Lock In – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
Lock In – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
I’m in acts 19 verse 11, I went back and forth about a subject and I’m sure it will change and evolve as this message unfolds.
But for now, we’re gonna call it lock in, lock in at this point in the text, Paul is at what some theologians would call the climax of his ministry.
He has found himself in Ephesus where he has spent so much time, the most amount of time in one particular region without being arrested and having to move on, they gauge that he spent between 2 to 3 years here, which was remarkable because most of the time wherever he began to preach the gospel, he would get ran out of town and because he wasn’t finished completing the assignment that God had given him, he had to move.
Once he realized he was effective in that space, he had to move.
But this is different because he’s found a space in Ephesus where he’s got capacity to pour out all that God has given him and he can do it without threat.
So effective is he in this, that after he leaves from e he will head to Jerusalem where he will stand trial and ultimately end up going to a path that leads towards his ultimate debi demise of his body, but not of his purpose, but he’s not there yet.
And I found this text particular peculiar, not because Paul is even speaking or teaching in it, but because of the residue of who Paul is shows up in this instance.
And I’m reading from the new King James version, it says now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.
Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcist took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits saying we exercise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.
Also, there were seven sons of Siva, a Jewish chief priest who did so.
And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus, I know and Paul, I know, but who are you?
The man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them and prevailed against them so that they fled out of the house, out of that house naked and wounded.
My text continues. It says this became knownn both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling and ethicist and fear fell on the mall.
And the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified and many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds.
Also, many of those who had practiced magic, brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all.
And they counted up the value of them and it totaled 50,000 pieces of silver.
So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed Holy Spirit. We welcome you.
I thank you God that where the spirit of the Lord is. There’s freedom.
I thank you God that there is freedom in this room.
I thank you God, that you were giving me freedom to minister this message as you have laid it in my spirit, God, I thank you for wisdom and revelation, for insight, for articulation.
God, I thank you that you can use any part of my body, any part of my story in order to deliver this message.
And so I offer myself as a sacrifice that these your sons and daughters may be blessed.
And so God, I pray that you would open their hearts to receive what you have for them in this moment, that there would be no distractions, but that your word will go to war with what’s been going to war with them and that we will learn in this moment that you see us, you have equipped us and empowered us.
So order our steps through this word. Thank you God for resting in this room.
Thank you Jesus for showing us the way lead us as only you can do in Jesus name.
Amen. Amen. Come on. Listen.
Um you know, one of the things that I have been coming to terms with, I think within the last I’ll say a year or two is the reality of how stressful even going through the pandemic was like, life is stressful in general.
But then there are added variables that are often out of our control that reveal just how much stress we’re constantly under.
There are some moments where we find ourselves feeling like I literally cannot take another thing.
I’m so stressed. If we could just take a poll in this room, how many of us would be honest enough to admit that, to admit that we’re at a stage where we literally don’t have capacity to take anything, not another thing, not a get somebody else to do it.
I don’t even, sometimes I don’t even have capacity to be nice. You know what I mean?
Like it’s just because right now my spirit is so bad that I don’t even, I need to be at home sometimes so that I can have capacity to engage with people.
I love Doctor Jill tells me sometimes it, you know, sometimes you tell me I’ll see her sometimes I won’t because she said I’m not fit to engage with people right now.
I need a minute to make sure I’m good.
The reality of us experiencing stress is that for many of us, we don’t even recognize that we have stress or what we’re carrying because we’ve gotten so used to having a stressed out existence.
Even for some of our Children, we can see the early signs of it if we’re willing to pay attention.
And I know many of us come from a philosophy that if you’re not paying bills and you haven’t gone through anything that you don’t have anything to be stressed about.
And while that is true from your advantage point, if you go back in time and realize what it was, it like for you to view your family coming apart, for you to wonder how the meals were gonna come together, for you to feel that rejection and abandonment.
You recognize that even as a young person, you were experiencing stress, you just didn’t have language, grief, but no language.
And we have carried it for so long that most of us have learned to override our bodies.
When our body begins to show us the signs that what we’re carrying emotionally, what we’ve been exposed to in our environment is now affecting our bodies.
There is a correlation between what happens to us, the things that, that our responsibilities, the things that we have now had to process and how it shows up in our body, high blood pressure.
We went on tour with the black women’s health imperative.
And one of the things that Doctor Anita was sharing with those who were a part of the tour experience is that there are moments where our trauma when unaddressed and unprocessed shows up in our body.
So you think that you just have high blood pressure because of your diet and maybe to a certain extent it’s true.
But maybe it’s also that you’ve been carrying that secret for so long that now was showing up in your body.
But when we have been conditioned to override our body, when someone tells you something, like listen to your body, you don’t pay it any attention, but your body is sensitive enough to send you a message about what’s happening in you and around you.
If you’re willing to tune in, I think one of the greatest plans of the enemy has been his ability to make us think that our spirituality and our faith in Jesus is simply relegated to our spirit and our mind and it has robbed us of the ability to recognize that it is also a part of our body.
Yeah, I’ll give you evidence in the Bible.
When Jesus is looking over the multitudes and the disciples are asking him what he sees and he says that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.
It says right before that, that his bowels were moved with compassion, so integrated was Jesus with his mission, his faith and spirituality that it showed up in his body.
God help me. So when we learn to override our body to not pay attention, to not listen to it, we also miss out on the opportunity to receive the download that God wants to give us about the environment we’re in.
