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“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn

“And America has done much good. And there’s no shortage of nations far exceeding any of its faults or sins. But no nation in the modern world has ever been given so much. None has been so blessed. To whom much is given, much is required. If a nation so blessed by God should turn away from Him, what then? It’s blessing will be replaced with curses? Yes. And has America turned away from God? I asked. It has turned and is turning. How? In the same way Israel turned. It started with a spiritual complacency, then spiritual confusion, then the merging of God with idols and then, ultimately, the rejection of his ways. Just as with ancient Israel, America began ruling God out of its life, turning, step by step, against His ways, at first subtly and then more and more brazenly.”
― Jonathan Cahn

Uh, so big, you know, that, that, uh, it embraces everything from Moses to Mark Twain, from Daniel to Donald Trump.
Uh, uh, the end times, the master blueprint of the end time, but also the blueprint of our lives.
I mean, everything all together, the entire Bible and it is so big.
This is what the, believe the oracle is the biggest mystery I’ve ever opened up.
Um, it is, uh, not only gigantic, it’s also exact, it has exact times, exact, uh, dates.
Uh, it, it, it’s everything I’ll, I’ll give you some examples of this.
Uh, there is a mystery that concerns the scrolls, you know, imagine that there were scrolls around the world and people open it at a set time and to read the appointed word and when they read it or when they chant it or recite it, the events that the words are speaking about actually are coming true around the world.
Well, it’s actually real and, and I’ll show you it in a moment, but also there’s the jubilee in mystery and the jubilee mystery is, of course, based on the jubilee that every 50 years, whatever you lost, you lost your home, you lost your possession on the 50th year.
Your jubilee says everyone shall return home, return, get back what you lost.
Well, this is linked to prophecy because God said the Jewish people will be scattered to the ends of the earth.
But in the end times, God will gather them back and he will bring them back to what the land they lost.
So what does that tell you when the Jewish people come back onto the end times?
It will be a prophetic jubilee.
And the amazing thing is that all these prophetic events are all timed to the ancient mystery of the jubilee.
And we’re gonna see it, you know, I mean, in, in, in uh it’s exact and it’s amazing.
But let me set up the oracle as a book.
First of all, Dorothy, I’ve been getting kind of blown away for at least a year and a half.
I’m about 3000 pages of downloads or notes on this.
Um So the, the challenge has been, how do I get this into one book?
Uh But I was led to do it as I did the Harbinger.
And that is that everything that’s revealed is real, but I framed it with a narrative or a story.
And so there’s a man called the oracle who’s like a pro and he’s opening up this mystery of God.
He’s on a mountain or a cave and he’s opening up the mysteries of God and he does it through these seven doors of revelation.
So there’s seven doors. When you open one door, there’s like eight major streams of mystery.
And so, so there’s so much so in the time we have what it will block all you do is I’ll open up the doors and maybe do one or two mysteries from each door.
But there’s so much but your listeners, your, your viewers will get a, a taste of it and it’s really the magnitude of God and the amazingness of God and that the God of the Bible is totally real that today moving the same God who move, move with Kings and Kingdoms is moving today in the same exact way.
And it’s mind blowing. I, I, one of things about the oracle, you know, people uh have been blown away and I’m so blessed by that.
But also I’m hoping that believers are giving it to their unbelieving friends or family or nonbelievers or those who really just don’t live as if God is real because it’s really an explosion of the reality of God.
I get amazed.
I tell you what, I cannot understand how one man can get all these downloads of books.
I, I just want to jump back to the Harbinger a minute.
We just went past 9 11 and that’s about the time of the Harbinger, wasn’t it? Yes.
And in that you brought out things that they said that’s in the scripture. Talk about that in a minute.
Yeah. Yeah. Amazing thing that the harbinger that the, the signs, the harbingers of judgment that appeared in the last days of Ancient Israel before its destruction are now reappearing in America.
And it, with exactness, the exactitude, I mean, precisely. And it involves people doing things.
They have no idea what they’re doing in the last days of Ancient Israel.
The leaders of Israel said these words, they were pronouncing judgment on their nation without realizing it.
The amazing thing is those the same words were pronounced by American leaders who had no idea what they were doing and they’re identifying things and they’re pronouncing judgment and they’re saying the exact same words, word for word for word, um which is the sign of the pronouncing of judgment.
So there are nine harbingers that appeared in America. Uh Exactly.
