Jonathan Cahn Prophetic: Biden’s State of the Union Deception
Jonathan Cahn Prophetic: Biden’s State of the Union Deception
Jonathan Cahn’s powerful exposing of the deception and hidden secrets of President Biden’s State of the Union Address – what the president said and didn’t say – life, death, immorality, apostasy, and more.
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn
― Jonathan Cahn
The president of the United States gave his state of the union address, and it was major.
The Republicans gave their response. This is gonna be my response to the president’s state of the union address because there were a lot of things said, a lot of things shouted, and a lot of things hidden, and there was deception.
And we need to expose it.
This is Jonathan Khan, and this is where these messages and prophetic updates are gonna come from.
If you’re not subscribed, to not miss them, hit subscribe.
Now I’m not gonna get into the issue of the Ukraine taxes immigration or the economy with the economy, the president basically said the economy is better than ever.
And if you believe that the economy is better than ever, they have medication for that.
But what I’m gonna focus on is what he said that most touches on good and evil, and we’re gonna expose deception.
Ready? Let’s begin with the first clip.
Like most Americans, I believe Roe we’ve made got it right.
Actually, most Americans believe there should be limits on the killing of the unborn after 3 months of pregnancy.
Biden and the Democratic party are campaigning to have it legalized up to birth.
Killing a baby basically up to birth.
The same baby that would have been protected if it was 1 minute later can be killed 1 minute before.
And babies in the womb suck their thumb way before birth, but the president and the Democratic party, they are without question advocating that babies who suck their thumbs can be legally murdered and should be if the mother wants to murder them.
I thank vice president Harris her to be an incredible leader defending reproductive freedom.
Reproductive freedom. Notice what’s happening here. He’s avoiding the a word. This is called a euphemism.
He’s using words and phrases to avoid saying that word that describes the killing of an unborn baby.
What does that mean? It’s a dead giveaway that something’s being covered up.
And it’s a dead giveaway in this case that that something is evil, or you wouldn’t have to hide it.
He’s replacing abortion with reproductive freedom, so he doesn’t have to tell you that it’s about killing babies in the womb.
The defendant freedom. Notice the words reproductive freedom. It’s the exact opposite. It’s not reproductive. It’s anti reproductive.
It’s stopping reproduction and freedom. What is that? Same strategy of calling it choice, pro choice. Any act involves choice.
To murder involves choice. To rape involves choice in the part of the rapist.
The word choice has nothing you to do with the act of killing an unborn baby any more than any other act.
So why do they use the word choice?
Because they don’t wanna say that which it actually is, which is to kill to murder a child in the womb.
The very fact that they use words like choice or reproductive freedom is a revelation that what they’re talking about is evil and has to be covered up by words to obscure the evil.
And freedom? What about the child? What about the child’s freedom? What about the child’s life?
You’re destroying the child’s freedom and life under the guise of freedom. Okay. Watch.
My predecessor came to office determined to see Roeby rate overturn.
He’s the reason he’s overturned, and he brags about it.
So Biden is condemning Trump for overturning Roe versus Wade. Roe versus Wade is the enabling of killing babies.
Overturning it is to stop the enabling of killing babies and to save lives.
And they estimate that that overturning has saved tens of thousands of lives.
But Biden is seeking to shame Trump.
He’s the reason he’s overturned, and he brags about it.
He’s speaking as if it’s an offense, how dare he He brags about it as if it’s an abomination to save the lives of children.
If you’re saying that Donald Trump was possible for it, then you just gave anyone who takes god seriously who seeks to be a true Christian a reason to go to the voting polls.
Now I don’t believe we’ve ever seen a president of the United States so brazen in championing the murder of the innocent.
How brazen can you get And for someone who says that they’re a Catholic and who claims to be a Christian to rail for the killing of the unborn, whom the Bible says are made in the image of god.
Watch this.
Join us tonight as Kate Cox. The wife and mother from Dallas.
She’d become pregnant again and had a fetus of a fatal condition.
Her doctor told Kate that her own life and her ability to have children of children in the future were at risk if she didn’t act.
Notice the words had a fetus, not a child.
That’s another thing that’s used by those who are for the terminating of babies. Fetus.
Now it has always been in the past when a woman was pregnant.
It said she is with child, but now the word child is removed.
The word child is removed from the language so that the actual child can be removed from the womb. Fetus.
Why use it? Because it’s a Greek word. And so it’s Greek to those who hear it. It’s foreign.
The idea is to make the child foreign alien, not human, If you can dehumanize someone, if you can take away their humanity, you can take away their life.
And that’s exactly what the president is doing here. That’s what the democratic party has been doing.
That’s what America has been doing.
Fetus in Greek actually means offspring or childbirth child birth, but you wouldn’t know it because it’s in Greek.
It’s behind the mask. Notice what else the president says had a fatal condition So here the president is saying the baby had a fatal condition.
So what do you do? You kill it. How do you solve a fatal condition?
You kill the one with a fatal condition. So you can see where this is going.
The act of killing unborn children is a fatal condition.
So if you’re against fatal conditions, you have to be against worship. Life is a fatal condition.
It leads to death. Does that mean you can kill a human being?
If you can kill those with fatal conditions, then a lot of people can be killed.
Watch. Because Texas law banned her ability to act, Caitan and her husband had to leave the state to get what she needed.
What her family got through should have never happened as well, but it’s happening in too many others.
Okay. The president said they had to leave the state. This should never have happened.
Well, there are worse things in the world than having to travel.
