Prophecy, Israel & An Ancient Mystery: Defying The Odds In A Modern-Day Era with Jonathan Cahn
Prophecy, Israel & An Ancient Mystery: Defying The Odds In A Modern-Day Era with Jonathan Cahn
They’re the nation that holds the key to end-time fulfillment and this year they’re celebrating their 75th anniversary! Rabbi @jonathancahn.official reveals the ancient mystery tied to the nation of Israel and the deeper meaning behind what is now considered one of the greatest miracles of modern-day history. Find out why the re-birth of Israel holds major significance in prophetic fulfillment plus the events that still need to take place before the end comes!
Well, are there ancient mysteries tied to one nation’s latest milestone?
And what is it revealing? Rabbi Jonathan shares? What’s so significant about Israel’s 75th anniversary?
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Well, it is perhaps the most significant event in modern history after nearly 2000 years, one nation that was almost wiped from memory suddenly became a nation again.
Now they’ve celebrated their 75th year of existence and our special guest is here to reveal the ancient mystery that makes this so significant.
But before we get to that, joining me here on the table is Susanna Lamb. How are you?
I am amazing. Very happy. Are you happy? Well, our guest today is so interesting. Yes.
And we’re gonna, everybody’s gonna be so blessed. He has so much revelation from God. I’m excited. It really does.
Kendrick Kelly Dean. How are you and your hot pink over there? Oh, I’m doing well. Thank you very much.
I’m always excited when we have this guest because again, there’s so much information there and it’s it’s so interesting to see how everything ties together and know that God has a plan and every bit of it and he’s always in control.
That’s right. Rachel Lamb Brown, how are you? I’m good. I’m happy to be here.
I remember being in Poland for the 70 anniversary of Israel becoming a nation um at the March of the living.
And so it’s crazy that we’re at 75 years now, like five years has gone by.
And it’s just amazing to see that promise, like continue to be fulfilled. It really is Rebecca Lamb.
Israel is near and dear to your heart.
It is God has um will meet in my heart through my husband to the nation of Israel.
Yeah, Cindy Murdoch, how are you? We love Israel. We’ve been together.
I know we’re going back, we’re going back together.
So I’m thinking about all that has happened with Israel in my lifetime in your lifetime.
We’ve seen amazing things happen. So true, so true.
Well, the miracle of Israel is that it went from a nation that the world attempted to erase from the pages of history to a country suddenly reborn in the modern era.
Now, they are celebrating 75 years in existence.
And Rabbi Kahn is here to reveal how this is connected to an ancient mystery.
And I just told you on this program today, I want you to teach us about that and let’s talk about that.
And why is it so important to you to share. Yeah.
Well, because this is, this is the reality of God.
Actually, it was part of me coming to the Lord when I saw this, you know, the Bible says, the person that God created Israel as a witness for himself.
But then he says that he says, he prophesized. This is way back.
I mean, this is, we’re talking about 3000 years, 2.5 1000 years ago. And Jesus Messiah Yeshua, he also did.
He said that the Jewish people would be scattered to the ends of the earth.
They would be wandering the nations.
They’d be persecuted from nation to even Moses said it as far back as that, they’ll be persecuted in all the lands, they’ll be scattered.
But then in the end times, God will like a shepherd, take them from every nation and begin gathering them back to their ancient homeland.
Had never happened before. In human history, gather them back. Israel would become a nation again.
The land of Israel would have been a desert wasteland, but it’s all of a sudden, it’s going to blossom, going to become like the Garden of Eden.
It’s going to have fruit and blessings and he’s going to, they’re going to rebuild.
And so Israel is going to be resurrected.
So that has never happened in human history where a nation has been so cast out, so disappearing.
You know, the world said this will never happen most Christians or churches said this will never happen.
They said that, you know, God is finished with Israel. He replaced Israel with a church.
Even most Jewish people were saying, you know, this is not really going to happen.
And yet when everybody said it’s impossible, then God moves.
Well, what did God say in his word about this happening?
He said, no, no, I’ll bring them from the east and the west and the north and the south, they will come, women with child, the weeping, they will come, but I will gather them back.
Another one says, can a nation be born in a day yet all of a sudden, Israel is born in a day.
I will bring them back to the land. I will raise up the fallen Tabernacle of David.
And again, my people shall plant and reap and the land that was a desert will blossom like the rose.
It, the Bible is filled with this. All there’s no other faith that has this kind of proof to it.
It’s all over the Bible and it happened in our lifetime or it happened in our generation.
The fact this is all the hand of God. It tells you if this is true, the Bible is true.
If this is true, God is true, and if God keeps his promise to his ancient people after 6000 years, he’s certainly gonna keep his promise in your life.
This is so this is crucial end time prophecy.
What Jesus said, Jesus said, I’m not gonna return until you Jerusalem say you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?
Then I come for that to come true. He said it in Jerusalem.
The Jewish people had to be back in the land, they had to be in, they had to have Jerusalem again and they had to start coming to him.
So, so when you look at that, it’s almost like four prophecies. One, they had to survive.
And again, now there’s no people who have been so so persecuted, so hunted down the whole world was trying to wipe them out.
No people like that. And yet by a miracle they survived because God said they would.
So it doesn’t know there’s no power on earth that could destroy them because God said they would.
Secondly, according to what Jesus said, they have to come back to, they have to come back to the land.
Well, that happened against all odds. Everything is against all odds.
They came back to the land third, they had to come back to Jerusalem because Jerusalem is where he’s coming.
1967 6 day war, miraculously Jewish soldiers for the first time in 2000 years, enter the streets of the holy city.
And what Jesus said has come true.
They’re coming back to Jerusalem because that’s where it’s telling you someone else is coming back to Jerusalem and they have to be there to get ready.
And now Jewish people are beginning to come to the Lord.
So everything he said, you know, we’re, we’re looking, you know, we talked about the gods and what’s happening in the world and all that.
But at the same time, God is fulfilling prophecy and saying I’m real, I’m more powerful, you know, because for this to happen, every single event had to be in its place, including everybody’s grandparents.
They’re great because everything affects everything else. Every so God is in charge of every single human event.
I mean, like clock work to make this happen. Your God is real.
The nation is, you know, they say the nation of Israel lives, the God of Israel lives. Yes.
You know, in your book, the oracle, you talk about some of the amazing mysteries of God behind the resurrection of Israel.
So let’s talk about some of those.
Yeah, one of them is the, the, the one who is called the father of modern Israel is a man named Theodore Herzl.