And some of them involve the highest people of the land, even the president of the United States.
I, it just amazed me how that happened and how that it’s uh it’s like the same exact same thing and we’re living it over what was in the beginning you’re gonna see in the end and we’re starting to see that now really in a big way, right?
Jonathan. Yeah, because, yeah, God is real and so what he writes in the Bible, it gets replayed, you know, these are prophetic, you know, that is it in the harbinger, you’re seeing the signs of judgment and we’re still in gigantic danger.
Dorothy. Um, and secondly, uh, in the paradigm, you’re seeing the people replay, you know, the, the, the leaders replay, you know, I mean, it’s, it’s a mind boggling exactness where exact dates are determined by the mystery.
I mean, and you’re in every one of those mysteries, including the harbinger of the paradigm and the oracle, you can see exact dates determined by God.
Uh, it’s a, it’s amazing and it’s saying that God is, is still in charge very much so in the where you talked about say Hillary Clinton about the parallels.
Yeah. Well, that in, in the paradigm of it speaks about, you know, there’s this amazing replay that in the, in, in, in the fall of Israel away from God, these leaders come to power and the amazing thing is these ancient leaders, every one of them is standing for a modern leader or matches with every one of our modern leaders behind them.
Is this ancient leaders a prototype and so much so it not only it identifies their personalities i their actions, it identifies exactly how much time they will have on the national stage from Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Obama with Hillary Clinton.
And it’s not about the person, you know, we got to pray for all people, but it is the prototype of Jezebel with Bill Clinton.
It’s the prototype of aha. That’s all in the paradigm with Donald Trump.
It is the prototype of Je who for the nation. I mean, they follow it. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.
Uh, where it gives it, actually it’s a paradigm that shows you that, that when you take this mystery, it identifies years before, identifies the exact date that 9 11 has to take place.
I mean, to the hour, that’s how amazing it is. That, that’s the paradigm. That’s the replaying of everything else.
It’s, I’ll tell you what I think about how closely those dates are like, right on.
And I tell you, it’s wonderful. Well, in the oracle, you also talk about our precedent.
Did God put him in there? Well, it, God is in charge of everything.
So, you know, it’s not a matter of what anybody out there thinks about Donald Trump or not.
That’s not the issue, the issue that God is in charge and God has everything in its exact time, including, yes, Donald Trump that you’ll see Donald Trump as part of the mystery.
He’s gonna come into the mystery about on the fifth door, but it’s gonna lead up to everything.
See what you have with, with the, with the, um, the oracle, you have seven doors and the first few of them are what has been the, the fifth door is what is, and then there’s six door is what is yet to come.
And the seventh door is a mystery.
So if you want, we can start, we can enter into the first door and begin the mystery that way.
If you. Yeah. Go through the first door. Ok.
Well, and again, remember every door has many mysteries, but I’ll just tell you one here from the first door.
Um, and that is the mystery of the stranger. And that is this Moses before he died.
He gives a word to Israel, a prophetic word. He’s the first one to speak about the end times.
He’s the first one to, uh, speak about the return of the Jewish people to the land.
He’s the first one to say, if they’re gonna be scattered to the world, they’re gonna, then God in the end times gonna return them back.
But before he says that the Jewish people will return. It’s the first prophecy of their returning to Israel.
He gives another prophecy and he says the land of Israel is gonna be a waste land, the land of milk and honey is gonna be a desolate devastation of a land.
It’s gonna be cursed. But he says a man will come, a stranger will come from across the world and he will come to the land of Israel and he will bear witness to the world of the devastation of the land.
And then after that, the next verse is then God will start bringing the people back.
Well, did this ever happen? The amazing thing it did, did a stranger come?
He came from a far away land. He came to the land of Israel at its devastation.
He actually came in the year was 18 67.
And that’s gonna be real crucial because that’s gonna set the, the courses of everything that has happened to this day.
That year is the beginning jubilee year of restoration.
So the stranger comes to the land and he’s got a notepad.
So he’s taking notes of the devastation and he starts actually using the same words that Moses said he would use.
You know, Moses says, the stranger will say that this, it’s a scorching desert.
So the stranger says, the scorch, he said that Moses says, he will say not a blade of grass grows here.
Well, the stranger writes down, not a blade of grass grows here.
The amazing thing is not only that, that he came and he did it, he fulfilled it, but we know who the stranger is.
