No More Religious Rules | Jack Hibbs Special

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No More Religious Rules

Real life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints and impact our culture today.
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Open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you.
Here is Jack Hibbs, everybody, Jack Hibbs here.
And um, I want to be sharing some things from my heart with you on this podcast and um, it’s our desire that in all of these things that you might know, christ better and more, and in fact, what we’re actually wanting to do uh, is to get you so involved in getting out these uh segments to other people that may not ever across the threshold of a church.
How about that? Um, technically in this day and age, if somebody can tweet a tweet and change the course of a nation, um how about you and I teaming up together and you simply sharing this with other people.
If it matters to you, if it makes a difference, if it’s something that you think your friend or your family member or your coworker could benefit from then, then please do that.
Um, and, and then also this, I, I want to make sure that we kind of just have a routine down and we’re going about right now to just set up a little bit of a routine and um, I was asked, hey, we need like a tagline uh for our continued moving forward in ministry.
And so I thought about this last night and I don’t know if it works or not.
Maybe you guys can judge and let us know. But to me this makes sense. Does it not?
Um it’s time to live out what you believe in. It’s time for real life. I think that matters.
It’s time to live out what you believe in. It’s time for real life.
And so this is what’s on my heart right now.
This is what’s what’s burning because it it’s something that burned upon Jeremiah is hard.
It’s something that burned apart upon the heart of God and still does to this moment.
Believe it or not, I am not reading from the new testament.
I am not, I underscore am not reading from the new testament. This is old testament.
This is old testament. Okay?
You wouldn’t even have a new testament without the old testament, God said behold, the days are coming, says the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah.
Not listen, not according to the commandment that I made with their fathers in that day when I took them by the hand and lead them out of the land of Egypt my covenant which they broke though I was a husband to them says the Lord.

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But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days. Listen up everybody.
This is amazing, says the Lord.
I will put my law in their minds and I will write them on and I will write on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people.
No longer shall every man teach his neighbor, Every man shall his and his brother saying, know the Lord, for they all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord.
I will forgive their iniquity and their sins. I will remember no more. This is amazing.
Listen, so many people are bound up in legalism and keeping the rules that they forget that God gave the law in the old testament as the set of rules.
To point us to the fact that we cannot save ourselves. That there is no salvation In the law.
Now, you now check this out nowhere in the Bible.
Can you find in the old testament that God says, you’ll be saved?
You’ll experience eternal life if you keep these 10 commandments.
He doesn’t say that In fact, he what he does say is that in the day that you break my law, you need blood, you need a blood sacrifice.
And so that’s why this is so incredibly important. Your walk with God cannot be based upon rules and regulations.
It’s got to be based upon a personal experience with jesus christ. Why jesus?
Because he is the one whom God promised in the old testament.
And it’s jesus what he did at the cross and it’s what he did by leaving us an empty tomb in Jerusalem.
That new covenant is the covenant that Jeremiah was talking about. God says I’m not gonna honor any longer.
The old covenant? Why? Because it’s written on stone. It doesn’t it doesn’t save you. It only convicts you.
I’m gonna do a work in you. That is not on stone.
But it’s going to be written in your minds and it’s going to be written in your hearts.
To me that’s an awesome declaration as to why you and I should draw near immediately to jesus in and through the old and new testaments.
Why? The old, the old testament tells you he’s coming. Abraham told us the messiah is coming.
Abraham lived it out on Mount Moriah with Isaac in going through the entire sacrifice where Abraham lifts his dagger to slay Isaac believing that even if I kill him, God promised that he would raise up salvation.
The messiah from my D. N. A. This is my only boy.
So even if I kill him, God’s gonna raise him from the dead.
That’s why Abraham’s faith is so commendable is because he obeyed God in the face of impossibilities knowing that God must have a plan that even if I offer my son God’s gonna raise him up.
That’s huge. Well listen God sacrificed his son on the same Mount Mariah that Isaac was offered up on.
But this time Jesus died, he died a real death in the flesh.
His body died there on the cross for your sins and mind.
And on the third day he rose again from the dead. This is absolutely awesome!
Because the bible tells us for all of us who call upon the name of the Lord, we shall be saved.
The bible also tells us that if we repent of our sins and believe on the Lord, jesus christ, we shall be saved.
So it’s not any of you, any of us doing anything to earn God’s salvation.
It’s looking to him, you know the first sermon that Charles Spurgeon ever preached?
I think he was 16 years old.