And, and this is a guy, a Jewish guy, a uh Austrian who was trying to assimilate.
He thought, let, let me just become Austrian German, whatever. And he realized it wasn’t gonna work.
And so he was led to call the Jewish people to go back to Israel.
Now he wasn’t even, he wasn’t even a believer.
I mean, in a sense in, in the Bible, he was secular, but God used him.
He so he had this conference called, you know, it was the first Zionist conference in Switzerland.
And he had this conference in 18 97.
And in that, at the end of the conference, he wrote down a prophecy.
He said, listen, he says, people will not, they don’t realize what just happened. They don’t realize what’s gonna happen.
The world may not see it in, in five years, but it’s going to see it in 50 years.
He said 50 years, 18 97 at 50 years takes you to takes you to 1947 when the United Nations votes Israel into existence.
It was 50 years. He said it one jubilee and it happened.
But I look deeper because because the, the, the day that the UN came up with that plan, that resolution was August 31st, August 31st was the day that his Congress concluded.
It was 50 years to the day.
Not only that when I looked at the plan, it was submitted to the UN has a date stamped on it.
September 3rd, 1947 Theodore Herzl wrote his prophecy on September 3rd, 18 97.
It was 50 years to the day. Wow, amazing. You also talk about um the day of the scrolls. Yes.
Yeah. And I put this, this is why I wrote the oracle because this, there’s so many things here.
One, you know, before God creates the word is always first before he created.
The universe is the word before Israel came back. He, there’s the word.
Now, now, now there, there was shepherd, who was it? Is a bedouin shepherd in his field.
He’s going hunting for his goat, throws a stone into the cave where he thought the goat was.
He hears crashing of, of pottery goes in.
Sees, this doesn’t know what it is and you know, it looks like, looks like leather.
He ends up trying to sell it to make shoes from it.
But it turns out it’s the dead sea scroll.
It’s the ancient, the most ancient version of the Bible in the existence.
You can see that if you go, you can go to Yeah, they have the shrine of the book.
So so that, so that’s happening there. This is the restoration of the word.
There’s no, there’s no, this is from the time of Jesus. There is no other word that goes back there.
And what is the dead, the writings of this, the dead uh people.
And it, it has a lot of different writings but it also has the whole b has the Bible and it has the whole book of Isaiah which which prophesized the return of Israel.
OK. So this is what happens.
Then it goes to the shop, the shop calls this professor, this Jewish professor in in Jerusalem says you gotta look at this.
He looks, he goes to the shop in Bethlehem, looks at it and says, Oh my, oh my God.
I can’t believe this. This is, this is the oldest Bible in the world. He takes it back to Jerusalem.
He opens it up and for the first time in 2000 years, the words are coming to life and one of the words says is speaking about the exile of Israel and God’s gonna gather them back.
So he’s the first time he’s looking at these 2000 year old words in the other room, his son is going back and forth because the radio is turned on because the United Nations is voting Israel into existence on the very day, God restores the word and God restores the nation on the very day.
Also, I know you have a chapter called uh the Jubilee in Code and all of all of this relates back to the importance of Israel becoming a nation.
Yeah. Yeah. The, the really the, you know, when I wrote the oracle, the sub line is the Jule and prophecies because there’s something that keep happens about this 50 year thing and it’s jubilee’s restoration.
You know, when jubilee comes, you come back to your land.
So think about it, you know that Israel is coming back to their land after 2000 years.
So the jubilee is there. When God gave the, the command for the jubilee, it says, and each one of you shall return to your land.
Each one talking about you lost a bo you lost your farm, each one and the jubilee shall return.
Well, now a whole nation has lost its land.
But when he writes it, when it, when it’s recorded, the word that it’s the first time God told the nation you shall return, you shall return one word, you shall return in Hebrew one word, you know, in Hebrew, every letter is a number.
You put it together, it comes out to 1948. Wow. Wow.
And I, and the thing is, there’s a strange thing about that because, because it’s missing one of the, the letters and that letter actually in, in Hebrew, you just, it just gives to have a date, they just give you, you don’t have to say the millennium.
You just have to say the, the and the thing but, but you keep us separate.
But the, but the, the, the letter that’s missing tells you the millennium.
It’s the sixth millennium or the whatever it is, but it tells you 1948.
So when the very first time God said you shall return, it gave the date the year when they would return to the land.
Well, now what is the, the mystery of Israel being resurrected?
What does that have to do with the rise of the United States?
Well, the, the America is linked to, linked to Israel.
First of all, first of all, the reason why when America came into existence, you know, when, when Columbus came over and all that, you know, it was the day, the day he set sail or was he Jewish, by the way?
That’s a mystery. We don’t, we don’t know. That’s not my.
But why have they so visc him and, and made him such a bad guy because it is almost like there’s, there’s, you know, listen, he was a man.
He, there was good, there was things that are not good but it’s, there’s a rebellion against everything that’s western civilization, including Christianity.
So everything that was traditional is, is, it’s trying to overturn the whole culture, you know, so, hey, you know, it’s like we, we don’t want America to exist to, you know, get Columbus out.
But Columbus, you know, you know, in 14 92 and at the same year, the same week in the harbor, the Jewish people were told to, they had a, they were exiled from Spain.
They were, they were cast out of Spain and, and, and the boats in the harbor where all the boats of the Jewish people trying to find a place to live as a haven in that same harbor was, was the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.
So just as God is that Spain was the, the best place for the Jewish people was the center.
But when they lost that God begins America, which is gonna become the greatest refuge for the Jewish people.
But on top of that America had to exist at that moment.
Because what happened was England, you know, once said, we can we give the land to the, to the Jewish people.
But then England turned against the Jewish people.
They were in between the war, they were actually sinking Jewish ships of refugees.
And so there Israel would never have come into existence except that America existed.
And at that moment, America becomes its superpower at that moment.
And, and our founding fathers actually used the Bible to set up our government. Is that true?
Well, our entire culture is set is based on the Bible and based on Israel, the, the first puritans, they said, we’re gonna found this nation and we’re gonna be like a second Israel.
And that, and that’s, that’s part of this whole mystery because it says if we follow God, John Winthrop said, we follow God, we’ll be the most blessed people on most powerful.
We became that. But he said, if we turn away from God, then the same judgments that came on Israel will come upon us.
That’s what the harbingers. That’s where all that is. So it’s a real mystery.
So, in your book, the oracle, you talk about how there’s a mystery behind an American president that is connected to an ancient king.
Can you say that? Well, well, when, when Israel, when Israel there was only two exiles of the Israel of, of the nation.