Many people travel for medical treatments across the entire country.
There are things that are worse like getting murdered in your mother’s womb.
That’s a little worse than having to take a trip, but the president’s entire case is deceptive because most abortions have nothing to do with this.
And the president is in advocating a policy that’s only about children with fatal conditions.
Most pro life laws make exceptions in the case when it involves the life of the mother.
He’s advocating for the ability to kill any and all children simply because the parent wants to kill them.
The overwhelming majority of the 60,000,000 plus children who have been murdered in America were murdered because their parents wanted to.
And that is what the president is advocating for, and notice what else he said.
Cate and her husband had to leave the state to get what she needed.
Notice again, he won’t say it. He won’t say what it is. He speaks around it. She’s getting something.
What is she getting? A present? She’s getting what she needed.
Again, he won’t say the a word or speak of the killing of the child.
It has to be covered up with euphemisms because evil has to cover itself. Watch this.
There are state laws banning the freedom to choose.
Criminalizing doctors, forcing survivors of rape and incest to leave their states to get the treatment they need.
There it is again. He can’t stop freedom to choose, to choose what, to choose to go to the circus, to bake cookies, When does English stop after the word choose without saying what you’re choosing?
Again, it reveals the evil of this act.
And, again, he won’t say the word, but he’ll say to get the treatment they need, the treatment they need.
The definition of medical treatment is the management or care given to a patient to combat disease or disorder.
So the treatment here is to combat a disease or disorder. What’s the disease?
What’s the disorder that has to be combated by this treatment? The baby. Watch.
Many of you in this chamber and my predecessor are promising to pass a national ban on reproductive freedom.
No. It’s not a ban on reproductive freedom. It’s a ban on reproductive termination by murder.
By twisting this act into a positive thing, he and they twist those who oppose murder as if they are stopping something positive.
They’re banning freedom. If it’s a ban, it’s a ban of the banning of life.
It’s a double negative, which is a positive, which every law against murder is. So let’s translate it.
It’s a law that prevents people from killing babies.
My god. What freedom else would you take away?
What other freedom? Well, it’s not a freedom, but if you wanna call it that, then what are the freedoms?
The freedom to rape would be 1.
The freedom to inflict violence the freedom to steal, but this is the same president and party that is for the taking away even of the freedom to speak and freedom of conscience.
That is if you say words or express thoughts that are not acceptable in the realm of woke dumb, you can be silenced or fined.
This is the same administration. That’s putting old women on trial for protesting the killing of the unborn outside the clinics in which they were killed.
With a possible punishment of 11 years in prison, freedom.
It’s the same administration that had over 20 police FBI DOG agents, raid the house of a pro life father with guns pointed to take him away in front of his wife and children.
Freedom, This is a same administration and party that has sought to force doctors to mutilate children in gender transitioning against their conscience.
The same party that sought to force nuns to fund the killing of children against their faith.
The same president that signs a bill to force everybody to bow down before same sex marriage against their conscience, and the same party that has passed laws in America mandating that if a parent does not go along with a hormonal or surgical transitioning of their child to appear as the opposite sex, the government will take the child away from the parent.
Freedom. Let’s see that again.
My god. Freedom else would you take away?
He says, my god. Mister president, don’t bring the name of god into what you’re doing.
Don’t take the name of god in vain.
Worse than that, do not take the name of god as a means of implementing an agenda that wars against the very ways and word of god, and in the words of god is an abomination.
I don’t know what god you can call my god. When seeking the death of children.
But the name Bail comes to mind, and the name Molech. Watch.
Look. It’s a decision to overturn Roe V Wade, the Supreme Court majority wrote the following.
And with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral electoral power.
Uh, excuse me, electoral or political power.
Okay. Now he’s rebuking and shaming the Supreme Court. Women have electoral political power. What does that mean?
They’re gonna vote the justices out of office.
Mister president, do you realize that you cannot vote Supreme Court justices out of office. Watch this.
You’re about to realize just how much you clearly.
Those bragging about overturning road, we would have no clue about the power of women.
The Supreme Court is gonna find out how right it was.
Having no clue about the power of women, what does that mean?
Are all women for this act for abortion?
It’s the dividing of people into classes and special groups pitted against each other. That the left does.
Mister President, do you realize that many women are pro life?
And do you realize that the deciding vote that overturned Roe versus Wade was cast by the last justice to come on the bench at that time, and her name was Amy Barrett.
And that Amy Barrett is actually a woman. That was the power of women, and she cast her vote.
This is not a male or female issue. It’s a human issue.
Who do you think half of the children who are killed in this act are? They’re female.
They’re little girls, little women. It’s not anti women for women to have children or to have women children.
It is anti women to kill female girl, babies in the womb.
Over 60,000,000 children were killed in the womb, and half of them over 30,000,000 of them were female.
Forget about their political power. They’re not voting because they’re dead.
And those women in Congress who’d sheared these words, none of them would be alive today if their mothers felt the same way.
Their lives would have been snuffed out years ago.
In fact, mister president, if your mother felt that way, you wouldn’t be here to make this speech and rail for this act, your life would have been killed.
If you, if you, the American people send me a Congress that supports the right to choose.
I promise you. I’ll restore Roe V Wade as the law of the land again.
What was that? Let’s play that again.
If you if you’re the American people, send me a Congress that supports the right to choose.
I promise you, I’ll restore Roe V Wade as the law of the land again.
Okay. If the American people vote an anti life congress, you, the president, will restore Roe versus Wade as the law of the land.