There are people who are now raising Children to listen to their bodies when they have to go hug a stranger and they don’t want to, they tell you don’t make your child go hug that stranger if they don’t want to because there’s something in the child’s body that is making them not wanna connect with that stranger.
I know it’s your uncle. I know you’ve been around them forever. I know you know him and trust them.
But their body is trying to tell them something.
And when we tell them to override their body, we make them desensitized to trusting what God is trying to download into their spirit.
Your body knows how to talk to you. That’s why you leave. Some people in your head is hurting.
There are some people who are quite literally not good for your health.
Any time I leave from you, I start feeling nauseous.
Any time I leave from you, my my bones are aching. I’m so tired and weary.
I had all this energy. Then one phone call with you and I need to close the curtains and get back in the bed.
I don’t think you’re good for my body.
And this doesn’t even mean that we have to cut them off completely.
It just means that I have to take you in doses.
You got a prescription and I’m all out of refills.
So you gotta come back next week because right now my body can’t handle being connected to you right now.
I’m up against the real devil and I can’t fight this same devil you keep inviting in.
You’re not good for my body right now. I gotta create a boundary. I’m not saying I’m gone forever.
I’m just saying you don’t have a refill this week because I don’t have capacity in my body to carry your thing in me.
My thing. And when I leave your thing, my thing is heavier than it needs to be because now I’m carrying your thing and my thing and God can’t even give me wisdom from my thing because all I can think about is your thing.
And I need God to talk to me about my thing because my thing is eating me up a lot.
It’s showing up in my body. That thing is keeping me up at night. It’s showing up in my body.
I’m sorry. I gotta get clarity right now because my body is trying to tell me something.
My body trying to tell me something.
When’s the last time you checked in with your body?
This isn’t the normal church message that we’re supposed to preach.
But God just kept showing me that I’m bringing your body into a place of sensitivity that sometimes we’re waiting for God to speak a word, not recognizing that God is speaking to the atoms in your body that I’m trying to show you where you can go by how your body responds.
When you’re in the atmosphere. If you don’t feel safe and you don’t feel loved and you don’t feel seen and you feel like you have to shrink and then you go, when you ask God, God whether and whether or not I should be in this relationship.
God says the answer is already in your body. Sometimes your body knows it before you know it.
And that’s why your body starts aching before you can even get in the doctor’s office because your body is trying to tell you something.
I don’t know who this is for. But I gotta be honest.
God told me that this message is gonna save somebody’s life because that ache that you have been ignoring in your body is actually God trying to get your attention.
And I know we like to be wounded warriors where we know how to take a licking and keep on taking.
But there are some seasons where you need to take a minute and dissect this licking my back is hurting and maybe it is just that I’m getting older or maybe it’s because I’ve been carrying that child when I should have been giving that child over to God.
Yes, I feel like my heart is having palpitations.
But maybe I have anxiety about this next stage that I’m moving in.
I got to check in with my body because God is trying to position my body and God cannot position my body for what I need to do in the earth.
If I don’t listen to my body, God says, I’m gonna send you into some rooms where if you don’t check in with your body, they will exploit your body, they will take over your gifts, they will take over your talents and your body will be screaming, don’t do it.
But because you are so needy and because you wanna be love and because you wanna be a, you can’t even check in with your body and the sirens are going go telling you to back away and move away.
This still isn’t for you. I feel it in my body. I feel it. I can’t explain it.
I can’t make any sense of it but I feel it in my body.
My body is telling me no, my body is telling me go, my body is telling me pursue.
My body is telling me, oh God, oh God, I’m trying to, ok, forget it.
I’m trying to stay in my notes but let’s go.
My body has been telling me that I’m about to move in a new dimension.
My body has been telling me that I’m on the brink of breakthrough. I don’t know, I can’t explain it.
That’s why the this message feels so weird.
But any time I think about what God is showing me, it doesn’t feel distant anymore.
I feel so close to it that I can feel it in my body.
I feel so close to wholeness that I can feel it in my body.
I feel it’s in my bones.
I guess that’s how Jeremiah felt when he was trying to not preach and he was trying to swallow it.
But then he said, I’m trying to not do it.
But the thing is that it’s like fire, shut up in my bones. I wish I could stop growing.
But I’m so close to stepping into everything that God has called me to do that.
I feel it in my body.
That’s why my body has been under attack because my body is moving with more power than it’s ever moved in before.
I feel it in my body. I’m gonna be OK. I don’t see it in my circumstance.
I don’t see it in my bank account, but I feel it in my phone.
The old folks used to say I got a feeling everything is gonna be alright.
Where did the feeling come from? God? Put that feeling in my spirit. God put the revelation.
See God help me make sense of it.
But I feel like my body is telling me who to be connected with who to walk away from.
I felt it in my body. When you spoke a word, it felt like fire, shut up in my bones.
It felt like a river of living water was ringing up on the inside of me.
I stepped in the purpose and all of a sudden the innovation and the creativity kept flowing.
I felt it in my body on me. Quit. I felt it in my body. I’m ready.
I felt it in my body. That is mine for the taking. I felt it in my body.
That the weapon. How did I know that the weapon didn’t prosper?
I felt it in my body because I should have been bleeding now.
But all of a sudden, I got more strength than I should have had.
How could I have strength in a season? That’s trying to tear me down.
But I’m waking up with a more energy. I’m waking up with more focus. I feel it in my body.
I feel it in my body.
I feel it in my body and some people start running because when God touches them, they can’t just keep it to themselves.
I feel it in my body.
Sometimes I gotta to leap up for joy because I don’t know how to keep it to myself.