And when Israel was in exile in ancient times, there was one king, God raised up and his name was Cyrus.
And Cyrus is the king who says, ok, go back home, rebuild Jerusalem, rebuild the, rebuild the nation.
He’s Persian today. It’s Iran. That’s actually why God kept Iran around because they let Israel continue, which was miraculous that Cyrus did that.
Yes, that, that they were in, they were in Babylon, you know, in captivity, Cyrus took over Babylon and now said, go home and the Bible records it.
Ok. So now this is the second time.
Now in 1948 second time, the greatest power is not Cyrus is not, uh it’s America.
And so at the same moment, you know, just when Ame America becomes the power, it is at that same moment, there’s a president who God just puts into power.
Now, now it’s unlikely the guy was looked down on. Nobody thought he was much. He was, he was unsuccessful.
But just before Franklin Roosevelt was gonna die.
He a points this guy as his vice president and he, and about three months later, he dies and the man from nothing is lifted up to be the most powerful man in the world.
And his name is Harry Truman. Harry Truman, Harry Truman.
First of all, he had a Jewish friend his whole life. He went out of business with his Jewish friend.
He always, and, and God used that to make Harry Truman be recognize Israel. He read the Bible several times.
He knew the Bible he had a strong love for Israel and interesting because Cyrus ruled, reigned for 30 years.
Truman came to power in public office 1923 to 1953. Exactly 30 years. Same time Cyrus rose to power.
World power when he turned 60. Truman rose to world power when he turned 60.
And the thing is that and tru him, ok?
And by the way, the whole state department didn’t want Truman to recognize Israel.
So Truman had a the whole thing, but Truman, but first of all, his Jewish friend visited him in the White House says, you better do this.
And, and so, and so, and the thing is that and, and Truman almost kicked him out of the White House because he was under so much pressure.
But then, but Truman also sent word to the English Empire. The British Empire didn’t want the Jewish people back.
They were holding like 100,000 prisoners of the survivors of the Holocaust.
Truman writes a letter and says, release them and send them back just like Cyrus did release them and send them back that, that, that force that forced the British Empire actually to give up Israel and that became a nation.
But the day that he did, it was a Friday night all around the world.
There, there’s a, there’s a, there’s a Torah portion that is read, you know, a word in the prophets.
And what was read that day when he did that was, then I shall gather them from the ends of the earth.
I will bring them back to the land.
So he said the word Truman was responsible for the UN voting for Israel Truman.
And, and now after he did that, uh one of the grand rabbis of Israel visits Truman and he says, he says, God put you in your mother’s womb for that moment.
And he, he started reading about Cyrus. Truman starts weeping in the White House.
One of the things when you look at the inscriptions of Cyrus, he always says, I am Cyrus, I am Cyrus.
I am. So in case you don’t have any doubt near the end of his life, Truman is speaking and he says, I am Cyrus.
God raised him up for such a time as that on the day that the UN voted Israel into existence.
Remember, we said it was exactly the whole 50 year thing. Um He, he votes Israel into existence.
Um It was a Sabbath. There was a scripture for that day, you know what it was, it was about Jacob returning to the land.
It was about Esau being in the land.
Remember they divided the land between basically Jacob and the Arabs and that’s the day, you know, they didn’t know what the nation was gonna be called.
Some people thought it was, they, they would call it Zion or Judah or they had all these names.
They didn’t know until just before.
But on the day that the UN voted, that’s when God says your name shall be Israel.
And so, and that’s actually when Israel is born. So God is so perfect.
I mean, how you is, what about the mystery behind Israel’s first president David Ben? Ok.
This is a really, most people don’t know this.
I mean, all right, the, the Bible says I’ll bring them back and David shall be their king.
You know, now David is also talking about Messiah of David.
But interesting because the first leader of Israel was called David. David Ben Gurion, Ben Gurion.
But here’s the, here’s the thing. I didn’t even know this. That when is, you know, God reverses.
He, he completes everything when Israel in the first century, when they revolted by, they were destroyed by Rome.
The last leader of Jerusalem was called Ben Gurion. The first leader of modern Israel is called Ben Gurion.
And, and the last leader in the war lost Jerusalem, lost the land the of the new Ben Gurion because the war gained the land gained all that.
Uh His name was Joseph Ben Gurion.
David Ben Gurion’s middle name was Joseph Joseph Ben go, you know, so I mean, it’s like his life follows it.
Exactly. And by the way, I’m throwing this in when David Ben Goian died.
Early seventies, they looked at his, his room, his, his office, you know, and they found one book that was that very, it was the late great planet Earth by Hal Lindsay about the prophecies of Israel coming back.
Wow. Wow. That’s something we know.
I was just sitting here thinking, how does all of this even the 75th anniversary and everything that you’ve shared really play into where we are today and the coming of the Messiah.
Yeah. Well, interesting because, you know, the focus is, it’s almost like God has a spotlight and at first it’s on the land, then it’s on Jerusalem, then it’s on the Temple mount.
Well, because that’s where the Lord is coming.
And so the, if this all had to happen, Jesus always keeps his word. He said he’s coming back.
It has to happen after it says after 70 years in captivity, after 70 years, Cyrus said of gave a proclamation for the Jewish people to go home and go to Jerusalem and build a house after 70 years.
Now, here’s a, here’s a clip, 1947 I said they voted, voted Israel back, but they cut off Jerusalem from the Jewish people.
And so from that day on legally, Israel didn’t have Jerusalem.
All the nations went along with it and that was only broken very recently and was broken by the American president and the American president broke it on December 6th of 2017.
Now it says after 70 years, 1947 when is, when is 70 years? 2017.
At that year, it said after the seven years, this guy, Cyrus comes to power.
After 70 years, this guy, the president comes to power in that year.
And in that year, he releases a proclamation first time since ancient times, recognizing Jerusalem and saying the Jewish people have the right to build a house right now.
Let me, let me go one step further. I looked at this.
It says after 70 years, the UN voted that on a Hebrew day.
It was the, it was the 17th day of Kislev. Ok. After 70 years would be OK.
It’s 70 years plus one day, 18th day of Kislev.
So go, go back, go there it, when Trump signed that, it was the 70 years eight to the day.
18, kiss love. 18. It was 70. It was the after 70 year day.
He had no idea but God did. So God’s ways do not start for that to happen.
You had to have him be elected, you had to have everything.
So the Lord is coming when he gives a word, he’s coming and it has not stopped for all the stuff we’re watching, we’re watching, we’re watching uh cultures fall away from God, but God keeps moving it forward.