Mister president, do you realize that Roe versus Wade is not a law that you can vote or unvote in congress?
It’s a Supreme Court decision. You can’t vote away a Supreme Court decision. You railed against trunk.
His followers for not accepting the outcome of the election and wanting to overturn it when things didn’t go their way.
But now you wanna overturn a Supreme Court cision that didn’t go your way. Watch this. Folks.
America cannot go back.
I’m here to tonight to show what I believe the way forward because I know how far we come.
America cannot go back. They have to move forward with the president.
Actually, the word in Hebrew for repentance, means to go back to return.
He says, I’m here to show the way forward.
Well, mister president, I have a question about that, about the way forward.
What is the way forward for the over 60,000,000 Americans who were killed In the practice that you are now railing must continue and expand.
What about those millions of Americans? The oldest of whom would now be about fifty four years old.
Could be grandparents. The youngest are being killed right now. What about them? What is their way forward?
They don’t have one. Because you and those who have advocated this salt to it, that they could be killed before their birth.
How do they have any less right to live than we did? Now the president spoke about something else.
History is watching another assault on freedom. Joining us to light is the tour of Beasley.
Social work in Birmingham, Alabama 14 months ago, 14 months ago, she and her husband welcomed a baby girl, thanks to the miracle of IVF, She scheduled treatments to have that second child, but the Alabama Supreme Court shut down IVF treatments across the state unleashed by Supreme Court decision overturning Roe V Wade.
She was told her dream would have to wait. What her family had got through should never have happened.
Unless Congress acts, it could happen again.
Okay. He said the miracle of IVF. That’s in vitro fertilization. And he calls it a miracle.
So it’s a miracle to have fertilization conception, but we should be able to kill that miracle.
The same president who rails and rails for the ability to kill unborn children now suddenly speaks as if he and his party are champions of life.
And those evil conservatives or Republicans or Christians are against life. Christians are for life.
And most Christians in America do not have a problem with fertilization treatments as long as they don’t violate god’s word.
What’s the issue that he’s talking that many Christians don’t fully understand.
In vitro fertilization speaks of fertilizing an egg outside the womb. If it involves one egg, that’s one thing.
But the problem is that doctors often want to increase their chances by having several eggs getting fertilized.
If life begins at conception, as it does, Then what happens to those other fertilized eggs?
Those eggs are then either frozen, perhaps permanently, or die frozen or are disposed of.
Then you’ve ended a human life. That’s the problem that the president would not talk about.
Again, it’s about destroying Cuban life.
Now they talked about this on the view, and one of the ladies reprimanded the other by saying it’s not human life, it’s not viable.
Okay. First, there’s no argument that it’s not life. It clearly is life.
There’s no argument that it’s not human. It’s clearly human. It’s nothing else, so it’s human life.
But the argument of, quote, viability is a totally artificial made up arbitrary, fraudulent argument.
What it says is, If the baby after you ripped it out of his mother’s womb, you can kill the baby.
The baby is going to live unless you kill it.
And so now those who can survive on their own, you can kill them. That’s a lot of people.
Babies who are born are in viable on their own.
When is your child viable when he or she gets a job?
The sick, the weak, and many old people aren’t viable. They can’t live on their own.
So now you can kill them. You can see where this is all going.
It’s like saying if I throw an old crippled person overboard into the water and they can’t swim, they drown, then they deserve to drown anyway.
There’s only one point that’s not arbitrary as to human life beginning, and that is and always will be conception.
The president then goes on to something else and stop.
Stop denying another core value of America.
Our diversity across American life, banning books, It’s wrong.
Okay. Stop denying another core value of America. Book banning is wrong. Book banning. What is he talking about?
Not about books being banned from existing, but for children in school or libraries not to be exposed to that, which is inappropriate for children.
Which has always been part of America and parenthood.
The books that parents are telling schools not to expose their children to are basically pornographic with text and illustrations on how to perform boy on voice sex, some advocate man on voice sex in the public school system.
Now I’m gonna show you a little example.
We’re blurring this because we don’t wanna reproduce it but this is actual material being given to your children by the public school system.
So the president is saying it’s a core value of America to give pornographic book advocating alternate sexuality to your children?
You mean George Washington or the Puridans would have been in favor of doing that?
The truth is it’s actually an American core value to ban pornography from children.
It has been the rule up until now.
And here is the president whose people ban, not pornography for children, but books like Doctor Seuss, Mark Twain, and the Bible.
And whose people ban those who say marriage is between a man and a woman, that they have banned.
But pornography for children, no. They’ve deplatformed those people fired them, persecuted them.
Good seeks to ban what is evil. Evil seeks to ban that which is good.
So you have one side seeking to ban life the other side seeking to ban murder.
So which one is good? Which one is evil?
You have one side seeking to ban things like speech and conscience that have always been a part of American life, like saying it’s wrong to kill unborn babies or that there are 2 genders, male and female, You have the other side that seeks to protect its children from that which has never been inflicted upon American children before, like pornography, which is right, which is wrong.
Instead of a racing history, that’s make history.
Okay. I didn’t know that pornographic man on voice sex was now our history. Watch.
I wanna protect fundamental rights. Pass equality act.
Okay. Stop right there. What is that, which Biden is telling the Congress to pass?
The so called equality act sounds nice. Another euphemism. What does it do?
It alters the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include gender identity, sexual orientation, and more.
So that it means that every distinction of gender will be wiped out of federal law.
It nullifies the religious freedom restoration act.
So that Christian ministries will be forced to violate the Bible or be shut down.