I feel it in my body like there’s breakthrough. I feel it in my body.
Bye. I got it.
I got to stay connected to my body because my body is trying to show me it’s trying to direct me.
It’s trying to lead me. Oh I knew it wasn’t everybody’s word.
But God told me if I get it in the hands of the right people.
God told me if I get it in the hands of the right people that they’ll start listening to their body again.
And I heard God say it’s gonna take all of you to be who I called you to be.
That means you can’t just do it with your mind. You just can’t do it with your hands.
God says, you’re gonna have to put your back into it, then you’re gonna have to step into it.
God says, what gonna do with you? I’m gonna do it through your body.
Why else would God wrap himself in flesh unless the body was a vehicle and which I will establish the kingdom of heaven and the word was made flesh and it swept amongst us.
The word wasn’t just in my heart. The word became a part of who I am.
I feel it.
I feel like the word is taking over my body.
I feel like the revelation is taking over my body. I used to be nervous.
I used to be insecure but I think the word is starting to take up space.
So as the enemy can get you to devalue your body, exploit your body override your body.
Then the word doesn’t have a vehicle anymore because you don’t trust your body to be of service for what God wants to do.
And most of us disconnects from my body in order to survive, not recognizing that feeling, it won’t kill us.
God help me. I’m out of my league. I gotta be honest with you.
God gave me this word. This, I didn’t go to school for it.
I don’t understand it. It’s somebody way more qualified to preach it than me, but God gave it to me and I’m gonna just give you what God gave me.
God told me that most of us have disconnected from my bodies and because we have disconnected from our bodies, we think it has kept us safe.
But I hear God saying that we’re moving into a season of integration.
That means that in order to be effective, you are gonna have to become one with your body again.
This is not which means that you cannot just be a collector.
You cannot just keep on taking on thing after thing without having a plan for transmission.
Some of us are at our capacity because we’ve got so much that has been thrown our way.
I’m at capacity. I don’t have any room in my body for anything else.
I will tell you that my friend, Doctor Anita is here and she’ll tell you she had the microphone.
But now I have to tell you and anything I say wrong, just fight her about it, just D M her about it.
Don’t even come to me with it.
But one of the things that she’s taught me that is that when you start to feel like you’re at capacity in your body, that you have to release that energy out of your body.
We don’t talk about this enough, but even going outside and, and going for a walk, do you know how we relieve the capacity?
A buttermilk biscuit, a mac and cheese?
We call it comfort food because what it’s doing it, it is comforting something that is within our body.
But there are other ways they’re journaling and exercising and, and all of these things are meant to help us remove some of the tension that is in our body.
Because when you recognize that if I store it up, then I don’t have capacity for God to move through me.
If I store it up, then I’m no longer sensitive to how God wants to use my body.
So I gotta find a way to make sure that this gets up off of me.
We use this too shall pass one like it’s in the Bible and it’s not because it doesn’t just pass.
What happens is you have to have that this too shall pass mentality where you say to yourself just because I started it.
It doesn’t mean that I’m gonna keep it.
I gotta know that what I’m hanging on to has to pass through me in order for me to be effective at who God has called me to be.
That means that yes, when you tell me your problems, I cannot keep them, I gotta pass them on to Jesus.
Cast your burdens on to Him.
Why would I cast my burdens on to him because I have this too shall pass mentality.
I want you to know that one of the greatest things you can do when you are the strong friend who was there for everyone is learn how to have a, this too shall pass mentality.
You were not meant to carry everyone’s burdens. You were not meant to carry everyone’s stress.
You were not meant to walk everybody through every trauma.
You gotta say, girl, I’m gonna pray about it and by pray about it, I don’t mean worry with you about it for the next six months.
When I say pray about it.
That means I’m gonna go into my prayer closet and I’m gonna tell God all about your problems.
And when I tell God all about your problems, I’m gonna tell him all about mine too.
But when I close the door on that prayer closet, I’m not gonna pack up that baggage and take it with me.
See, some of our prayer is not effective because we walk into the prayer closet with baggage.
But then we pack it all up and walk out of the prayer closet too.
But I hear God saying either you trust me with it or you don’t.
I hear you calling my name, but you won’t actually lay it at my feet.
And there was somebody in this room carrying in your body, what you told God you were gonna leave at the altar.
But I rebuke it in the name of Jesus.
I’m coming up against you and your mentality and your idea of being everyone else’s savior when we got a savior who got on the cross, not just for you, not just for me, but for every issue known to man.
And you are putting more on yourself than you can bear.
You got more on you than you can bear.
I know you’re standing but you got more on you than you can bear.
I know you’re still showing up at work, but you got more on you than you can bear.
And there comes a point when you make a decision that I don’t just wanna be a high achiever.
I don’t want just to be someone who looks like they have it all together.
I wanna be someone who understands when it’s time to lay it down.
It won’t pass if you don’t let it go.
God can’t fix it if you won’t let it go.
God can’t heal him if you won’t let it go.
God says your hands are in the way of my hands and I know you’ve been in there for long enough.
But I hear God saying there comes a point where you got to trust God with it and someone who’s got to lay down the altar of being there for everyone else so that you can allow God to show up so that they can know for themselves that he’s a provider.
So that they can know for himself that he will make a way out of no way.
You’re letting them borrow your revelation, but they can’t borrow your revelation and get your results.
You gotta know it for yourself.
And sometimes the only way you can know it for yourself is if I move out of the way, it doesn’t mean I don’t love you.