The stranger is Mark Twain. Mark Twain is part of prophecy.
Mark Twain makes a journey in 18 67 to the promised land. He finds it a devastation.
He bears witness of it. He, he writes his first book. It makes him famous.
It was fulfilling biblical prophecy linked to Moses, but not only does he do that, see, but when he gets to the very end of his journey, it’s his last full day and night in Jerusalem.
It’s a Sabbath that means the scrolls are opening.
These ancient scrolls are opening and the and the appointed word is a word appointed from ages past for that day.
So what is it? The Jewish people are, are reciting the passage all around the world. What is it?
They’re reciting the prophecy. The stranger shall come to the land here.
He is in the land and not, not only that Mark Twain’s walking the streets of Jerusalem and in Jerusalem, they’re chanting the, the prophecy about him, but he can’t understand it is that they don’t know, it’s him.
Amazing. God’s God’s sovereignty in his hand.
But right after Mark Twain comes as according to Moses, it all begins, strange things start happening in the land of Israel.
My mystical things start happening that are God preparing the land for what is gonna happen, preparing for the return of the Jewish people and all He’s planting all the seeds in that year.
It’s all gonna happen that same year.
It’s gonna plant the seeds of what’s gonna happen in the 20th century and the 21st century.
And so right after that, the Jewish people start returning to the land and they start learning how to farm the land.
It all begins then. But you know, on another mind boggling thing is that that for 2000 years, the Jewish people have praying Lord every day, Lord, he hear our prayer be merciful and bring us back to the land, hear our prayer be merciful.
Well, Mark Twain’s real name. He wasn’t born Mark Twain. He was born Samuel.
Samuel means the Lord has heard and his last name Clemons means and has been merciful.
So even the moment of his birth, I mean, everything appointed for its son.
Now in, in the first door, Dorothy will I, I’m just doing that one.
But there, there’s all sorts of other mysteries.
For instance, a man with a measuring line, biblical sign, a man with a measuring line appears at key times in the Bible.
He appears in the land of Israel. I won’t go through it. Also.
There’s a city that’s been lost for 2000 years. In that same year of jubilee, it returned.
It says the land shall return, return. It’s uncovered for Israel but all sorts of things.
But let’s go just because of time, I’m gonna go to, we’re gonna go to the second door, we’re gonna open that.
And what is that? Well, if we count 50 years will, what is the 50th year?
And will it lead us to some prophetic event? Well, it leads us, the 50th year is the year 1917.
Is that significant? Gigantic, gigantic that on that year, the whole world is now in a world war.
This mystery is gonna explode on the world stage. You got the Ottoman Empire and they have the land.
But the jubilee says when the jubilee comes, they gotta get out whoever has your land has got to get out.
So all of a sudden, the Ottoman Empire, Muslim Empire doesn’t want the Jewish people to have a home land.
But in the year of jubilee, 1917, all of a sudden the Ottoman Empire begins to crumble on the other side, you’ve got the British Empire who just had a revival and they are loving the Jewish people.
And so there’s a, there’s a love there and God uses the British Empire.
They come into the war on the other side and they end up heading to the left back in the world was Jerusalem.
But Jesus is not coming until they have, he’s coming back.
He’s not coming back to Rome or New York City, he’s coming back to Jerusalem. So therefore, what happened?
Six day war, Israeli soldiers enter the gates of Jerusalem after 2000 years, everyone shall return jubilee, everyone shall return to their ancestral possession.
So it all happens. But now, and there’s so many mysteries, but now we’re going to bring it up to where we are.
Now, here’s the thing in the jubilee.
When you come back to your land, you don’t just go back to your land, you get the legal right restored.
It’s recognized by the authority. This is restored land, this is their right, this is their land.
Israel came back to Jerusalem in 1967 but the world refused to give any recognition.
The world refused to give that legal right?
The world, it’s the only capital in the world that the world refused to recognize.
And I think that alone is telling you there’s something going on with Jerusalem and with Israel.
So it never did. But finally, it was broken that that kind of that was broken and it was broken by President Donald Trump and America.
And it happened when Donald Trump issued the Jerusalem declaration which recognized not only that Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people, but it is the capital of Israel now to understand how significant this is, it had never happened, never had any president on that, never had any modern leader done that and never had any world leader done it since ancient times.
In fact, to go back and find a parallel to Donald Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration, you got to go back to the days of the Persian Empire, ultimately to Cyrus.