Christian adoption agencies will have to shut down.
Christian businesses will be forced to violate the word of god or be shut down, possibly Christian schools and colleges.
Women’s sports kiss that goodbye.
And it also calls pregnancy a medical condition that must be treated as in ending the child’s life.
So Christian doctors will be forced to perform this act.
The transitioning and mutilation of children It may even lead to the direct funding of the killing of babies by every American by our tax dollars.
It is a danger It’s as dangerous as any law that has ever been proposed in America.
That is what president Biden is advocating for in the name of freedom. Watch.
Am I missing the change in the Americans? I have your back.
Pass the pro act for workers rights.
Okay. Biden has a message for transgender people.
He says I have your back, and then he goes to say, passed the pro act for workers rights. Wow.
That was quick. Biden has said that transgenderism is the civil rights issue of our time.
And then he quickly blurts out one sentence. I have your back and then quickly moves on. Why?
Because his pollsters told him that this is not popular with most Americans.
Most Americans don’t want their children to be transitioned or their children’s schools to indoctrinate their children into transgenderism and hide it from the parents.
So he gave it one quick sentence to keep his transgender support. But make no mistake about it.
His agenda would be exactly that, to mutilate thousands of American children for the rest of their lives.
Just as he advocates the killing of millions of American children.
You see, it’s becoming dangerous to be a child in America. One last thing before I bring it home.
It’s not what was said. It was what was shown. I want you to see it.
Look again.
And look one more time.
These were the president’s most vocal supporters cheering him on.
All dressed in white. What was that about? Is it a cult?
Is it a Joe Biden cult or a new Joe Biden dress code? White. Why?
These were women of the Democratic party dressed in white to appear like the women suffragettes of the early 20th century.
They were wearing white though, for one reason, because Roe versus Wade was overturned.
They were wearing white to advocate for the killing of babies.
It has to be their main thing because it determined their entire dress code.
They didn’t wear a different color because of a different issue except there were a few congress people.
I don’t know from which party that had blue pins on for the hostages of Israel held by Hamas.
I saw maybe 6 But white, that was all over, all over the house, all over the Congress. White.
They changed their dress, their garments for the sake of their passion, for the right to kill babies.
But women of Congress, why are you wearing white to advocate for the killing of babies?
Not for purity, not for holiness, but for killing babies. But what does White have to do with it?
I mean, the operating table could be white, but that’s not because of abortion.
The doctor might be wearing white or blue. That’s not because of the act. Killing babies does not produce white.
It produces another color. Red. It produces red as in the blood of the baby you killed.
You need to change that. Truth in advertising.
If you wanna wear the color of the act of abortion, wear blood red, crimson, something that matches up with what you’re actually advocating, red, scarlet, and it also works because it’s the color of sin in the Bible.
So you get with one stone to kill 2 birds and one baby at the same time.
The Bible says woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.
Well, we’re there. This is the American government. And this was an election speech. Elections do matter.
The lives of multitudes depend on it, even the future of a generation. America is in trouble.
The nation founded to be a city on a hill has fallen so far that it can’t even distinguish good from evil and evil from good.
It advocates evil as good and condemned good as evil, and that was all evident in the president’s state of the union address.
What is the state of the union? The state of the union is in danger of judgment.
God takes the blood of children very seriously.
And those nations and cultures that take the blood of its children of its innocent will be judged.
Is it possible that even what happened to our country in COVID was in some way connected to all this, down to even the exact days.
I’m gonna share that. I’m gonna share that mystery on an upcoming message on this site.
And I begin speaking of it in the book called the Josiah manifesto.
But for those on the other side, listen, It’s really simple. It couldn’t be more simple.
To kill a baby is raw.
No matter where the baby is, outside the womb, inside the womb, no matter where.
None of us, when we were vulnerable inside the womb, would have wanted anyone to have been given the go ahead to tear our bodies apart.
None of us while sucking our thumbs in the womb would have wanted anyone to drench us with chemicals to burn us alive.
How could that ever be right? Now a word to Biden, mister president.
I know you gave this speech because of an upcoming election, but more important than an upcoming election, is an upcoming eternity, an upcoming judgment, an eternity with god or without him, heaven or hell.
And mister president, your closer to eternity than most Americans, and you will stand before god.
And it’s a dangerous thing to stand before god with blood on your hands.
Where gonna stand before god in judgment.
And if we endorse the killing of children or their mutilation, then we have blood on our hands.
And if we sit by and do nothing while multitudes of the innocent are slaughtered, not even to vote or pray, then we have blood on our hands.
The only thing that can save America is god and turning from our sins and turning to god.
Only that, only revival can save America.
We have to pray for that as never before, and we have to spread the gospel of salvation with all our hearts while we have yet time.
And as for you who have had this procedure or been involved in this sin, yes, it’s a grievous sin.
But god is the god of mercy and love, and his arms are still open to you.
I spoke of the color of sin. And the color of this particular sin as Scarlet.
But the Bible says also, though your sins are as Scarlet, They shall become as white as snow.
God will forgive you and wash you of all this, even this, and make you truly as white as no.
Don’t be judged. Be safe. Come to him who said, you must be born again.
And you will enter the kingdom of heaven. Come to me, he said, and I will receive you.
No matter who is president, there’s only one king. And he doesn’t fade away as everything else does. It’s Jesus.
It’s yeshua. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And the only hope for America and the only hope for you and for all of us. Come to him.
Come back to him. His arms are open.
