Jonathan Cahn: Discovering a Prophecy Connecting Israel and Our President

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Jonathan Cahn sits down with Erick Stakelbeck on TBN’s Praise to share a powerful prophecy centered around an American president and how God’s guiding hand has been over our nation and Israel throughout history.

The chief Rabbi of Israel makes a visit to the White House he sees Truman and he says Truman He says har Truman President you have been put in your mother’s womb for such exact time as that wow he said that’s why and he start opens the book and starts reading about Cyrus to him and then and Truman says was I used by God and he says yes and Truman breaks down and cries in the Oval Office this has held up from the days of Egypt to the United States of America like clockwork our God is real you know you

Know one of the things is we’re living in a time when the world is trying to dismiss God and say oh that’s old we we can move on from that that’s one of the reasons I believe this is here because no God your God is in church the god of the Bible is Alive and [Music] Well the man who founded Israel he’s Theodore Herzel and he actually made a prophecy and he wrote down a prophecy and he said the whole world will know about Israel in 50 50 years Jubilee 50 years every 50 years remember and that’s.

A different cycle but when you when you look at the date that he wrote that it comes out to the date that Israel was voted back into the world in this play in New York in New York here was voted back into the world prophetic event and actually when I looked at I looked at the resolution that brought Israel back in the world a plan and it has a date on it it’s September 3rd which by the way is also the release of a book which we didn’t plan it but September 3rd not a plug nobody planned it September 3rd and.

When you look back when I look that was the day you look back 50 years when Herzel wrote The Prophecy it was September 3rd yeah it was the exact day it was 50 50 Jubilee to the day but on that day in this city here where we are they voted Israel back into existence the UN voted Israel back but could there have been an appointed word for that day from God that was appointed from ages past to be read as the Scrolls were opened all around the world well the thing is here’s the thing you know uh amazing first of all the scroll the word.

That was appointed by the way it was voted back on a Sabbath Saturday so that means it’s the exact day of the reading of the word at at and so they open up the Scrolls and you know what it is you know that this was when this is about the return this is Jewish people the son the children of Jacob returning to the land what the what the POR the appointed word they chanted was the return of Jacob from exile to the land the father of Israel and you know when they when the Jewish people came back there was still a conflict they divided the UN.

Divided the land between the Arabs and the Jews they are brothers you know you know uh but jaob the appointed word was the was Jacob coming back and fearing Esau was going to kill him which is Israel Was preparing but then nobody knew the the name of this nation because they had no name there was no name for the Jewish until just a few days before it came back uh in May in the next year okay five months later nobody knew it but the god did that shouldn’t surprise us God did the appointed word all over the world on the day Israel was voted.

With no name said You shall be called Israel wow the first time Israel is mentioned in the bible yeah we started 18 1867 we moved on to 1917 we’re going every 50 years right with these jubilees 1867 1917 now we are up to well this is the other one from Herz this is the other Jubilee from Herzel 50 years so this is we’re at the time of the birth of Israel which is prophetic listen Jesus cannot come again until Israel is back in the world and the Bible said you know when I was an atheist that blew me away to just that God said it he said.

Everything he said is coming true that Israel is on the world every day you’ve got a sign from God that your God is real and so here so so there’s something in that in that door called The Day of the Scrolls and here’s here it is uh you know whenever God does something he does it by his word first before he did the universe his word before Israel came they came to the land they came to Sinai got the word before they came back the word’s restored and even before Israel came in the modern times you had the.

Word of Prophecy around for 2,000 years before it happened in our lifetime so the word always comes from God always restores the word linked to the restoration of Israel so now here’s the thing a a little Shepherd boy or a Shepherd boy is following his goat uh he ends up going into a cave throws a rock in the cave hits hits crashes Pottery looks in there he finds these ancient Scrolls that he brings the Scrolls AR brings it to a to a a shop um and now what is this this is the Dead Sea Scrolls now this Dead Sea Scrolls.

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