And so, in fact, that declaration is going to follow the pattern of Cyrus declaration.
And Donald Trump is not trying to do this on purpose. So it happened. But here’s the question.
We had that last jubilee. We had a like clockwork, we had 18 67 1917 1967.
What happens if you go to the next 50th year? When is the next jubilee? Where has it been pointed?
It comes out to the year 2017 is the year of the next restoration.
2017 is the exact year when the Jerusalem Declaration goes forth first time since ancient times, it goes forth and, and Donald Trump does it and he’s not reading the article, he’s not studying these things and yet he does it within 30 days to get into it, the jubilee year, he does it right, like clock work and it just happens.
And so, and in fact, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel says this is one of the four greatest events of Israel’s history.
It all happens and all of them are linked to the jubilee in some way. So here that all happens.
But let me tell you something else.
Now, this mystery is not only in charge of who is president of the president, but what he does, but also even our government, the, the the United States Senate gathers together in the year of jubilee.
And they pass a resolution and the resolution says this, it’s been 50 years since Jerusalem returned to the Jewish people.
And we call on the president to recognize Jerusalem as the, recognize it as the capital of Israel.
That’s how, that’s how it actually began. When did they do that in the year of Jubilee? 2017.
What day did they do that? They did it on June 5th, June 5th, 2000.
That’s 50 years to the exact jubilee, the beginning of the six day war. It’s exactly 50 years.
So on the exact anniversary of the jubilee, the Senate proclaims jubilee says it’s the 50th year 50th year 50th year.
And then they say, let’s let’s recognize, let’s have a go back restoration.
I mean, they’re not trying to fulfill prophecy, but God knows what he’s doing. And so it all happens.
Now something else, there’s a mystery because the, the, the Bible says that in the last days all nations will come against Jerusalem and it will be the controversy over Jerusalem, the whole world.
Well, we see it, we see it in the UN, we see it but the first time that the world says, it says all nations that will try to move Jerusalem, they will be injured.
But the first time the world ever tried to do that, the first time the world took its stand for the end times against Jerusalem was at the end of Israel’s War of independence.
And what they did is they passed a resolution saying Jerusalem does not belong to Israel.
In fact, we authorized the removing of Jerusalem from Israel.
They had, at that point in that war, Israel had the new city. They didn’t have the biblical city.
But even that the UN said, no, it’s the first time they did. When did they do that?
It set the stage for the anti on the Hebrew calendar was the 18th day of the month of Kislev.
So Kislev 18, the world says that’s it. That’s it.
We are, we are, we are taking our stand against Jerusalem.
And it’s never changed since except when Donald Trump did what he did.
Donald Trump issued the Jerusalem Declaration on December 6th 2017.
But on the Hebrew calendar, it was the 18th day of Kislev, the same exact day that the world said no to Jerusalem.
No. God said yes on the same day and Donald Trump is not studying the Hebrew calendar.
It just happened, it just happened, but I’m going to tell you another thing here.
Now, now there’s a mystery behind our president and it’s in, I believe it’s in the chapter called the Return of the Persians.
So now we’re, we’re looking behind the fifth door, the fifth of the seven doors.
Now Donald Trump, there’s a mystery here.
I told you in the last one about another president who was President Truman and that his life followed this archetype of this pattern of Cyrus.
And he even said at the end of his life, he said I am Cyrus, but his life followed it up to that time.
Well, I said that when he was reigning, when, when he was in power, a child was born under that Cyrus and he was going to be the next American Cyrus.
And his name is Donald Trump. Donald Trump was born under Truman.
And so now at the moment that all these things were happening.
And so Trump is actually, you remember that there were, there were believers before he was even elected, saying this guy is a Cyrus.
You know why? Because they said, well, he may, we don’t know where he is with God, but he’s going to be used.
He’s being used of God. Now they said that before he did what he did with Jerusalem.
But the, but the thing is that even in that first, his first year of power, Donald Trump actually celebrated a Persian holiday.
And he quoted, he’s the only president who ever did this.
He quotes from King Cyrus, he quotes a quote from Cyrus.
So he’s actually speaking at Cyrus and then it happened, then the only other person who issued a resolution like this, recognizing Jerusalem was King Cyrus, the first one to do that.
So, and when you look at the declaration that Donald Trump actually issued, it follows the template of Cyrus.
Cyrus spoke about we’re going to build, I’m going to build a house.