God, his purposes do not stop.
Jesus is coming, you know, and he’s coming just like he said, I mean, the statistic probability of these numbers that you’ve mentioned just on this show happening are literally impossible.
And yeah, and it’s always by people who don’t know, they don’t, they’re not trying, they don’t know it.
You know, I’m sure the president was not studying Ancient Hebrew, you know, you know, try to put it together, you know, and, and, and just some icing on the cake on the day that Israel actually became a nation.
It was a Sabbath. And so all around the world, there was a scripture being chanted, you know what it was, it was God saying in Hosea, I will raise up the fallen Tabernacle of David.
I will bring my people back, they will plant the land all the on the exact day.
And it happened, God is so perfect.
You know, I was thinking about the Old Testament and how you parallel so many uh Old Testament, uh especially ancient Israel to what’s happening today.
But one thing we can take from the Old Testament is that there were good kings and bad kings, but God was still in control.
He was still managing the earth.
And like you said, they, they don’t even realize that the kings those are in or whoever’s, you know, in the administration.
Our our hope is not in those individuals.
Our hope is in God in knowing that He is still in control. He’s still on the throne.
And um he decides who is in places of leadership.
And he actually uses in ancient Israel bad kings to teach us very important lessons.
It would seem like he’s doing that right. Now. Yeah, he, yeah, he uses good and bad kings alike.
God is sovereign over both of them and he says he raises up, he cast out.
There’s only one God who’s always the only one who’s always on the throne, you know, and he has no intention of getting off of it.
And that’s the hope we have.
And this tells us, wow, if God is in charge of everything like those details.
So in our life, it’s the same thing. We don’t always see it, but it’s there.
It gives us such hope. Yeah. Is there anything else you wanna add?
Anything that is yet to happen that we have to look forward? Well, they have to rebuild the temple.
You know, it’s kind of like every and the spotlight is going from Israel is going from the temple, Mount to Jerusalem temple, Mount temple.
It has to be and they are just, you know, they’re all, there are all these things working on it.
You know, it’s gonna take, it’s gonna take a miracle from God. It’s gonna take the hand of God.
But the Red Heifer, the restoration of the red heifer, was it? Have they found this heifer?
They did, they have, this is part of, this is part of, they found five of them in Texas, in Texas, the holy land and, and, and well, and, and some of the I should be going that wait, I should stay here then.
Um I thought New Jersey was ok.
But, but I forget New Jersey, it was being kept here.
And we had, uh this is, uh I can’t go into detail, but we had people from our congregation who, who are, who went, who were in Texas taking care of the Red Hat.
And so it was, it was taken back to Israel and that’s one of the things of restoration.
But people don’t know this, there was almost, there was like death threats against the red heifers because that, you know that they were trying to kill it, you know, some extremists.
So, so it would, so Israel wouldn’t have the temple. It’s only gonna have that temple.
So the question is, how is it gonna happen?
It’s gonna be some dramatic event that has to be the hand of God and maybe a 30 39 which is this war that comes and you look at the next chapter is how to build the temple.
So, so it’s gonna happen. Listen, everything God said is gonna happen.
It doesn’t matter how impossible, you know, you know, Mark Twain went to Israel in 18 67 and he said this is, this is the, this is the worst land in the world.
It will never rise again. It’s all a dream, it shall never happen again.
And so God said, oh yeah, and actually God says that Deuteronomy, a stranger shall come to the land and he’ll, he’ll look at it and it’s gonna be totally cursed.
And actually, I’m, I’m just throwing the, the day that he was in Jerusalem was the day that they were reading the, the, the prophecy about the stranger who would come in the land and say that and say that and, and, and actually with, I mean, where do you get the courage to say yes to this?
It was a writing by Mark Twain. You know, so God, all that, that is so amazing.
You know, for people watching, we’re just about out of time.
I want you just to take a moment and pray for those that are watching and really what is the significance of, of us sharing this today on the table and how and why it’s important to be in relationship with the God that we’re talking about.
Yeah, listen, listen, if you’re watching and, and listen, I was in your shoes, I didn’t believe in all that.
But then when I saw it, God gives his proof one is that God is real. God is alive.
God is, well, God is, is, is over everything that’s happening in the world and he’s over everything that’s happening in your life.
It’s not out of control. God is there.
And if God keeps His promise to Israel after thousands of years, he’s going to keep a promise to you.
And one of the promises that He says is that if you come to Him, he will come into your life.
He will bless your life. He will, he will forgive your sin.
He will start a new life right now and lift your burden.
So whoever you are, if you’re not born again, you need to be.
That’s a promise from the same God of Israel.
And if you are born again, maybe you need to come back.
So I’m gonna lead in a prayer and just pray along with me wherever you are and just say yes, come into my life.
I’m I’m gonna follow you with all my heart from this moment on and he’s gonna do it.
Let’s pray, just repeat after me in a whisper, Lord God, I come to you now.
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving your life for me.
Thank you for dying from my sins, rising from death. So I could be saved.
And from this moment on, I’m saying yes to you.
I will follow you with all my heart, forgive my sins, wash me, cleanse me, make me new, come into my heart.
I receive you. I receive your presence, I receive your spirit into my life.
And I’m gonna follow you as your disciple now with all my heart from this moment on.
And I thank you that by this prayer I can say I am blessed. I am saved.
I am born again. I am forgiven. I am free. I’m new and I’m gonna be with you.
Always thank you in the name above every name.
The name of my Messiah, the name of my savior, the hope of Israel and the light of the world, Jesus.
Amen and amen. And all the table said, amen. Amen.
You know, while, while you were praying, I really felt like the spirit of God is just saying there are so many people, Joanie that I’m reaching out to right now and revealing myself to.
And you’re one of those individuals and you know it by things that have happened over the last couple of weeks, some of you have had dreams, some of you have had people come across your path and talk about uh supernatural things that were connected to uh the true and living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that we’re talking about today.
And I just want you to know it’s no accident that you’re watching. He loves you so very much.
And uh although we are out of time, one thing I love is hearing about God’s faithfulness to the nation of Israel.
God holds to his word promises and He will do the same in your life.
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Say God, I just need you to come into my life and to do something supernatural and I’m gonna trust you with it and I’m just telling you, he will, he’ll meet you right where you are.
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I wanna thank rabbi Jonathan Kah for joining us at the table.
There’s a lot of really great resources available like the book, the oracle that we talked about to find out more.
You can visit him online at hope of the world dot org.
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Thank you so much for watching and I’m really excited about what God has for your future and till next time.
