How To Live In The Mystery Of The Trinity | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How To Live In The Mystery Of The Trinity | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Message of the Week – Part V of The One Who is More Than One – It’s one of the most unfathomable, paradoxical, and mind blowing of mysteries. It’s been used by cultists and has baffled believers for ages. Discover the answers!
Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.
That’s the mystery that he could be born in our life. The first see, but the first miracle is this.
Before he even came down to Earth, the first miracle is It wasn’t just that he was born into our life.
You came into existence in his life.
We came into existence in the mystery of the love of the father and the son.
Love has to have a source.
You can’t have love without someone loving. Right? If someone doesn’t love, there’s no love.
So you gotta have a source. You gotta have a you gotta have a a subject I love. Okay.
But love also needs an object. You can’t if you love nothing, there’s no love. You gotta love someone, something.
So so so love needs a subject and an object And then it love itself is a verb between the subject and the object.
What do you get? 3.
Love, the subject, the source of love, the object of love, and then the verb or spirit of love.
So what do you get? All love comes from the father. He is the source of all things.
What is the son called the beloved, the object of the father’s love. And what’s left?
The spirit, the love itself, the love between even think about the simplest expression of love.
You say love. Okay. Love. That’s one. But love has to have this in it.
It has to have an I, a you, and a love. The simplest expression of love is I love you.
3, and yet love is love, 3 and 1.
God is amazing and above us. Let me bring this home into your life.
Now this is deep and so listen. And if you miss it, it’s okay. It’s recorded.
But but just try to get this. God is greater than everything.
There’s nothing beyond him or outside of him. He’s the first. He’s the last.
If god was not pleural and one, if he didn’t have this mystery about him, then then to know god God could never take part in it because it’s outside of god.
If you’re gonna know god, you have to not be god. You understand?
In other words, the knowing of god would be outside of god because god could never know it because he is god.
You understand? You’re getting that? Good. Okay.
To worship god, it would be outside of god because god could never worship god because it’s outside.
Only if you’re not god can you worship god. Or re praying to god or relating to god.
All those experiences would be outside of god. He would never share on it.
When you’re worshiping, you wouldn’t be god in it because he couldn’t share in that. You understand?
But so if god is god, he’s 1 and yet more than 1, then He can not only be god, he can also be part of knowing god.
He can share in it When you worship, it could be god worshiping in you.
So in other words, there’s nothing outside of god. You’re not on your own when you’re worshiping god.
God is all around it. God is he actually praying with you. It’s written in the gospel of John.
It’s very deep, but it’s very cool.
In the gospel of John, it says in the beginning was the word The word was with god. Okay.
If something is with something else, it’s not that something else. At least that’s how we would see.
But then it says the word was god.
So what so here, Messiah is god and yet he’s with god. How can you do that?
Well, this is the amazing thing.
In other words, god is not he’s god, but he also contains everything that is that would be outside of god.
The word, particularly Jesus, yeshua, the Psalm, this is part of the mystery of the incarnation.
In other words, through the son who was with god and god, god can experience everything that we experience.
God can know what it is to know god.
Messiah prayed to god, and yet he is god.
God could know what it is to be joined to god.
He could know what it is to be in Messiah, to be separated from god. Wow.
Separated that that even on the cross and what it means, I mean, this is major.
He could take only by this mystery. Can he take our place on the cross and stand for us.
Only by that, we can die in his death and we can rise in his rising.
He can now become the he’s encompassing everything. You’ve known loneliness. God has known loneliness.
You know what it is to be?
You know what it is to be to to to be feel that separation from god. God knows it.
So he even takes he even contains all that. Even god is in that.
Whenever you pray, he’s praying with you. Whenever you worship, he’s worshiping with you.
If you’re doing in the spirit, whenever you feel distant from god, even then, He’s with you feeling distant from god.
And if god is with you feeling distant from god, then you’re not distant from god.
Nothing can separate you anymore. You get it?
You know, if he’s on the cross and he’s crying out, Eli Eli, Lamas Sabaktani, my god. My god.
Why have you for a second here? Why did he do that?
Because this is the mystery of it that if he can do that on the cross, that means if he was separate, that means no matter how far you are, no matter where you are, god will be with you even when you feel separated.
Cause god is crying out my god, my god, where are you? That’s the mystery.
That he could be born in our life.
The first see, but the first miracle is this before he even came down to earth, the first miracle is it wasn’t just that he was born into our life, you came into existence in his life.
We came into existence in the mystery of the love of the father and the son.
All relationships come from that. The lover and the beloved.
It all so we were born in the image of god to know god as the son knows the father.
And that’s why only the son could save us could come in our if we were born in his place, he could save us and die in our place.