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Shortly after he got saved, he preached a sermon out of Isaiah and it was look unto me and be saved.
And he stressed the challenge. Look unto me, look Spurgeon said, anyone can look, it’s available to anyone.
All of us have the option to look.
But will you look if you’re focused on the stone and the law and the legalism, that can be the trappings of religion.
Listen, you can’t look because your heart is so burden your head is down.
I mean, you’re bummed, you’re carrying a load that you’re never supposed to carry, jesus comes along and announces basically I’m paraphrasing this Matthew 11 my load and the weight that I put upon you.
If you follow me it’s easy and it’s light, it’s not burdensome, what is he saying?
Look look to me and when you look to him and you understand that his salvation is written in such a way that is embossed upon your heart.
Then what happens is God the holy spirit does the work of saving you and the work of disciple ng you and the work of growing you up in such a way that God does it all.
You cooperate. Listen friend, what you and I are to be doing is cooperating with God and what he wants to do.
We need to cooperate, agree with him. You know what the technical word is obey him.
If we just obey him, there’s so much liberty and freedom and all of that.
So what is so important about experiencing no pun intended but it’s why we named our programming.
This real life is that real life is not found in some sort of religious routine that you practice every day and you do the prayer and you do the reading and you do the thing and this is how it is and um I just put in or pay my dues and that’s it.
Friends. No way. In fact I am so glad that the world that you and I are living in right now is disgusted with religion, don’t be offended by that, don’t get upset about that.
The fact is we should be disgusted with man made religion.
What we need to do is get all excited about what God invites us to experience and that is personal relationship.
I think we all need to repent actually of having so much fun and so much activity with the friends and family that we know and we never afford God to have that same relationship with us.
So listen, at the time of us getting together right now, uh, the, the Super Bowl’s coming up.
A friend of mine texted me the other night, Hey, come on over, we’re gonna have a great, great time.
And I had to text him back saying I’m gonna be traveling that day. It’s not gonna work, sorry.
And he gave me a little sad face why?
Because we’re not able to get together, But it’s normal to get together, it’s normal to fellowship.
It’s normal to even be as christians to watch the Super Bowl game together.
We love this stuff, do we not? When you go out, of course you can go out by yourself.
But what fun is that? You go out with your wife or with your husband?
Do you guys even call friends and say let’s go out, why would we enjoy the koinonia?
The fellowship of one another and not allow God, that same beautiful atmosphere.
Listen, it should be with him first.
So listen, this morning, I got up and it was dark and I didn’t want to turn any lights on.
So for me personally, I just thought I’d sit with my coffee with God and I had a blank slate and I was listening a couple of times.
I talked to him, waited, said a few more things waited.
Had a couple of thoughts, had a couple of I think directions from God given to me.
And in a way I actually sat down and had a cup of coffee with God alone in the dark as the sun came up.
And was interesting because when you wait like that you wind up becoming very attuned to the simple things.
I began to hear the very first bird of the day in my yard make the first cheap.
It was, I remember hearing it because why I was still, I was waiting, I was listening.
And you know when you’re saying God speak to me, God speak to me when you hear things that herald the morning in this case One bird and then it was five birds and then it was 20 birds.
And then it was a whole, what’s the word? Cacophony? There’s a big word for you.
A cacophony of birds singing the praises of God.
It felt so right to me because I beat them to it. I got up before they did.
I was talking to the God that made them.
But you know what, I didn’t look out my window and see some birds all in a line wearing little black bird suits, right with little black robes and some other bird trying to get them in line and church just right at the exact same time they were free, they were liberated.
They were doing what they were created to do, christian. Listen, why do we make things so stupid, difficult?
What’s wrong with us? If we just walk with God, then all of a sudden every day is an incredible open opportunity because we’re gonna be listening from the start of the day to the end.
What’s God saying? What is God doing? What, what’s happening now in this thing?
You’ll always be in the mindset of what God wants to do through you in that place or at that moment it’s absolutely liberating.
You won’t have to walk around all stressed out. Oh my gosh! What’s God’s will for me today?
Oh, did I pray long enough?
Did I read the right versus um, did I, have I gone to church enough? Oh my gosh, friends.
Listen, that’s tyranny. Get away from it.