But it means that this job is too big for me.
It doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you be well, it just means I wanna watch you be well on your own.
I wanna support what you’re doing, not force you to do it.
And I don’t wanna keep pushing somebody to grow when they don’t wanna get dirty.
And I think God told me this message was gonna save somebody’s life because somebody is sick in their body and the doctors can’t figure out what it is.
And I hear God saying it’s not what it is, it’s who it is and it’s not just them, it’s who you allow yourself to be in that situation.
You think it’s them. But God told me it’s you.
So I got an honor.
I gotta honor this body that God has given me, gotta connect with it.
I got to trust it and I gotta take all this that I have had stored up and I got to pass it on to Jesus.
There’s a scripture in Philippians for that I love and it speaks to the power of transmission.
Philippians 46 through seven. It says, be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.
Let your request be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
It speaks to the power of what happens when we take what we’ve been carrying to the Lord in prayer.
When I take it to the Lord in prayer, I pour my heart out.
And I say, God, this is what I’ve been carrying God.
This is what’s been stored up inside of me.
And when we lay it out before God, most of us just stop at that point.
And then we miss that. The second part says, and that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds.
There’s something that happens, you pass on your burdens, you pass on what you’ve been carrying and then God passes you back something else.
When I lay it out before God, a transmission takes place.
Now all the all of a sudden where I once had the potential to be anxious.
I now have the opportunity to have my heart and mind guarded and to experience peace.
That means that when I am in prayer, I am in pursuit of the things in my life, which are taking up capacity that no longer have the right to be there.
And in exchange, I am asking God to give me peace for the area where I once had anxiety that God would give me peace for the area where I once had worried that God would give me peace, not just peace, the kind of peace that we have for a minute, but the kind of peace that guards my heart and mind.
Why do I need a guard around my heart and my mind?
Because if I don’t have a guard around my heart and my mind, I may end up engaging again in the very thing that God that I laid down in my prayer closet.
And so I need a guard against my own heart and mind.
And that’s what happens when we go in prayer.
And now we’ve gone to prayer and now I’ve made this exchange and now I have capacity, I have the ability now to create space for what God wants to do in my life.
Because in order for us to be infective in this season, I heard God say that you’re gonna need to embody the revelation of who you are, who you aren’t in his eyes.
It’s not part time, it’s not something you’re waiting to step into that.
You have been called to embody a word. He spoke a word that brought your life into existence.
And if I am embodying my trauma, or if I am embodying the other things that have happened to me, I’m embodying stress, I’m embodying other people’s responsibility then I cannot embody the word that makes me effective.
And why I was brought into the earth, Jesus knew how to shake things off of him because he recognized that at the end of the day, I had been called to embody the word and the word was made flesh.
In what amongst us? The reason why I chose this text with Paul is because I don’t think that there is another example as thorough as the life of Paul that helps us to understand what it is like to embody the call of God on our life.
It seems like Paul was a peculiar choice considering he was on the other side of what God was doing in the earth.
He was persecuting Christians, persecuting believers of the way he was not on our side at all.
And yet he has an encounter on the road of Damas, on the road to Damascus, Damascus that lets us know that that conversion took place.
And he went from embodying the belief of who he thought he should be to embodying the belief of who God has called him to be.
And when he moved and made this transition, one of the things that he tells us in Philippians that he learned in the process of embodying who God has called him to be is that in order for Him to embody it effectively, that he has to forget those things that are behind, that means in order for Him to be effective in the call, he could not keep on carrying, not even the highlights of what had happened, he couldn’t carry what happened behind him, who he used to be.
In order for him to be effective in this moment, he had to forget those things that were behind.
Why did he have to forget those things that were behind?
Because in order for him to be present in this moment, he had to have a full integration of who he is right now.
That means that I cannot afford to keep paying for the mistakes of who I was yesterday and step into who I’m called to be.
Now. I can’t be worried about what I look like tomorrow. I gotta step into this moment right now.
Sometimes the greatest prayer that you can pray is God. Make me present in this moment right here.
I don’t want to miss what this moment has for me.
I don’t wanna miss who I am supposed to to be in this moment.
So make me present, not just in my mind, make me present in my body when I’m having a conversation with my partner.
And I’m thinking about all of the ways they got it wrong.
And I’m thinking of all the things I could be doing instead of thinking about those things that are behind or thinking about what I’m gonna say in the future.
God help me to be present in this moment. So I don’t miss what you’re trying to do.
Help me to be present when I am creating so that I don’t miss the sound that you’re trying to create.
I don’t wanna be on autopilot. I wanna be present in every moment.
I don’t wanna just get busy raising the child and putting them on a routine that I miss the fact that they’re going through a depression that I miss the fact that they are self harming.
God, help me to respond in this moment, help me to see it the way that you see it.
God says, I’ll take care of the future. Don’t worry about that you a present in this moment.
Why else do we celebrate that He has gone ahead of us and made our crooked path straight.
That means I don’t have to go ahead of me. He’s got ahead of me covered.
All I need to do is work where I am right now.
So I am forgetting those things that are behind and I’m gonna work where I am right now.
God make me present in every way possible to what this moment demands.
I don’t wanna be stuck.
I don’t wanna be trapped and Paul manages to master this.
Paul masters this so well that when my text begins, it says that God works unusual miracles by the hands of Paul starts off talking about his hands.
But then it says so that even his handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick.
I like this text about the power of him embodying so fully his call that even the things that he wore were anointed enough to heal the sick.