He said in Jerusalem, what did Donald Trump say in that declaration? I’m going to build a house in Jerusalem.
It was the embassy, but the only one, all those things and what did he? So he recognizes Jerusalem.
He uses the same pattern and but there’s more to the mystery.
You see, there’s a mystery behind this fifth door called the 70 year mystery. Now think about this.
Cyrus recognizes Jerusalem issues the decree and the Bible says he did this.
This all happened after 70 years, after seven years, what 70 years, the Jewish people, they were in exile, they were separated from Jerusalem for 70 years.
So it says after 70 years, he issued this all happened.
So could it be that Donald Trump when he gave this decorate, not knowing that this declaration happened after a prophetic 70 year period at the end, it says after what happened, what did you do in 2017?
Go back 70 years. What year does it take you to? 1947?
The year that Israel comes back is voted back into the world. We saw another mystery.
We saw this Herzl mystery. 50 years comes to that thing, but now it goes to the time clock begins in 1947.
So it’s going to come to its end in 2017. And that’s when Donald Trump is going to issue it.
So at the end, when does he do it at the end of 70 years without knowing it, he does it.
But not only that, let me guys, this is amazing because it is what the Lord saying go deeper and I looked at the day that Israel was voted back in the world, it was November 29th, 1947.
But on the Israeli, on the Hebrew calendar, it has a date to it.
And when you take that date and you count 70 years to that day because then it says the Bible says after 70 years.
So it starts at the end of when you reach that, it’s the end of it, it pinpoints a Hebrew date.
What date does it pinpoint December 6th, the day that Donald Trump issued the jubilee declaration, the Jerusalem declaration 2 70 years to the exact date.
Now, now after 70 now, now again, I’m sure that Donald Trump is not studying the original Hebrew.
And the thing is that, and when he did this, if he had done it after he did it in the daytime, if he did it at night, it would have pushed it into the next Hebrew day.
But God is perfect. And what this means, get this, that if we were alive in 1947 when this happened, we could have, we knew and if we knew the mystery, we could have said there will be a man who will come to world power 70 years from now in the 70th year, which will be 2017, he will come to world power and he will issue the jubilee the declaration concerning Jerusalem in his first year of power just as Cyrus did.
It all happened. Not only that, think about what this means, it means there had to be an American election just before because it had to be his first year of power and it had to be the 70th year.
So he had to be elected at the end of 2016.
So, I mean, there had to even the presidential election is part of this mystery that, that, that we’ve been revealing in the oracle and it had to happen and he had to win because the 70th year was coming.
I mean, and now let me if you think that now let me tell you, let me throw in another one.
This is the, you know, in, in the year of jubilee.
What do we say happens in the year of jubilee?
You have the horn, you have the shofar sounds, you know, sounds, you know that and we saw the last jubilee you had a guy, the one who sound actually sounded it and he was named Rabbi Horn.
His name was Hon or Gore, which means Horn. What does our president’s name mean in English?
It means the trumpet, the trumpet. Jubilee. What if you have a year of jubilee?
You have to have a trumpet, you have to have a Trump. You know that Trump shall sound.
You have to have it appointed for that year. What’s the year of jubilee? 2017?
What happens in the year of jubilee? The Trump? The trumpet or the Trump is lifted up?
When was Donald Trump lifted up 2017?
Is when he became president, the year of jubilee, the Trump is lifted up and what does it say?
The Trump shall sound throughout the land?
Well, he’s been sounding ever since he’s even been tweeting, but he’s been sounding that Trump has been sounding throughout the land.
And what does it say when the Trump sounds?
It says when the Trump sounds in the year of jubilee, what does it say?
Then the right to the possession will return to the original owner?
Well, he sounded and Jerusalem returned the right to the Jewish people. I mean, who could put this together.
And not only that, not only that, think about that, that means also that there had to be an election just before the year of jubilee because it was the 50th year and Trump had to win because it doesn’t work to say the Hillary will sound, that Trump will sound.
So, listen, you know, in the Bible, you know, it tells you God has a sense of humor, but it also tells you, it’s not about Trump, it’s about God.
You know, God can use anybody. But also it tells you, you know, in the Bible, what is God doing?
He gives people names at their birth, which are part of what their purpose is going to be now.
But let me tell you, let me throw in one more thing here.
And that is this not only that, but I won’t, I won’t go into it, but I’ll just tell you that it’s there and that is that when Donald Trump was born, it was a Friday.
