Sign Of The Antichrist – Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, & America’s Future | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

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A major event unfolded at a campaign rally for Kamala Harris, and it was nothing short of shocking. This moment has been called a prophetic revelation, exposing deep truths and raising critical questions, even pointing to the words of the Antichrist. I’m Jonathan Cahn, and today, I’m sharing this unprecedented moment with you. But before diving into the full context, make sure to subscribe to this channel so you don’t miss out on the prophetic messages we’ll be posting. Hit like and share this with everyone you know who needs to hear this important message.

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This revelation occurred as Kamala Harris delivered a campaign speech. I’ll show you the exact moment, but first, you need to understand the context leading up to it—it’s just as important. The topic was abortion, specifically the killing of unborn babies. Harris declared, “We will move forward because ours is a fight for the future, and it is a fight for freedom.” While she’s correct that it’s a fight for the future, her idea of “freedom” is deeply flawed.

Harris emphasized what she called the “fundamental freedom” of a woman to make decisions about her own body. But here’s the problem: if it’s solely about her body, why do we say “a woman is with child”? There’s another life involved—a separate body with its own genetic code. The argument that abortion is merely about a woman’s body disregards the existence of the unborn child. Those who push this narrative will have to face the truth when they stand before God on the day of judgment.

Calling abortion a “fundamental freedom” equates it with rights like life and liberty. But what about the unborn? For the baby, it’s not freedom—it’s murder. This logic is as twisted as legalizing rape and calling it a form of freedom because it grants the rapist the “freedom” to commit the crime. But what about the victim?

George Orwell, in his book 1984, wrote about a totalitarian regime that twisted the meanings of words, turning them into their opposites. They had a Ministry of Love that dealt with oppression, a Ministry of Peace that waged war, and a Ministry of Truth that spread lies. In this same way, Harris calls the murder of babies “freedom.”

Harris went on to say that women should not have the government tell them what to do with their bodies. But this comes from the party that wants government control over every part of your life, censoring free speech, indoctrinating children, and even taking them from parents who don’t comply. This is the same Kamala Harris who wanted to force pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise abortion services—using the government to promote the very thing these centers stand against.

When it comes to protecting the most defenseless—the unborn—Harris suddenly advocates for minimal government intervention. Instead of ensuring the safety of innocent lives, she believes the government should force pro-life ministries to support the killing of unborn babies.

Harris also criticized Donald Trump for selecting Supreme Court justices with the intention of overturning Roe v. Wade, something she referred to as undoing the “protections” of Roe. But appointing justices is part of Trump’s presidential duty, and they were all confirmed by Congress. Yes, Trump likely hoped to overturn Roe v. Wade, and for many, that’s something to be praised.

However, Harris uses another Orwellian twist by calling Roe’s allowance of abortion “protections.” But who was protected? Not the unborn.

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