Wow. Wow. And that’s why You got saved when you said, lord, come into my life.
Your whole life was already crying out for him because you were born for him.
And then to know that, that’s why it’s about you and him.
And so he did this so you would never be alone.
So don’t live your life as if you were alone.
Even with god, you can be live from god, but it’s kinda like god’s up there, and I’m trying my best.
No. It’s much bigger than that. Stop hat stop bearing your own sins. God already did it.
And know that if if you’re feeling distant from god, you don’t ever have to be.
He’s with you, even in that.
Even when you are so far away from him, he’s far away from him with you. Wow.
That means you’re never far. So don’t struggle.
This this faith is doesn’t work when you try to do it on your own. Produce your own goodness.
Doesn’t work. Let god’s goodness become yours. Stop trying to love.
It’s good you wanna love, but let god’s love love in you. You’re trying to pray.
Let god pray his prayers in you. Trying to worship. Let god worship and become let that become your worship.
You’re trying to approach god. Let god approach you. Worship. We’re trying to be good. Okay.
That’s good, but it’s not gonna do it. Let god be good in you. That it’s one life.
It says that Paul said the life I live, it’s one life. It’s him.
You want well, what about repenting? God will even repent with you.
In fact, how do you think you got that power to do it? It’s god.
Actually, there’s amazing in the Hebrew. It says god repented.
Of course, he never sinned, but god god in you when you’re repenting, he’s in you doing it with you.
He’s right there. So don’t be distant from him who cannot be distant from you.
Learn the secret to live in his living, move in his moving, be in his being love and his loving for god is all and all.
What did it say? The 2 shall be 1, but Paul says, but I’m speaking about the mystery of god and you as a as a bride and a groom, God’s the bridegroom and you’re the bride, you shall be 1.
And so David could write, listen, where can I flee from your presence If I go up to heaven, you’re there?
If I make my bed in hell, she all behold, you’re there.
If I take the wings of the dawn and I fly to the remotest part of the sea, even there, your hand will lead me, And your right hand will lay hold of me?
How precious are all your thoughts to me? Oh god? How how great are they?
If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand. And when I wake up, you’re still with me.
What shall separate you from the love of god? Nothing.
Learn the mystery where you can say, like Paul said, to live is Messiah for the 2 shall become 1.
Uh, because love is 1, and love is 3, and 3 is 1 in the one who is always more than 1, and always more beautiful, more amazing, and more wonderful than you ever thought he could be.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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Feel free to share your reactions with your comments and how you were blessed and share this video with your friends.
Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
Before he even came down to Earth, the first miracle is It wasn’t just that he was born into our life.
You came into existence in his life.
We came into existence in the mystery of the love of the father and the son.
Love has to have a source.
You can’t have love without someone loving. Right? If someone doesn’t love, there’s no love.
So you gotta have a source. You gotta have a you gotta have a a subject I love. Okay.
But love also needs an object. You can’t if you love nothing, there’s no love. You gotta love someone, something.
So so so love needs a subject and an object And then it love itself is a verb between the subject and the object.
What do you get? 3.
Love, the subject, the source of love, the object of love, and then the verb or spirit of love.
So what do you get? All love comes from the father. He is the source of all things.
What is the son called the beloved, the object of the father’s love. And what’s left?
The spirit, the love itself, the love between even think about the simplest expression of love.
You say love. Okay. Love. That’s one. But love has to have this in it.
It has to have an I, a you, and a love. The simplest expression of love is I love you.
3, and yet love is love, 3 and 1.
God is amazing and above us. Let me bring this home into your life.
Now this is deep and so listen. And if you miss it, it’s okay. It’s recorded.
But but just try to get this. God is greater than everything.
There’s nothing beyond him or outside of him. He’s the first. He’s the last.
If god was not pleural and one, if he didn’t have this mystery about him, then then to know god God could never take part in it because it’s outside of god.
If you’re gonna know god, you have to not be god. You understand?
In other words, the knowing of god would be outside of god because god could never know it because he is god.
You understand? You’re getting that? Good. Okay.
To worship god, it would be outside of god because god could never worship god because it’s outside.
Only if you’re not god can you worship god. Or re praying to god or relating to god.
All those experiences would be outside of god. He would never share on it.
When you’re worshiping, you wouldn’t be god in it because he couldn’t share in that. You understand?
But so if god is god, he’s 1 and yet more than 1, then He can not only be god, he can also be part of knowing god.
He can share in it When you worship, it could be god worshiping in you.
So in other words, there’s nothing outside of god. You’re not on your own when you’re worshiping god.
God is all around it. God is he actually praying with you. It’s written in the gospel of John.
It’s very deep, but it’s very cool.
In the gospel of John, it says in the beginning was the word The word was with god. Okay.