And what does that mean? It means the scrolls, the ancient scrolls were open, appointed to the appointed word for that day.
It was chanted throughout the world.
I will just tell you this, the word, the word that was appointed in the scroll on the Davis birth actually is the mystery of his life and his whole mystery was waiting for, for, you know, he’s a Trump.
He’s waiting for the jubilee. He doesn’t know he’s waiting, but it’s all waiting for the jubilee.
Of course, not only that, let me, I’ll just throw this in the rabbit.
You know, the other jubilee got Rabbi Horn.
This one, you got President Trump, you got the horn, you got the Trump.
But, but not only that, the rabbi who had that show far during the six day war and he sounded it, you know why he had it because he was reading the scripture that was appointed for the day of Donald Trump’s birth.
Now let me just throw in one last thing.
There’s so much, but let me throw in you one last thing.
And I can only touch on some of the mysteries in every door.
But one last thing about that is that I said that the name Trump, you see it, it’s trumpet, I mean it’s there.
But remember that also God always appoints, you know, when these key moments, he appoints a world ruler, you know, to, to sanction his will to you had Cyrus world ruler to sanction the return to Israel, Israel and to Jerusalem in the first World War.
You had David Lloyd George and you had these two Christian or two people in the Bible.
They were, they were the world rulers to sanction the return of the land.
Then when Israel came back as a nation, you had Harry Truman, he was the world ruler who followed Cyrus and he was the world ruler at that time.
Then you have Donald Trump in this jubilee in this 70th year and in the jubilee at the same moment and, and by the way, when did he become president when he was 70 years old?
You know, and so what are you 70 the number of Cyrus, you know, Cyrus comes at the end of 70.
So what do you have? You got the two, you got, you got the two Cyrus, you got, you got Truman, you got Trump.
How they’re separated by how many years? 70 years from each other? The two Cyrus.
But I said world rule, he is a world ruler, world ruler, world ruler. You have Donald Trump.
What does mean it means world ruler. So God has everything. Who will be the trumpet.
I mean now that’s just a little taste of the fifth door. But let’s now move to the future.
We’re going to move to the sixth door. The sixth door concerns what is yet to come.
Now, I’ll just say we just say in the time we have a few things.
One, the mystery of the end times is all revealed in the jubilee mysteries.
And let me tell you why the jubilee is that whatever you lost at the beginning of the period you get back at the end, you get back, you lost your home, you get it back at the end.
The mystery is at the end times what was lost at the beginning is gained back at the end is returned.
Let me, let me tell you how the Jewish people, where were they at the beginning of the age?
Where were they in the first century? They were in Israel?
So they have to be back at the end in Israel. So they are, they were, where were they?
They were in Jerusalem? They have to be back in Jerusalem at the end. So they are.
But it’s not only that there’s a chapter in the oracle called the dark Jubilee.
This is the sixth door. Now, this is a whole another mystery. This but this is very profound and deep.
It’s not only Israel that’s following this mystery. It’s the whole world. Where was the world?
2000 years ago, the world 2000 years ago was not Christian. Judeo Christian.
It was Unchristian, it was anti Christian, it was pagan, it was Rome, it was, it was the whole culture, it was pagan.
The mystery is that everything returns to its original state, its original possession.
So what we’re watching in the world as far as mainstream culture every day, we’re watching the world go one more step to the pagan morality on life.
Pagan, on gender, pagan, on marriage, pagan, on everything and anti Christian and anti Israel, it’s all returning.
That’s when you read revelation, you’re, you’re watching a return to what was in the beginning.
Now, now there still could be revival but that’s the mainstream culture.
But the good news is, there’s another, there’s another mystery, another chapter which is called, that has a big title.
It’s called The Stained Glass Metamorphosis.
And what this is is this, where was the church at the beginning of the age?
The church wasn’t religious back then. It wasn’t tradition, it wasn’t rich, it wasn’t status quo.
It was the book of Acts. It was radical, it was revolutionary, it was world changing. History changing.
What is that telling you at the end, God is calling the people of God calling us to go back to our possession, which is the book of Acts.
God is calling us to become revolutionary again, radical again, world changing again, history changing again, God is calling you.
So listen, it’s, you know, you say the worst of times but the best of times and as the world gets darker and even persecutes, that’s all part of it.