What you want to make sure is that you have an active living breathing relationship with the Lord on a continuous basis?
Always, frankly, why let it end?
You said, well, pastor doesn’t, doesn’t my experience with God start when I show up at church and then it ends when we leave the church parking lot, nope churches only the place for you to get refilled, you fuel up your spiritual tank, you interact with other believers and I know at this church, by the way, you’re always going to be tested regarding what you’re learning because you got to be in the spirit just to get into the parking lot here and then you got to be in the spirit leaving.
And that’s where a lot of people’s faith is tested in the parking lot.
But in all honestly, your faith is tested everywhere.
Why not just embrace the fact that the Lord has for me, whatever he brings to me today.
And in fact, I want to kind of wrap this up.
I’m gonna begin to wrap this up anyway by saying this.
So I stuck in her friend um and he and his wife were traveling and uh, there was an appointment with a chauffeur, uh company, not a chauffeur like you think, but you know those black SUVs kind of like an Uber type thing but this is different.
A company was hired by his company to make sure that he and his wife are picked up at the airport at an exact time.
They got off the plane, their flight was delayed two hours, they get off the plane, they get to the curb, they look around and there’s nobody, there’s no car.
In fact there’s no police, there’s no other passengers, there’s no busses, there’s no taxi, there’s nobody and they looked at each other and they said, I wonder what’s going on.
And he said to her, you know, God’s got a plan, we’ll see what happens.
So he let his office, no there’s no driver for us.
Then they looked around and they realized gosh you know what? It’s one o’clock in the morning.
Now this airport doesn’t open up.
There’s a small airport in new york upstate this airport doesn’t open up until seven a.m. But there’s two benches right here to sleep on.
There’s nobody else sleeping on them. It’s where we’re gonna sleep.
So they put their carry on luggage and they set him on the bench and they got ready to bed down and a car pulls up and it’s the driver who had been terribly delayed.
The guy was apologizing and he thought for sure that they wouldn’t be there.
But he came anyway, they got in the car and my friend said sir, what’s your name?
I’ll make the name up now, I don’t remember Mike.
He said mike, there’s a plan going on right now and he says there is and he said, yep he goes we’re here to tell you about jesus christ.
The guy broke down crying and he said part of me being late is the fact that my home is falling apart.
And my wife told me today, she’s leaving me, my whole day has been absolutely off the rails and I asked God to show me a sign if he cared about me and my friend said mike, I’m here to tell you God cares about you, our flight being delayed.
You being the one who picks us up at this curb is the one that God wants us to speak to.
Mike. Listen. And the my friend gave him the Gospel exchange phone numbers and the guy committed his life to christ before they got to the hotel.
That’s the way you live your life.
That’s the that’s the reason why we should not panic in any way, shape or form.
So listen, you guys can really help us out on these podcasts by um really uh making sure that you share this with others.
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Also this um, we want you to go to the subscribe button and and smash that or pound that or or tap it.
Subscribe. Why is that important? Listen, it’s all free, but why subscribe?
Because if you subscribe number one, you’ll be updated uh and given a notification that we’re dropping our next podcast.
So be ready here it comes.
But also this it sends a message uh to these platforms that people care about this content.
You and I know that we’re living in an age where bad guys are censoring the good message of God’s word and they’re playing all kinds of games.
So money talks and I’m not asking you for money. But to them, it’s money.
If a lot of people are watching this bozo, give this podcast, then we’ll tolerate this bozo because we can sell ads or put up uh thumbnails or whatever it might be or run some sort of a tagged by tires at this location and we’ll make money off this idiot that’s talking about God because he’s got a lot of followers.
I honestly want you to subscribe, hit that button and subscribe for that reason.
You see Jack, I don’t believe you believe this. We’re not asking you for money.
We’re just asking you to care enough to smash that button and it sends a message to the bad guys.
People care to listen about this type of content and in doing that, you help a whole lot of our other brothers and sisters who are doing the exact same thing.
So you guys were excited, I want to keep rehearsing that tagline that we’re gonna try to develop.
It’s time to live out what you believe in.
It’s time for real life and we believe that with all of our hearts.
So until next time you guys God bless you in, jesus name this Jack Hibbs podcast as well as all the broadcast outreach opportunities our listeners supported.
Will you consider partnering with us to a special gift.
Go to Jack Hibbs dot com to learn more and stay connected


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