Oh It’s gonna get good in a minute. He was so locked into his purpose.
He was so locked into who he needed to be in any given moment that even when they beat and wounded him and then threw him in prison, that Paul and Silas were still in the prison worshiping and singing songs because he was so locked into who he was called to be that even when he was up against persecution, even when he was in the midst of a trial, he still knew how to lock in with God and not lose.
He knew how to lock in with God and make sure he could tap into a praise.
He was so locked in that it was oozing out of his pores.
He was so locked in that even when they beat him, all they did was produce more praise.
Paul was the crazy man who kept talking about suffering, producing glory.
And how else does this suffering produce glory unless he is fully in the suffering so that he can be fully in the glory?
Oh God help me because I feel like I’m about to turn the corner on this thing.
The reason why you have to be fully present in your body is because when you’re fully present, even in the suffering.
You also get to be fully present even in the glory.
The fact that Jesus was so moved with compassion that he felt it in his bowels means that when he was wounded for our transgression, he really felt that thing in his body.
That means that when the chastisement of our iniquities were upon him, that he really felt it in his body.
That means that when they, his hands to the cross, that he really felt that thing in his body.
But when he was raised up free and victorious, he really felt that in his body so much so that he told Thomas put your hands through the holes because I’m telling you, I really felt glory happening in my body.
I want somebody to know that it is possible to be so anointed that it rules through your body to be so anointed that you shift the atmosphere when you walk into a room to be so anointed that when you step into this face, all of a sudden the conversation must be elevated because what God has done in me before I even open my mouth, you can experience it.
By the way, I carry my body.
My body tells you I’m not the one my body tells you that I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.
My body tells you that I went through hell and I know how to fight the devil.
My body tells me my body tells me my body, my body makes it known.
My body makes it known. It’s happening in my body.
There was a woman who was so convinced that God could help her that when she heard that Jesus was in her town that he was walking through the multitude and Jesus was so in tune with his body that when this woman was walking through, she had had an issue of blood for 12 years and she could feel the flow in her body, but she felt within her.
So if I could just lock into Jesus, then maybe that thing that I’ve been feeling would finally stop flowing.
And so she ran up on Jesus and Jesus was so locked in that he said, who touched me, who touched me?
And they said no, that the multitude strong here, how could you ask who touched you?
And he said, I know that somebody touched me because I felt power come out of my body.
I felt power come my body.
But check this, the woman was so locked in that when she touched him, it says immediately the flow of blood stopped.
That means she was so checked into what was happening with her body that she knew the moment she got healed.
God help me, God, help me, God, help me.
There’s something gonna happen in this room when somebody touches the hymn of his garment, the woman is so locked in.
Anybody with a flow would tell you that you can’t tell when the flow starts and you can’t tell when the flow stops.
But life had backed her into a corner so much that she had to get sensitive about her body.
And when she got sensitive about her body, when she locked into Jesus, Jesus locked to her, and there was an exchange that took place because there one body touched another body, one body drew power from another body.
And now all of a sudden my body is saying this sign that I’ve been touched by power.
I’m in touch with a breakthrough. This Jesus help me.
Jesus was so anointed that it was on the hem of his garment.
He was so anointed that it was on his clothes.
He was so in touch with his body that he recognized that when she grabbed him, that she pulled something from him and she was so in touch with what she needed that she knew that when she got the power, it healed her.
I hear God saying that some of you been touching God, but she didn’t touch him with a target.
And because she touched him with a target in mind, she knew that very moment she got healed.
I hear God saying that if you start taking that power and pointing it into the direction of where you need healing, you mess around and get healed in a way you didn’t think was possible.
You mess around and get breakthrough in a way. You didn’t even know was possible.
I hear God saying, start looking for the signs in your body that I healed.
You start looking for the signs in your body that you made it to the other side.
God says you’ll feel it in your body before you even denounce it to the crowd.
You’ll feel it in your body.
God won’t even know that you were healed until he makes the announcement that allows you to be seen because the woman with the issue of blood knew it before anybody else did.
Man. I don’t know who this is for God and ask that you would give me wisdom because God told me to tell somebody that you could be healed and not know it.
If you don’t lock in to what you’ve been praying and asking God for.
God says you could be healed and not know it.
If you don’t recognize where you need His power to show up in your life, you could be healed.
He did not know it. And I gotta be honest to you.
I prayed and I ask God for healing, to break out in this room.
I ask God for courage to break out in this room.
Yeah, I ask God for there to be deliverance in this room that it would be undeniable because somebody locked in so heavily with what God was doing that they felt the power when it came out of heaven.
I don’t think there’s anything more beautiful then when somebody starts having hands laid on them.
But when the person on the other side wants the hands laid enough, there’s something that happens when you lock in to what the person is carrying and you recognize that they’re carrying something that you need.
Of course, a miracle breaks out because when you lock in, the Bible says it like this, wherever two or three are gathered in my name, wherever two or three lock in in my name, I’ll be there in the midst if you lock in, I’ll show up in the way that you need me to.
If you lock in in my mist, I have, I’ll allow healing to break through.
If you lock in, it’ll make all the difference.
This woman, this woman with the issue of blood, she mastered the art of locking in.
I chose this text.
God revealed it to me because I believe God wanted me to understand and wanted you to understand that what happened with Paul is possible for you that there is an opportunity for a fully integrated faith.
An opportunity. My up. Well, tell me about it.
I don’t care.
Y’all don’t think this is my hair, do you?