Now if you haven’t already, make sure that you don’t miss these prophetic updates and special messages.
Make sure you hit subscribe. Until next time, this is Jonathan Khan, saying, be strong in the lord, and in the power of his might.
Shalon. Hi.
Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
The Republicans gave their response. This is gonna be my response to the president’s state of the union address because there were a lot of things said, a lot of things shouted, and a lot of things hidden, and there was deception.
And we need to expose it.
This is Jonathan Khan, and this is where these messages and prophetic updates are gonna come from.
If you’re not subscribed, to not miss them, hit subscribe.
Now I’m not gonna get into the issue of the Ukraine taxes immigration or the economy with the economy, the president basically said the economy is better than ever.
And if you believe that the economy is better than ever, they have medication for that.
But what I’m gonna focus on is what he said that most touches on good and evil, and we’re gonna expose deception.
Ready? Let’s begin with the first clip.
Like most Americans, I believe Roe we’ve made got it right.
Actually, most Americans believe there should be limits on the killing of the unborn after 3 months of pregnancy.
Biden and the Democratic party are campaigning to have it legalized up to birth.
Killing a baby basically up to birth.
The same baby that would have been protected if it was 1 minute later can be killed 1 minute before.
And babies in the womb suck their thumb way before birth, but the president and the Democratic party, they are without question advocating that babies who suck their thumbs can be legally murdered and should be if the mother wants to murder them.
I thank vice president Harris her to be an incredible leader defending reproductive freedom.
Reproductive freedom. Notice what’s happening here. He’s avoiding the a word. This is called a euphemism.
He’s using words and phrases to avoid saying that word that describes the killing of an unborn baby.
What does that mean? It’s a dead giveaway that something’s being covered up.
And it’s a dead giveaway in this case that that something is evil, or you wouldn’t have to hide it.
He’s replacing abortion with reproductive freedom, so he doesn’t have to tell you that it’s about killing babies in the womb.
The defendant freedom. Notice the words reproductive freedom. It’s the exact opposite. It’s not reproductive. It’s anti reproductive.
It’s stopping reproduction and freedom. What is that? Same strategy of calling it choice, pro choice. Any act involves choice.
To murder involves choice. To rape involves choice in the part of the rapist.
The word choice has nothing you to do with the act of killing an unborn baby any more than any other act.
So why do they use the word choice?
Because they don’t wanna say that which it actually is, which is to kill to murder a child in the womb.
The very fact that they use words like choice or reproductive freedom is a revelation that what they’re talking about is evil and has to be covered up by words to obscure the evil.
And freedom? What about the child? What about the child’s freedom? What about the child’s life?
You’re destroying the child’s freedom and life under the guise of freedom. Okay. Watch.
My predecessor came to office determined to see Roeby rate overturn.
He’s the reason he’s overturned, and he brags about it.
So Biden is condemning Trump for overturning Roe versus Wade. Roe versus Wade is the enabling of killing babies.
Overturning it is to stop the enabling of killing babies and to save lives.
And they estimate that that overturning has saved tens of thousands of lives.
But Biden is seeking to shame Trump.
He’s the reason he’s overturned, and he brags about it.
He’s speaking as if it’s an offense, how dare he He brags about it as if it’s an abomination to save the lives of children.
If you’re saying that Donald Trump was possible for it, then you just gave anyone who takes god seriously who seeks to be a true Christian a reason to go to the voting polls.
Now I don’t believe we’ve ever seen a president of the United States so brazen in championing the murder of the innocent.
How brazen can you get And for someone who says that they’re a Catholic and who claims to be a Christian to rail for the killing of the unborn, whom the Bible says are made in the image of god.
Watch this.
Join us tonight as Kate Cox. The wife and mother from Dallas.
She’d become pregnant again and had a fetus of a fatal condition.
Her doctor told Kate that her own life and her ability to have children of children in the future were at risk if she didn’t act.
Notice the words had a fetus, not a child.
That’s another thing that’s used by those who are for the terminating of babies. Fetus.
Now it has always been in the past when a woman was pregnant.
It said she is with child, but now the word child is removed.
The word child is removed from the language so that the actual child can be removed from the womb. Fetus.
Why use it? Because it’s a Greek word. And so it’s Greek to those who hear it. It’s foreign.
The idea is to make the child foreign alien, not human, If you can dehumanize someone, if you can take away their humanity, you can take away their life.
And that’s exactly what the president is doing here. That’s what the democratic party has been doing.
That’s what America has been doing.
Fetus in Greek actually means offspring or childbirth child birth, but you wouldn’t know it because it’s in Greek.
It’s behind the mask. Notice what else the president says had a fatal condition So here the president is saying the baby had a fatal condition.
So what do you do? You kill it. How do you solve a fatal condition?
You kill the one with a fatal condition. So you can see where this is going.
The act of killing unborn children is a fatal condition.
So if you’re against fatal conditions, you have to be against worship. Life is a fatal condition.
It leads to death. Does that mean you can kill a human being?
If you can kill those with fatal conditions, then a lot of people can be killed.
Watch. Because Texas law banned her ability to act, Caitan and her husband had to leave the state to get what she needed.
What her family got through should have never happened as well, but it’s happening in too many others.
Okay. The president said they had to leave the state. This should never have happened.
Well, there are worse things in the world than having to travel.
Many people travel for medical treatments across the entire country.
There are things that are worse like getting murdered in your mother’s womb.
That’s a little worse than having to take a trip, but the president’s entire case is deceptive because most abortions have nothing to do with this.
