Jonathan’s Prophetic Sign to Fidel Castro & Cuba | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Jonathan’s Prophetic Sign to Fidel Castro & Cuba
For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn will begin sharing special prophetic messages from the Jubilee mystery in his released book The Josiah Manifesto. Jonathan’s prophetic sign to Fidel Castro in Cuba, mystery of the Jubilee, countdown to a dictator, and more!
Castro’s rule had impacted the world.
At one point, it almost brought the world to destruction because he encouraged it It almost happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost destroyed the entire earth.
And yet it was the ancient mystery of that brought his reign to an end.
I’m gonna share something kind of very special kind of the a story behind world events.
It was a secret meeting. I was driven to a house in Northern New Jersey.
And which was a man who requested to see me. We met in the living room. He was short.
He was elderly. He was bald. He was stocky. His name was. Samuel.
He spoke to me through a translator. He spoke in Spanish.
He had come to America with a mission, to ask me to go to his homeland.
His homeland was an island. He said it had been under a curse.
Under oppression, the island was the island of Cuba. The believers of Cuba were under persecution.
But he said a change was coming that had and I’m gonna tell you what that change was.
In January 1959, Fidel Castro and his armies of revolutionaries entered the city of Havana.
They set up a revolutionary government to rule the island.
Many Cubans greeted him with shears and hope and optimism, but that would quickly fade.
They would come arrests imprisonments, indoctrination, into communist ideology, the crushing of all descent, the execution by firing squad of those who were viewed as enemies of the state.
Many tried to escape the island. Many lost their homes, their possessions.
A persecution was launched against Christians, churches were closed, pastors were exiled or imprisoned, sent to reeducation camps, Christians were driven underground.
Under Castro’s reign Cuba, became a land that was paralyzed, impoverished, hopeless, and under totalitarian repression.
But the man in the living room said a change was coming.
After decades of oppression, Castro had agreed to allow for 1 month of religious freedom.
1 month of religious expression to come to Cuba.
It would take the form of a month long celebration of born again believers.
During that time, they would be free to worship in a series of mass public events to be held throughout the island and broadcast over Cuban television.
The last event would take place.
The last main event would take place in Havana in Revolution Square.
Samuel was one of those, a believer, given charge to organize this celebration.
He said I came on behalf of the Christians of Cuba.
We want you to come and inaugurate the month of celebration by sounding the Shofar, the Rams horn.
At the first event, we want you to minister throughout the island. I prayed about it and said yes.
A week before I was about to leave for Cuba, a man showed up at Beth Israel.
He asked to speak to me after the service. He had come from Cuba. He was a pastor.
He had been arrested for his faith and imprisoned in Castro’s prison camps.
After his release, the door opened for him to come to America.
He just happened to be at the end of the service where I said pray because we’re going to Cuba next week.
So he spoke to me afterwards, and he gave me this word, like a prophetic word.
He said, you will be given access to go where others have not gone.
The doors will open before you and you will enter the king’s palace.
When I prayed what I should share on the island, I was given the message of the Jubilee, a message of freedom restoration, reconciliation, liberation, the ending of bondage.
Now they were under bondage, and I’m proclaiming freedom.
It was a dangerous message, but I knew it was the message I had to share.
The entire month of celebration would be ushered in with the sounding of the of the jubilee.
I sent word to the leaders who invited me saying that the word I I got is on the jubilee.
And I thought of the phrase that jubilee is coming and wasn’t before believers in Cuba were referring to the celebration as El Hubelejo, the Jubilee.
And as the event drew near, Those 3 Spanish words began appearing throughout the island on churches, on houses, posters, walls, fences, taxi cabs, el Hubelejo, Vienna, the Jubilee is coming.
We arrived at the airport, which was manned by Cuban soldiers, They held us all up because they would they wouldn’t let us go through because of something they found in my suitcase.
It was the show far. They thought it was a weapon.
So the soldiers were inspecting it, holding it up.
I mean, for a long time and finally decided, let me just go up to them.
So I go up to that. I took the show if I said, look. It’s an instrument.
It’s a good thing. Watch. I sent it to my mouth, and I sounded it in the airport, and then they let us go.
The show far is an instrument of breakthrough of pulling down walls.
And in the airport, the walls came down and they let us in.
We arrived a week before the 1st gathering that would inaugurate the celebration.
We ministered at that time I was told that everywhere we minister, there were government informants in every church, in every place to report if anything was said that the government didn’t want.
So here I’m, I’m speaking of the Jubilee, freedom, liberation, the greater revolution of god, my translator is is stumbling is is is is ready to faint, afraid we’re both gonna end up in a prison camp.
And everywhere I went, I brought the show far and the and the Cuban believer saw it as a sign of freedom.
We’ve been warned never to attract a crowd and, you know, outside the walls of a church, but it happened anyway.
Our host took us to a convenience store to pick up some items.