I really don’t care because none of this is really necessary because I recognize what is really necessary if the wig stay on or not, if the shoes stay on or not.
I know what I’m really here for.
I understand that I came here to lock in on something so you could make the memes and make the videos at the end of the day.
One thing I know for sure is that me and God locks in on a word and if this is a distraction and let it fall off, because at the end of the day, I believe that I am called to bring breakthrough in this room.
And if I’m in the way of the breakthrough, then move me out of the way.
Because what I want more than anything is for him to have his way.
So I’m locked in on what God wants to do in this place.
And if miracles are gonna break, break out, then let a wig fall off and miracles are gonna break out, then let the shoes come out and miracles are gonna break out.
Y’all think I need this. I don’t need this. I do it because it makes me look good.
But at the end of the day, I know what’s good.
I know that if he goes before me, I know that if he’s very breath in this room, holy ghost, holy ghost, holy ghost, I came for power.
I came for breakthrough. I came. So somebody could get healed.
I came so somebody could experience the what the working power of God.
I heard that God is still performing miracles. So I ask God to let me be a part of it.
And I don’t care if I gotta be embarrassed if you get the glory at the end of the day, see, don’t let it fool you.
It’s not that deep, it’s not that deep.
The worst thing you can do is make it about you when God is trying to use you.
If you make it about you, when God is trying to use you, you’ll miss the moment when glory can come through you.
So I’m locked in, I’m locked in, I’m locked in.
Let’s go. What’s up? We’ve been in a fight before now.
Wait a minute when we’ve been in a fight before, do we or do we not have to let a few things snatch off so that we can show them at the end of the day.
I’m about it for real. I don’t care what it takes. I gotta make it to the other side.
I don’t care what it takes. Do you think the woman with the issue of blood cared about her hair?
Do you think the woman with the issue of blood cared about what she looked like? The woman?
All right, I’m about to take it off and I never, and I never God says sometimes you need to see it from the platform so you could do it with your platform.
It ain’t always gonna be cute. It ain’t always gonna be pretty, but one thing’s for sure.
It’s gonna always be and I don’t care what they say about me.
I care that he gets the glory when it’s all said and done.
All right, Paul, she took her away.
We gotta get out of here.
Listen, Paul, Paul, my Paul, Paul didn’t mind doing what it took in order to be who God needed him to be in any given moment.
And it made it look so easy.
Yeah, that the priest, the Jewish priest thought I can just do what he did.
I can just say what he said and then it’ll have the same results, but they didn’t have his revelations.
So they could not have his results.
The power of the revelation of who you are to be in the earth requires that you embody it with such trust that you don’t care what it looks like to other people that you embody it with such confidence that even those who knew one version of you have to get known to that have to get used to this new version of you.
Paul knew how to embody this thing.
I don’t know who you are, but I promise you, one of the things I heard God say to me is that we have to embody the thing that we’re talking about because God told me I’m gonna start whispering my truths in your body.
It’s gonna be in your body.
Stop talking to people. It’s gonna be in your body.
God says you’re gonna feel my love in your body.
You gonna feel my healing in your body.
You’re gonna feel breakthrough in your body, I’m gonna put it in your body.
The strength is gonna be in your body. The creativity, the path you’re supposed to take.
God says, check in with your body because I’m gonna start showing you, by the way you feel says I’m making you more sensitive than you’ve ever been.
And if you’ve made a habit of overriding your body, then you’ll miss who you are supposed to engage with, who you’re supposed to walk away from.
You’ll make it a mind game. This isn’t a mind game. This is a full body game.
This is a full body game. If you don’t believe me, ask Jesus, it was a full body game.
Yes, I know. You said this body is gonna perish and one day it is.
But right now, God is using that body and God wants you to honor that body and check in with that body.
The last thing I’ll say is this when the magicians of the time heard what happened, God helped me to say it.
The revelation that Paul received was so powerful that it was oozing out of his pores, so powerful that it created imitators.
But because the imitators didn’t have that revelation, that evil spirit was able to jump on them.
Paul was famous in hell, Jesus. I know Paul. I know, but who are you?
You don’t have no power to back up the thing you’re trying to do.
If you had some power, I would back up off of you.
I hear God saying that when it’s all said and done, I don’t want you to be famous before, man.
I want you to be famous in hell. I want the demons to know your name.
I want the devil to know your name.
I want everyone to understand that that power you got was not just an encounter, it was a powerful lifestyle and where there is no power, there will be a principality.
And when the demons let him know that he didn’t know who they were, they ran away and hit, I want us to be like Paul.
But I want us to admit when we’re more like the Jewish exorcist, when we are borrowing someone else’s revelation and expecting their results, you gotta make it personal.
I need my own revelation so that I can have the results that have my name on them.
Because if I can get my own revelation, then I won’t be envious of someone else’s results.
The magicians got a revelation after this because they understood that Paul’s God, that Jesus was so powerful that he was able to do something.
When he wasn’t even in the room, he was able to the enemy, the devil, the demons were able to recognize the strength of his power, even when he wasn’t working, even when he wasn’t present to make it happen.
And the magicians even understood that it is worth me locking in to who Jesus is so that I can experience the real thing.
I wanna talk to somebody who’s got counterfeit tools.
Maybe you don’t call it magic, maybe you call it something else.
But you believe that it has power and because you have divided up what you think has power.
I, I’ll take this because I think it has power. I’ll take that because it has power.
You can’t even really experience the power of Jesus because Jesus has been diluted by all of the other things that you believe have power.
But I wanna give you an opportunity to lock in for real. I know you think that sex has power.