And the president is in advocating a policy that’s only about children with fatal conditions.
Most pro life laws make exceptions in the case when it involves the life of the mother.
He’s advocating for the ability to kill any and all children simply because the parent wants to kill them.
The overwhelming majority of the 60,000,000 plus children who have been murdered in America were murdered because their parents wanted to.
And that is what the president is advocating for, and notice what else he said.
Cate and her husband had to leave the state to get what she needed.
Notice again, he won’t say it. He won’t say what it is. He speaks around it. She’s getting something.
What is she getting? A present? She’s getting what she needed.
Again, he won’t say the a word or speak of the killing of the child.
It has to be covered up with euphemisms because evil has to cover itself. Watch this.
There are state laws banning the freedom to choose.
Criminalizing doctors, forcing survivors of rape and incest to leave their states to get the treatment they need.
There it is again. He can’t stop freedom to choose, to choose what, to choose to go to the circus, to bake cookies, When does English stop after the word choose without saying what you’re choosing?
Again, it reveals the evil of this act.
And, again, he won’t say the word, but he’ll say to get the treatment they need, the treatment they need.
The definition of medical treatment is the management or care given to a patient to combat disease or disorder.
So the treatment here is to combat a disease or disorder. What’s the disease?
What’s the disorder that has to be combated by this treatment? The baby. Watch.
Many of you in this chamber and my predecessor are promising to pass a national ban on reproductive freedom.
No. It’s not a ban on reproductive freedom. It’s a ban on reproductive termination by murder.
By twisting this act into a positive thing, he and they twist those who oppose murder as if they are stopping something positive.
They’re banning freedom. If it’s a ban, it’s a ban of the banning of life.
It’s a double negative, which is a positive, which every law against murder is. So let’s translate it.
It’s a law that prevents people from killing babies.
My god. What freedom else would you take away?
What other freedom? Well, it’s not a freedom, but if you wanna call it that, then what are the freedoms?
The freedom to rape would be 1.
The freedom to inflict violence the freedom to steal, but this is the same president and party that is for the taking away even of the freedom to speak and freedom of conscience.
That is if you say words or express thoughts that are not acceptable in the realm of woke dumb, you can be silenced or fined.
This is the same administration. That’s putting old women on trial for protesting the killing of the unborn outside the clinics in which they were killed.
With a possible punishment of 11 years in prison, freedom.
It’s the same administration that had over 20 police FBI DOG agents, raid the house of a pro life father with guns pointed to take him away in front of his wife and children.
Freedom, This is a same administration and party that has sought to force doctors to mutilate children in gender transitioning against their conscience.
The same party that sought to force nuns to fund the killing of children against their faith.
The same president that signs a bill to force everybody to bow down before same sex marriage against their conscience, and the same party that has passed laws in America mandating that if a parent does not go along with a hormonal or surgical transitioning of their child to appear as the opposite sex, the government will take the child away from the parent.
Freedom. Let’s see that again.
My god. Freedom else would you take away?
He says, my god. Mister president, don’t bring the name of god into what you’re doing.
Don’t take the name of god in vain.
Worse than that, do not take the name of god as a means of implementing an agenda that wars against the very ways and word of god, and in the words of god is an abomination.
I don’t know what god you can call my god. When seeking the death of children.
But the name Bail comes to mind, and the name Molech. Watch.
Look. It’s a decision to overturn Roe V Wade, the Supreme Court majority wrote the following.
And with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral electoral power.
Uh, excuse me, electoral or political power.
Okay. Now he’s rebuking and shaming the Supreme Court. Women have electoral political power. What does that mean?
They’re gonna vote the justices out of office.
Mister president, do you realize that you cannot vote Supreme Court justices out of office. Watch this.
You’re about to realize just how much you clearly.
Those bragging about overturning road, we would have no clue about the power of women.
The Supreme Court is gonna find out how right it was.
Having no clue about the power of women, what does that mean?
Are all women for this act for abortion?
It’s the dividing of people into classes and special groups pitted against each other. That the left does.
Mister President, do you realize that many women are pro life?
And do you realize that the deciding vote that overturned Roe versus Wade was cast by the last justice to come on the bench at that time, and her name was Amy Barrett.
And that Amy Barrett is actually a woman. That was the power of women, and she cast her vote.
This is not a male or female issue. It’s a human issue.
Who do you think half of the children who are killed in this act are? They’re female.
They’re little girls, little women. It’s not anti women for women to have children or to have women children.
It is anti women to kill female girl, babies in the womb.
Over 60,000,000 children were killed in the womb, and half of them over 30,000,000 of them were female.
Forget about their political power. They’re not voting because they’re dead.
And those women in Congress who’d sheared these words, none of them would be alive today if their mothers felt the same way.
Their lives would have been snuffed out years ago.
In fact, mister president, if your mother felt that way, you wouldn’t be here to make this speech and rail for this act, your life would have been killed.
If you, if you, the American people send me a Congress that supports the right to choose.
I promise you. I’ll restore Roe V Wade as the law of the land again.
What was that? Let’s play that again.
If you if you’re the American people, send me a Congress that supports the right to choose.
I promise you, I’ll restore Roe V Wade as the law of the land again.
Okay. If the American people vote an anti life congress, you, the president, will restore Roe versus Wade as the law of the land.
Mister president, do you realize that Roe versus Wade is not a law that you can vote or unvote in congress?
It’s a Supreme Court decision. You can’t vote away a Supreme Court decision. You railed against trunk.
