Prophecies and Missions | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Prophecies and Missions
The Calling Man
A man who appeared in a vision who changed the course of world history. How to be led, hear God’s voice, and find God’s will for your life.
Monday, May 1, 2023
Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission…
Not long ago, the president held a large ceremony on the White House lawn. The purpose was to sign a law entitled, with all the irony of George Orwell’s newspeak, the Respect for Marriage Act. The law struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and, for the first time in American history, enshrined the ending of the Biblical definition of marriage, as in same sex marriage, into federal law.
The president turned it into a great celebration, with special guest music performers, with thousands of LGBT activists on the White House lawn, and with the White House lit up in the colors of the rainbow, just as his former boss, Barack Obama had done in 2015. The rainbow was the sealing of what the president had done. The act would compel all people and organizations to respect marriages which according to the Word of God constitute sin and its enshrinement.
There is only one place in the Bible where God does not respect marriage. It was the day when He judged the marriages of Israel that were entered into against His will. In a gathering held in the capital city, He judged it. Even though those marriages in ancient times were given sanction and legitimacy by man, God said they were of sin and illegitimate. He would not respect them. When did that take place?
It happened on the 20th day of the Biblical month of Kislev. The 20th of Kislev is the day of marriages that were not marriages, but unions of sin, unions that God said He would not respect or recognize. He called His people to repent of them.
When President Biden lit up the White House that night in the colors of the rainbow, it was meant as the sealing on what had just been done. He had no idea what day it was on the Biblical calendar. It was the 20th day of Kislev. So he sealed the Respect for Marriage Act, and that forced all to respect those marriages on the very day in the Bible when God said He would not respect those marriages. He celebrated those marriages and bent federal law around them on the 20th of Kislev, the day of marriages that were not marriages but unions of sin. The president sealed the celebration of those marriages on the very day that God called a nation to repent of them.
The president intended the lighting up of the White House in the colors of the rainbow as the last word on the law. But God had the last word. The God whose ways were disregarded and overturned by the Senate and president is alive and well – and not silent. And if His people are alive and well – then we can’t be silent either. Be encouraged. No matter what man does, your God is still on the throne and He has no intention of getting off. Be strong, be bold, be of good courage. This month, be a light in the darkness. And may God greatly bless you as you do!
Your brother and co-laborer
in His love and service,
See Message: News Of The End
I remember Rogerio man from Brazil who had this gift and he said, I see you.
You’re ministering uh in Africa, I saw multitudes of dark faces and it was, I believe it was Africa and you’re ministering to them.
And God, you know God, you know, God was calling me to Africa and I was kind of delaying it because I wanted like a sign even though he said that.
And I finally said, OK, Lord, I know, you know, I said, and that day I get something in the mail, somebody sends me from Africa and, and a Garman, an African garment.
And I’m to go when I go and that thing that he saw, we saw literally two million faces in that gathering.
But God’s spirit, we had to be open.
God will lead you and the more you follow, the more you’re gonna get led with more.
If you’re not following, you’re still in the first step, why should he, why should he, you know, if someone’s not listening to you, you’re not gonna.
But if you go, Lord just show me, what do you want me to do? He’ll, he’ll lead you.
There’s nothing like being in the center of God’s will. Nothing like it. Paul.
He always thought that if he stayed, he could have stayed back if he did, we never would have had all this.
At least not through him. So he sees a vision of a man in Macedonia saying come, come, it’s pretty clear, come now.
So it wasn’t there. But now God gives him the there come, this is what I had.
If they had not listened to God, they’d be too busy most likely to, to switch at that moment.
Hi, I’m Jonathan K and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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