It’s going to cause you who stand and in such a time you’re going to be become powerful like the apostles that there will be people who fall away but you stand, you’re going to be anointed.
We’re going to be anointed. This could be our greatest hour because the candle that shines in the daytime. Ok?
But the candle that shines at night, that’s the one that lights up the world.
So here it’s even more powerful when you stand a day when it may not be popular, but you are standing for God.
And where does this all bring us? What is the ultimate mystery of the missing peace?
You know, this all begins, you know, when you say Israel left, you know, 2000 years ago, they left Jerusalem, the church left Jerusalem now, now, now they’re coming back.
But where did it begin? It wasn’t, it wasn’t, then it was before that because somebody else left Jerusalem.
It all begins with Messiah. When his feet leave Jerusalem.
That’s when the, that’s why everything follows him, even the Jewish people, even if they’re not.
It’s all part of that mystery. What is the, what is the jubilee?
It says the owner, the rightful owner leaves the land, leaves the possession but then in the end he comes back.
What does that tell you? What, what does it tell you?
This whole mystery is about the separation between the king, Jesus Messiah and the kingdom.
And so if he separates until now, if they’re all coming back, if all these things you’re seeing in the oracle are that the return, the return, the return.
It’s telling you somebody else is returning and as real as all these returns have been, it means so as real as his feet are going to stand on the amount of olives and when they do, it’s going to be the jubilee because the king will return to the kingdom and the king, you know who owns, who owns Israel, he does, who owns the Jewish people.
He does. He’s going to return to His people too and he’s going to return to the whole world when you look at it is the, you know, at the beginning, God leaves, you know, Jesus, who is God leaves this world, not just Jerusalem, the world.
Well, at the end, he’s coming back to this world, it will be God and the world are coming back and then you’re gonna see the real, the ultimate jubilee.
When that happens, you know what do you see?
When you, when you read the end of the Bible, you see, you see the tree of life, well, that disappeared at the beginning, you see, you see the, you see the, you see the river, it’s all back.
Why? Because our entire salvation is a jubilee because what happened at the beginning?
We lost our inheritance, we lost paradise. But what is salvation? Jubilee? Jesus says come home, Jesus is our jubilee.
He is your jubilee and he’s the one who says come home and I come home.
What is it all about? I’ll receive you home. Your whole life is a, is to be a jubilee.
Because if you’re not born again, you are, you’re away from your home, you’re away from your, your inheritance.
God has a life for you. That’s your inheritance. And only when you’re born again, can you know it?
And if you are born again, your whole life is to go you know, we want to get the mystery.
The seventh door is going to be a mystery.
We remain a mystery, but the seventh door is about taking this to its ultimate and that’s to you and how to apply the power of God in God.
You have the power of jubilee.
You have the power of restoration, of coming home, of reconciliation, of becoming what you are meant to be to be able to tell the devil get off my land because the jubilee, it’s time to tell you, tell the enemy, get off my inheritance, get off my calling, get off my home, get off my family, get out because I am, I am the heir by the right by the blood of Messiah.
I am coming home. This is my inheritance and there’s so much there.
But I will tell you this too because it’s all about the mystery of your life.
We’re to take this home. But look what I said at the very end, what happens?
It says then in that day it says God will wipe every tear from every eye.
That is the ultimate jubilee which goes on forever. What how do all these jubilees end?
They always end up in Jerusalem. Where are we going to end up up in Jerusalem? The new Jerusalem?
And that’s the day. There will be no more pain, no more mourning, no more crying, no more.
All of these things will pass away.
We will be restored and not just to paradise, but who is our ultimate possession.
God is our ultimate God is the only one we can have forever. And who is His possession?
You are, you were born for a purpose. You were born for that possession.
And so at the end, it says, and then He shall be their God and they shall be His people.
That’s when all tears will be wiped away. That’s when we’ll be restored.
That the, the final thing will be heaven.
And when we are in heaven for the first time in our lives, we’ll be home, then we’ll be home, then we’ll be restored.
So this is all about you and everything. Listen, be blessed. Take this first of all to take this home.
Let me just tell you, we just scratched the surface. That’s all I can do.
But you got a good taste.
And I thank, I thank my friend Herman for allowing this to be the thing is this to get the oracle.
It will be available everywhere. So you can go online right now. Amazon right now.
It will be available also in stores. It’s available everywhere, Walmart, everywhere, but don’t just get it for yourself.

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