I know you think the crystals have power. I know you think that the witchcraft has power. I hate it.
But if we’re gonna be real, we might as well be real. I know you think it has power.
But I hear God saying that I’ve got more power than all of those things, but you didn’t lock in with me and because you didn’t lock in with me, you feel like you needed a counterfeit.
But I hear God saying you got the real deal baby and when God gets finished with you, the real deal shows up everywhere and I’m crazy enough to believe that there’s still power in the name of Jesus.
And this, it’s not the kind of power that is religious, it’s not the kind of power that is about rules.
It is a full body experience where you become more and more like Jesus for real.
Because the spirit of God feels you, the spirit of God touches you.
The spirit of God empowers you propels, you leads you, directs you.
And what I want for you more than anything on this Pentecost Sunday is for the spirit of God to take up residence in your life and for you to lock in with the spirit of God like Paul did in a way that shows up in your body like Jesus did in a way that shows up in your body and oozes through your pores.
I wanna pray with you.
I wanna pray for somebody who’s been having a hard time locking in.
They’ve experienced pain, betrayal, distrust, pride, nerves started achieving and got further and further away from the thing that put me in the position to have success in the first place.
But I need to lock in.
I need to get real about this thing again.
I do believe that we are in the end times and as a result of being in the in times, we can’t afford to straddle the fence any longer.
We gotta lock in all the way. We gotta be aligned for real.
I gotta be all of who God has called me to be and I gotta take care of my body to do it.
I gotta take care of my mind to do it.
I gotta lose my pride in order to make it happen. I gotta lock in.
But the truth is sometimes it’s difficult to lock in because we’ve been carrying so many things that have kept us burdened.
But before we go, I wanna create an altar in this place where you can lay down what you have been carrying, pour your heart out before the Lord.
So that the peace of God, what surpasses all understanding can guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
You’re gonna need the Holy Spirit to get it done.
You’re gonna need to be a version of yourself that you never thought possible to get it done, but you can do it.
That’s why you can feel it in your body that you can do it.
That’s why it won’t let you go because you can feel that it’s possible.
I wish I could go to sleep at night, but I feel it in my body.
I’m on the brink of something.
I feel it and God’s gonna get you to the finish line and then you’re gonna get in the race again and he’s gonna carry you from glory to glory, to glory to Gloria, right?
If you’re in this room and you don’t know Jesus, I promise you that it is the best decision I’ve ever made.
You may know church.
But if you don’t know Jesus, I promise you that you need to try Jesus.
You may have heard a sermon. But if you don’t know Jesus, I’m telling you.
There is a difference from having an encounter in church and having a personal relationship with Jesus.
Understand the love of God poured out through his son.
Jesus is one of the most identity change, transforming things, decisions that you could ever make.
And I wanna invite you to be in relationship with Jesus.
If that’s you, I want you to meet us at this altar.
When I tell you that Jesus knows how to take what’s been burdening you what you’ve been carrying it and show you how to transform it into what he can use.
Jesus can save you from the things.
You don’t know how to walk away from Jesus can save you from the voices tormenting you in your mind.
Jesus can save you out of darkness and into light. There is no one like Jesus.
I promise you if you just try him once.
If you say I wanna wake up every day and I just wanna be in relationship with Jesus because Jesus passes his attributes on to me.
He passes his character on to me. There’s a transmission that takes place. I give him my weakness.
I give him my sin and in exchange, he give me wisdom.
He gives me love, he gives me grace, he gives me mercy. I’m in relationship with Jesus.
I don’t just go to church. I’m in relationship with Jesus. This is not the highlight of my spiritual week.
The highlight of my spiritual week is when I’m in my prayer closet by myself, it’s when I’m driving in my car and Jesus is telling me, you know, I’m gonna take care of that.
Jesus is telling me, you know, I already got that covered. That can only happen through relationship.
You said once that you only do what you see your father in heaven.
Do Jesus? You knew how to lock in Jesus even on the cross.
You looked up and you said, Father, why have thou forsaken me?
You were so locked in with Jesus that you could even can’t share with Jesus.
You could even share with God when you were experiencing burden and pain and disappointment.
You didn’t allow the pain to make you turn your back on God, Jesus.
You knew how to lock Him God here at this altar, here in this room are those of us who are trying to lock in.
We wanna be more like you Jesus.
We wanna understand who we are in the earth and why you allowed us to survive thing after thing.
We wanna know why you place value on our lives. We wanna lock in with you.
We’ve been locked in with our pain. Long enough, we’ve been locked in with addiction.
Long enough, we’ve been locked in with trauma.
Long enough, we’ve been locked in suing love for long enough, God, we wanna lock in with you.
We wanna lock in with Jesus so that we can become more like you because I want my life to mean something in your kingdom.
I want the works of my hand to mean something in your kingdom.
And so father, we turn our eyes towards you and we say we see you and we know you see us and what a gift it is to be seen by God.
God. I pray that you would give them focus like they’ve never had before. God.
I pray that you would remove the distractions that cloud their vision.
The moment they get momentum in their spirituality, then something comes in and distracts it.
We speak a hedge of protection over them. In the name of Jesus.
We rebuke the distractions that are keeping them from stepping fully into who they are called to be God.
We come up against their own desires, their own desires that are tripping them up.
And God, we pray that you would allow them to lose the taste out of their mouths.
For the very thing that keeps pulling them backward. God, I thank you that you’re changing appetites at this altar.
I thank you that you’re changing spirits at this altar.