I left the show bar in the van.
When we returned, we found the van surrounding the van was a crowd of Cubans.
One of them had looked into the van and spotted the show far.
And he told the others, now they were all around and they’re begging me to blow the show far.
I think, like, uh, I’m I’m not supposed to draw a crowd. It’s already here, but I did.
The moment after the the sound went.
We hear a shouting, a shrieking from the crowd, and a thin middle aged man is jumping up and down, and we’re saying, what happened?
And they said, what happened is the man is deaf, but when you blew it, he heard the sound of the Shofar.
But everything that happened to Cuba focused on one man, which was Fidel Castro.
His reign began in 1959. The Jubilee in ordinance reads, you shall count 7 7ths of years for yourself.
7 times 7 years, 7 sabbath of year to the 49th year, and then the Jubilee.
7 times 7. And then you have the fiftieth year.
What happens if you count 7 7ths of years from the beginning of Castro’s reign.
He says, it shall be to you 49 years, and then comes the Jubileean year.
Where does it come to? 1959? It comes to the beginning of 2008.
2008 would be the jubilee of Fidel Castro’s reign and power.
Could that be significant? At eighty one years old with health problems, Castro sends a letter to Cuba and the world and he resigns as president in the year of Jubilee.
His jubilee, his the end, his entire reign, was framed by the jubilee from Leviticus.
What began when cast show heard the news that Batista had abdicated in the start of 1959, January 1st, came to the end in 2008, 50th year.
The reign of Castro had impacted the world for generations. The Jubilee reverses what was done.
It brings release. It brings restoration. All over the island, These posters are saying the jubilee’s coming.
The jubilee’s coming. We’re proclaiming the jubilee having no idea, and it would come to its close at the exact time of the jubilee.
And there’s even more. But teased up when he set in motion his resignation, It was December 31 1959.
If you start the countdown from that exact day, that Batista said in motion is resignation, 7 sevens, 49 years, beginning of the fiftieth year, and 7 sevens of days to the fiftieth day It brings you, or the the Jubilee and Day, it brings you to February 18 2008.
On that very day, Castro writes his resignation. The fiftieth day of the fiftieth year.
Now, Batista’s resignation went into effect after midnight, January 1 1959 in the wee hours of the night.
Castro’s letter of resignation on the 50th year, and the 50th day goes into effect after midnight.
Batista resigned in the early hours of January 1st, 90 59. He headed for the plane took off.
It all took place about, it says, 3 AM.
On the 50th day of the 50th year from the moment of that departure, The official site of the central committee of the Cuban Communist Party releases on the web, the internet on their paper, Castro’s resignation, when did it happen?
Just about 3 AM, 3 in the morning, to the exact hour.
After Messiah was born and after the Majai came, King Herrod would die.
Castro would, of course, die as well.
They brought his body to be displayed inside the tower that was shaped as the star.
The star that marked the end of the journey and as Harriet’s final days were linked to the star.
And that new life of Messiah is in the land, and so there’s this revival that never stopped in Cuba.
It’s not stopped. It’s hard to fathom for most people that behind the events and movements and history lies a deeper story in an unseen hand, the hand of god.
Castro’s rule had impacted the world. At one point, it almost brought the world to destruction.
Because he encouraged it. It almost happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis, almost destroyed the entire earth.
And yet it was the ancient mystery of god that brought his reign to an end.
The same mystery that brought a son of the land back to his ancestral possession, and each mystery was linked to the Jubilee, one in space and the other in time.
And, you know, that you believe those who lost what was theirs, they get it back.
But those who took what was not theirs it gets taken away.
So Castro, his power was taken away with the Jubilee.
And if you take any one of these events away, all these twists and quirks, it never would have happened exactly as they did to the exact time.
Batista had resigned as president of Cuba. Castro had not been president of Cuba.
He had a million other tiles, but not but in the last part of his reign, he takes the the title of president.
So it’s gonna match exactly what happened to Batista. He resigns for the presidency.
And the mystery there, it was actually all in the jubilee, and we had no idea.
I had no idea, but I knew I had to give him the show for the sign of the jubilee.
I knew I had to give him the word about the jubilee.
Castro’s reign had been the longest reign of any modern leader who had any modern leader except the queen of England.
The American government had tried to overthrow him. It it said that the CIA tried to assassinate him.
They tried to put an explosive in his his cigars, you know, but he outlasted every one of them.
He outlasted the cold war. This the fall of the Soviet Union.
About 10 presidents But in the end, it was the Jubilee that ended it.
The ordinance of Leviticus 25 that determined how long it would last exactly to the day.
Is it possible that behind the events transforming our nation, and your life is a mystery that goes back to ancient times.
In his newest blockbuster, the Josiah manifesto, the ancient mystery and guide for the end times.
New York Times best selling author Jonathan Khan reveals the stunning mystery and what it has to do with your life, what does the future hold, and what do you need to know?
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