with shame it comes with hiding it comes with a lot of jiggling laughing like it’s something that’s not glorious no God ordained it that means you’re becoming a man amen and you’re becoming a woman and one day be a father and a mother amen that’s a right teaching praise the
Lord you know the this past whole week and for some time the Lord has been been preparing my heart to share with you some things especially for Grace people you know we are people that learn about that it is not by our works it’s by Grace true faith and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God not of Works lest any should boast we all know that what shall we say then that Abraham our father has found If Abraham was justified by works if he was made righteous or God sees him as righteous he was made righteous if he was justified by works
he has something to boast but not before God he can boast before men but not before God all right he does some great deed some exploit he can boast before man but not before God but what saith the scripture it’s always goes back to this what saith the scripture Abraham believed God and he was counted to him for righteousness amen so it’s nothing to do with faith yes we are created in Christ Jesus once you are saved you are created in Christ Jesus we are all in Christ say Amen we are all in Christ we are created
in Christ Jesus unto good works in fact it says we are all God’s workmanship say God’s workmanship do you know that word workmanship in the Greek is a beautiful word is the word POA you know POA does he remind you something in English quite a number of English words come from the Greek poem so God says we are all God’s poetry you my friend you are God’s poetry in motion see his gent you know a song oh you don’t know song never mind it’s okay it’s okay I’m from j z Pastor some songs are forever
you need to get them okay anyway um God looks at you and God says you are a poetry that’s the word workmanship you are meant to flow you see po when you write poetry it is a flow it’s inspirational robots have no poetry all right they just do things even chat GPT and all that they do what they have been programmed there’s no initiative on their own there is no LAX that that that LA laxness to uh look at things at different perspective that that Reserve that God gives only to men the intuition is something that you cannot program
into a robot amen something that tells you you there’s something wrong about this guy he says everything right it seems that all his books are okay there’s something inside me telling me don’t invest in this guy all right something uh chat gity all the AI you can come up with can never come to that place that God gives you it’s called discernment you see the problem was eating from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil but discernment is not part of your head of your mind it is part of your spirit there’s one time they brought
someone in front of Jesus and the Bible says that they want they were seeing whether the Lord is going to heal him on the Sabbath day and the Bible says Jesus perceived that they so reason that they so reason Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reason where is reasoning found in your brain where is perception found in your spirit this is lightning fast no no no it’s faster than lightning you know things before you know it in your head this is from God can I be good amen so we go by the spirit amen we are God’s
poetry poem workmanship a poetic workmanship so we are called to leave by inspiration by a flow amen we are not robots if we were robots the world be a perfect place today no one will fall no one will be s in sin no one will the earth will be a perfect place but then God have only robots all of you are robots because no robot will disobey from the start God didn’t want to create robots God wanted to create someone in His image that will love him voluntarily to have a to have a family God’s idea whenever you you you your
child comes along or you look at your child one day and your child has just turned one one year old and you you you see a lot of the beauty of your child coming from your your wife and yourself right guys you think to yourself I love this child so much this child can be soiling his uh Pampers and uh you know I got to change it but you know what when I when I’m changing it I love him I love him with all his dirtiness huh I love him even though he doesn’t know how to love me yet and all he does is that he wakes me
up in the middle of night but I tell you this I love him and and then that journey of Love becomes deeper and deeper and they you know when they’re 2 years old three years old and they start responding to you you love them even more amen come on now you may have an employee that is perfect in his uh you know um in the way they they perform and bring results for the company obedient right successful in your company but when you leave your company all right or you your heart’s desire if truly you can look into your heart’s
desire you want to give your company to your son not to an employee right how good the employee is there is a relationship even though your son may not be perfect or don’t get the kind of results by he’s working in your company you always want to promote your son there’s something that God put in you Father and Son the love is a picture of his love for his son and his son is obedient even unto death and that’s why Jesus says therefore th my father Lov me because I lay down my life he came to lay down his life amen we always think
about Christ dying for us Christ dying for our sins but actually you look look carefully his first primary reason to die on the cross is to glorify his father because he knows that God’s rights God’s holiness has been violated so by giving himself for our sins on that cross he will glorify God his father do you know that therefore I lay down my life my therefore do my father love me because I lay down my life he did it for his father then he did it for us our love is so who you know in we love God because he did something for us
we love God because we see what he did for us the benefits we love him because he first loved us and that’s the way God ordained it to be God wanted so it’s okay amen we don’t really love God sacrif sacrificially that’s why the first and greatest commandment is love God all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength amen many of you you thank God for healing that you receive you don’t thank God for for when you don’t need healing yesterday last month there was a spirit of cancer maybe coming along your
address to you amen because you prayed and you asked the Lord for protection God says no just like the night of the Passover and the angel of death pass over the house that has the blood on the lamb God says no no no you do not know and we cannot thank him because we don’t know we didn’t know we didn’t know it happened we thank God so sometimes the Lord may allow us to get into situations and then we see him delivering us they God I thank you I know it’s you you ever see that happen how many parents would like to know that
how to talk to your children amen your teenage children amen amen praise God let’s do it right [Laughter] now last two weeks during the week of uh during the week of uh our youth Outreach Zone X and thank God for the landslide of souls Hallelujah To God Be The Glory Hallelujah yeah remember I that was my sermon two weeks ago I I preached that Sunday after the Zone X Saturday right that week leading to that week to my preaching on Sunday I was involved in the worst accident in my entire life where airbags all came
out right it was a a terrible accident and what happened was that I fetched my son from school which I don’t always do but there was this particular time I fetch him he finished school I was with him in the car and I was going straight all right now everyone would tell everyone will tell you that they have the right away okay but I believe really I had the right away I’m going a straight road okay as I cross the road the light turned Amber and then there’s a car on the right that turn right into the it is the junk at
the junction the car turned really fast I I couldn’t go faster I couldn’t go backwards it was so fast it slammed right into my the side of my car airbags off came but at that moment I felt I felt like there was a cocoon of peace all around me it’s like I said wow that was an accident and then the next thought was why am I so cool so peaceful so I pull up slowly the car was damaged terribly it could have overturn and uh in said went I went to the site it’s a it’s a Toyota MPV my son was in so he went I
just whatever it’s working to the side and by the way after that he cannot start yet for the safety Reon the car cannot start and I look at Justin I said Justin are you okay you look at me you know what he said yeah I’m okay but straight away when I got out the car okay just hang on here for a while I need to see make sure attend to the guy the guy is okay but everybody is okay he start calling his mom he says I didn’t even know it was an accident that pieace kept us both I’ll tell you that all right and uh the guy’s truck it
was like a a a pickup truck and as I walked toward him I told myself he’s going to say it’s my fault for sure he’s going to say it’s my fault because it’s human nature I told myself all right so Joseph Prince keep cool amen and sure enough because of what the Lord has done for me I can keep cool all right he’s oh why are you go straight I said friend if I go straight and it’s orange right as you’re going it’s orange you know what I’m saying you’re going in a steady place no matter
what steady place no matter what there’s always some time before this light here change he’s on a discretionary turn I suspect he’s not watching okay so we say resolve it right with insurance and all that but then when the whole day I was think thinking to myself about that cocon of Peace of course I keep on giving glory to the one that protected me amen amen and and Justin was okay to me for a Father’s Heart is your son all right and I was thinking to myself but I felt so much peace all right that we I found so much


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