PROPHETIC WORD Pastor Kent Christmas: A Prophetic Message of Hope and Expectation at the Open The Heavens Conference

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A Prophetic Message of Hope and Expectation at the Open The Heavens Conference

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 15:58 (NKJV)

**PROPHETIC WORD** Pastor Kent Christmas delivering one of the most powerful prophetic words of our generation at the Open The Heavens Conference! Get ready for God to move in new and incredible ways—“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” Get ready for a great “no limits” outpouring of the Holy Ghost!

Good day.
I give your authority that whatever you bind, I’ll bind up. Whatever you lose, I’ll lose.
Uh, this final move of the line. And move of the baptism of the power of the Holy Ghost.
Rivers of of living While we lose our spirits and just begin to pray in the Holy Go, Skiarabobobo Sandai.
Come on. Lift up your voices. Hi, Abobobo Sande. God, we declare an open heaven right now.
Over this building, god that the word of the lord would begin to release, pray in tongues, Kiara Bobo, Hallelu, your Kiara, Hallelu, your lord, hallelu, your Kiara, blah, blah, blah, blah, someday.
Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord.
And though it looks as the lord like I have not been doing anything and that I have been silent I have never said I don’t say it, god.
I have always been at work, and I have been behind the scenes.
I am removing hindering says that the media is not talked about.
For this day, sayeth the lord, I am loosing the word of god.
The reason I raised that prophets in this hour say it.
The lord is because I have released a hammer in the spirit that has began to hit this impenetrable dome of evil that is ruled over the earth.
For this time, sayeth god, I am not moving in just a nation.
Uh, but I am releasing my anointing and shall cover the whole globe by the power of the Holy Ghost stuff in this season, sayeth god, I am not distracted, but I am removing the distractions from the house of the lord.
Uh, one of the reasons, sayeth god that I have withheld my hand is because there has been a mix sound come up out of the house of the lord.
Uh, there has been a mixed mixture, saith the lord.
Uh, but this time, say it, god, I am gonna shut the mouth of the lying prophets.
I’m coming after ministers sayeth the lord, that have stood in full it’s an em raped my people and abused my people, uh, that have said they’ll say it God when I have not spoken words say it’s god.
Uh, for him, this hour, the wave of the lord that is coming.
Uh, it’s not a new but it is the old that is being renewed by the power of the Holy Ghost.
I am beginning to raise up a church for there have been demons loose in this nation because the church got weak, got drunk on prosperity, and got drunk on pleasure.
But I breaking that in the power of the Holy Ghost.
Uh, this group of men and women shall be known by the spirit of intercession, sayeth god, for there is an Elijah spirit that is coming forth.
For years, sayeth god, I have taken men and women.
That had great gifts in them and great anointing, and I hid them.
And others called them failures because they they were not on the front lines.
God said, I hid them, and I kept them silent for this hour.
For the voices that are coming forth now on the earth are not old voices.
For I am removing an old car It’s not that they’re wrong, but they have received their reward.
They have finished their purpose. And I am replacing them now say at the lord with men and women that have not known what men call success, but they have learned how to survive in the Holy police, they and I sayeth the lord, have a relationship where I speak to them, no long will flex, stand between me and my people, uh, no longer will egos say it, god, stand between me and my people.
Uh, have I not declared that judgment shall begin in the house of the lord?
And the sure that’s been in the house.
So you have asked before your protocols and you have asked before your children, but know this, say it called, that generation will never come back to the house of the lord until there is life released in the house of my presence, uh, and so this time saying, God, I am not gonna be known as a house of entertainment.
Uh, I am not looking for women that had great giftings, but no relationship with me.
Uh, do you not know that I can take talent and put it on men, uh, but I cannot give them relationship.
Uh, so this hour say it called. I am pulling out of the dark places.
Uh, I am pulling out of the recesses of men that never have known the absilation, uh, or atoration of people up, but when they walk into the platform and when they stand and sing, they will say father, not my will, uh, but thy will be done.
Um, for this time, say it I am not coming after just tradition.
But I am coming after strong hopes.
And even as Russia’s Hana say it the lord, is upon you.
No, you’re not. That is at the day of trumpets that I’m coming back from my church.
And even in this hour, sayeth the lord, there is a spiritual reuniting between the bride and the bridegroom.
And the hunger I have heard, sayeth god, I have seen the intercession of my people that have cried lord, where are you?
Where is the heavy presence of god? What you’re getting ready to eat experience is gonna revolutionize the church.