His followers for not accepting the outcome of the election and wanting to overturn it when things didn’t go their way.
But now you wanna overturn a Supreme Court cision that didn’t go your way. Watch this. Folks.
America cannot go back.
I’m here to tonight to show what I believe the way forward because I know how far we come.
America cannot go back. They have to move forward with the president.
Actually, the word in Hebrew for repentance, means to go back to return.
He says, I’m here to show the way forward.
Well, mister president, I have a question about that, about the way forward.
What is the way forward for the over 60,000,000 Americans who were killed In the practice that you are now railing must continue and expand.
What about those millions of Americans? The oldest of whom would now be about fifty four years old.
Could be grandparents. The youngest are being killed right now. What about them? What is their way forward?
They don’t have one. Because you and those who have advocated this salt to it, that they could be killed before their birth.
How do they have any less right to live than we did? Now the president spoke about something else.
History is watching another assault on freedom. Joining us to light is the tour of Beasley.
Social work in Birmingham, Alabama 14 months ago, 14 months ago, she and her husband welcomed a baby girl, thanks to the miracle of IVF, She scheduled treatments to have that second child, but the Alabama Supreme Court shut down IVF treatments across the state unleashed by Supreme Court decision overturning Roe V Wade.
She was told her dream would have to wait. What her family had got through should never have happened.
Unless Congress acts, it could happen again.
Okay. He said the miracle of IVF. That’s in vitro fertilization. And he calls it a miracle.
So it’s a miracle to have fertilization conception, but we should be able to kill that miracle.
The same president who rails and rails for the ability to kill unborn children now suddenly speaks as if he and his party are champions of life.
And those evil conservatives or Republicans or Christians are against life. Christians are for life.
And most Christians in America do not have a problem with fertilization treatments as long as they don’t violate god’s word.
What’s the issue that he’s talking that many Christians don’t fully understand.
In vitro fertilization speaks of fertilizing an egg outside the womb. If it involves one egg, that’s one thing.
But the problem is that doctors often want to increase their chances by having several eggs getting fertilized.
If life begins at conception, as it does, Then what happens to those other fertilized eggs?
Those eggs are then either frozen, perhaps permanently, or die frozen or are disposed of.
Then you’ve ended a human life. That’s the problem that the president would not talk about.
Again, it’s about destroying Cuban life.
Now they talked about this on the view, and one of the ladies reprimanded the other by saying it’s not human life, it’s not viable.
Okay. First, there’s no argument that it’s not life. It clearly is life.
There’s no argument that it’s not human. It’s clearly human. It’s nothing else, so it’s human life.
But the argument of, quote, viability is a totally artificial made up arbitrary, fraudulent argument.
What it says is, If the baby after you ripped it out of his mother’s womb, you can kill the baby.
The baby is going to live unless you kill it.
And so now those who can survive on their own, you can kill them. That’s a lot of people.
Babies who are born are in viable on their own.
When is your child viable when he or she gets a job?
The sick, the weak, and many old people aren’t viable. They can’t live on their own.
So now you can kill them. You can see where this is all going.
It’s like saying if I throw an old crippled person overboard into the water and they can’t swim, they drown, then they deserve to drown anyway.
There’s only one point that’s not arbitrary as to human life beginning, and that is and always will be conception.
The president then goes on to something else and stop.
Stop denying another core value of America.
Our diversity across American life, banning books, It’s wrong.
Okay. Stop denying another core value of America. Book banning is wrong. Book banning. What is he talking about?
Not about books being banned from existing, but for children in school or libraries not to be exposed to that, which is inappropriate for children.
Which has always been part of America and parenthood.
The books that parents are telling schools not to expose their children to are basically pornographic with text and illustrations on how to perform boy on voice sex, some advocate man on voice sex in the public school system.
Now I’m gonna show you a little example.
We’re blurring this because we don’t wanna reproduce it but this is actual material being given to your children by the public school system.
So the president is saying it’s a core value of America to give pornographic book advocating alternate sexuality to your children?
You mean George Washington or the Puridans would have been in favor of doing that?
The truth is it’s actually an American core value to ban pornography from children.
It has been the rule up until now.
And here is the president whose people ban, not pornography for children, but books like Doctor Seuss, Mark Twain, and the Bible.
And whose people ban those who say marriage is between a man and a woman, that they have banned.
But pornography for children, no. They’ve deplatformed those people fired them, persecuted them.
Good seeks to ban what is evil. Evil seeks to ban that which is good.
So you have one side seeking to ban life the other side seeking to ban murder.
So which one is good? Which one is evil?
You have one side seeking to ban things like speech and conscience that have always been a part of American life, like saying it’s wrong to kill unborn babies or that there are 2 genders, male and female, You have the other side that seeks to protect its children from that which has never been inflicted upon American children before, like pornography, which is right, which is wrong.
Instead of a racing history, that’s make history.
Okay. I didn’t know that pornographic man on voice sex was now our history. Watch.
I wanna protect fundamental rights. Pass equality act.
Okay. Stop right there. What is that, which Biden is telling the Congress to pass?
The so called equality act sounds nice. Another euphemism. What does it do?
It alters the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include gender identity, sexual orientation, and more.
So that it means that every distinction of gender will be wiped out of federal law.
It nullifies the religious freedom restoration act.
So that Christian ministries will be forced to violate the Bible or be shut down.
Christian adoption agencies will have to shut down.
Christian businesses will be forced to violate the word of god or be shut down, possibly Christian schools and colleges.
Women’s sports kiss that goodbye.
