Prayer of the Day: Wednesday May 29, 2024 💌🙏

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Prayer of the Day:

Lord, please help me to love others, the way You love me, no matter what kind of hurt lies in the past. Help me be disciplined to follow Your ways and bring comfort to others, the way You have comforted me, amen.

Morning Prayer – Wednesday, May 22, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come before you, my Lord, on this new day, with my smallness and fragility, in need of you, your love, and your blessing.

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I want to thank you for the life you have given me, with all its struggles and efforts, with all its joys and mistakes, because through it, you teach me to trust in you and live under your protection.

Today, I ask you to grant me the unity of your spirit of love, for you give me the breath that transforms, encourages, and liberates. Thank you for allowing me to live another day. I give you my life to help me in the daily struggle. May I seek to do my best each day with a big heart and determined spirit.

My God, do not let me fall into the enemy’s grasp today; do not let me stray from your side today.

Illuminate me, Lord. I lay my existence at your feet for you to make me a faithful instrument of your service.

Lord, today I understand once again that my life makes sense only when it is fully united with you.

Father of love, I lift my humble prayer to seek you with the sincerity of my heart, for only in you do I find the peace and strength to rise and continue with the daily battles. I devoutly ask that you hold my hand throughout this day and accompany me at every moment.

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You are my strength in times of difficulty, and only with you can I move forward. Only you, Lord, give me the breath I need in suffocating moments, for you are my shelter and refuge amid the storm.

My Lord, I ask you to calm my spirit, for I have many worries inside me at this moment. Grant me inner peace, beloved Lord. Take control of my life and may the blessing of heaven be upon my path today, guiding and directing me at all times and in all places.

Blessed and praised be my Savior, for I can now enjoy your company, discovering that you are here, filling me with your gifts. May everything be done according to your will. Grant me serenity and calm to accept the things I cannot change.

Lord, everything I am, I owe to you because you have arranged everything to love me and fill me with yourself. Lord, thank you for everything you allow me to live, thank you for making me feel important to you despite my mistakes.

Father God, today I am ready to renounce the things that disturb my path. In your hands, I place my heart, fill it with your love, peace, and serenity, for I wish to be with you always. I beg you to grant me the wisdom of your Holy Spirit to make the right decisions that lead me to your presence.

Thank you for the things you achieve in me. Help me grow in understanding you and fulfilling your will.

Allow me to live a peaceful day where I can find more reasons to love and trust you. Blessed Lord, I thank you for the gift of this new dawn and declare that I will emerge victorious from the adversities that come my way. Amen.

I will set aside my selfishness today and wholeheartedly support anyone facing difficulties because we are all children of God. Blessed is the one who is forgiven for his sins, blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit there is no deceit. (Psalm 31)

May the Lord bless us this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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