I’m gonna dismantle the way that you have church.
I’m gonna take control out of the hands of men, and I’m gonna put it back in the hands of the Holy Ghost stuff.
There’ll be times saying it. God, that when you come into my presence, uh, all of your program will never be implemented in a service, uh, for there will be a heavy presence of the lord that will begin to settle down in the atmosphere.
And while you are in the midst of that saith god, I will cause trap to stop on main arterial roads.
And men and women will say, what is this?
Even as they came from all over the world to the day of Pentecost.
So, am I getting ready? I’m gonna pour you out instead saying where are you coming in?
Uh, god said, Noah, I’m sending you out. Uh, the lord says, I’m gonna invade entertainment centers.
I see concerts. I see concerts. Secular concert.
In the middle of action, and all of a sudden sayeth the lord, I’m gonna lose the Holy Spirit in the middle of those concerts.
And the glory, the glory of god, uh, is gonna begin to settle down.
And I’m gonna feel them with a baptism of the Holy Ghost, and they’re gonna look at each other and say, what is this?
And we will say, this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel in the last day saying, god, I will pour out my spirit.
Oh, no. Flash. Hey, Abobo, Sunday. Hallelujah.
I’m losing all you say to the lord.
I release of the anointing I’ve called from one side of this building to the other. I lose hallelujah.
A friend release of the presence of god.
God said I have been silent, and I haven’t even been vacant from many of your gatherings.
Because you had it so planned out. There is no reason for me to come.
Yeah. Bubul Sunday.
The lord said I have set with a longing heart and waited for the invitation, but you had it so figured out that she never invited me.
And god said, when I left, in the glory left.
The lord says that now there is a sound I could have stopped coronavirus as the lord.
I watched him in the labs since they put it together.
I watched him as I began to list it on the nations.
And I could have stopped it.
I did not say it the lord, because I was gonna use it that what the enemy intended for evil, I would turn it into good.
God said, I allowed this to happen.
Because I had knocked the silliness out of my church.
How you have Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Hallelujah.
God said there has been such a lack of reverence in the house of the lord.
There has been such a lack of respect.
Lord said they’ve set in my sanctuary with a Diet Coke in one hand.
And a raised hand in the other, dressed inappropriately with no prayer life and no pursuit of me god said, when I turned your world upside down to the hand of the enemy, the lord said, hallelujah, I begin to birth something new.
Do not be moved, says the lord, by the proclamation that there’s another virus coming.
Maybe you can just hand me a handheld.
Do not be moved by what the enemy is saying because did I not say that the enemy would rage, and men would imagine a vain thing.
I allowed it the first time, but god said that which the enemy forges out of hell against the house of the lord.
This time, I will turn on the enemy.
And the lord said, I am not giving up this season of revival.
I am not giving up this cease and not the open heaven that the enemy can come in and prosper again and shut my church down.
Now, you may have hit in the upper room for 10 days, say it the lord.
Uh, but I came out of that upper room, and I spilled into the nations.
Uh, I will not be silenced this time. Sayeth the lord.
Uh, you will not put a mask on my mouth. Uh, but I have already said it, god.
Uh, I will not recall the prophetic. Uh, I will not record the sound of praise.
I will not allow the enemy to shut me up, but this is the final move of the lord.
Say a God, it’s gonna get more intense, more powerful, and more greats.
I had done work in a secret place because the enemy’s army was more prepared than the church.
And I also did declare into you that what I am doing is going to come through local church.
Hallelujah, but I also say this that I am shutting many churches down, and there will be empty places, empty buildings because they did not make room for me and they embraced a woke philosophy and for all of the ministers that stood in pulpits and would not take a stand, sayeth god, for righteousness.
I am going to allow what the enemy would have done to the church to come upon you.
The nations, judge the wicked, uh, judge the politicians, and god said if I judge them, it because I’ve already released judgment on the house of the lord.
Uh, you have polluted my house. It’s made it ugly and unclean.
And I have been in a season saying, god, where I am washing the church and the pride.
We the blood of the lamb.
Uh, but the days are coming, saying, god, that there will no longer be a need of repentance, uh, because I am my bride are becoming 1.
And the moment we become 1, saith god, I am releasing an apple stolic holy ghost authority by the spirit of god into the sanctuary of the lord.
You know, I not say that I would raise up the tabernacle of David.
Because he knew how to fight the lion and the bear, but he also knew how to kill the giant.
God says in this hour, much of the difficulties that so many of my people have went through was I was bringing you to a place.
To where all that matters was me.