Bye bye for today.
And what is it revealing? Rabbi Jonathan shares? What’s so significant about Israel’s 75th anniversary?
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Well, it is perhaps the most significant event in modern history after nearly 2000 years, one nation that was almost wiped from memory suddenly became a nation again.
Now they’ve celebrated their 75th year of existence and our special guest is here to reveal the ancient mystery that makes this so significant.
But before we get to that, joining me here on the table is Susanna Lamb. How are you?
I am amazing. Very happy. Are you happy? Well, our guest today is so interesting. Yes.
And we’re gonna, everybody’s gonna be so blessed. He has so much revelation from God. I’m excited. It really does.
Kendrick Kelly Dean. How are you and your hot pink over there? Oh, I’m doing well. Thank you very much.
I’m always excited when we have this guest because again, there’s so much information there and it’s it’s so interesting to see how everything ties together and know that God has a plan and every bit of it and he’s always in control.
That’s right. Rachel Lamb Brown, how are you? I’m good. I’m happy to be here.
I remember being in Poland for the 70 anniversary of Israel becoming a nation um at the March of the living.
And so it’s crazy that we’re at 75 years now, like five years has gone by.
And it’s just amazing to see that promise, like continue to be fulfilled. It really is Rebecca Lamb.
Israel is near and dear to your heart.
It is God has um will meet in my heart through my husband to the nation of Israel.
Yeah, Cindy Murdoch, how are you? We love Israel. We’ve been together.
I know we’re going back, we’re going back together.
So I’m thinking about all that has happened with Israel in my lifetime in your lifetime.
We’ve seen amazing things happen. So true, so true.
Well, the miracle of Israel is that it went from a nation that the world attempted to erase from the pages of history to a country suddenly reborn in the modern era.
Now, they are celebrating 75 years in existence.
And Rabbi Kahn is here to reveal how this is connected to an ancient mystery.
And I just told you on this program today, I want you to teach us about that and let’s talk about that.
And why is it so important to you to share. Yeah.
Well, because this is, this is the reality of God.
Actually, it was part of me coming to the Lord when I saw this, you know, the Bible says, the person that God created Israel as a witness for himself.
But then he says that he says, he prophesized. This is way back.
I mean, this is, we’re talking about 3000 years, 2.5 1000 years ago. And Jesus Messiah Yeshua, he also did.
He said that the Jewish people would be scattered to the ends of the earth.
They would be wandering the nations.
They’d be persecuted from nation to even Moses said it as far back as that, they’ll be persecuted in all the lands, they’ll be scattered.
But then in the end times, God will like a shepherd, take them from every nation and begin gathering them back to their ancient homeland.
Had never happened before. In human history, gather them back. Israel would become a nation again.
The land of Israel would have been a desert wasteland, but it’s all of a sudden, it’s going to blossom, going to become like the Garden of Eden.
It’s going to have fruit and blessings and he’s going to, they’re going to rebuild.
And so Israel is going to be resurrected.
So that has never happened in human history where a nation has been so cast out, so disappearing.
You know, the world said this will never happen most Christians or churches said this will never happen.
They said that, you know, God is finished with Israel. He replaced Israel with a church.
Even most Jewish people were saying, you know, this is not really going to happen.
And yet when everybody said it’s impossible, then God moves.
Well, what did God say in his word about this happening?
He said, no, no, I’ll bring them from the east and the west and the north and the south, they will come, women with child, the weeping, they will come, but I will gather them back.
Another one says, can a nation be born in a day yet all of a sudden, Israel is born in a day.
I will bring them back to the land. I will raise up the fallen Tabernacle of David.
And again, my people shall plant and reap and the land that was a desert will blossom like the rose.
It, the Bible is filled with this. All there’s no other faith that has this kind of proof to it.
It’s all over the Bible and it happened in our lifetime or it happened in our generation.
The fact this is all the hand of God. It tells you if this is true, the Bible is true.
If this is true, God is true, and if God keeps his promise to his ancient people after 6000 years, he’s certainly gonna keep his promise in your life.
This is so this is crucial end time prophecy.
What Jesus said, Jesus said, I’m not gonna return until you Jerusalem say you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?
Then I come for that to come true. He said it in Jerusalem.
The Jewish people had to be back in the land, they had to be in, they had to have Jerusalem again and they had to start coming to him.
So, so when you look at that, it’s almost like four prophecies. One, they had to survive.
And again, now there’s no people who have been so so persecuted, so hunted down the whole world was trying to wipe them out.
No people like that. And yet by a miracle they survived because God said they would.
So it doesn’t know there’s no power on earth that could destroy them because God said they would.
Secondly, according to what Jesus said, they have to come back to, they have to come back to the land.
Well, that happened against all odds. Everything is against all odds.
They came back to the land third, they had to come back to Jerusalem because Jerusalem is where he’s coming.
1967 6 day war, miraculously Jewish soldiers for the first time in 2000 years, enter the streets of the holy city.
And what Jesus said has come true.
They’re coming back to Jerusalem because that’s where it’s telling you someone else is coming back to Jerusalem and they have to be there to get ready.
And now Jewish people are beginning to come to the Lord.
So everything he said, you know, we’re, we’re looking, you know, we talked about the gods and what’s happening in the world and all that.
But at the same time, God is fulfilling prophecy and saying I’m real, I’m more powerful, you know, because for this to happen, every single event had to be in its place, including everybody’s grandparents.
They’re great because everything affects everything else. Every so God is in charge of every single human event.
I mean, like clock work to make this happen. Your God is real.
The nation is, you know, they say the nation of Israel lives, the God of Israel lives. Yes.
You know, in your book, the oracle, you talk about some of the amazing mysteries of God behind the resurrection of Israel.
So let’s talk about some of those.
Yeah, one of them is the, the, the one who is called the father of modern Israel is a man named Theodore Herzl.
And, and this is a guy, a Jewish guy, a uh Austrian who was trying to assimilate.
He thought, let, let me just become Austrian German, whatever. And he realized it wasn’t gonna work.
And so he was led to call the Jewish people to go back to Israel.
Now he wasn’t even, he wasn’t even a believer.
I mean, in a sense in, in the Bible, he was secular, but God used him.
He so he had this conference called, you know, it was the first Zionist conference in Switzerland.
And he had this conference in 18 97.
And in that, at the end of the conference, he wrote down a prophecy.
He said, listen, he says, people will not, they don’t realize what just happened. They don’t realize what’s gonna happen.
The world may not see it in, in five years, but it’s going to see it in 50 years.