I thank you that you’re healing them right here at this altar. I thank you.
They don’t have to wait six months. I thank you. They don’t have to press through a crowd.
I thank you that you are as near as the very mention of your name.
So on this Pentecost, Sunday, we gather on one And we say Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus Jesus.
And when we speak your name, we believe that we pull power for the issues that are flowing in their life.
When we speak your name, we believe that we pull power over their circumstance.
When we speak your name, we believe that demons tremble when we speak your name, we believe depression has the fleet.
When we speak your name, we believe that crystals have to drop. That magic has to run away.
When we speak your name. Witch crap has to go.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
And the name that is above every other name, we speak healing in their bodies.
Healing in their mind, please healing over their insecurities, healing over their self image, healing over their self esteem, healing over their marriage, healing over their families.
In the name of Jesus. If I said it in my name, you’d be in trouble.
But because I said it in the name of Jesus, I know that when two or three are gathered that he’s in the Met Jesus.
If you’re in the room, let me touch the hymn Jesus.
If you’re in the room, let me, we just want to touch your power has a target.
I pray that this would not be an ending but that it would be a new beginning.
I think you got that as they go throughout their week that you will give them wisdom on creating an environment that doesn’t change their ability to lock in.
I thank you that you’re giving them boundaries so that their power isn’t deluded.
I thank you for wisdom and strategy. I thank you for breakthrough.
I thank you that somebody feels the healing in their body.
I thank you that when somebody goes to the doctor, the next time, the very issue that sent them in there is gonna be gone and they won’t know why, but we’ll know it’s because I messed around and locked in with my body and I pulled power out of heaven.
And when I pulled power out of heaven, it lowered my low blood pressure and changed the cholesterol and had to get out of the way.
I believe he still does miracles. I believe that your joints are working together.
I prophesy in the name of Jesus, that the cells are working as God designed that the tissue is being rebuilt.
That when there was a tear that God said I will perform surgery I prophesized in.
But Jesus, that’s your power and save their body the way you did it with the woman at the issue of blood.
God, I thank you that your coughing, the blood clots are moving.
I think you got the hemorrhage and you’re stopping that your power makes the difference.
We don’t just want your power for what we do God.
We want your power for who we are. God. We want your power to dwell in us.
We want your power to move us, propel us to heal us and guide us.
Thank you guys for the opportunity to realign.
Thank you for the soundtrack that will continue to usher us into your presence.
Thank you for the friendships that will continue to usher us into your presence.
Thank you for turning the hearts of those who are called to us towards us.
And I thank you God that as you do it, that ultimately you are preparing the body for your return.
As we prepare our bodies, you prepare the body.
So let us start with us and overflow into everything connected to us.
Seal this word God is only you can do allow it to take root and to produce fruits, generational fruits in the name of Jesus.
Amen. Can you celebrate God with me, child?
Can I tell you we’re gonna go right before you leave though.
If you are visiting this church, I’ll be honest, we are crazy.
I am preaching without a wig, but we love God.
We love each other and we love you and we don’t even know you yet.
If you wanna make this church your church home. Can you please join me down here to the left?
Our pastors, ministers and elders will be here to meet you. We want you to make this place home.
We want you to find your way in community here.
We want you to feel the love of God and to receive confirmation for what God is doing in your life at this church.
Please join me down here to the left our pastors and ministers. I promise you.
We’ve got incredible ministry for your Children, incredible ministry for your youth.
There’s so much going on at the potter’s house.
If you’re a member of this church, can you make some noise if this church has blessed you?
We want you to experience what Jesus is doing through us as the hands and feet of Jesus.
And can I tell you when you join this church? We want your ideas too.
We wanna know what you carry your gifts and talents. We don’t want you to fit into this church.
We want our church to fit around you.
And so as you’re coming, please know that we don’t want you to be anything other than yourself.
God can take care of what needs to be changed, what you need to do.
We just wanna know how we can partner with serving what God is doing in your life.
Can you thank God for our new family, our new cousins. Hey, cousins.
Hey, family, keep coming. Child.
Probably gonna tell me I can’t preach on Sundays no more unless my wig is extra secure.
I don’t wanna be distracting. Come on guys, let’s stay and we’re gonna go home.
I love y’all.
I don’t know what you’re up against this week.
Some of our kids are out of school. We need prayer for real.
Our pantries need prayer. Our budget needs prayer.
We need wisdom that God will show us how to see them.
We need balance, we need patience. Some of us are finally gonna write the book.
Some of us are finally gonna get the therapy.
Some of us are gonna really lock in in a fresh new way. It’s the Holy Spirit.
You know what tomorrow holds. You know what this week holds.
I thank you God that though it may take us by surprise. It won’t take you by surprise.
So God, we trust that you will show us who we need to be in every moment of this week.
That when we get ready to respond, the way that we would usually respond, that we would feel it in our body to just wait, be patient, hear us out.
God. I thank you that as our body is communicating to us that you will fix our ears, our heart and mind to respond.
God, I pray for protection over these, your sons and daughters, my brothers and sisters may no harm come towards their dwelling.
May no harm come to their finances.
God open our eyes that we will recognize the moments when it is you and you alone who have shown up for us.
Thank you God that you’re gonna empower us. Thank you God that you’re gonna give us rest.
Thank you that you’re gonna stretch the finances. Thank you for patience and peace. Thank you for victory.
Until we meet again. I love you. Family.
Have an incredible week.
- God’s Ways vs. Man’s WaysTháng 9 8, 2023