The lord said there’s been much loss in many of your lives.
The facts say hath gone, I have allowed you to go through dark places in deep waters.
Because it was there that you found the depth of my nature.
But god said because you did not fall, You did not indite me.
You did not wave your finger in my face and say, how could you let this happen?
Hi, The lord says, I’m getting ready to restore.
I’m getting ready to restore what you think you lost permanently.
And god said, even gifts and anointing set, you used to flow in that you haven’t flown in in years.
The lord said, all of a sudden, it’s gonna come back on you.
And the spirit of the lord.
God said the spirit of heaviness has been in the body of Christ.
Has been for many reasons. 1, there’s been much physical sickness in them.
My body, and the lord said I make covenant with thee, that I am releasing such a way of healing and of signs and wonders and miracles.
But this time, say at the lord, it would be different like it was in the heat or revival.
Where thousands flocked to see a man or a woman who was in dude with such a beautiful gift God said, that’s the way I chose to do it then.
But the lord said, this time, this this in time move is not about men.
It’s about me. So my Not going to just use a man.
Where they fought before him and he lays hands on them or she lays hands on them.
But god said, I’m gonna be grand to release a presence of my healing and the whole section.
Say it, god. I see a hovering of the Holy Ghost.
And the lord said, all of a sudden, it’ll begin to move like a dove, and it’ll settle down in in in a section here And all of a sudden, people just start standing up, going, I’m healed.
I’m healed. Hallelujah. Without the laying on of hands.
And the reason I’m gonna do it says the lord is because I am gonna get the glory for this.
God said the reason I’ve taken so many of you through such intensity of fire is because I cannot allow men in this hour to fall again.
There can be no shadow. Come on the body of Christ.
So, hallelujah, this is why say it the lord, I am raising up at Joshua and a Caleb generation.
Many of you that are 60, 70, eighty years old.
Uh, the spirit of card is gonna come upon you.
Uh, there’s gonna be a revival and a renewing, uh, of the spirit of the lord that’s gonna hit you the power of god.
Now, did you really thank, say it the lord?
That I would not show up.
Did you really think that I would forsake my church?
Have I not said for a moment my wrath would be upon Israel?
But then in a moment of love, said god, my hand and my love would fall upon them.
I have never forsaken the church.
And I tell you, say it the lord, that the enemy has pushed me into a corner.
And god said, I will not be like an petulant child who has pushed in the corner for punishment.
God said I’m coming out with the power of heaven.
The lord said over generations and even centuries, I have released line upon line into the earth, whether it was a Martin Luther or it was a John Wesley or it was an Azusa street or it was a healing revival.
They were facets of who I am.
But god said this time, What you’re getting ready to see is all of those at one time being manifested in the house of the And god said where it has been a struggle where you would go for a month and then finally you would have a really great service.
The lord said I’m getting ready to sow revolution lines.
In fact, sayeth god, the buildings that I’m raising up and the buildings that I am reclaiming says the lord are not for just a specialized event.
They’re not just for a sunny morning or a Sunday afternoon.
Uh but the gates of my house shall not be shut again.
Uh and god said jump It’s a secular realm. It’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
No wonders. No wonder save god that I am taking away your desire for entertainment, for television, for sports.
Know this say it, god. I am not done with dealing with sports because it is an idol in this nation.
Hollywood is an idol in this nation.
Just as I broke day gone and caused him to fall before me.
So, am I going out to the idols that the secular world has stuff even in the house of god.
Uh, those men and women personalities that you have raised up and you flock to, uh, you know, this their unclean, many say it the lord.
So now I am releasing hallelujah, men and women who flow an the anointed of god who are not wanting to be worshiped.
But as I use them, they would say to god be the chlorine.
I’m gonna lose as the lord a presence out of heaven into this nation.
I hear the lord saying that even though there have been outpourings in other nations, God said this is the only nation that chose me.
So I raised them up. Yeah. He said Israel.
I chose them. But he said America chose me.
And god said, uh, you know, Bobo’s son, the lord says I owe a debt.
To the United States of America because out of the centuries that you have been, you evangelized the world.
Gone said there had been a spirit of secularism and humanism that has pretty much shut the voice of evangelism down.
God said the reason that the enemy has come after the liberties of this nation is because the word of the lord has to come forth again out of the United States of America.
So god said, the same angel that I loosed in the land of Egypt.
Hi. Yeah. Bo Shikara. Sunday. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
I release a blessing of the lord right now into this atmosphere.
I see god reviving deadness.
Many of you said, lord, I love you, but I’m trying.