And it also calls pregnancy a medical condition that must be treated as in ending the child’s life.
So Christian doctors will be forced to perform this act.
The transitioning and mutilation of children It may even lead to the direct funding of the killing of babies by every American by our tax dollars.
It is a danger It’s as dangerous as any law that has ever been proposed in America.
That is what president Biden is advocating for in the name of freedom. Watch.
Am I missing the change in the Americans? I have your back.
Pass the pro act for workers rights.
Okay. Biden has a message for transgender people.
He says I have your back, and then he goes to say, passed the pro act for workers rights. Wow.
That was quick. Biden has said that transgenderism is the civil rights issue of our time.
And then he quickly blurts out one sentence. I have your back and then quickly moves on. Why?
Because his pollsters told him that this is not popular with most Americans.
Most Americans don’t want their children to be transitioned or their children’s schools to indoctrinate their children into transgenderism and hide it from the parents.
So he gave it one quick sentence to keep his transgender support. But make no mistake about it.
His agenda would be exactly that, to mutilate thousands of American children for the rest of their lives.
Just as he advocates the killing of millions of American children.
You see, it’s becoming dangerous to be a child in America. One last thing before I bring it home.
It’s not what was said. It was what was shown. I want you to see it.
Look again.
And look one more time.
These were the president’s most vocal supporters cheering him on.
All dressed in white. What was that about? Is it a cult?
Is it a Joe Biden cult or a new Joe Biden dress code? White. Why?
These were women of the Democratic party dressed in white to appear like the women suffragettes of the early 20th century.
They were wearing white though, for one reason, because Roe versus Wade was overturned.
They were wearing white to advocate for the killing of babies.
It has to be their main thing because it determined their entire dress code.
They didn’t wear a different color because of a different issue except there were a few congress people.
I don’t know from which party that had blue pins on for the hostages of Israel held by Hamas.
I saw maybe 6 But white, that was all over, all over the house, all over the Congress. White.
They changed their dress, their garments for the sake of their passion, for the right to kill babies.
But women of Congress, why are you wearing white to advocate for the killing of babies?
Not for purity, not for holiness, but for killing babies. But what does White have to do with it?
I mean, the operating table could be white, but that’s not because of abortion.
The doctor might be wearing white or blue. That’s not because of the act. Killing babies does not produce white.
It produces another color. Red. It produces red as in the blood of the baby you killed.
You need to change that. Truth in advertising.
If you wanna wear the color of the act of abortion, wear blood red, crimson, something that matches up with what you’re actually advocating, red, scarlet, and it also works because it’s the color of sin in the Bible.
So you get with one stone to kill 2 birds and one baby at the same time.
The Bible says woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.
Well, we’re there. This is the American government. And this was an election speech. Elections do matter.
The lives of multitudes depend on it, even the future of a generation. America is in trouble.
The nation founded to be a city on a hill has fallen so far that it can’t even distinguish good from evil and evil from good.
It advocates evil as good and condemned good as evil, and that was all evident in the president’s state of the union address.
What is the state of the union? The state of the union is in danger of judgment.
God takes the blood of children very seriously.
And those nations and cultures that take the blood of its children of its innocent will be judged.
Is it possible that even what happened to our country in COVID was in some way connected to all this, down to even the exact days.
I’m gonna share that. I’m gonna share that mystery on an upcoming message on this site.
And I begin speaking of it in the book called the Josiah manifesto.
But for those on the other side, listen, It’s really simple. It couldn’t be more simple.
To kill a baby is raw.
No matter where the baby is, outside the womb, inside the womb, no matter where.
None of us, when we were vulnerable inside the womb, would have wanted anyone to have been given the go ahead to tear our bodies apart.
None of us while sucking our thumbs in the womb would have wanted anyone to drench us with chemicals to burn us alive.
How could that ever be right? Now a word to Biden, mister president.
I know you gave this speech because of an upcoming election, but more important than an upcoming election, is an upcoming eternity, an upcoming judgment, an eternity with god or without him, heaven or hell.
And mister president, your closer to eternity than most Americans, and you will stand before god.
And it’s a dangerous thing to stand before god with blood on your hands.
Where gonna stand before god in judgment.
And if we endorse the killing of children or their mutilation, then we have blood on our hands.
And if we sit by and do nothing while multitudes of the innocent are slaughtered, not even to vote or pray, then we have blood on our hands.
The only thing that can save America is god and turning from our sins and turning to god.
Only that, only revival can save America.
We have to pray for that as never before, and we have to spread the gospel of salvation with all our hearts while we have yet time.
And as for you who have had this procedure or been involved in this sin, yes, it’s a grievous sin.
But god is the god of mercy and love, and his arms are still open to you.
I spoke of the color of sin. And the color of this particular sin as Scarlet.
But the Bible says also, though your sins are as Scarlet, They shall become as white as snow.
God will forgive you and wash you of all this, even this, and make you truly as white as no.
Don’t be judged. Be safe. Come to him who said, you must be born again.
And you will enter the kingdom of heaven. Come to me, he said, and I will receive you.
No matter who is president, there’s only one king. And he doesn’t fade away as everything else does. It’s Jesus.
It’s yeshua. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And the only hope for America and the only hope for you and for all of us. Come to him.
Come back to him. His arms are open.
Now if you haven’t already, make sure that you don’t miss these prophetic updates and special messages.
Make sure you hit subscribe. Until next time, this is Jonathan Khan, saying, be strong in the lord, and in the power of his might.
Shalon. Hi.
Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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