No More Mind Games (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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About this episode
You are watching the sermon, Put On God’s Armor In The Evil Day—Part 3, preached on Nov 5, 2023 by Joseph Prince.
This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!
If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report!
The Bible says: “Satan comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy.” The idea of stealing means you have it! You are standing on victory ground, you are standing on health ground. He’s trying to take what is yours. A good offense is actually a good defense. If you don’t have anything else, remember: if you have your shield, you’re still protected.
That’s why it says: “Above all, taking up the shield of faith.” There are believers who still think that the devil has a right. “Oh because you failed, you see your thoughts?” “Now, the devil has a right to bring this,” “the devil has a right—” Let me tell you this: Jesus canceled all his rights! Hey, listen! He’s defeated! But he makes you think he’s winning.
The Lord is just waiting for someone to stand! Good morning, church! It’s wonderful to see all  of you on this Sunday morning. For those who were
here a couple of Sundays ago, you know that Pastor  Prince flowed in a very strong healing anointing, and we have some testimonies that have come  in. I’m here to share three of them with you. The first testimony comes from a brother  from Singapore. He writes, “On Sunday, the 22nd of October, my wife and I were  on our way to GV Isun for service when I experienced terrible gastric pain that also  triggered symptoms of indigestion.
I wanted to tell my wife to head home and watch the service  online; however, I eventually decided to attend the service despite the discomfort. When Pastor  Prince came on and began praying for healing, I felt the power of God upon me, and I received my  healing instantly. The pain completely disappeared after the ministering session.
I really want  to thank Jesus for His goodness and also Pastor Prince for praying for us. Praise the Lord  for this wonderful testimony. Hallelujah!” Next, we have a testimony from a sister from  Singapore. She writes, “One Saturday afternoon, I engaged in strenuous exercise and carried a  heavy handbag (I wonder what’s in a handbag) throughout the day.
That night, I was awakened  multiple times by pain in my right shoulder blade. I’m a side sleeper and tend to toss  and turn frequently, so every time I turned to my right side, the pain would jolt me awake.  On Sunday morning, I woke up with incredible pain in my right shoulder blade. Everything  was painful, reaching for items on my table, stretching my neck, and even sitting down without  any activity would suddenly trigger intense pain.
As I prepared to serve during the third service, I  thought to myself that it would be nice if Pastor Prince could minister and pray for healing in  my shoulder blade. After partaking of the Holy Communion during the testimony-sharing segment,  I decided to search online for the causes of shoulder blade pain.
The word ‘scapula’ came up  multiple times as a name for that area, and it was the first time I had encountered this term. When  Pastor Prince approached with his handheld mic, my excitement grew as a signal to me that he was  about to minister. I continued to look up more information about the scapula but put my phone  away when he asked us to stand. To my amazement, one of the first things Pastor Prince  prayed for was shoulder blade pain, and he specifically mentioned seeing the word  ‘scapula.’ My jaw literally dropped.
It felt like the Lord had heard precisely what I had  prayed for. Though the pain persisted, I chose to believe that my healing would come in due time.  When Monday came, I was still in pain when I went to the office. Then, in the late morning, while  in a video call, I noticed that my right arm was draped over my chair, something I definitely  couldn’t do the day before.
After the call, I began moving my arms and stretching my neck,  only to realize that I could now perform all the actions that had caused me pain. I was completely  free from discomfort. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer and for your supernatural healing.  Praise the Lord for this precious testimony.” The final testimony also comes from a sister  from Singapore.
She says, “I recently went on an overseas trip with my friend. We embarked on  a 3-day mountain hiking trip, and on the first night, when we arrived at the base camp, my friend  suffered from gastritis and food poisoning. Her condition was so bad that she had to stay in the  tent for the next two days and piggybacked down the day after. When we reached our accommodation,  my friend was still extremely unwell.
She was unable to move, eat, or drink. On Sunday, the  22nd of October, we had to call a doctor in to give her an intravenous or IV drip. While she was  being treated, I stepped out of our room to give her space to rest. Meanwhile, I decided that I  would tune in to the online service myself. When Pastor Prince prayed for those who were sick, the  first condition that he called out was gastritis.
I was extremely thankful and wondered what were  the chances. I claimed the healing for my friend and fully believed that she would be completely  healed. Right after that, Pastor Prince also prayed for a knee injury, specifically due to  physical activity. I had been struggling with an old knee injury for years due to my intense  dance training, and it had once again been triggered during the trip because of the hike  in the mountains.
So I claimed the healing for myself too. After the service, I returned to the  room and, to my surprise, saw my friend standing up and getting ready to go out. She was putting on  her dress, applying makeup, and even laughing. I asked her if she was feeling better, given that I  had only been away for such a short while, and she replied, ‘Yes, 100% better.
‘ Initially, the doctor  said that she would need to rest for an entire day after the IV drip, but she felt completely fine  right after the treatment. I was bursting with excitement. I shared with my friend that the first  thing that Pastor Prince prayed for today was gastritis, and she was equally surprised. As for  my knee, it was no longer sore and painful after the prayer. I believe that the pain shall not come  back anymore. Amen.
We got to enjoy the rest of our holiday because of God’s grace and incredible  mercy. Thank you, Pastor Prince. I’m so blessed to be part of this house. Praise the Lord for all  these wonderful testimonies. Amen. Hallelujah!” And you know, church, just earlier this week,  on the 31st of October, it was actually a very, very special day.
While the world was celebrating  Halloween, for us Christians, the 31st of October is Reformation Day. Praise the Lord! And 506 years  ago, in the year 1519, on the 31st of October, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses and restored  to the church the gospel truth that the just shall live by faith. Amen. And a few years ago, quite  a number of years ago, in 1992, on the 31st of October, 1992, that’s 31 years ago, there was  a Christian conference happening in Singapore at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. It was not  organized by our church; we’re not a part of it.
And the speaker was a man named Paul Cain, with a  strong prophetic anointing. While he was speaking, he stopped and prophesied over a young man who was  sitting up there in the crowd. And that young man, he prophesied over, has since preached the gospel  of Jesus Christ with passion, with a strong spirit of evangelism. And that young man is your pastor  and my pastor, Pastor Joseph Prince.
So right now, before the preaching of the word, we’re going  to show you that video. Be greatly blessed. I hope you enjoyed today’s episode! But don’t go just yet.
If you’d like to receive prayer, share your testimony, or find out more about Gospel Partner, just click the link on this screen. If not, I’ll see you in the next episode!

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