Messing Up the Devil’s Symphony in Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Messing Up the Devil’s Symphony in Your Life
Message Of The Week – What do flutes have to do with the enemy, and how does he use them against you? Jonathan Cahn discovers how this may be influencing your life and your responses – and how to completely turn it around.
Friday, July 21, 2023 – The Gedeo Revelation
The Gedeo people of Ethiopia believed in a benevolent, omnipotent, creator god named Mageno, but they spent more time appeasing an evil spirit named Sheit’an. They believed there was distance between them and their god. One day, a man named Warrasa prayed directly to Mageno that he would reveal himself. He saw a vision of two white men and heard a voice saying “they will bring you a message from Mageno.” Eight years passed. In 1948, two Canadian missionaries came to the town where Warrasa lived. He received them according to his vision, and led 40,000 of his people to the God of the Gospel. Ephesians 2:10 says “We’re created in Messiah for good works, which God prepared beforehand.” These missionaries had no idea how God had prepared their way. Set yourself to do God’s will. He’ll prepare the way before you. It’s true for the Gedeo people. It’s true for the missionaries, and it is true for you also. When you commit yourself to do His will, the ground will be prepared, and you’ll find it was waiting for you all along to arrive.
So the weapon against the enemy’s music, his piping and drumming, the best 1, is for you to sing a new song, not just not go along with it, sing a new song, for you to praise God all the more.
And there’s not only that you don’t think all along with there’s actually a way of nullifying it.
If a symphony is rehearsing and 1 person keeps playing the wrong note, the conductor’s gonna stop And you’re gonna find out who okay.
Who’s the wrong note? Okay. Stop that. But there’s a good thing in this. There’s a key.
Because when the devil is conducting his symphony, You need to play the wrong note.
The note that doesn’t fit in, and you will disrupt that evil thing.
Look at the righteous in Babylon.
When they were to bow down, they played the the the sound, and they had to bow down to the idol and those few who said, no, I am not bowing down.
They disrupted the whole thing. Look at Elijah who wouldn’t bow down to bail.
He disrupted the entire government 1 person. 1 person.
That’s why the enemy is so much trying to cancel believers now because it just takes 1 person or a few people to defy the whole system, not only culture, but in relationships in your life.
When there’s a symphony of anger, you are to play a note that breaks that up, messes it up a note of love.
Symphony of bitterness, you are to play a note of forgiveness to mess it up.
The more it doesn’t fit in, the more it’s gonna disrupt the devil’s tune.
You’ve got the power. To stop playing in that ensemble.
The whole thing will break down because it’s not just that you’re not to play that part anymore, But when you don’t, the song can’t go on as it did.
There was AAA true story in in counseling, a family that would was in this battle.
Always accuse each other and blame each other and blame each other.
And 1 1 of them became a believer, but they were still in this.
And they they were still in the pattern. You might be a believer. You’re still in that.
And 1 day, they’re they’re closing 1 day, the guy, instead of going back, he said, you know what?
You’re right. I’m sorry. And the whole thing broke down. And there came healing. Be beginning up healing.
Broke down. They couldn’t when someone’s saying, I was like, they couldn’t do it.
The secret police in communist countries imprisoned and tortured believers. They expected them to fear or hate. That’s the tune.
That’s the tune. But instead, the the real, the holy among them, the believer is in prison, They actually, they they said, no, I’m not gonna hate them, and I’m not gonna fear them.
I’m gonna love them. I’m gonna pray for them.
I’m gonna share the gospel when they try to do this to me. And they and they did.
And they they oh, they changed the system. They changed. They changed their their prisons though.
They changed it, and people got saved.
Little child in a communist country came to the the the secret police who killed there, the father of the child.
With flowers. And they said, what are you doing?
They said, well, my my parents taught me to love our enemies.
Man in charge of raping the women prisoners expected fear intimidation as he intimidated them hatred, bitterness, But the woman he was he was he was threatening, didn’t cower, but expressed pity on him.
And mercy said, why why are you not? And she begins to share god’s love with him. He gets saved.
Literally guts get saved. Someone strikes you on the cheek. That’s the tune. You strike them back.
You’re playing the tune. If someone strikes you on this cheek and you fear and you get all depressed, you’re playing the tune.
What, you know, doesn’t, you know, but when you turn the other cheek, you’re breaking it up and you’re coming with something else.
You may have had a tough childhood and these but you don’t have to play the tune of it for the rest of your life.
I remember 1 years ago at a service, I I when I used to lead worship, we were singing.
We exalt thee. We exalt thee. We exalt you. And I’m stunned. I’m playing. I’m saying, what’s going on?
I heard a whole other choir of voices.
At least it was, it was like at least 1 third of the congregation.
Singing a different song that parallel the song, that wove around the song, and a different rhythm that fit perfectly into the song.
I was amazing. I’m thinking my could not, but I’m saying what’s going on?
Did I think we get this whole, like, delegation from another church that knew a whole another song that was made to go with this song and I couldn’t figure it out.
But there wasn’t any. I’m saying who is who’s that?
At the end of the service, a woman who’s very sensitive to spiritual things said, did you see the angels?
Worshiping today? I said, no, but I heard something. There is definitely music in heaven.
And the Bible says, It’s not just to not go along with it.
The Bible says sing to the lord a new song, a new song.
The word for Tov Tambourine linked to the enemy, but it’s also linked to the praise of God.
The Tambourine, the symbol, the timbrell, So the weapon against the enemy’s music, his piping and drumming, the best 1, is for you to sing a new song, not just not go along with it, sing a new song, for you to praise god all the more.
For you to sing to him a new song. Interesting. That new song, actually, we sang a new song.
I didn’t plan it. That was Eliezer.
It went with a with a mess on Friday, but it also meant when the it also said that my my praise is a weapon.
It’s for you to sing to god for you to sing a new song.
An instrument, make it says, no matter what’s going on, listen to that song, that was the lord that in every situation in the storm, I’m gonna praise even more.
The an instrument makes music by vibration, but everything produces vibration. You know that?
From planets to electrons, your life produces a vibration, And from a vibration comes music or a song, what kind of song are you playing?
What kind of song is your life producing? Are you making a new song?
Are you just going on with the old song? Are you blending in? Are you playing your own?
From god, it’s written. Make melody in your heart, it says. Your heart is a musical instrument.
It’s not enough just to not sing the devil’s song.
You must sing the song of god a new song to the lord. That’s your own song.
It’s a song of your life that god is giving you to your heart. It’ll drown out the devil.
That’s the best way to deal with everything.
You’re not here to play along with the the music of the world.
Your or the song of your circumstance or the song of your problems.
You’re here to act upon the world And you to make to make it with your life a song of praise of heaven, don’t dance to the old lead with a new song.
Wherever you go. Don’t wait for that unloving negative, person, angry person to start playing the 1 that you’re loving you you take the initiative when there’s nothing there, you play god’s song to them.
Don’t react to the darkness. Act upon the darkness with the light of god. Bla that’s the new song.
Bless those who curse you. That’s the new song. Shine to the world, pray for those who persecute you.
That’s the new song. Surprise them. Surprise a song of pray.
You’re in a horrible I’m singing a song of praise and victory.
Justin is written, praise him with a trumpet sound. Praise him with harp and leer.
Praise him with stringed instrument and flew. Praise him with tambourine and dancing. Praise him with loud cymbals.
Praise him with clashing cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the lord. Praise him with all that you are.
Sing a new song to the lord and drown out the devil’s pipes.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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