He said 50 years, 18 97 at 50 years takes you to takes you to 1947 when the United Nations votes Israel into existence.
It was 50 years. He said it one jubilee and it happened.
But I look deeper because because the, the, the day that the UN came up with that plan, that resolution was August 31st, August 31st was the day that his Congress concluded.
It was 50 years to the day.
Not only that when I looked at the plan, it was submitted to the UN has a date stamped on it.
September 3rd, 1947 Theodore Herzl wrote his prophecy on September 3rd, 18 97.
It was 50 years to the day. Wow, amazing. You also talk about um the day of the scrolls. Yes.
Yeah. And I put this, this is why I wrote the oracle because this, there’s so many things here.
One, you know, before God creates the word is always first before he created.
The universe is the word before Israel came back. He, there’s the word.
Now, now, now there, there was shepherd, who was it? Is a bedouin shepherd in his field.
He’s going hunting for his goat, throws a stone into the cave where he thought the goat was.
He hears crashing of, of pottery goes in.
Sees, this doesn’t know what it is and you know, it looks like, looks like leather.
He ends up trying to sell it to make shoes from it.
But it turns out it’s the dead sea scroll.
It’s the ancient, the most ancient version of the Bible in the existence.
You can see that if you go, you can go to Yeah, they have the shrine of the book.
So so that, so that’s happening there. This is the restoration of the word.
There’s no, there’s no, this is from the time of Jesus. There is no other word that goes back there.
And what is the dead, the writings of this, the dead uh people.
And it, it has a lot of different writings but it also has the whole b has the Bible and it has the whole book of Isaiah which which prophesized the return of Israel.
OK. So this is what happens.
Then it goes to the shop, the shop calls this professor, this Jewish professor in in Jerusalem says you gotta look at this.
He looks, he goes to the shop in Bethlehem, looks at it and says, Oh my, oh my God.
I can’t believe this. This is, this is the oldest Bible in the world. He takes it back to Jerusalem.
He opens it up and for the first time in 2000 years, the words are coming to life and one of the words says is speaking about the exile of Israel and God’s gonna gather them back.
So he’s the first time he’s looking at these 2000 year old words in the other room, his son is going back and forth because the radio is turned on because the United Nations is voting Israel into existence on the very day, God restores the word and God restores the nation on the very day.
Also, I know you have a chapter called uh the Jubilee in Code and all of all of this relates back to the importance of Israel becoming a nation.
Yeah. Yeah. The, the really the, you know, when I wrote the oracle, the sub line is the Jule and prophecies because there’s something that keep happens about this 50 year thing and it’s jubilee’s restoration.
You know, when jubilee comes, you come back to your land.
So think about it, you know that Israel is coming back to their land after 2000 years.
So the jubilee is there. When God gave the, the command for the jubilee, it says, and each one of you shall return to your land.
Each one talking about you lost a bo you lost your farm, each one and the jubilee shall return.
Well, now a whole nation has lost its land.
But when he writes it, when it, when it’s recorded, the word that it’s the first time God told the nation you shall return, you shall return one word, you shall return in Hebrew one word, you know, in Hebrew, every letter is a number.
You put it together, it comes out to 1948. Wow. Wow.
And I, and the thing is, there’s a strange thing about that because, because it’s missing one of the, the letters and that letter actually in, in Hebrew, you just, it just gives to have a date, they just give you, you don’t have to say the millennium.
You just have to say the, the and the thing but, but you keep us separate.
But the, but the, the, the letter that’s missing tells you the millennium.
It’s the sixth millennium or the whatever it is, but it tells you 1948.
So when the very first time God said you shall return, it gave the date the year when they would return to the land.
Well, now what is the, the mystery of Israel being resurrected?
What does that have to do with the rise of the United States?
Well, the, the America is linked to, linked to Israel.
First of all, first of all, the reason why when America came into existence, you know, when, when Columbus came over and all that, you know, it was the day, the day he set sail or was he Jewish, by the way?
That’s a mystery. We don’t, we don’t know. That’s not my.
But why have they so visc him and, and made him such a bad guy because it is almost like there’s, there’s, you know, listen, he was a man.
He, there was good, there was things that are not good but it’s, there’s a rebellion against everything that’s western civilization, including Christianity.
So everything that was traditional is, is, it’s trying to overturn the whole culture, you know, so, hey, you know, it’s like we, we don’t want America to exist to, you know, get Columbus out.
But Columbus, you know, you know, in 14 92 and at the same year, the same week in the harbor, the Jewish people were told to, they had a, they were exiled from Spain.
They were, they were cast out of Spain and, and, and the boats in the harbor where all the boats of the Jewish people trying to find a place to live as a haven in that same harbor was, was the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.
So just as God is that Spain was the, the best place for the Jewish people was the center.
But when they lost that God begins America, which is gonna become the greatest refuge for the Jewish people.
But on top of that America had to exist at that moment.
Because what happened was England, you know, once said, we can we give the land to the, to the Jewish people.
But then England turned against the Jewish people.
They were in between the war, they were actually sinking Jewish ships of refugees.
And so there Israel would never have come into existence except that America existed.
And at that moment, America becomes its superpower at that moment.
And, and our founding fathers actually used the Bible to set up our government. Is that true?
Well, our entire culture is set is based on the Bible and based on Israel, the, the first puritans, they said, we’re gonna found this nation and we’re gonna be like a second Israel.
And that, and that’s, that’s part of this whole mystery because it says if we follow God, John Winthrop said, we follow God, we’ll be the most blessed people on most powerful.
We became that. But he said, if we turn away from God, then the same judgments that came on Israel will come upon us.
That’s what the harbingers. That’s where all that is. So it’s a real mystery.
So, in your book, the oracle, you talk about how there’s a mystery behind an American president that is connected to an ancient king.
Can you say that? Well, well, when, when Israel, when Israel there was only two exiles of the Israel of, of the nation.
And when Israel was in exile in ancient times, there was one king, God raised up and his name was Cyrus.
And Cyrus is the king who says, ok, go back home, rebuild Jerusalem, rebuild the, rebuild the nation.
He’s Persian today. It’s Iran. That’s actually why God kept Iran around because they let Israel continue, which was miraculous that Cyrus did that.
Yes, that, that they were in, they were in Babylon, you know, in captivity, Cyrus took over Babylon and now said, go home and the Bible records it.
Ok. So now this is the second time.
Now in 1948 second time, the greatest power is not Cyrus is not, uh it’s America.