If something is with something else, it’s not that something else. At least that’s how we would see.
But then it says the word was god.
So what so here, Messiah is god and yet he’s with god. How can you do that?
Well, this is the amazing thing.
In other words, god is not he’s god, but he also contains everything that is that would be outside of god.
The word, particularly Jesus, yeshua, the Psalm, this is part of the mystery of the incarnation.
In other words, through the son who was with god and god, god can experience everything that we experience.
God can know what it is to know god.
Messiah prayed to god, and yet he is god.
God could know what it is to be joined to god.
He could know what it is to be in Messiah, to be separated from god. Wow.
Separated that that even on the cross and what it means, I mean, this is major.
He could take only by this mystery. Can he take our place on the cross and stand for us.
Only by that, we can die in his death and we can rise in his rising.
He can now become the he’s encompassing everything. You’ve known loneliness. God has known loneliness.
You know what it is to be?
You know what it is to be to to to be feel that separation from god. God knows it.
So he even takes he even contains all that. Even god is in that.
Whenever you pray, he’s praying with you. Whenever you worship, he’s worshiping with you.
If you’re doing in the spirit, whenever you feel distant from god, even then, He’s with you feeling distant from god.
And if god is with you feeling distant from god, then you’re not distant from god.
Nothing can separate you anymore. You get it?
You know, if he’s on the cross and he’s crying out, Eli Eli, Lamas Sabaktani, my god. My god.
Why have you for a second here? Why did he do that?
Because this is the mystery of it that if he can do that on the cross, that means if he was separate, that means no matter how far you are, no matter where you are, god will be with you even when you feel separated.
Cause god is crying out my god, my god, where are you? That’s the mystery.
That he could be born in our life.
The first see, but the first miracle is this before he even came down to earth, the first miracle is it wasn’t just that he was born into our life, you came into existence in his life.
We came into existence in the mystery of the love of the father and the son.
All relationships come from that. The lover and the beloved.
It all so we were born in the image of god to know god as the son knows the father.
And that’s why only the son could save us could come in our if we were born in his place, he could save us and die in our place.
Wow. Wow. And that’s why You got saved when you said, lord, come into my life.
Your whole life was already crying out for him because you were born for him.
And then to know that, that’s why it’s about you and him.
And so he did this so you would never be alone.
So don’t live your life as if you were alone.
Even with god, you can be live from god, but it’s kinda like god’s up there, and I’m trying my best.
No. It’s much bigger than that. Stop hat stop bearing your own sins. God already did it.
And know that if if you’re feeling distant from god, you don’t ever have to be.
He’s with you, even in that.
Even when you are so far away from him, he’s far away from him with you. Wow.
That means you’re never far. So don’t struggle.
This this faith is doesn’t work when you try to do it on your own. Produce your own goodness.
Doesn’t work. Let god’s goodness become yours. Stop trying to love.
It’s good you wanna love, but let god’s love love in you. You’re trying to pray.
Let god pray his prayers in you. Trying to worship. Let god worship and become let that become your worship.
You’re trying to approach god. Let god approach you. Worship. We’re trying to be good. Okay.
That’s good, but it’s not gonna do it. Let god be good in you. That it’s one life.
It says that Paul said the life I live, it’s one life. It’s him.
You want well, what about repenting? God will even repent with you.
In fact, how do you think you got that power to do it? It’s god.
Actually, there’s amazing in the Hebrew. It says god repented.
Of course, he never sinned, but god god in you when you’re repenting, he’s in you doing it with you.
He’s right there. So don’t be distant from him who cannot be distant from you.
Learn the secret to live in his living, move in his moving, be in his being love and his loving for god is all and all.
What did it say? The 2 shall be 1, but Paul says, but I’m speaking about the mystery of god and you as a as a bride and a groom, God’s the bridegroom and you’re the bride, you shall be 1.
And so David could write, listen, where can I flee from your presence If I go up to heaven, you’re there?
If I make my bed in hell, she all behold, you’re there.
If I take the wings of the dawn and I fly to the remotest part of the sea, even there, your hand will lead me, And your right hand will lay hold of me?
How precious are all your thoughts to me? Oh god? How how great are they?
If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand. And when I wake up, you’re still with me.
What shall separate you from the love of god? Nothing.
Learn the mystery where you can say, like Paul said, to live is Messiah for the 2 shall become 1.
Uh, because love is 1, and love is 3, and 3 is 1 in the one who is always more than 1, and always more beautiful, more amazing, and more wonderful than you ever thought he could be.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
Make sure you hit the subscribe button and tap the bell icon so you’re notified every time a new video is post did.
Feel free to share your reactions with your comments and how you were blessed and share this video with your friends.
Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
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