Pallelujah, the lord says right now, I am even as Moses hit the rock and water came out like a river.
So says the lord over this conference. I am releasing.
I am speaking to this house, and I am hidden in Hallelujah with the word of god.
Uh, and I am revitalizing you. I am renewing you a by the power of the lord.
Uh, in fact, says, god, uh, there will be many, many of you that will go home and you came sick.
But you will go home healed.
Uh, but there will be no laying on them hands on you, uh, because you are in the middle of the holy presence of god almighty.
Now god says, uh, because the United States of America was founded on the biblical principles, my word.
Uh, did I not say a heaven and earth shall pass away?
Uh, but my word will live and abide forever. So, Devil, you’ve had your time.
Uh, just as the prophets of bail had their time, so now say the lord. There is an Elijah anointing.
Now, and it’s not gonna take all day, but this is gonna be a short work by the power of the lord that I am losing hallelujah.
I am losing such a presence of god that the unholy and unclean are gonna be removed.
And just as I lose the angel of death in the land of Egypt, because I refuse for my bride to have bloody garments God said there is a war ensuing now, but it’s not a natural war.
God said this is a war that would be fought in the heavenlies between the angels of the lord and demonic hordes.
God said, this is so far above my people that you don’t have to worry about.
You don’t have to worry about says the lord, how do we stop this?
How do we rally people to vote? God said this has nothing to do with politics.
In the lord, it says one of the first things that I’m gonna do is I’m gonna lose the angel of death even as the enemy lose the angel of death on the earth through the coronavirus, now I’m gonna lose the angel of death out of heaven upon the wicked.
I did not say the sinner says the lord.
I said the wicked and those that have set out to destroy this nation.
For the rest of this year, says the lord, there is a placement of foundational stones of the spirit of god.
And the lord said it’s gonna get better for you and not worse.
God said that I’m gonna raise up a goshen place of protection that while I reign judgment on the wicked, the righteous are gonna prosper Hallelujah and be strong in the lord.
And there will be a wave of death that begins to come through this, not only this nation, but god said, I am also going to judge China.
For what she has done to the earth.
And I am also going to begin to judge Putin says the lord for what he’s done in the earth.
And I’m also say, at the lord, going to rock the Muslim world, but not on a judgment, but the law says get ready because did I not tell Abraham that out of Ishmael, I would raise up nations, and that ishmael still had the blood of the father of faith.
I am getting ready, says the lord, uh, to hit the Muslim world with the gospel of the lord Jesus Christ.
And just as I cause the wall in Berlin to fall at the spirit of liberty went in to East Germany.
So am I gonna begin to unlock some of these Sland Countries.
Uh, I’m gonna call some of their leaders, their sheeks to begin to pass away.
I’m gonna put him their play some young men who are open to the gospel of the lord, Jesus Christ, and instead of hiding the music played on their towers.
All of a sudden, there’s gonna come a sound out of those towers that says our God is an awesome god.
Did I not say I will bring Egypt back?
I will bring you Syria that I am making a highway say of the lord where they will come back to Jerusalem to praise the name of the lord.
Much of your harvests that you’re going to see 2024 of souls is going to be your own children.
Uh, you know, bub, bub, Sunday.
Gone said, I am healing the broken hearts of parents who have seen their children.
The lord says that this spirit of homosexuality that has invaded the church.
And has invaded your children.
Lord said, do you not know that I have power?
To break that.
God says that the enemy has tricked us into thinking that there are some strongholds that we cannot touch.
That is just the way it is. Lord said, not so. Not so says god.
I’m gonna break this woke culture.
God said, did I not declare it in the last days?
My church shall be glorious without spot, wrinkle, or blemish?
The lord said, I am not coming back for a sick bride.
I am coming back for a church that’s full of power. And authority in the holy goats.
And just as I promised you, these signs shall follow them that believe in my name. They shall.
They shall. They shall. Hallelujah. I am going to cause it to come to pass in this hour.
You’re gonna walk in to pretty soon, said the lord 2024 will be remembered as the year of glory.
There will be not fabricated, but there will be stories told.
Of the fire of god visibly seen in auditoriums.
God said there will be a smoke of my presence that will begin to permeate the atmosphere.
No longer will I have men who have to preach for an hour to get somehow people to respond to me.
But the lord said, in fact, I will go before you.
And when you walk onto your property when you drive onto your parking lot.
Some of you will never be able to get in the building because you will be slaying in the spirit up on your parking lot.
Now, god said this is a different hour and a different day about the power of the lord.