And so at the same moment, you know, just when Ame America becomes the power, it is at that same moment, there’s a president who God just puts into power.
Now, now it’s unlikely the guy was looked down on. Nobody thought he was much. He was, he was unsuccessful.
But just before Franklin Roosevelt was gonna die.
He a points this guy as his vice president and he, and about three months later, he dies and the man from nothing is lifted up to be the most powerful man in the world.
And his name is Harry Truman. Harry Truman, Harry Truman.
First of all, he had a Jewish friend his whole life. He went out of business with his Jewish friend.
He always, and, and God used that to make Harry Truman be recognize Israel. He read the Bible several times.
He knew the Bible he had a strong love for Israel and interesting because Cyrus ruled, reigned for 30 years.
Truman came to power in public office 1923 to 1953. Exactly 30 years. Same time Cyrus rose to power.
World power when he turned 60. Truman rose to world power when he turned 60.
And the thing is that and tru him, ok?
And by the way, the whole state department didn’t want Truman to recognize Israel.
So Truman had a the whole thing, but Truman, but first of all, his Jewish friend visited him in the White House says, you better do this.
And, and so, and so, and the thing is that and, and Truman almost kicked him out of the White House because he was under so much pressure.
But then, but Truman also sent word to the English Empire. The British Empire didn’t want the Jewish people back.
They were holding like 100,000 prisoners of the survivors of the Holocaust.
Truman writes a letter and says, release them and send them back just like Cyrus did release them and send them back that, that, that force that forced the British Empire actually to give up Israel and that became a nation.
But the day that he did, it was a Friday night all around the world.
There, there’s a, there’s a, there’s a Torah portion that is read, you know, a word in the prophets.
And what was read that day when he did that was, then I shall gather them from the ends of the earth.
I will bring them back to the land.
So he said the word Truman was responsible for the UN voting for Israel Truman.
And, and now after he did that, uh one of the grand rabbis of Israel visits Truman and he says, he says, God put you in your mother’s womb for that moment.
And he, he started reading about Cyrus. Truman starts weeping in the White House.
One of the things when you look at the inscriptions of Cyrus, he always says, I am Cyrus, I am Cyrus.
I am. So in case you don’t have any doubt near the end of his life, Truman is speaking and he says, I am Cyrus.
God raised him up for such a time as that on the day that the UN voted Israel into existence.
Remember, we said it was exactly the whole 50 year thing. Um He, he votes Israel into existence.
Um It was a Sabbath. There was a scripture for that day, you know what it was, it was about Jacob returning to the land.
It was about Esau being in the land.
Remember they divided the land between basically Jacob and the Arabs and that’s the day, you know, they didn’t know what the nation was gonna be called.
Some people thought it was, they, they would call it Zion or Judah or they had all these names.
They didn’t know until just before.
But on the day that the UN voted, that’s when God says your name shall be Israel.
And so, and that’s actually when Israel is born. So God is so perfect.
I mean, how you is, what about the mystery behind Israel’s first president David Ben? Ok.
This is a really, most people don’t know this.
I mean, all right, the, the Bible says I’ll bring them back and David shall be their king.
You know, now David is also talking about Messiah of David.
But interesting because the first leader of Israel was called David. David Ben Gurion, Ben Gurion.
But here’s the, here’s the thing. I didn’t even know this. That when is, you know, God reverses.
He, he completes everything when Israel in the first century, when they revolted by, they were destroyed by Rome.
The last leader of Jerusalem was called Ben Gurion. The first leader of modern Israel is called Ben Gurion.
And, and the last leader in the war lost Jerusalem, lost the land the of the new Ben Gurion because the war gained the land gained all that.
Uh His name was Joseph Ben Gurion.
David Ben Gurion’s middle name was Joseph Joseph Ben go, you know, so I mean, it’s like his life follows it.
Exactly. And by the way, I’m throwing this in when David Ben Goian died.
Early seventies, they looked at his, his room, his, his office, you know, and they found one book that was that very, it was the late great planet Earth by Hal Lindsay about the prophecies of Israel coming back.
Wow. Wow. That’s something we know.
I was just sitting here thinking, how does all of this even the 75th anniversary and everything that you’ve shared really play into where we are today and the coming of the Messiah.
Yeah. Well, interesting because, you know, the focus is, it’s almost like God has a spotlight and at first it’s on the land, then it’s on Jerusalem, then it’s on the Temple mount.
Well, because that’s where the Lord is coming.
And so the, if this all had to happen, Jesus always keeps his word. He said he’s coming back.
It has to happen after it says after 70 years in captivity, after 70 years, Cyrus said of gave a proclamation for the Jewish people to go home and go to Jerusalem and build a house after 70 years.
Now, here’s a, here’s a clip, 1947 I said they voted, voted Israel back, but they cut off Jerusalem from the Jewish people.
And so from that day on legally, Israel didn’t have Jerusalem.
All the nations went along with it and that was only broken very recently and was broken by the American president and the American president broke it on December 6th of 2017.
Now it says after 70 years, 1947 when is, when is 70 years? 2017.
At that year, it said after the seven years, this guy, Cyrus comes to power.
After 70 years, this guy, the president comes to power in that year.
And in that year, he releases a proclamation first time since ancient times, recognizing Jerusalem and saying the Jewish people have the right to build a house right now.
Let me, let me go one step further. I looked at this.
It says after 70 years, the UN voted that on a Hebrew day.
It was the, it was the 17th day of Kislev. Ok. After 70 years would be OK.
It’s 70 years plus one day, 18th day of Kislev.
So go, go back, go there it, when Trump signed that, it was the 70 years eight to the day.
18, kiss love. 18. It was 70. It was the after 70 year day.
He had no idea but God did. So God’s ways do not start for that to happen.
You had to have him be elected, you had to have everything.
So the Lord is coming when he gives a word, he’s coming and it has not stopped for all the stuff we’re watching, we’re watching, we’re watching uh cultures fall away from God, but God keeps moving it forward.
God, his purposes do not stop.
Jesus is coming, you know, and he’s coming just like he said, I mean, the statistic probability of these numbers that you’ve mentioned just on this show happening are literally impossible.
And yeah, and it’s always by people who don’t know, they don’t, they’re not trying, they don’t know it.
You know, I’m sure the president was not studying Ancient Hebrew, you know, you know, try to put it together, you know, and, and, and just some icing on the cake on the day that Israel actually became a nation.
It was a Sabbath. And so all around the world, there was a scripture being chanted, you know what it was, it was God saying in Hosea, I will raise up the fallen Tabernacle of David.
I will bring my people back, they will plant the land all the on the exact day.
And it happened, God is so perfect.
You know, I was thinking about the Old Testament and how you parallel so many uh Old Testament, uh especially ancient Israel to what’s happening today.
But one thing we can take from the Old Testament is that there were good kings and bad kings, but God was still in control.
He was still managing the earth.
And like you said, they, they don’t even realize that the kings those are in or whoever’s, you know, in the administration.
Our our hope is not in those individuals.
Our hope is in God in knowing that He is still in control. He’s still on the throne.
And um he decides who is in places of leadership.
And he actually uses in ancient Israel bad kings to teach us very important lessons.
It would seem like he’s doing that right. Now. Yeah, he, yeah, he uses good and bad kings alike.
God is sovereign over both of them and he says he raises up, he cast out.
There’s only one God who’s always the only one who’s always on the throne, you know, and he has no intention of getting off of it.
And that’s the hope we have.
And this tells us, wow, if God is in charge of everything like those details.
So in our life, it’s the same thing. We don’t always see it, but it’s there.
It gives us such hope. Yeah. Is there anything else you wanna add?
Anything that is yet to happen that we have to look forward? Well, they have to rebuild the temple.
You know, it’s kind of like every and the spotlight is going from Israel is going from the temple, Mount to Jerusalem temple, Mount temple.
It has to be and they are just, you know, they’re all, there are all these things working on it.
You know, it’s gonna take, it’s gonna take a miracle from God. It’s gonna take the hand of God.
But the Red Heifer, the restoration of the red heifer, was it? Have they found this heifer?
They did, they have, this is part of, this is part of, they found five of them in Texas, in Texas, the holy land and, and, and well, and, and some of the I should be going that wait, I should stay here then.
Um I thought New Jersey was ok.
But, but I forget New Jersey, it was being kept here.
And we had, uh this is, uh I can’t go into detail, but we had people from our congregation who, who are, who went, who were in Texas taking care of the Red Hat.
And so it was, it was taken back to Israel and that’s one of the things of restoration.
But people don’t know this, there was almost, there was like death threats against the red heifers because that, you know that they were trying to kill it, you know, some extremists.
So, so it would, so Israel wouldn’t have the temple. It’s only gonna have that temple.
So the question is, how is it gonna happen?
It’s gonna be some dramatic event that has to be the hand of God and maybe a 30 39 which is this war that comes and you look at the next chapter is how to build the temple.
So, so it’s gonna happen. Listen, everything God said is gonna happen.
It doesn’t matter how impossible, you know, you know, Mark Twain went to Israel in 18 67 and he said this is, this is the, this is the worst land in the world.
It will never rise again. It’s all a dream, it shall never happen again.
And so God said, oh yeah, and actually God says that Deuteronomy, a stranger shall come to the land and he’ll, he’ll look at it and it’s gonna be totally cursed.
And actually, I’m, I’m just throwing the, the day that he was in Jerusalem was the day that they were reading the, the, the prophecy about the stranger who would come in the land and say that and say that and, and, and actually with, I mean, where do you get the courage to say yes to this?
It was a writing by Mark Twain. You know, so God, all that, that is so amazing.
You know, for people watching, we’re just about out of time.
I want you just to take a moment and pray for those that are watching and really what is the significance of, of us sharing this today on the table and how and why it’s important to be in relationship with the God that we’re talking about.
Yeah, listen, listen, if you’re watching and, and listen, I was in your shoes, I didn’t believe in all that.
But then when I saw it, God gives his proof one is that God is real. God is alive.
God is, well, God is, is, is over everything that’s happening in the world and he’s over everything that’s happening in your life.
It’s not out of control. God is there.
And if God keeps His promise to Israel after thousands of years, he’s going to keep a promise to you.
And one of the promises that He says is that if you come to Him, he will come into your life.
He will bless your life. He will, he will forgive your sin.
He will start a new life right now and lift your burden.
So whoever you are, if you’re not born again, you need to be.
That’s a promise from the same God of Israel.
And if you are born again, maybe you need to come back.
So I’m gonna lead in a prayer and just pray along with me wherever you are and just say yes, come into my life.
I’m I’m gonna follow you with all my heart from this moment on and he’s gonna do it.
Let’s pray, just repeat after me in a whisper, Lord God, I come to you now.
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving your life for me.
Thank you for dying from my sins, rising from death. So I could be saved.
And from this moment on, I’m saying yes to you.
I will follow you with all my heart, forgive my sins, wash me, cleanse me, make me new, come into my heart.
I receive you. I receive your presence, I receive your spirit into my life.
And I’m gonna follow you as your disciple now with all my heart from this moment on.
And I thank you that by this prayer I can say I am blessed. I am saved.
I am born again. I am forgiven. I am free. I’m new and I’m gonna be with you.
Always thank you in the name above every name.
The name of my Messiah, the name of my savior, the hope of Israel and the light of the world, Jesus.
Amen and amen. And all the table said, amen. Amen.
You know, while, while you were praying, I really felt like the spirit of God is just saying there are so many people, Joanie that I’m reaching out to right now and revealing myself to.
And you’re one of those individuals and you know it by things that have happened over the last couple of weeks, some of you have had dreams, some of you have had people come across your path and talk about uh supernatural things that were connected to uh the true and living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that we’re talking about today.
And I just want you to know it’s no accident that you’re watching. He loves you so very much.
And uh although we are out of time, one thing I love is hearing about God’s faithfulness to the nation of Israel.
God holds to his word promises and He will do the same in your life.
He loves you so very much. And so no matter what you’re going through, God’s right, they’re with you.
You’re not alone. And I’m just gonna ask you will, you just give him your burdens, give him your life and give him whatever mess you’re in.
Say God, I just need you to come into my life and to do something supernatural and I’m gonna trust you with it and I’m just telling you, he will, he’ll meet you right where you are.
If you’re watching today and you need God to move in your life.
That’s why that toll free numbers on the screen. Amazing prayer partners. Always ready to pray with you.
If you do happen to get a busy signal, write the number down, call back.
We have prayer partners that available 24 hours a day and it is our honor is our privilege to pray for you.
I wanna thank rabbi Jonathan Kah for joining us at the table.
There’s a lot of really great resources available like the book, the oracle that we talked about to find out more.
You can visit him online at hope of the world dot org.
And if table talk has touched your life, let us know by leaving us a comment on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or youtube.
We always love hearing from you.
Thank you so much for watching and I’m really excited about what God has for your future and till next time.
Bye bye for today.
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