Now, I release authority the day of him disbilled enough in the name of the lord. Yeah.
The devil is a liar and god is true now.
Maybe anointing a a called, uh, be loosed up in your spirit.
Uh, may every yoke be broken up in the name of the lord.
Uh, for where the spirit of the lord is, uh, there is liberty.
God said this intimidation, I am breaking off, and there is a spirit of boldness coming back on the body of Christ just as there was in the early church.
So god says I’m raising up men.
Lawrence said they’re gonna make a mistake and try to bring men into secular interviews.
Thinking that, well, due to them, what we did men in the past, god said many times men in the past, went in there out of pride and ego.
God said I allowed them to fall on their face.
The lord said, I’m getting ready to give a voice in the secular realm.
I I I see men and women being interviewed by secular men and women.
On major networks. I can see in their spirit, and they’re thinking we’re gonna embarrass them and god said, I’m gonna lose the spirit of the lord in that interview.
And my service will begin to move in the word of knowledge And it will cause these men and women who are interviewing to begin to weep.
And you will see conversions, hallelujah, say at the lord, because there is nothing off limits to me.
Hallelujah. For what you have been walking in has been the outer court.
What you’re walking into is the holy place.
But god said, I am bringing you into the holiest of holies.
For the glory of the lord is no longer says god.
Will there be the spirit of entertainment in the house of Gong.
I am bringing such a holy reverence back into my house.
That as people begin to enter the sanctuary.
In fact, says the lord, um, that around the clock without you’re being called for it.
You’re gonna begin to see men and women that I wake up and and You can drive by the church at 3 in the morning, and there’ll be ten, eight people walking around in the sanctuary, praying to the holy ghost.
That by the time services call, there’s such an atmosphere saith the law.
Now, that’s such a permeating of my presence.
So that all traffic begins to stop and police have to begin to deal with traffic jam because people are getting saved and filled with the holy goats in their cars.
By the power of the Holy Ghost.
Did I not say I have not seen an ear have not heard neither has entered into the hearts of you.
Uh, those say that I have prepared for those that love me.
Uh, I have say the best for last say it the lord because I now have a church, hallelujah.
That is ready without spot wrinkler, Plymouth, that is saying, even so lord Jesus come quickly.
The lord said, Justice, the enemy has made the church to trimble.
Hezbollah did to Israel. God said now, put, I’m raising up.
Is I’m gonna make demons tremble.
The lord said even right now that they are strategizing and how to pervert this next election.
But god said this time is gonna be different Marabobo someday.
I’m not telling you who’s gonna be president, but I am telling you this.
God said I’m gonna get involved.
And the reason being is the lord says that this final harvest cannot come in in the middle of chaos but god said I’m gonna lose 2024 will be the beginning of peace.
And rest in the kingdom of the lord.
I begin to lose anointing right now in this building, in the name of the lord.
May you be radically changed in the name of Jesus.
I bind every demon in this building by the authority that sent me by the holy ghost.
I bind every homosexual spirit in the name of Jesus.
So I command every spirit of cancer to come out of your body in the name of the lord Jesus.
Uh, we bind arthritis. We bind hallelujah heart disease. I come after Alzheimer’s.
And dementia that’s come after our Joshua Caleb generation in the name of the lord, hallelujah, and we begin to speak Now the lord says I am losing faith in this house right now in Jesus name.
We begin to lose faith in the name of the lord.
Uh, god said that if you will declare it today, if you will bind it, the lord said I’ll come into agreement with you and I will bind it in heaven.
If you need your children, lose, lose them in the holy ghost.
And god said, I will lose them in heaven. Now, you are going to walk 24.
Be remembered as the year of harvest. Uh, there’s a release, hallelujah.
The lord also says gonna begin to lose finances to the body of Christ.
God said no more nickel and dime in it. No more struggling.
No more begging no more curse and but god said I’m gonna move on unsaved men.
And I’m gonna tell them, sow it to the kingdom.
It’s not gonna be a 1000 or 5000, but god said, uh, you’re gonna see $1,000,000 checks, multimillion dollar checks.
Why? Because I’m gonna make the enemy finance the kingdom of the lord.
Uh, because you have given up because you have tied says called.
Now there is a hundredfold harvests that’s coming up out of the spirit in the name of the law Now, I release it over Lord of hosts.
I release it today over Lord of hosts. No death. No mortgage. In the name of Jesus.
Now out of your belly, I’m beginning to decree that out of your Bethlehem begin to flow rivers of living water all over this building.
Stand up. Begin to release your spirits.
There is an importation of the spirit of god being released right now in the name of the lord.
Not a bubble sunday.
Hallelujah, but, Tony, we speak over your building in the name of the lord.
Uh, Kiara, bubble, bubble, Sunday. Hallelujah. God says, son, you’re going through a metamorphose.
Mama signed up, but it’s different from what you went through when your wife died.
Uh, the lord said, this is a metamorphose about your ministry. Yeah.
And you’ve thought, god, I was this or I was that.
But the lord said, I’m getting ready to bring you into a new place and a broad place.
And god said, I’m gonna cause you to have visions and dreams.
And I’m gonna tell you to do things so you’re gonna say, god, Can I really do that?
But the lord said because if you walk with me, I’m now gonna begin to bless you because you’ve stood on the side lines and watched other men, uh, other constituents blessed and you said, God, I’m happy for them.
But what about me? This day, say it the lord.
Uh, I opened the winds of heaven over you by the power of the Holy Ghost, and command the hand of blessing upon you and upon the house that I’ve raised up in your spirit in the name of Jesus.
Uh now I lose the best Tism of the Holy Ghost.
So with the evidence of speaking in tongues, that’s a spirit of god, giveth the utterance.
Lose dreams and visions on you in the name of Jesus.
Uh, we bind the spirit of heaviness up, and we declare right now that the car and a praise begin to come upon you in the name of the lord.
Uh, may praise begin to come out of your belly. Yeah. Make god make your feet like Heinz feet.
Uh, may the lord lose you in the Holy Go stuff. May you run and not be weary?
May you walk and not think that may the blessing of god be a poet?
May your children send a tape up full of the holy ghost and delivered in the name of the lord.
God said, I break intimidation off of you.
And the lord said, you need to begin to go after demons.
And god said, don’t be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Don’t bow down to this culture.
If you do, it will rule over you.
If you will rise up in the Holy Ghost and stand for the word of the lord, god said, I will back you up So in Jesus’ name, made the same spirit of boldness that was on the disciples.
After pentecost.
May there be a spirit of bonus that cloaks you right now in Jesus’ name?
Hallelujah. Get ready.
You’re gonna be in a restaurant, says the lord.
And all of a sudden, god’s gonna say, just then, I’m saying, can I pray over everybody?
And the lord said, I am preparing the unbeliever to be receptive to my spirit And god said, as you just begin to pray, he said, I will come down in the midst of that restaurant and people will begin to weep, and people will begin to receive Christ as their savior.
God’s God says I have waited for you. I have waited for this hour.
That men and women would turn their hearts back under me.
Old church, may we be men and women?
Nearappo, bobo, Sunday, hallelujah that are hungry for the presence of the lord.
Make god so wrap his arms around us, hallelujah, that our greatest worship is what comes out of our mouth but it’s the lifestyle that we live by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Now I bless you in the name of the lord. I call you the head and not the tail.
I call you the lender and not the borrower. Make the face of god. Sign upon you.
Uh, that may the word of the lord that’s been released today in your spirit be powerful.
And by the power of god. Now may you go home to surprises, hallelujah?
May debt be broken off of you in the name Jesus, uh, made the spirit of revelation come upon you.
Make every pastor in this building begin to experience supernatural growth. If name of the lord.
Now may every disease and sickness come out of you?
I also know this very strongly.
God said I am going to break racism in this nation.
And the lord said, I I’m going to deal with some black leaders that have promoted racism.
And led the Black Christian astray.
The god said, I’m gonna raise up some black men and women like William Seymour out of Azusa Street.
God said, I’m gonna heal the body of Christ.
And the lord said that there is an element that has to be released in the church for the fullness of god to be released that will come to the black community.
The lord said that there is a sound of music Just as the blues came out of slavery, God said that I’m gonna lose another sound now out of the black community of not blues.
But a victory. Marabobo Sunday. Hallelujah. Halleababa Cassandra.
God said I’m going after unseen strongholds. He are Momo someday. Hallelujah.
My god, I feel such an anointing of the law that is being released in the atmosphere.
You are warriors in the kingdom. God said go forth. Go forth. Go forth. Go forth.
And a one what I do about the spirit of the lord?
I’ve released this now back to Pastor Hank.
I want you to begin to declare it to gone.
Gone I am ready to receive whatever you wanna release to me in the name of Jesus.
Hallelujah. God we bless this conference. In the name of the lord.
May the hand of god be unveiled in the midst of it in Jesus. Amen.


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